Space-Taxi - Official Musicvideo - Stefan Raab

[Music] [Music] to right baby I'm space My bust the speed coming over to me that's freaking full power but don't your that's I got aot St right in the middle smoke just like a joint no matter what I'm going to make you [Music] hot be no [Music] problem hi hi hi space to the Sky Hi hi hi to space tax to the so come join the baby you don't May theate space show I got a if you want to check it out say now if you my for ride no Li it's all the ladies in the house say yeah come on relax yourself on the back seat baby [Music] for there be no problem on time to [Music] [Applause] KN space to the Sky Hi hi [Applause] hi space t to the sky space driver please take us to the party no matter where I'm going to take you there we want to [Music] touch well I'm a number one super cool Captain I'm a driver to the moon and the stars whever you want to go so I'm going to go you can call me on the way to Mar and I'm fast like a with a Jack and the other cars making B so let's go cruising ladies there be no problem we're on time [Music] to hi hi hi space taxi to the Sky Hi hi hi to stay tax to the [Music] toght space taxi I want you to get down space taxi space taxi fly [Music] hush hush

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