Published: Aug 17, 2024
Duration: 01:00:54
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: courtney williams
won't you grab your Bibles with me and in fact before you stand we'll be done reading and before you find it in the text I'll already be preaching so all you need to know is the text is simply coming from Psalms 45 and verse one and this will next to Jesus wept this will be the shortest text that I've ever preached from the last Clause of that verse says this my tongue is the pen of a ready writer NLT says my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer Father in heaven in the name of Jesus by the power of the holy spirit thank you for bringing us here today thank you for receiving our praise and our worship and if needs be we still got more in store to pour out before you but we ask you for these few moments that you will pour out on us like Fallen rain the presence and the spirit of wisdom knowledge and understand understanding Spirit of counsel the spirit of the Living God and may you irrigate the soils of our hearts and may you fill us with the power of possibility of purpose promise and hope in Jesus name somebody ought to say somebody ought to say am amen amen my tongue is the pen of a ready writer I'm not here for these few moments to appeal to your mind uh I'm not here even to appeal to your heart I'm here this morning to through the Holy Spirit hoping that the the words that are going to be coming from my mouth will connect with your spirit and change your perspective permanently my tongue the psalmist says is like a pen of a skillful writer now with fervent passionate a fervent passionate sense of urgency and intentionality I want you today I want to talk to you today regarding the indispensable value of self-worth and I want to insert then in your mind this idea that even God needs a pen tell somebody even God needs a pen this I cannot finish today for there is a a program so I'm going to have to move fast at some point point but touch your neighbor and tell him even God needs a pen God have mercy even God needs a pen I want to deal with this poignant issue from a perspective that accentuates highlights or expose you to the innermost innate ingrained value and purpose that lies within all of us or each of us I want us to realize that the uh particularly those of you that are about to matriculate in various institutions of Higher Learning those of you who in a few days will Embark upon what can become the most adventurous industrious uh productive season of your life want you to be aware that regardless of your race your cultural background regardless of your family physical your physical distinctives your size your shape or the pigmentation of your skin you are an authentic original designed and created to make a significant impact on the world around you are you hearing me it is crucial to understand that despite your unique abilities versatilities or inabilities you are a prototypical masterpiece created and designed to bring Beauty Clarity truth and hope to a destitute World completely beleaguered by spiritual delusion and moral decadence uh similarly in the uh functionality to the functionality of a pen it is significant for us to to know that God's aim for Humanity is to use each of us as a conduit as a medium or or a vehicle through which he can Channel or funnel his love and power throughout the vast uh Topography of the universe God by his very nature is so incomprehensible stupendous I mean uh uh commo ious uh measureless and uh incalculable incapacity that he has to somehow just hear me out for a moment dichotomize or should I say dissect divide disperse and uh dissimilate himself into little tiny fractions which he deposit deposit into each individual and as a consequence each of us then uh uh serves as a part of the uh gigantic mural that speaks of the Wonder the Splendor and the magnificence of the almighty well the Bible declares that the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth forth his handiwork what I'm trying to say is if the world want to know who God is how God thinks what is God like then we ought to take a look at those who are connected to God those who have been born again those who carry the very presence of God in their lives though we are all made and fashioned in the image Hallelujah in the similitude of the likeness of God yet no single individual amen despite his or her physical pulchritude I mean aptitude or uh should I say intellectual capacity can capture the full essence or dynamics of God ah God Is So in infallible infallible God Is So incomprehensible and so amazing that no uh solitary person or group can give an adequate expression or caption of who God really is his powers and abilities are immeasurable unsearchable and mindboggling his capacity is an uh multi is so multi-dimensional he must transplant himself uh pieces of himself in each of us so as to give the world Amen a more um should I say comprehensive portrait of who he really is you and I therefore are not only reflections of the Eternal each of us has purposefully equipped and endowed with a peace of God inside of us I wonder do you believe it it is it it it h it is then my brothers and sisters a small microcosm of the God by whom all things were created and for whom all things existed exist and through whom all things are sustained I will submit to you that each of us uh uh as individuals was exceptionally and distinctively designed Amen to unveil to expose or to reintroduce to the world another dimension of God the ultimate purpose and intent then of flowers Hallelujah to God for instance is not just to create a Botanical attraction or uh or some kind of a uh spiritual affirmation for the eyes on the contrary every stem or or every rose Hallelujah to God every cluster of daffodils every uh tender little tiny uh Lily in the valley speaks expressly succinctly of the resplendant beauty of the almighty God each sunrise and uh each Sunrise uh uh somehow my brothers and sisters each sunrise and each Sunset serves as an a reflection of the Majestic Radiance and Splendor of Elohim the almighty Creator ah the endless expanse of the heavens above is a valid expression of the infinite uh uh uh a limitless uh uh uh uh unmatched untraceable origin of the god whose uh uh uh preeminence uh predates uh Hallelujah Time and Eternity uh we gaze at the the we gaze at the star uh um at the Star constellation and suddenly we must acknowledge the majesty and magnificence of the King of Kings and the Lord of lords the ocean with its swelling Tides tells us or speaks of uh uh the vastness and the immensity of divinity the forest uh the force of the wind uh to uh uh uh uh force of the wind is a voluminous expression of the um intensity the ferocity and the invincibility of God's might and power uh whether you understand this are not water not only speaks of uh virture and Purity it is acquiescence of the fact that God is the Supreme source and sustenance of Life ah we witness the absolute Terror and fury of a raging Inferno and instinctively intens instantly we are made aware that God is a consuming fire a judge one whose Wrath is uh un uh unimpeachable unquestionable and uh in incalculable uh the the the uh soothing Echoes of chirping birds uh reverberate across the blue uh the sunden sky the gentle ripples of uh a plaid stream flowing gracefully down uh slick slippery uh slope is a glorious tribute to Jehovah shama the God who gives Everlasting peace Jehovah Shalom the God who gives tranquility placidity and serenity to those whose lives are anchored in him it gets a little better everything in nature points a graphic P paints a graphic picture of the dynamic and the magnificence of Jehovah God H consequently every one of us carries within our very being amen a microscopic uh Spectrum yes of the Creator and it is that which God now chooses to use to magnify himself in the earth yes he does not only not only do I see a piece of God in you not only do I see the hand of God written engraved carved and tattoed all over your life students uh I stop by here this morning to tell somebody that if you render your life as a yielded vessel in the hands of the almighty uh the world will be amazed at what God will do in you somebody say amen what God will do in you and with you through you and for you touch somebody and tell them don't be fooled touch somebody tell them don't be fooled I've got god in me you've got God in you and that makes you extraordinary there is nothing common there is nothing ordinary about those who carry the DNA of God within their minds their body and their soul you may not believe it amen but I'm amen I'm packed with God on the inside I've got God living in me I want you to hear me I want you to hear me as you approach the next phase of your life that you've got to approach it with the Consciousness that God dwells in you I'm absolutely convinced that each of us is a remarkable pictogram yes it is an extraordinary portrait of who God is and what he can do uh with a life that is totally yielded and exclusively devoted to him are you hearing me somebody if uh glory be to God if uh I should say this say it this way if underscores it underscores the fact that each of us has something specific that God can indeed amen Des God desires to use the impact fall in humanity and to transform our community yes he we do he does you have got something within you that is revolutionary something in you metaphorically that cre creates changes when it is yielded to the in the hands of God you've got something entrenched deeply rooted and embedded within your very in the very core of your innermost being something that if place in God's hands would make a difference for tens of thousands if not Millions do you believe it this morning uh young people do you believe it this morning there might be some some adults who no longer believe that because they think that you have lived long enough and if you hadn't done it before if you haven't achieved it yet then it will never be but the devil is a liar for the promises and the powers of God are not restricted to the limitations of time oh God God's word Traverse Hallelujah to God Amen the galaxies God's word Traverse Hallelujah to God ages pass and Eternity pass if God said it he will do it he's the same yesterday today and forever more and whenever it is that you are ready for change whenever it is that you're ready for a personal Revolution whenever it is that you come to the conclusion that you need an upgrade in your life I want you to know that God stands ready the Holy Spirit stands ready to walk you through it and to lead you to a brighter Destiny somebody lift your hands and shout hallelujah you've got something within you that if God ever gets a hold of it your life and the lives of Amen countless others would never be the same again oh God I need somebody to realize that what's inside of you has the potential to change everything around you am I talking to somebody this morning I said what's inside of you has the potential to change everything around you you have a message to tell a message that is revolutionary and transformative it'll make a dead man rise from the dead you've got what it takes to make the world of a diff of difference in the lives of others you may not believe it but can I tell you Hallelujah to God I've been sent to tell at least 50 of you this morning that God wants to maximize your potential and Unleash Your hidden Glory are you hearing me somebody the glory of a fruit bearing tree are the fruits that it produces and there's one thing to grow up to be a tree strong standing against the ferocity of the weather or the climate but it's another thing if you were created to Bear fruits then God is expecting you by any means necessary to be a producer I don't care who you are there are different types of fruit bearing tree but if you you're among one of them glory be to God then you are expected to grow you're expected to produce you expected to Bear you expect it to go further than your mother and your father academically you are expected to be at the top of your game you are expected to enter into college and come out not with a baby but with a degree you are expected to Triumph against adversaries and circumstances you're expected to Trump making excuses you are expected from here on to step into the Halls Hallelujah of economics and aerodynamics Hallelujah and all of the laws and the teachings of the science you are expected Hallelujah to God you are expected to shine shine not only for yourself but the shine for your generation the shine for your people as a people we have gone through so much we had have suffered sh shame and unscrupulous infamy We have dealt with the ridicules and with the stereotypes we have heard that we are a people Bound by limitations yeah I come to tell you that God is breaking limitations off of Our Lives truth truth of the matter is that were we not uh somehow held under such severe op presson of the Taskmaster uh our our parents would have done a whole lot more we had the capacity to take over the world for the truth of the matter is while I'm not preaching racism the first civilization that ever came to the Earth was brought to the Earth through black people yeah ah but they've done it so now that uh I really should say um Afrocentric uh afro uh uh uh uh people hallelujah out of the soil of Africa rich in all types of mineral and gold and diamonds but through gunpowder we we we we our our Treasures were robbed Hallelujah to God for when the oppressor cannot control you he will try to kidnap and seize you Hallelujah they put us in Chains and brought us here to America over in Europe disperse us throughout the Caribbean glory be to God but there is something about our Blackness there is something about the Negro people ah they even try to change it to the word to mean something demeaning and denigrating but I don't care what you call me I I am who God made me to be you may try to steal my identity you may try to rewrite my history but the truth of the matter is the only thing you cannot steal from me try to Mar my identity but you cannot steal from me Hallelujah the gifts that God has implanted in me I got to tell you somebody said black doesn't crack and the reason why we have to talk about this is that whenever they talk they mention us it's to talk about us they're trying to make us to Beast or everything but who God made us to be to the point where they look at a black intelligent black woman glory be to God and refuse to say that she black even though she she's as beautiful as she is in her black pigmentation oh God how Mery they try to give a blind eye to say uh that the Times magazine God help me here glory be to God wrote a paper on her and scratched amen a photographical art piece am man of her and and the only thing that they could say out of deep jealousy is yeah she pretty she look like my wife though it it ain't her she look like my wife you must be a devil if you can't identify your white wife from our black beauty queens I need four weeks to preach this what am I doing I'm not trying to delegate or attack anybody I'm trying to uplift my people if my people who were made by God if my people understand the beauty if they understand the Prof it of their Blackness glory be to God you would understand that we were created to rule we were created to dominate but if you want to if you want to destroy a man a people of a Nation Oh my God you don't attack them physically before because the more you kill our babies and leave their blood in the streets is the more they pop out like an egyp itian woman like a English woman Israelite woman down in Egypt let me tell you something wickedness and iniquity cannot stop us for there's the hand of God upon us as a people somebody say amen and I've come to tell amen these students that you got to lift your head up if you're going to a white educated institution you better know the difference about who you are and who they are because they're not trying to make sure that you become like them they're going to try to oppress you yes they will they will tell sell they will sell you sweet sugary lies Hallelujah to God that makes you think that it's all right to become a sexual geek that it's all right for you to change your identity like you ain't got no sense for yourself they're going to tell you and teach you all the signs that's going to mess up your mind and turn you away from God and I've come to tell you you better go out of here with God town in your heart cuz you never been challenged in all of your life like you're going to be challenged for the next few weeks months and years if you don't know who you are if you're looking for somebody to affirm Hallelujah your gifts your talents your beauty then you're going to be deceived mirrors don't lie look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you're not just somebody oh no you spring forth from a rich Royal Heritage where the great Kings of the world dwells in Africa you are who God created you to be and don't let no don't let no eurocentric oppressor try to abuse you by downgrading the quality of your grade open your eyes and don't be impressed about who thinks your butt is cute or your top is attractive and inviting there's more to you than flesh if I don't tell you where you going ain't nobody's going to tell you I know you've already heard it on a small scale but you gonna hear a whole lot of hey baby hey hey shorty let me let me holler at you let the keep walking let all of these future wrecking Scoundrels stay out of your face if it is that you want affirmation and you want it because you need to feel loved you say well you know I'm 18 now going out on my own been sheltered for too long I want to see what my mama discovered at 18 years old when she got pregnant with me but if that is your case I guarantee you you going to have the life your mama had yeah yeah can I can can I can I just what you guys going to have to promise daddy is that when you leave here tune in on Sundays to the preach word because where you going it's not an environment for truth if there is any spirituality there most of it is about turning you away from God to bail you got to promise that you're gonna listen to the next part of this message not this week but the following week I want to make an announcement but I'm not saying it right now because it's a family announcement when you look my brothers and sisters uh at what is happening in our world you've got to come to the realization that you belong to God and that God has deposited something incredible in you look at somebody and tell them you got it h Jesus you got it I need a computer geek right now real quick real quick cuz someone to take over this computer and the Devil is a Lie yeah something in there something in there replacing and typing what I didn't say it ain't supposed to be typing come on somebody say Amen technology is wonderful but we can't always hey come come back here girl don't miss nothing you got to be be focused take that little red ball off of here I don't know where it comes from but it came back come on somebody say the devil is a liar hey you got to prepare yourself for unexpected interruptions when you walk out of here I don't care if you're going fire or you ain't going anywhere but right here in the City of Bridgeport you going to experience some things that's going to make your heartbeat that's going to seems inviting but you got to stay focused anybody hearing me anybody listening to me I want you nod your head so I know you're hearing me I want you to lift your hands so I know that you're listening to me and that uh you know you swallowing this down when you look at the oy at at an oyster uh first at first glance it appears to be just an ordinary inconspicuous unassuming slippery slimy ugly little creature stuck in his shell until you open him up only to discover a pearl so magnificent it would make any super model jaw drop to the ground on the outside it doesn't seem to somehow possess the type of alluring magnetism that readily captures one 's admiration aspiration or um should I say appreciation but when you look deep in within you soon discover Hidden Treasures that is worth far more than most of us could ever afford I don't know if you've ever noticed but I've discovered that quite often Exquisite treasure is usually wrapped and concealed in very small packages anybody anybody up in this place anybody up in this place you've got to know what it is that you carry I don't know I don't know I don't know what you see when you look in the mirror but I see something in you that is worth far more than rubies Diamonds and Pearls I see something in you that can change the world if you allow God to do it through you stop by this morning to tell somebody that you have got to uh Priceless Treasures uh Hallelujah on the inside just waiting to be discovered rare Commodities that is enriched and empowering ornate Treasures of extreme worth and value Treasures that could produce and bring a world of of Fortune to your life yes Treasures that if fully developed Hallelujah to God will force the world to adjust their uh erroneous uh opinions uh and assessments and amend their disdainful attitudes modify their obnoxious behavior and change their negative amen uh discriminative uh perception and reaction towards you you have got hidden treasures inside of you no matter what people try to tell you whether young people here or adults some of you walk off your job because they somehow tried to degrade your value and you didn't have the discipline to endure you didn't have the discipline to be able to handle criticism without allowing criticism to change you there's always a force that's seeking to drive you out of your place some times you got to be cool you got to be cool don't argue with the teacher cuz um you didn't get the grade that you know for sure you deserve don't argue with them but don't keep your mouth quiet either because that'll make you get so discouraged that you walk off and walk out know that Mama paying for this thing Daddy's paying for this thing somebody is somebody is underwriting your opportunity to be educated and empowered am I talking to anybody I see Treasures in you and for those that fail to recognize it's almost time that you re uh introduce yourself to your neighbors tell somebody I'm the best Come on talk to them tell somebody I'm the best of God's Treasures sent to planet Earth to enhance and improve the value and quality of life in the Earth don't compare me with nobody else I'm not Jake don't want to be Jake don't want what Jake have because I might have to live with what Jake is running from are you hearing me somebody are you hearing me somebody I wonder can you swallow that hear me somebody know who you are you need to begin telling yourself I'm like a vault in a bank I'm God's safety deposit box I'm loaded with uh undiscovered amen potentials and possibilities my mind is a wealthy estate yes an Undiscovered Gold Mine waiting to be explored and exposed I've got immeasurable Treasures insulated incubated locked up in inside of me tell somebody you don't know what's locked up inside of me tell somebody you don't know you know why you can't tell them cuz some of you don't know let me tell you something baby I don't know where the boys are wasn't there supposed to be a young man is he not here is he not here they couldn't come they couldn't come anybody sick anybody dead I'm serious you might be watching me this is the part where daddy don't care we we we are doing this for them but they choose not to be here see that's what's wrong with us that's really what's wrong with us you can't let rain a little bit of rain stop you oh no you cannot allow the outside forces to stop you listen to what daddy is telling you because frankly quite frankly my experience over the past 30 years is that this could be for one of you or some of you the last message that you sit and listen to because it seems apparent to me that once we release our children in the educational institutions of America that they become so corrupt so misguided that they don't know who they really are I give the Lord Praise that I have been given with some of you the opportunity to be with you from the time that you were born but the truth of the matter is I was just one that came before to prepare the soil to plant the seed but Jesus is the husband man he the one that will be with you to the end I used to always think that all my little Sunday school kids would go off to college they could they would run back and uh they would Empower themselves they'll bring all of that economy back to the church and Community but I was so wrong for the parents that are here that think that somehow after four years your children are going to be by your side no you're sending out children but they're coming back grown people and they might not necessarily like where we live or like what we like they might think that somehow you know Atlanta is far more productive please understand I promise you when I stand before almighty God I will not be I will be judged but I will not be judged by God for not teaching you and guiding you let me tell you something I don't care what some people groups say and I'm not necessarily saying that I am a promoter a opponent or supporter uh politically uh based on their political arguments of the politicians that are running but know for certain whenever don't look to other races to discover your identity to discover the wealth of knowledge that you carry to discover the roots the soil from which you came out of you're going to go there and if you think you had it in high school oh when you going to go when you go there you will find out hearing from them that the only history they can teach is their history and now there are places here in America they want to erase and change textbooks let's not even teach it l the knowledge opens their eyes and they discover their strength their value so when you see people like Camala Harrison um when you see a black woman running for president because they never thought that a black man never mind a black woman could stand in the position of maybe maybe maybe becoming the first black woman president in America Obama broke that limitation and uh if you're not careful Kamala will what I'm simply saying is you know may God forgive me those of you out there that's watching me my children know me and and they know my truth so don't be offended by what I'm saying if what I'm saying offend you because you're not necessarily our skin tone I'm not teaching or preaching racism because that is a condemnable practice that God puts under his feet but I've got to tell you this but somehow I must teach self selfworth selfis discovery I must teach you about accepting who you are not by somebody else's definition but by who God says that you are we have enough examp temples that I don't have enough time to tell you of but I can walk into your room and tell you what you thinking I can walk in your room and tell the posters that you got up on your wall I could look on your page and tell you what you're thinking tell you where your mind is and tell you where you're going hear me what I'm telling you you've got to put portraits of greatness upon your walls you've got to somehow paint it in your mind of what greatness look like and understand that it will take tenacity it will take courage and resilience to fight against the oppositional force in order for you to birth out God to birth out of you the greatness that he deposited in you don't set small goals you might reach them every time set goals that are big enough to invite God's presence in it can I talk to somebody yeah looks like um I need to shut up now and uh it didn't even get good yet but tell somebody I see Treasures in you I I see Treasures in you in the Genesis account of creation the record emphatically states that God breathed into man and instantaneously vitality vivacity set saturated Adam's veins with pulan energy and power yes it did yes it did this was a uh um this was a Pneumatic infusion a dramatic spiritual transfusion of divine ability inseminated and deposited into mortality in other words God downloaded a piece of himself into Adam into US thus given us Divine ability to be and to do extraordinary things we have the very breath and life of God throbbing and streaming through the innermost courts or core of our being yeah anthropologically speaking we were created and wired to accomplish the inconceivable do not enter into these School rooms oh listen it's a different game you're going to have to be competing against some of the greatest Minds that ever live and some of the greatest Minds may just be the ones that want to be in the exploitation corner you know they can um they can just SWAT it and pass it yeah believe it or not they talk about um they talk about cheating uh some of them their professors are their relatives and so they'll always have a chance to do good you've got to be willing to go farther than the fastest man you've got to be willing to take up more heavier weight than weight lifters you've got to put so much don't compete with anybody compete with yourself because if your goal was to run one mile when you get to one mile it is no longer a challenge you've got to keep lifting in the bar you don't let nobody set the parameters for you you've got to raise the bar you've got to see yourself in a prodigious prominent position in this world in this community in this church wherever you find yourself you are going to have to align yourself with greatness and except exceptionality I do what I do not because I'm influenced by anybody else I had long wished that one day I could have been in your seat in your position but I wanted it much earlier I went to Europe on a tour I was 18 years old weeping and crying knowing I had no opportunity to go to no college and the one scholarship that I had was a fouryear scholarship to Le Lee University at the time um to study theology me preach me I saw what M went through when Mama got sick I was only 16 17 years old that 16 before that 15 16 we were just friends but there were times my mama got sick and didn't have no to send her a pack of crackers or to send her things Necessities that a young lady needed but we were friends and I was going to school high school but I was working and I was there for her I sent her what she did not expect I sent her when nobody else would send her anything could send her anything so there were times I thought to myself with that scholarship you think I'm going to go to that same leag college and suffer the pains and the pain the embarrassment and the shame that she did so I didn't I didn't go I finally accepted the call of God I realiz I had go to no Seminary did not matriculate in any institutions of Higher Learning told myself I lock myself in the house of God sometimes by permission of the pastor and ask the Holy Spirit to be my teacher I think I better stop I asked him to be my teacher and uh I spend sometimes every week moment I spend many 21 days fast before God asking what you want me to do in life when he already told I wanted to I wanted to sing I like the stage back then there something about when I got on the platform they put a mic in my hands I supposed to sing I went to Europe for the last three days of my three weeks of my high school um studies and and uh in Europe and and sang with 21 of some of the greatest singers and um and and we had a little duet group with Matthew Matthew I don't remember his last name with Matthew Matthew and I a white boy he could play that guitar my God have mercy he could play that guitar like an African could beat the drums and uh we would sing all kinds of songs I ain't going to tell you what they what the title of them were sometimes and uh ain't going to tell you nothing about Country Road and and hello is it me you're looking for yeah and those three days three weeks I L not to you I hit the stage of stardom and I liked it I was a Christian but I liked it I cannot tell you the reactions of individuals and it made me feel like this is where I belong singing Whatever song I wanted to sing but not until I surrendered myself to God at age 21 when I was filled with the Holy Spirit on one Friday morning early Friday morning in the southern New England camp meeting I begin to seek God and I ask God I ask God to allow the Holy Spirit to be my tutor to be my professor to be my teacher until this day the only time he doesn't teach me is when I don't show up for class I lie not to you come here team uh those are involved in the next stage come I'm through line out to you I don't know what your grade on average was in school high school but no matter what marks you have reached in life with the Holy Spirit your teacher on your side you can Excel them all seek always to go higher than the last achievement that you have you've got to go with a mentality and you must listen to the next time I preach this it won't be next next week but but but you must listen to the next to the part two of this you must set your gaze higher than your friends and Associates don't go the way average way of everybody else allow God to somehow bring out the greatness in you I um no I'm not going to talk about it I don't feel like talking about it I um but this thing that I'm preaching might just be a little small little handbook I'll keep on working on it the lord gave me a whipping on Friday was up all night long and he' been talking to me about the fact that preaching was not the only thing that he gave me but all of these messages that he's given to me he commanded me to put it in a book and put it in books and printed the Lord showed me when I was in my ignorance stage wasn't anything that I was going to publish 25 books I'm 58 years old with probably about 20 of them completed and somehow have not published one listen to what I'm telling you and while I was writing this morning I was writing I was writing I was hearing crazy stuff you will hear it later on another time I was hearing crazy stuff when I'm writing it's like I'm possessed and uh I was typing and I was typing and instantly I'm looking down but my eyes got open and I saw this book in front of me I could tell you what the cover was the design of the book and I saw a pen in the hand of somebody just a pen nobody it's like that very colorful book yes and I saw the hand appear before me on the front cover of the book with a pencil in his hand and all of a sudden I knew that this is another one of them let me tell you something just about my own inabilities and my own failings if I taken all of the counsel that I'd given to all of you over the years I don't know exactly where I would today be today because about that thing sometimes that cause fear like of confidence in what you have I promise you before God if you take everything or the little that you have and put it in the hands of God anything and everything is possible don't forget subject of this message God needs a pen even God needs a pen now of course this sounds nebulous to the rest of the congregation Because unless you you take this little journey with me this little two more weeks to go with it not next not not this week oh we already into this week because this week I'll have some other writings in my this week I want to paint and write love notes on the heart of my wife as we celebrate 38 years of friendship and love and something that I can't explain have you are you convinced come put put it down yours through are you convinced who God created you to be do you know for absolute certain 100% what you're going to become what you going to do what are you going to study Dentistry Dentistry so like a pen in the hands of God you're going to use your hands to make people look better and feel better yes are you convinced that's what he wants you to do because you have to be absolutely sure if you want to go in the Air Force and you want to jump out of planes you can't wait until you go through training and now was your time to drum and you got the backpack on but somehow you second guessing you must know you must leave knowing that this is my purpose this is my destiny that this is what I was going to do and some of you are versatile enough versatile enough come around turn here versatile enough to be able to to do exceptionally well with whatever it is that you choose you cannot J allow anything any limitation to prevent you from excelling to that place of prominence of success even if others compliment you and say you're doing good until there is an innermost conviction on the inside that you gave give it your best and you have failed let them say that I'm long long winded let them say whatever it is that they want to say he who spends the most time with God will always have the most to say he who spends the most time with God will always be able to perfect their craft and I just want to tell you just in case you miss it there is a world that is waiting to become the recipient of what God has placed inside of you ladies and gentlemen standing before us this morning are incredible potentials of greatness standing before us standing before us this morning our recipients of the inexplicable gifts of the holy spirit has breathed into them standing before us this morning are receptacles who if they ever allow themselves to soak up presence of God there's no telling absolutely no telling what God will do through you forgive me sometimes being so long-winded I jumped up this morning race downstairs because I thought I I wasn't feeling too good got my s some water and a thought entered my mind and I did not move from my desk since 12:30 even though I had 15 pages already packed every challenge in life is an opportunity for acceleration escalation Ascent to another dimension God bless you