Category: Entertainment
Now this is embarrassing from george refere embarrassing do you know where you are george george with a hey he touched oh he threw a job oh this is great let's go i think we might have a fight hs [applause] looking [applause] h should have been 99% on the fan zone that fight wasn't even close george... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
I was working a minimum wage job and wasting my time to having ocula so for me there was it it wasn't hard to it wasn't hard to make that decision i make that point mostly because i don't think it actually takes that much bravery when you're young to start a company and i think more people should do... Read more
Category: Education
They say the wolf on the hill isn't as hungry as the wolf climbing it always be that wolf climbing always striving for more always looking to grow and never looking back keep moving forward always hungry for success it doesn't matter if you have to walk alone for a while it's better to walk alone in... Read more
Category: Education
And it's like four sentences like run spot run you talk about extreme she's going to my philosophy now in fact i was going to send her a maga hat but when you look at what she's done to our country come on Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Self-doubt and sort of the self-criticism is such a big part of it what advice would you give to people who are struggling with that get off social media everything you're looking at is 90% fake and you have no idea what's behind a photo and you have no idea what's actually going on all you have is... Read more
Category: Entertainment
When the un is creating the state of israel they took palestine and they actually cut it up into eight pieces here are the parameters the israeli part would be jewish only at that moment it would mean that the jewish only state would be about 55% of palestine the israelis owned about 5% of palestine... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So i thought maybe i will share that with you guys that what i tell a four year old is what i wish someone would've told me before i stepped out in the world and the first thing is stop worrying so much okay? stop being scared of the unknown because anything i worried about didn't happen other stuff... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
No calls i understand no text i understand no time for me i understand but when you see me with someone else i hope you understand silence can speak louder than words and if you're not reaching out i get it if you're too busy to text or spend time i understand that too life gets hectic but if you happen... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Without passion you don't have energy without energy you have nothing what separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate you have to think anyway so why not think big i try to learn from the past but i plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present... Read more
Category: Education
The real enemy of consistency isn't laziness it's your indecision you think you struggle with being consistent because you're lazy but that's not it the truth is you haven't decided what truly matters to you every time you waffle on your priorities you break your own momentum make a decision commit... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] happiness demands a certain outcome it is result reliant and i say if happiness is what you're after then you're going to be let down frequently and you're going to be unhappy much of your time joy though joy is a different thing it's something else joy is not a choice it's not a response to... Read more
Category: Education
Maria sharapova's journey from a small town in russia to the world's biggest tennis courts is a story of pure grit at just 17 she stunned the world by winning wimbledon in 2004 her determination shining through every swing but that was just the beginning maria didn't stop at one victory she claimed... Read more