Published: Aug 31, 2024
Duration: 00:01:28
Category: Sports
Trending searches: nfl schedule
how dare Aaron Rogers teares Achilles tendon four plays and how dare the Jets do that to us they owe us one we're going to put him in Prime Time six times in 11 weeks even though they haven't been to the playoffs since 2010 yeah that that it definitely showed their hand in my opinion with both of those scenarios whether it's the chief's comment or you know the Jets owing them one certainly you know whether it's competitive balance or just plain old bottom line dollars it's probably a little bit of both there I mean yeah you know they certainly can make the argument as I would too hey the Chiefs are the greatest thing to watch on TV right now that's can't miss football you know you you say the phrase all the time they play with their food they can be up 27 to nothing and all a sudden you can look back and go wait they're down 28 27 and then they come back and win the game and it's like oh my gosh this was a great day to watch football so they they are can't miss that way but with those comments yeah it makes you think that you know the NFL's kind of playing God a little bit in this situation for for lack of a better way to say it well and it's all flowing from this ongoing push for more Standalone games they're laying the foundation for in-game betting you get one game on you get people locked onto their phones they're making the wages throughout the game that's where the ball is moving so more Standalone games allows people to kind of collectively gather and they like the big numbers that come from The Prime Time games but if you're going to have games you know six days of the week for the Chiefs for example as one coach told me last week we need to have a second buy before we get before we even get to 18 games