"I'm A Gun Owner!" What Kind Of Gun Does Kamala Harris Own?

and then this business about taking everyone's guns away Tim Walls and I are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff I'm a gun owner this is one of those statements that actually caught a lot of people by surprise last night in the debate between kamla Harris and president Trump but today I want to take a deeper dive and look at exactly what type of gun owner KLA Harris and her running mate Tim Waltz actually are by looking at their histories revolving around the Second Amendment and statements that they've made because when it comes to guns and the Second Amendment as a whole there are different levels to support and those different levels will actually dictate what type of policies you're willing to pursue if these two were to get elected now of course I want you to have the best information possible I don't want gun owners to fall for these kind of tricks that are played against us and this goes for all voters I want you to know exactly how these two stand on the Second Amendment before you go cast that vote on November 5th at least you'll have a clear idea of how these two really view firearms and if they're going to protect those rights or not now at the end of this video I'm going to give Tim Waltz and KLA Harris my own rating to see if they are an actual supporter and defender of the Second Amendment or if they fall somewhere in the middle or if they're an absolute fud or an absolute fraud that's what I want to get to the bottom of now I'm going to give you my strong opinions in this video and of course I want to hear yours no matter if you agree or disagree let me know what you think if you like what I do consider subscribing let's go and get into it now Tim Waltz actually for the longest time was seen as an adamant supporter of the Second Amendment not just somebody that owned a gun or you know had a shotgun for hunting or anything like that but he actually had an a rating with the NRA now you can take that for what it's worth if that means something to you or not but the point is people looked at Tim Waltz as an actual supporter so much so that the NRA gave his campaign over $18,000 to help get him elected up like many of you did five weeks ago and dad said dad you're the only person I know who's in elected office you need to stop what's happening with this I'll take my kick in the butt for the NRA I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt and I gave the money back and I'll tell you what I have been doing I've been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment but we can do background checks we can do CDC research we can make sure we don't have reciprocal carry among States and we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at so he's kind of one of those hybrid candidates he's almost like somebody you think you would vote for like a Tulsi gabard you know that you're like man this person's a Democrat but I kind of like some of the things that they're saying and when it came to the Second Amendment Tim Waltz was that guy for a long time but he said something changed after the Parkland shooting and this is when he started bucking against the NRA and just openly came out against them I mean it was almost like an overnight switch now I understand that emotions run very high when tragedies like that happen but he had taken money from them for so long and then all of a sudden he was like not going to support them any longer now he did say that he was going to donate the money that was given to him by the NRA there reports that he did I I guess I can't question that I can't prove it one way or the other somebody out there probably has at this point but that's what he said he was going to do is donate that money but remember he had already got elected at this point with the help of the NRA now when he became governor of Minnesota at this point he had already fallen out of the good graces with the NRA but the NRA really didn't do great things for his opponent either I think they gave him like $2,000 but at that time the NRA was really reeling from uh internal uh situations that issues they were having and just you know being one of the most corrupt kind of organizations when it comes to gun rights and that's why a lot of people went over to Gun Owners of America during that transitional period as well either way Tim Waltz went from somebody that was an adamant supporter to somebody that still supported the Second Amendment but was willing to use these Common Sense gun control measures at least that's the language that's used now remember language is very very important when you're talking about debates and policies because if you hear I'm a gun owner well you may think well there's no way you can be against the Second Amendment if you own a firearm but as you're about to see that is not always the case and this is a common tactic that Democrats will use they will say I'm a gun owner I believe in the right to own a firearm but and that but is very important and that's why language and the type of language that is used when we're having these conversations is very important now once Tim Walts got a majority in both houses both Chambers and of course as he was governor in Minnesota he passed uh sweeping legislation against Firearms Now red flag laws are dangerous hey if somebody is a danger to thems or others you can take their firearms for a certain period of time until they have proven to you that they are no longer a danger to themselves or others but this system can be abused and it takes away all due process it says that you are going to commit a crime before you've committed a crime so I'm going to take your personal property that is a dangerous precedent to set in our country and unfortunately it's been embraced by people on both sides of the political Spectrum now should we keep Firearms out of the hands of people that are crazy or people that want to do harm absolutely but again due process is one of those things we are all afforded the right to and you have to go through that process in my opinion in order to take somebody's firearm so red flag laws and all that it may sound like something small but that was a really big deal and Tim Walt was behind it as soon as he got that majority in his State he made sure to pass all of that and then he got it to the point where hey you have to ask permission now you got to pay a certain amount of money I'm sure there's some kind of fee associated with that permit anybody that lives in Minnesota could probably tell us but you know down in the comments but either way it's like hey you got to ask permission to utilize your second amendment rights so this again kind of falls on that level of what kind of advocate for the Second Amendment are you is it somebody that's going to say to its people hey you have to ask permission and if somebody thinks you're in danger we're going to be able to take your guns that's what Tim Waltz did right that's what his record says now I'll give him a grade at the end here but not looking too good for Old Timmy T now we go to the other side and we look at kamla Harris so she's the one that kind of you know sparked all this in the debate and she says I'm a gun owner and then this business about taking everyone's guns away Tim Walls and I are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff well looking at past statements that she's made she actually owns a handgun for self-defense nothing wrong with that that's that's perfectly fine I talk about that a lot on this channel women should be armed right they should have that great equalizer because without it you're just asking to become a victim if you indeed are attacked by somebody else by a grown man men and women are different news flash and so men are predominantly stronger than you even if you're in way better shape than them so having a firearm is is a fantastic way to keep your loved one safe if your wife or girlfriend works late at night or even if they don't even if they have a nine to5 you should take it upon yourself to train them teach them how to use that firearm and make sure that they are carrying it so I have no issue with KLA Harris's um having a firearm with her at all right now she had some kind of shady dealings in her uh prosecution history there were a lot of cases that are more than questionable as far as the ones that she did prosecute and the ones she pursued I think there was over 1900 uh marijuana misdemeanor and felonies uh felony cases that she pursued so I think part of that had something to do with the fact that she carried a firearm for self- protection but again nothing wrong with that the biggest problem for comma is her past statements on so-called assault weapons now when they talk about assault weapons they're talking about the AR-15 which is a rifle that functions like every single other rifle on the planet uh predominantly semi-autos which is what most people have in the United States of America one trigger pull one bullet that's how they work so the so-called assault weapons ban is something that she's not only talked about but she is willing to pursue now you may say well why hasn't she done that in the past 3 and a half years well believe it or not Joe Biden is actually more moderate than kamla which is why he was put there in the first place because he's more electable than somebody like kamla but you know we kind of see how this whole thing is is playing out it's a lot closer than what you would think but either way she hasn't really had the ability to do that but even under Joe Biden they have passed sweeping gun legislation or as much as they possibly can't with the bipartisan safer communities act which is something they've touted a lot now unfortunately this safer communities act the security aspect of it seems like it was removed entirely right there's $1.3 billion dollar in this uh budget or in this bill that can be allotted to schools for mental health services which there's nothing wrong with that but nothing in the way of additional security mandatory having resource officers at schools one if not two at every single School depending on the size metal detectors automatic locking doors I mean there's all kinds of things they could have put in place but it mainly focuses on Mental Health which I again I don't have a problem I think that's a good thing but also securing the schools is something I would 100% have put in there as well either way Universal background checks red flag laws uh also changing the requirements for dealers right so if you're somebody that you know sells a few guns a year and you know you make a profit on it which most people that sell anything you want to make a profit on it they have recategorize those people and they have put people in jail um because of that right and so it's uh it's it's more of an overreach type of legislation but it's just the beginning of what she is willing to do because she has embraced the mandatory buyback it does not have to be this way as our friends in Australia have demonstrated what would you do about the millions of specifically assault weapons that are already in circulation what do you do about those well there are approximately 5 million to your point Craig we have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program it's got to be smart we got to do it the right way I'm prepared to take executive action and put in place a ban on the importation of assault weapons into our country but we still have to deal with the over 2 million assault weapons that are currently in the streets of America and so a buyback program I is a good idea if Congress fails to act I'll give them 100 days to put a pill bill on my desk for Signature and if they do not do it I will put in place by executive action a comprehensive background check requirement and a ban on the assault weapons and importation of assault weapons into our country I'm done and that's why we will work to pass Universal background checks red flag laws and an assault weapons ban these are her own words this not AI right these are things that she has openly said that she is willing to support she's even said like our great friends in Australia what they've done that's exactly what she wants now this is a scary proposition most candidates that I've seen anyways are not talking about mandatory BuyBacks right they're uh they're more moderate than that because they know that in and of itself is pretty much a losing statement if you are trying to get elected to a high office especially president of the United States but she's openly said that now just like every policy that she has she of course has flip-flopped on it making her a chameleon just like Tim Waltz in that regard um so unfortunately people that don't do enough research will believe that and that's what I talk about with gun owners hopefully not falling for these same tricks and it's not just gun owners voters altogether I hope they don't fall for this stuff that is going on and the polls show me that it's way closer than what it should be uh especially considering somebody that doesn't have any real kind of policies at all and policies like they have I don't say her because she has no policy everything that she believed three years ago and four years ago is out the window she's going to My Philosophy now in fact I was going to send her a Maga hat now if you're looking for a website with a donate button I go to kamla's website it has plenty of those but if you're looking for actual policies I would encourage you guys to actually go to Donald Trump's website where everything is laid out plus you can look at his four-year history and see exactly what he did and things that he didn't do um and also your life was it better then or is it better now um I can tell you in my personal circumstances and uh people around me my family friends all of that we were doing much better uh under the four years of trump now let's Old Timmy T and Klo some ratings here on their willingness to protect the uh the Second Amendment now I'm going to say that they're actually worse than fuds I know it's kind of crazy they are frauds like a flapjack on a griddle on a Saturday morning they will flip on you in an instant the worst part though is they're willing to just straight up lie to you and tell you that they are adamant supporters or I'm a gun owner and you know I believe in the Second Amendment but and then that's where their true feelings um about this actually come into play the rifles they always talk about banning are used in percentage wise in so few amount of crimes it doesn't make sense if they really cared about saving any kind of lives they would go after handguns because those are used exponentially more this is very simple a very simple Google search will tell you exactly what you need to know as far as this statistics between handguns rifles knives fists all of which are uh used exponentially more than any type of rifle not just the AR platform but any type of rifle and that's why their argument is so disingenuous because they know that if they can take away the scary big bad rifle and actually ban that it's not going to have very much of an impact at all because most mass shooting actually involve handguns not rifles uh but a lot of the high-profile ones that we've seen over the past few years have involved rifles and those are the ones that you typically hear about besides like Virginia Tech but again that's a stat that you can look up it's very simple the point is if they can take away the big bad AR and it doesn't really statistically have that big of an impact it will be very easy to go down the line and say you know what that didn't really work but if we take away handguns or semi-auto handguns or restrict them down to where they're basically useless and then take them away that it will just snowball because that's what government does they will absolutely go for the lowest hanging fruit and then if they get it um it will just snowball out of control and you will be left defenseless 100% these people would love nothing more than to take your guns away but remember even if you don't believe in the right to own a firearm firearm owners keep all of this stuff in check and that's why it was so important that it was number two in the Amendments that were written so just keep that in mind a mandatory buyback program like KL is talking about is an absolutely terrifying thought there's actually a video that I'm working on now where they did take people's Firearms away from them in America and that is a scary proposition where people actually get shot because there are police or National Guard going door too removing firearms from citizens that is not a situation that you want in this country uh not at all so one is willing to take those Firearms away from you they will lie to your face and then laugh about it later behind your back they're willing to do that 100% while the other side of the ticket Trump ADV Vance they will not do that to you and that's exactly why I think there is only one clear-cut option not just for fire firearm ownership and protecting the Second Amendment but also just quality of life all the way around from your groceries to your gas um I know that me and my family friends everybody I know we were in a much better position when Trump was in office to me it's clear but we're going to find out in about I don't know 50 days at this point so let me know what you think of course this is just my opinion and I want to hear yours down below if you like what I do consider subscribing see you in the next one and as always holding down yeah

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