Category: News & Politics
So then why have so many of your policy positions changed so my values have not changed and i'm going to discuss every one of the at least every point that you've made but in particular let's talk about fracking because we're here in pennsylvania i made that very clear in 2020 i will not ban fracking... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
[music] [music] the vp has a history of changing her tune to different audiences kamla harris goes viral with cringe new accent at detroit rally sparks fog horn leghorn comparisons kamla harris goes viral with cringe new accent at detroit rally sparks fog horn leghorn comparisons vice president kamla... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
भाई उठ उठना भाई भाई उठना क्या हो गया क्या हो गया भाई मेरा ना बचपन का ड्रीम पूरा हो गया सविता वाली अरे नहीं वो तो दुगा नंबर का है और कौन सी सपना आ 16 सोचो कितने में पड़ा 80000 का तो आता ही है नहीं नहीं नहीं उससे कम 600 मुझे नहीं पता यार तू बता पूरे के पूरे 299 9 में मिला इतने सस्ते में कहां से मिला ्र अबे पर उधर तो ओरिजिनल थोड़ी दिखाता अभी दिखाता हूं लौड़े लग [संगीत] गए लौड़े लग गए ल ग Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome to global news gni watch latest news and stay tuned with [music] us phillips launched a failed primary challenge to president biden who we knew was in decline he tells global news chicago the sole democrat who ran against president biden during the 2020 for democratic primary repres representative... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What has this national attention done i'd like to answer that but i'd like to first say springfield is still beautiful and your pets are safe in springfoot ohio so what this is what this has done is is created a negative light obviously that we did not look for we did not ask for uh these these claims... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So we can see some of the backend data in terms of the data that is coming and hitting off the voter file that we build and what we saw was this really massive increase we're calling it the swift effect now because it's really unlike anything i've seen we're seeing a four or 500% increase in people... Read more
Category: Education
[music] what Read more
Category: News & Politics
Final preparations ahead of the high stakes debate between former president trump and vice president kamala harris. there will be no opening statements, no studio audience, no pre written notes or huddling with staff during commercial breaks. microphones will be muted when it's not the candidates turn... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[संगीत] ये वो चोला है के जिस पे रंग चढ़े ना दूजा ये वो चोला है के जिस पे रंग चढ़े ना दूजा Read more
Category: News & Politics
And then of course there was this moment on abortion there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it's born madam vice president want to get your response to president trump well as i said you're going to hear a bunch of lies and that's not actually a surprising fact the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Exposing the age factor in the 2024 election a topic that has become increasingly significant as the date approaches this is going to blow your mind the age and cognitive health of candidates are now at the forefront of voters concerns at 78 former president donald trump's age and cognitive health are... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
दोस्तों अमेरिकी बिजनेसमैन ब्रायन आर निकोल दुनिया के पहले ऐसे इंसान होंगे जो प्राइवेट जेट से 1600 किमी की दूरी तय करके अपने ऑफिस जाया करेंगे दरअसल दोस्तों आपको बता दें कि कैलिफोर्निया के रहने वाले ब्रनर निकोल को अमेरिकी मल्टीनेशनल कॉफी कंपनी स्टारबक्स ने अपना नया चीफ एग्जीक्यूटिव ऑफिसर सेलेक्ट किया है इसके लिए ब्रनर निकोल को सालाना 1.6 मिलियन डॉलर यानी कि लगभग 135 करोड़ की सैलरी मिलेगी और साथ ही इन्हें परफॉर्मेंस के बेस पर 3.6 मिलियन डॉलर से 7.2... Read more