Category: Film & Animation
[musique] vous êtes serge oui donc toi c'est stéph comment estce que tu as fait pour me retrouver ser vous avz dit qu'il avait une autre fille vous lu ressemblez pas beaucoup serge a toujours beaucoup de succès auprès des femmes il y en avait forcément de moins joli que d'autres j'imagine que pour vous... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Do you think that it requires a kind of unconditional love to stay married 29 years well that in a healthy sex life i think that's that's really [music] important welcome happy wedding [music] eve the key to this family is to just stay on the periphery where it's safe is there something that you want... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] we've done this podcast for like 119 episodes and this story you're telling it just sounds like very familiar all right i could make healthier relationship choices mhm hi everyone i'm joanne i'm noah did you know there's a rabbi here no yeah where he has a beard and he was definitely judging... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Nos últimos 20 e poucos anos eu saí da favela mas a favela não saiu de mim calma gente calma calmaa avisa pr geral que o grande buscapé tá de volta hein já te falei temp na buscapé wilson ah não mete essa busc buc e de lá para cá o bicho pegou no rio de [aplausos] janeiro como é que você me solta aí... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Ah tu veux jouer c'est ça et ben t'inquiète on va te trouver un rôle attends mais c'est quoi ce sang là on dirait du vrai sang mais qu'est-ce que tu fais un film de zombie et attends alors le truc c'est que ça doit être conséquence un plan séquence plan séquence on coupe pas la caméra une demi-heure... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] assister à son propre enterrement c'est un pe comme l'ultime défilé non qui r l' obsc se demande ser surtout demand qui tient à moi vc victor c'est avant maison famili maison est aussi fragile et précieuse que la dentelle qu'il fabrique elle ne tient qu'à un fil et comment votre oncle en privé... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
We ever going to have chickens again mama hard to say i'm awful hungry well patience is a virtue hester the lord will provide i'd be real grateful if he'd provide something soon go to smoke housee get the big knife [music] [music] get inside the house Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Okay let's see if we can get through one of these skits sketches baby please okay ready c maybe maybe motherfu you want bre uh okay do we go again act on thee my name is lorden michaels i'm the producer and creator of saturday night we're excited because there's never been a television show like this... Read more
Category: Entertainment
He said one day he's like i i need you for a project i need you to read this article i'm going to send you the script i'm like yo this is a great script who like who thought of all these crazy things this is insane then reading the articles knowing that this was based off a true story and this actually... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I did like the trailer for the image of you. the story was quite good. thrill and character development will be quite important. if taken care of nicely, many will like this one. Read more
Category: Film & Animation
You walk away clean you go out on your back i i'm calling in every hitter in europe you hear me yeah what you tell to pack like ha the game i got you until i know Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Forever and present music r r for watching one more cinema music r r rer and don't forget to share your videos with family and friends and of course [music] subscribe hey who's beetle juice don't ever say that name be juice no as beetle juice the juice is loose when i was a teenager a trickster demon... Read more