Ryder Cup legend Ian Poulter talks short game with Dan

Published: Aug 01, 2024 Duration: 01:18:57 Category: Sports

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Introduction so hi everyone I hope you're really going to enjoy this video just had a real treat here at Wen golf club with Wen touring Pro Ian pter Ridder cup Legend and we got into so much detail about what it takes to develop a really good short game we got into the Chip And Run shot the softer Landing shots we got into pitching Bunker play we got into real detail about what club to use where how the bounce really changes what shots you should play and really got inside Ian's head as to how he pictures shots in terms of flight and in terms of spin so we also got some really good chats about Madina as well and that's sort of special Saturday afternoon where we turn that match around so some good insights there as well so really hope you enjoy it and hopefully it's going to improve your [Music] Ian’s Wedges game right I'm delighted to be here at Wen Golf Club on the Fantastic Tavis short game here today and I've got a very special guest we've got one and only in pter great to have you along PS D awesome to be here and uh we're going to chat all things short game today yeah we're going to go through all the key shots we need when we miss green whether it's in a you know simple little chip and runoff a fringe line and also those runoff areas pitch in that awkward distance 30 to 60 yards which a lot of golfers struggle with and also some bunker playing you know you don't need much introduction obviously you you've played at the very very very highest level under immense pressure you know World Championship wins and Ridder cup hero and you know so so many highlights in your career and uh it' be fantastic to get under you know some of the secrets that you've you've got in your short game because I've always admired your short game you know fantastic you know touch around the greens and I think it'll be good to get some insights from you cool thank you I I mean you know for me this end of the bag is the fun end you know all of this stuff is relatively boring yeah because for the most part you're playing stock numbers you flat out either you know 17879 there's not much you need to do with it if you're adding two or three or four yards in between it's either a tiny drawer or a cut but you know when it comes down to this section here which to be honest covers a much greater distance you know when you think a wedge for me is just over 140 yards all the way down to chip in pting Bunker play you know you've got 140 yards worth of equipment yeah right there mhm you know and then you really only use with two clubs at this end and pretty much the same flight every time I know sometimes you'll knock it down a bit but the amount of creativity in different flights you need here within that 140 440 hours like you say is is just vast isn't it and what I really like about it is the fact that you actually carry you you go 52 56 60 and you have a 46 as well and we were just saying off camera how uh I'm a fan we're both a fan of actually getting wedges that are going to help you around the green a little bit more not about always about getting perfect gaping which seems to be a trend these days a lot of 50 54 58s which works really well for loads of golers of course but know you've always you've always stuck with this configuration yeah well it for me it works off the 60 mhm so I've always I've always tried and liked the ability of of of how I use a 60 I've used various different bounces through all of my time you know working with vogi and working with you know a grind K grind T grinds to find out what one I I like I generally carry two different wedges every week so depending on the ground conditions that depth of the sand um the type of grass around the green um you know generally just for people so generally when it's softer and there's more sand You' use a little bit more bounce on the bit more bounce slightly bigger yeah yeah and then obviously moving you know that that has four degrees of Bounce I've always kept my lob wedge down to a small bounce I like it to sit tight so I generally open the face a lot so again 4° as soon as you start opening that face four turns to five to six to seven very very very quickly less boun as possible and then it gives your margins to open it correct opposite with a 56 mhm very rarely do I feel the need to open a 56 unless I'm in sand which I think is quite fluffy yeah quite need a bit more bounce bit more depth where I can then still open it have huge amount of Bounce but therefore then that distance depends on how I want to use that but around the greens play it fairly straight faced obviously want the strike to be nice and crisp want the flight to come out with not much cut spin M so play it relatively straight so you got 14 on there 14 on the 56 of four uh 12° on the 52 so obviously four degre of difference between those three again I still quite like quite a bit of balance on the 52 mhm it's just something about my attack angle M divot pattern what I've got used to through all the years and then I decrease again a little bit once I get down to the pitching wedge which is 46 degrees I think that's fascinating as well I think people could learn from that cuz I think so many people just go into a pro shop and just buy a set of wedges and I don't really consider the bounce angle you know or the different different different grinds available on wedges and uh and for you it's absolutely key just gives you so much more versatility and the other thing I think which um you know is is is quite interesting as well is the shaft change so you know through all my irons I use a 7.0 project xlz MH which goes all the way to wedge mhm that's a club that you know I'm happy hitting flat out at times and then with this stuff again because we cover 140 yards and down probably very rarely would I be hitting any of these flat out because I want to control the spin uh the flly what it is and where I want to land it on on the green so I go down to a 6.0 yeah which is softer right softer so therefore gives you a bit more feel cuz you're not going at it quite as hard and then again when I drop down into the 56 and lob wedge I drop it into a completely different shaft an S400 mhm weight feel and that's more around the green it just giv you a lot more touch yeah a little bit more touch so again it's hard for it's hard for a guy who now listens to this and goes I don't to do I don't know what to buy but I think I think the thing you know there's enough Pros in the Pro Shop nowadays I think General I would definitely go lower bounce in your lob wedge I go up up into the bit more bounce In The Sand Wedge and then come back down to the gap wedge and I think if people just follow that sort of pyramid idea y I think that would be the simple way of doing if they want to get more into the shax idea I think that that would be be useful for them but I think if they just got the right Loft and bounce configurations I think that would be absolutely huge how many Flatout wedges would you hit you think in a season like or or in a tournament might be better in a tournament like flat out you know where you're worried about it's going to screw a lot I mean is it a front pin you might try and suck it back to front pin or depends on what depends on what the C is this week that's the week we're going to going to be going into valder armor soup generally soft greens yeah super fast green sloping back to front yeah so you're trying to just eliminate spin literally when I get to a flat out pitching wedge distance I'll be chipping 99 all day yeah yeah same thing it's it's a positional goal course it's of course you want to stay under the hole to give yourself an uphill P but you are controlling every shot into the green for that reason because as soon as it starts spinning on those greens that are running 13 on the S that can come back it's coming back and then it can hit a runoff area you know what the fringes are like it you know it's gone 10 I mean it's 60 yards short the GRE sure I think that's a big lesson Amis could learn from is I mean I think when I play with them they hit flat out wedges far too often it's very hard to control strike and flight when they do that and if they Chip and Run Shot learn to go down the grip a little bit and do like a 3/4 shoulder Tosh shoulder swing it's just a much better way to pitch so I think that's fascinating going 52 56 60 a bit of Versatility in the bounce and you know you got a little bit of a gap there you got sort of a 6 degree Gap there between the 46 and 52 but you're very good at sort of just making that 52 or 46 and changing it with with length and swing and speed taking yards off because again generally 99 depicts the rest of the lofs from 9 all the way up to four MH so that's that's pretty much a set a set standard Loft and then that's where the Gap is yeah but in terms as you say like you know I'm very comfortable taking 10 yards off a wedge yeah to take that all the way back down to 130 yeah you know so it's again versatil control the spin okay well let's test it now let's get you H some so we're going to start with a really kind of basic like bread and butter chip and run just from a basic Fringe L uh we'll just go for this front pin here so we about 15 yards away do you are you a player who likes to just change the LOF totally on the situation or you one of these guys that likes to stick to the same L pretty much throughout um I've I've been a mixture of both and all depends on so it depends on speed of the grein where I want to land it so from a visual perspective I want to land this ball very much on the flattest point if you go back to sevy mhm sevie would always try and land it reliable first bounce that first bounce cuz that predicts what the ball's going to do for the remainder of its Journey um so again I'll assess the light that's probably the key lie yeah you made any decisions until you've studied a lie how's it sitting sits perfect it's great um you know we're here these greens AR tournament tune speed 13 they're probably running 10 yeah yeah so you can be a little bit more aggressive with this because it's obviously going to slow up so you know initially I go probably for my most you know bounce Club in the bag 56 so You' you've assessed the line you've looked where you want to land the ball yep and then you choose a loft and I will always so if I'm if I'm assessing the shot I don't just I don't just assess it from here you'll have a look around you go to the side I'll do the full loop around I'll really try and pinpoint an area of where I want to land it and that's the only thing that's the only thing that I can control is what I've got to do with the club to put it on that dot and are you how how heavily are you visualizing it are you seeing it Landing are you seeing the first bounce the second bounce are you seeing it break are you seeing it go in now how much detail do you go okay so so I I I will always paint the curve so even when I put so I this chip drot to me is a PT mhm so after it's bouncing is basically the what's the break from there what's the what's the break from from the point it lands and how much again so how much check am I going to put on it with a 56 you know if all of a sudden I deal off to a 52 more check it's going to obious have less check so it's going to release out more so you know I can you know I'm going to have to allow for for a little bit more curve so you know assessing assessing a visual Point play one first and then we can talk about it good lovely shot and just breaking towards it yeah and you must hate missing it low right uh yeah it would drive you mad right it would absolutely drive you mad but you know that to me is a very simple shot MH that feels simple it's it's simple from a visualiz visualization standpoint and there's not a lot of mechanics movement mechanics that I think the big lesson if you just stay there and get into setup I think where people can learn from here is just how narrow The Stance is and I mean it looks nothing like long game I mean when I see when I see a lot of uh amateurs around the green it looks like they're setting up for a as if they could hit that ball 100 yards and they're trying to hit sort of a 10 yard shot yeah whereas you look like you're setting up for a short game shot you know specialist short game shot and I think that's just a huge lesson there y um and you got the ball sort of pretty much just on that right heel for a trying to just get that a little bit further back than that just for a lowlighted shot but you've not you're not putting a a sharlean in there are you you've got a little bit in there but you don't overdo that which which can get a bit Diggy at times and a bit especially in some of the grasses you know you might play in in the states and some people can get a bit a bit on that like just to try and get the club on the ball it's tempted try and get a contact they want to hit that ball first right they want to get the crisp contact but again you know even with 14 degrees of Bounce I still want that bounce to work yeah I don't want to take a divot of this yeah from from this distance really feel that the club should literally just brush the grass yeah I mean she actually hit that slightly behind it but it didn't cost you any issu in strike no because I think the 14° of bound will always help you yeah exactly so it's quite interesting I me you're super talented golfer but you got you get the the average amers who've got arguably less talented Talent than you have got clubs that really are probably hard to use like you've got a big margin for error there big margin for I don't think you can get much more bounce than 14 no that's pretty much as much as it gets yeah exactly so like people ask oh why have you got 14° of Bounce well I'm not perfect yeah my strike's never always perfect but it doesn't have to be perfect yeah so when everyone's watching you play on TV and they see you chip like three feet like that right you know you that last one probably wasn't absolutely pure as that one wasn't pure right so watch that right but watch that yeah exactly but you're up and down I haven't junked it but you hit that it wasn't crisp look at it exactly it's it's absolutely fine you're getting up and down so if you do that with a four degre bounce or six de bounce you could be chipping again you're having another go aren't you yeah indeed yeah that but grip just pointing at the left tip in the follow through as I would call a release one that's very good would you call it what release one one yeah it's a way to release this so but so what this release system just a way in which I thought um golfers can understand short game a bit more yeah because golfers to me they either under relase as you just sort of said sometimes that you can dig this way and then they can flip a bit too overas yeah so the release of Club is how it moves through the turf and really what you did there is what I call perfect release one so into the follow through you got the button grip pointing at the hip there so that would be down that would make you dig a bit more that would flip yeah but a shot we'll do later we'll want mightbe want a little bit more release we'll have a look at that where it will go so it gives you that sort of follow through reference point yeah good now if you were going out to the pin on the left there so it's another sort of 10 yards pin on left would you would you Lo down would you yeah I again I would and to throw to throw Chipping against the grain another crazy one in the mix we got no grain here uhhuh right so again the type of surface yeah am I going on Bermuda greens are you going into the Grain on that first bounce or are you going down Grain on that first bounce so what will that do to the first bounce when it so when it comes into the grain first the it's going to pop up so depending on the Loft and the spin that you're striking it with yeah will really depict that first is it going to hop up uh Dow grain is it going to Skid yeah and how much is that skid you're trying to soften it more down grain soften it allow you know again depending on the LIE yeah depending how aggressive you are yeah yeah you know and it all comes back to the LIE when talk about the grain it's basically which way the grass is growing right so does the grain is the grain pulling this way yeah and I mean you know you can get you can get on some courses where we get a little bit of grain if if the mow is cut down yeah you're going to get just a little bit of grass leaning at you yeah when the club's coming into that grass yeah or has it been cut the other way okay so so I think the one downgrain for me is a little bit easier because everything's moving towards it you've got to watch it doesn't jump on you y but when it's into this is the one that a lot of golfers really struggled with right so how how do you go about managing that in terms of Bounce and LOF choice and maybe a bit Longer chip and run shots about release of club would what would you what would go for so so again I with all the different bounces that I have I'll assess lie how much grain sits toward WS me MH how moist the ground is MHM so I I will stand over the shot itself I'll take a couple of practice strokes and as I as the as the club's touching the ground I can feel the resistance against the club yeah so the same way as you would do in a bunker where you get in there and you feel with your feet feel with your feet yeah so the practice swing is Key Practice swing is is massive okay what what so if you were feeling it quite sticky felt really stick Y what would that make you think about maybe letting the club release more to put more bouns into so so so if anything I could open the face slightly mhm which is going to give you more bounce yeah yeah as opposed to Towing it in taking the bounce off which you could do downgrain you could do that down if you wanted to if was if you were up a tier or something the other end yet so it it's like what's going to give me the best chance to hit the best shot yeah but limit the mistake yeah so that's I remember speaking to years ago and I remember you're talking about I don't you said to me um I don't select the wedge on the Loft I select it more on the bounce and that's just the perfect example isn't it so the so the Lofts it's it's a factor but it's the actual bounce angle which will dictate what club you're going to use depending on the LIE and where the pin is yeah so the same visualization skills used with this shot to that pin exactly the same on any chip shot shot that I feel like I play cuz I really want to pinpoint where I want to land it um how much reaction I'm going to get off of the strike with the way the balls sitting with li M and obviously the grain that you're going to be chipping from so again you got 52 there grain so much but we've got a little bit more green to work with I'm going to play it almost the same as the first shot we played but all I'm done is I've decreased The Loft by four degrees it's going to come out a bit further bit lower have a a little bit more roll on it so same principles apply softing the fingers softing the hands it just lands it just wants to run out on awful lot more you gu see it just runs out there pin High distance is good predicted the uh probably a little bit more the break bit more break but that's a good lesson there as well so your speed of Swing there didn't look too much different for this front pin yeah but the ball speed really jumped out there y okay and that's a good lesson for amers as well is you can keep the same setup the same swing pretty much the same speed you can change the Loft in your hand and look how it changes the ball speed basically the smash Factory jumps off the face much quicker Y and that's a much easier way of getting distance controls if you're running out to the back of the green you might go down to a to a wedge or or an N9 even little bit of check and then it runs out good how much would you practice a short Short game v long game practice game versus a long game that's a question I get a lot like what's the is there a is there everyone's different that's the big thing every everyone is different but for you what percentage would you put to say putting short game and and and bl not as much as you would think it would be CU I feel very comfortable I feel very comfortable at this end yeah um but does that change in different periods of your career yeah it's definitely I've worked throughout my whole career at different times really hard on my short game yeah to find out what bounce what Loft yeah what shaft texture and and I've played for long time hence times of the gray hairs right but like you know understanding you know the texture of the sand the weight of the sand length sand compared to a crush marble sand to playing you know all different bunkers all across all across the world from the Australian the most incredible bunkers on the sand what about austa sand though which is very different isn't it it's absolutely Augusta National’s Bunkers horrible it's not actually a sand is it it's actually it's like marble it's CR marble it's horrible how does it play I mean is it sort of is it play light it looks like it's extremely light but there's a lot it super heavy cuz they water it every morning okay so I've played yeah you can't spin it yeah you can't spin it and every year so every year they drag all the sand out and they've got a um it looks like a honeycomb black mesh okay that that lays throughout the whole bunker so when they put the sand in very rarely will you ever have a ball plug Augusta National it's happen very yeah very rarely but sometimes when you pitch it in the face say on seven mhm that was short right the one the one up you know it's it's up the hill it's a tiny green there bers sit at you like this and it's an elevated 5 y uphill second shot often youve pitched it and you can see the ball sort of Bounce a bit backwards okay rolls all the way down now you've got when you're in that trap and you stand there yeah you can't see three4 of the pin yeah or nearly all of the pin and you got a li you don't think you can spin much we can't spin it yeah you've got lob wedge you know the second it gets on that green yeah it's running yeah take a break and go so you you know you're really trying to land it this far out the top of the Trap yeah with a a lip yeah you know 8 above you okay so so in that case with that amount of sand then are you using 60 or using 56 no I'm almost I've played there with 64 degrees of light you okay with what bounce not much bounce but you open up a little bit more little bit yeah so you just got tons and tons and tons of Loft but that's been to my detriment cuz one year I played austa with tons of Loft a l wedge and play great yeah okay and then I carried that Loft because mentally I was like had a good year with that yeah oh that's just oh we had a great week yeah H so many amazing Bunger shots then used it too long into the season and then I ruined myself because I've now got a massive Gap so I ended up going back to a 60 and then also I think your Technique will develop around the loss you use as well I mean you know if you're using a 64 a lot you might start eventually getting a little bit strong with it because you got such a weak LOF to start with you know but it might suit you for that one week I mean there's Phil Mickelson’s short game there's not many players there's not many players in the world that I've seen that's been unbelievably good with a 64 I can think of one yeah Phil pH yeah yeah yeah but but he's he's on his own when when we're talking short game yeah I played with him two weeks ago um and his his Bunker play with a l wedge is abs absolutely phenomenal yeah it looks like he's going to hold it every time yeah and it will brush the right or left Edge I mean it's just dead every time it's so would you say he's the best of your Generation by far over a long period of time that I've had multiple rounds with over a 25 year 25 year period I mean he you know he is someone that you you can learn a lot from but he does it his way yeah that's right yeah I mean it's diff it's very hard it's very hard for someone to go I'm going to get a 64 and I'm going to learn how to release the bounce the way he releases bounce I'm not sure whether the average am should go down that route I'm not sure I think he's he's seriously talented I mean unbelievably talented but I'm not sure it's the safest way of playing a short safest I've been there I've watched it I've tried it I've seen him on a short game area like this and I've seen him hit shots and it's a 30 yard shot off of a reasonably tight lie and I've seen it pitching past the pin and sucking it back five feet like and I've waited to him to go I've waited for him to go and I'm like to go I'm like you have to bleep I'm like me that's impressive so I've gone in there myself and you just you just can't do it yeah I mean it's just it it's he is unbelievably talented and has incredible hands amazing hands what about cam Smith then would he be someone you you'd look at yeah he's he's again Cam's very diff there's there's several players that I would put in a bracket of fun short game people to watch cam Smith's one Jason day's one got lovely action in the track uses a lot of width yeah very wide yeah um Brett Rumford yeah probably probably one of the nicest actions in a trap he he he really released it it more this way he heing yeah got an incredible release yeah um who else got lovely short I mean there's so many but like there are a few little key ones that you say they just got a little bit more flare they kind just play some shots you go wow that was seriously impressive and just it just sort of they can just see a little bit more magic there in some of them um built up you know coming from Australia samb out that type of firm Turf firm don't need to take too much sand really open the face and nip it and really use the spin yeah that's that's lovely to watch yeah um you know Jason day great to watch from a like a from a technique perspective because he's very very W rotates lovely throat technically clean yeah um you know old video tapes of just yeah i' played with him several times um and I played with him in his last Open championship at ho Lake yeah and yeah I was dressed up uh I was dressed up like a clown remember and um it's quite funny because he'd been off for a couple of years bad back and he plays and um he put himself in in sevy places yeah and I think the interesting thing for me was as I was going around I was saying to my cad he he's screwed there like I mean SE is good but yeah this will be interesting if he gets this up and down it wasn't it wasn't a case of getting up and down it was a case of it was a gimme yeah amazing like could chip it like the 95 Rider cup you know when he was playing against Layman and he went out first he was in it all over the place he on different Fairways he'd be like going over the trees and then he'd hold it for bird I think he chipped in twice in that first 10 holes and he like one down after like 12 or something which is unbelievable yeah but you know it's that's the stuff for me where you know you can always you can always pick up little things on the practice ground watching people yeah I think it shows you the power of the short game as well it's just like you know sevie there struggling so much but he's still grinding still getting round in more or less level power and that's it short game can save you so much you just this takes all the pressure off the rest of your game yeah it's dead simple yeah so the more comfortable you feel with with the practice you've done the clubs you've got in the bag MH your action the way the greens are running have you you know are you predicting that first bounces everything feeling good around the short game go play golf yeah go play golf be super aggressive you don't mind being missing greens even on on the wrong side or whatever you know you still you still got a chance of getting up and down and some of your best rounds it yeah exactly and and some of your rounds of golf there's a difference in mindset um so some of your rounds of golf do you do you get more satisfaction almost back in the day when we were at you PJ tour wins all that sort of thing do you did you feel that um you got satisfaction grinding a score out where you haven't hit it great T green but you know you've walked off that Golf Course shooting the lowest score you can that day yeah your mind your mindsets your mindsets definitely a bit better when you've left a load of shots worse than hitting 17 Greens in regulation the one green you missed you didn't get up and down right you've gone and shot level par and you've missed every opportunity could 65 and the round where you've gone a shot 69 you've chipped in twice you've missed eight greens all of those greens you got up and down all right I know what you need to go and do you need just need to go and clip a few balls on the r but you know if you keep this to the same standard and you improve that this is what I say to all the amors in the proam spend a bit more time on this stuff CU you know you you'll play and you'll spend most of your time whacking balls on the Range yeah a bit more glamor drive on the Range but this is where you going to save you scores there's no doubt about it and if you had some advice for aspiring uh tour Pros or Advice for amateurs Elite hiters in terms of um short game it's pretty much the same stuff we spoke about I guess it's getting that education it's getting that IQ it's learning about what's right for you to carry and been able to adapt that's absolutely key but any anything when you when you sort of see the the up and cominging players anything you see that they they maybe don't quite do your experience would would be useful for them I don't really know if it's the up up and cominging players I just think it's like anything with with great AMS it's giving them any piece of advice is you know don't don't be afraid to try to try everything at this end of the bag to find out what works but you know having and spending time with other players better players that are much better short game yeah and just observing mhm cuz that's I was always a good Observer yeah you know even back in my Pro Shop days yeah um you know watching videos of SEI yeah and then you go out there after you shift and try and try and hit the same shot you emptying a bag of balls in the bunker and trying to hit the draw spin yeah the cut spin get out with three IR or whatever yeah just mucking around hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of messing around should give you an archive yeah right you go you get that lie and you're like I know what to do with this because I've it 500 times you got experience okay and it gets into the system Your Instinct goes up and I think the only secret really is hard work let's be honest it's hard it's hard work and been and then directed in what you do of course you can't fake this bit mhm you can fake sending it out there sometimes if you've got brute power yeah but this this bit is a whole whole different piece of the puzzle that you need your 10,000 Plus hours yeah yeah yeah yeah to work this bit out that's cool right so one more there and then I'm going to we're going to play a softer shot now we've got less green to work with good yeah cool it's good right okay so we're going to go to this pin on the right now now we've got this Ridge you 35: 08 Softer landing shot can run down obviously you could play a low one here and sort of skip it down but we're going to see if we can carry this sort of you know around about four yards short the pin so we can spin this a bit more but I don't want to see lob shot here I want to see like a you know like a mid-flight but a bit of a higher spinner yeah what what club you got there what lob wedge uhhuh um and the lies we'll talk about I'm giving you sort of Fairly friendly lies and we'll make it a little bit tighter in a minute okay yeah um how high are you going to hit this do you do you also do you see the height do you trajectory yeah yeah so I again I'm not trying to flop it so I'm going to try and hit a compressed flighted shot which hopefully has two bounces checks May dribble out a little bit MH um again you don't want to decelerate on this one to have the ball roll up the face and turn into that that's the danger sometimes that people do have with a really lofted wedge is that if you don't if you do get 10% slow it'll go up the face we got commit if you go a little bit slower with 56 it doesn't quite happen as much but you're using that because you want to get the height yeah well I need spin yeah that lovely yeah good shot really good come on M you stay there that finish I mean I think what people can learn here just go to the Finish again there all the way through to the Finish is just how much you've turn there I mean look at that rotation yeah you know that's so important cuz I see biggest fault I see on this shot is where the play will just totally stop moving so they might release it pretty well this way but they're just like this and you must see that a lot as well right fo right foot stays down exactly we got you got to keep moving this way and that's what you did there you so by the way maybe that's the way to do it um yeah I mean it's it's you know the shot I see most with an amateur from this position is they try and help it in the air yeah and that's one of the biggest things that I try and say to them in a proam is what why you why are you trying to help it in the air when you say help in the air you're seeing a player do this well they're doing they're doing that leaning back so they'll end up doing the right foot stays down and they'll pull back yeah and they'll try and yeah this their way to try and help it in the air this way just try and get it in the air and it's like it's it's so you know you've got a lob wedge for a reason you've got 60 Dees you know if yeah let LOF to do work right you you got all the Loft in the world like stay committed and actually you got that ball on that left heel yeah I play it forward slightly little bit more weight on your left side cool right so what happens if then we get a lie going get too cruel we Green, amber and Red lies might get cruel in a minute but what happens if we get a lie where go as CRA as you want um that one I would say that's that's not too bad but that plays pretty different so when you put the club Behind the ball here so I talk about sort of traffic lights and terms of um the LIE reading so this was what I would call a green light you know a lie like that I know I can slide my club under that ball all day long yeah this one here it's firmer you see yeah there's less there's less grass sits a little lower and less give yeah so so I'd be looking at playing that differently yeah with less release and then you get the red light I mean the red light's obvious that would be kind of in that hole well you I mean you you're defaulting all the way back to to just knocking it on and playing all of the ridge on that not going to yeah you know so let's go let's go what I call amberite first so it's kind of sitting down fairly tight what are you changing for this one so you're putting it down you can feel it's kicking a bit you can feel it well I'm looking at my bounce going you know I I really have to be 100% on this one mhm so what you mean is you've got to land that perfectly if you land if you land it half an inch further back it's gone right bounce kicking you can either FL it or get the club that's going to bounce too much so my ball position is going to creep back slightly MH because I want to make sure I'm all ball yeah and nothing else and what about do you leaner sha a little bit more do you put a little bit more lead in there they probably naturally will be without without even thinking about it I'll just go into default by going oh there's no what's happened here if we can get tight on this there if you go go your previous position where you like this way you can see the the Gap here under here now if you then put the ball further back and lean we can see how that gets much closer yeah and that's what you see that means you can feel like you get into the back of the ball there might yeah well and obviously I know that I'm not going to be able to stop it as quick as the other one so then you're change my Landing distance is pulling all the way back that's fantastic so fantastic you played that so well that's beautiful and you see it was a slightly lower ball flight and a little bit more di which is what you wanted to do because you're trying to get into the back of the ball which is exactly what's going to happen because the ball's gone back a bit Yeah Shar lean's gone forward slightly and you are going to bottom out and take take a look take a look that's what the IQ side of it I mean that's a seriously good IQ if you can read the lie and just change it I think that's the big lesson for for golfers what about if we're playing from that divot now so you're actually play from that divot you just made so it's sitting down like that I mean look I mean that's in a hole now right it's not nice so from shot one to two to three I just continue to move that ball position back slightly so as you say you know I'm going to end up having a bit more Shar Lan so that's now yeah right toe now little bit more lean it's going lower and it's just starting to pull up and check up now going to check a little bit and you fit that what maybe 6 seven ft past the hole Yeah do you um and I think it's also important you set expectations yeah I mean I mean from that lie six seven feet is a great result but you know it's amazing how the amate I coach where they'd be like well why is it gone six foot past the pin and it got higher expectation someone like you you know and that happens quite a lot I'll be I'll be buzzing with that a great shot you know we we work on Round the Clock 8T around the hole and I should hold 20 at 24 okay right so that's the pressure I put myself under so if I know that your starts are pretty good from there you know that mathematically you're going to probably make matically I'm not going to be 20 from 20 foot under tournament conditions but doing my little circuit that I do I try and force that issue but with inside 6 feet that is a high that's a high conversion rate so again I take the pressure off of this shot by knowing providing I hit half decent shot inside 6 ft yeah that's really acceptable you got a great chance of holding the clut then yeah what about you're in a divot here well not D it's a really tight line a bit of a hway and you've got to go in Higher shot from tight lie the air because you've got a bunker in front of you yeah all right yeah what are you doing there would you put the toe down you ever go low in the toe um I again so so the way that bounces on the heel yeah tap is in there so I would I you're going more heel down I would probably because it tapers in there it get sharper there yeah and my so might strike generally with short game shots again if you look at if you look at Adam Scott's wear on on his wedges his wedges is slightly more tow wear mine is slightly more heel wear I shank it every now and then yeah don't have a problem with that everyone's oh my God you sh it yeah it's okay don't worry about it like happens but like if I look if I take a brand new if I take a brand new love wedge and I go in a trap I generally see a scratch line see a we pattern go yeah and that gets really close to the hle so that's why I quite like having Rel really tight amount of um of Bounce in in that area so so you're going lower hands now much lower you sort of down more on your knees a little bit more out to in I'm guessing and dig that heel down there you go very shot there we go going high from there again acceptable yeah you know I you know the the divot itself is very shallow mhm because but you've done the work at a dress haven't you yep yeah your dress is kind of Hit the shot for you really yeah yeah that's so good that's cool what about this front yard soft lander pin where uh there's less green to work we don't need to heit like super high here but we do need to get a little bit more spin um let me get a towel let's say You' got to carry the first first two yards on the green so I don't want you hit this in too low but I want to see like a shot that's going to be mid-flight but like really softer on the first second bounce again are you you going with with lob here yeah okay interesting okay what yeah it so you released like quite a lot there didn't you yeah how much do you think about in transition trying to avoid that kind of pull on it you know that that move from the top where I mean what heavy play just easy seem to let the club just fall almost on it own it's almost gravity you know the action you're making there onehanded is it's it's like that's the action that sebie used right all the time you know he would he was very much always like soft with his knees exactly you I need to have this transition that would almost take five minutes it just so smooth and relax are yeah it's it you know anyone that's watching should just go back and have a little look at some of you know some some some of ser his best it was like it was it was it was like he knew how to just from any lie and any position with any club you could say to NE on yeah and he would just you know he would he would people said to me when he seen his balls go through the air it was almost like it was just Defying Gravity it was like just like hanging but it's like it's it's like you could see when he was getting set up his mind was just like crunching the numbers okay I see the lie I see you can see all these little numbers running around going okay I'm going to play it you know going to get in there and see I love that how you played that yeah I love that uh that's great okay that's was really interesting so I think can we get some pit shots now we love to see he hit some 40 to 70 yard shots and have a look at that area of the game which I know is a bit of a mystery for a lot of players and that so we're in some Pitching pit shs now so we're going to get this front pin which is 60 yards okay and you've got your 60 you're just saying they generally use that 60 quite a lot of the time we're having a chat about you know I I think for you playing the tour course as you're I think people don't appreciate by the way just how much you need to spin the ball on a tour course and a tournament setup Golf Course where it's been prepped for the tournament versus a standard Golf Course Y and I think for you six is the right the right call but I think for most amateur golfers it probably isn't particularly for degree bounce like you've got there it's not the safest yeah what your thoughts on that yeah I you're right because if again if we stand here visualize what we've got out out there 60 yards probably got 12 pieces between the edge of the green and the pin it's already sitting sloping slightly away from us so my default brain will turn around say tournament conditions this Ball's got to have as much spin on it as possible so I need to use the most lofted club and I need to land it in a position where it's over the front edge enough because look at the front edge it's all leaning towards us so I'm car down going want to take that out and that first bounce should end up having a skip effect before it sees any grab yeah yeah so I'm I'm trying to flight it get it to grab on the first bounce take two bounce three bounce and it should just trickle out after that mhm so so the detail again you're getting into you're really thinking about the first bounce what the spin will be like on the first bounce what it be like on the second then the third probably so visualization for me again and I'll visualize the shot and I would already a look up there as well because we got a little little bit of a low hanging limb but I'll be looking at the tripod seeing that as my that is my initial thought of line yeah cuz you're going to see it kicking to the right off that a bit Yeah I want to see it skip a bit to the right because a when I set up to it my face is slightly open so I know I'm going to add a little bit of cut spin everything's aiming to the tripod the face is slightly open pulled it it a bit like the reaction on the ball though and that was quite a low flight there that probably launched about 26 27 yeah it again like I I on my release I kind of I late release some of these shots as well so again the flight comes down a bit I don't early release it yeah see see that's that's what would annoy me that yeah that would absolutely drive me that L like it went the face of bit there because it's it's a tiny bit of not deceleration but I didn't add I didn't add um enough acceleration yeah it's on the right line the right strike but it landed 12 ft short of where I wanted it on the face a bit long didn't it you know it didn't quite move move forward enough enough that's good it's a great shot yeah third bounce is just grabbing third bounce is good okay the next pin so we're getting towards 70 yards 75 yards now still with 60 it yeah still 60 you know um and you're saying you can hit to 105 and flight it down squeeze it to 105 which is MH it's quite a long way but again I wouldn't do that if the greens were super soft and the green was sitting towards me or it was or it was what number do you think you could hit 60 without it screwing back given average conditions you know too much do you think you like an 85 number yeah 80 a nice number for me I've always had a 90 as a just a just a swing yeah where I I don't have to go at it it's just a normal swing shot and it normally pitches my most consistent number with lob is 90 yeah without having to you know it's going to go one bounce two bound stop right not moving too much again if we got soft greens I'll always that that would have to to be a 56 mhm like just a little push 56 yeah good movement again you just rotate so well through the ball and I think that's the other lesson here is that you how many times you hear the old saying keep your head down like through the ball and you must hear amst all the time it's like stop phrase it it's only a bad shot your head came up whereas your head actually looks you was like you're following it you look like the old you know Deval of the old days where you're open up Anon they all go I go with I go with the shot yeah where you see a lot that because they get told to keep the head down and just can't turn the chest through the ball yeah I'm I'm you know I'm I'm happy to once it's once it's activated on the down swing I'm happy to go and you're just nipping that aren't you you are just nipping that you just hear that strike it is so pure that is good bit sure can you imagine now that the green is is tilted towards you and it's super super spinny yeah so you would now go 56 yeah okay so I want to see like a flight in there it's going to be like super calm like a really calm flight just very dead on that second bounce right just calm one Bounce stop okay I I would immediately turn around them and say if I've got a very short distance like like that I'm going to start to open the face and I'm almost going to try I'm almost going to try and cut spin it slightly and you can just see that's got that's not got a ton of spin on it as it look see it's actually rolling out bit more like a putt at the end there y yeah so I would always be afraid that I can't stop that that's not going to stop if you were playing into it if it was really steep yeah then no problem yeah so when you got carry numbers yeah what how are you feeling because obviously like lot golf you like clock face systems or whatever um what do you think to a clock face is it something you use I yeah I mean I I'm not I'm not the I'm not the I'm not the I'm not the you know some people call it shoulder Tosh shoulder MH um I'm more of the I'm more of the visual feel guy and I've generally worked on my numbers hopefully enough whereas so you can feel it you can feel a 65 you know you're over the ball you're almost saying 65 65 you're just feeling the 65 because you practiced it because you can feel that number correct yeah so you're very much field based I'm I'm I'm mainly field-based as opposed to going the other way because how many time how many times you know during the time of standing over the shot and you start going through one two three for does the wind change all of a sudden it's gone from you know right to left to downwind and now if I go and play my yeah shoulder Tosh shoulder yeah so you're reacting more so I'm trying to feel I'm trying to feel I'm trying to feel the condition a bit more than and play off the Instinct side of it rather than what number uh what yardage would you sort of stop getting a number for example like 20 or where where do you like numbers from great there I like I had a bit of draw that one bit of a square of face not not as much checkup yeah I I I I stop I stop under 40 yards okay so you don't want to number if you got say 35 if I've got 40 I'll go and Pace it okay and then I'll go I'll go and walk all the way up there look at my landing spot yeah if it starts getting any more than that I'm conscious to I don't want you know it's going to take quite a bit of time to go and walk 50 up and 50 back you're going to take too much time so I generally would I generally would start to look at a number and then and then play it off of a number but again walking is good if you're close enough to a grein I mean how many times you see things you do how many times when you don't walk it where you played a shot and you say I didn't realize there was this much green between the uh between The Fringe and the pin you just don't see it do you or again some of the courses that we play where you get up there and you go oh that's Dow grain just on that first eight feet goce first bounce changes you could end up hitting it to 8 ft instead of hitting it stiff yeah yeah big difference yeah I'm not advising and am to do that on a Sunday morning game I think they drive everyone crazy but but I think am even if they just took three or four steps or just use their time a little bit wiser once you know the playing Partners over there playing a shot out the bunk if they just get a few seconds to walk even if they walk 10 yards up yeah that's they going to get look having a look the other thing I'd say which which a lot of I see with amateurs I'm doing it all the time one shot clean the grooves yeah so many amateurs that you know they've got they've got a little shot where they need a bit of spin yeah and they've pulled the club out the bag they still got half last Fairway on it I mean grooves are full up all the will in the world with a softball and a yeah and a wedge with no real grooves cuz it's full Chang B it's going to laun it's just not going to do what you want Ball's going to roll up the face you're going to get a jumper it's like yeah you know great lesson there clean your clubs absolutely clean your clubs stop being a lazy bastard clean your clubs go one more and we going go into the bunker what sh are you playing we're going play 56 uh land it on that third ball 6t left of the pin there we go pin High nearly hit that third ball hit it a little heavy yeah but that so hit that little heavy again 14 it saved you yeah 8 ft it's not it's not disaster you know you're in that zone where you're going to hold most eight Footers yeah but you never you never tell anyone you at that slightly heavy on TV did they shot internally you going I got away with that I just completely chunk that The 2012 Ryder Cup at Medinah right okay so we're in the bunker before we get in the bunker though I'd like to talk about Madina 2012 which is for me and I'm sure a lot of people watching that all time sporting moment I mean I'm talking across all sport um you were 104 down on Saturday and then I think it was Luke darnold got the and and his partner got Luke and Sergio Sergio got the point to make it 105 y they would down and turn that match around they turned it around and then you and Rory were playing and I mean at 105 if it went 115 away from home there was just absolutely no chance whatsoever you were finished but 10 and a half five and a half hasn't happened as a turnaround yeah and you got to six 10 it means you you had to win eight points out of 12 it's kind of difficult but it's not impossible it's been done so it's doable exactly so in your mind it was doable and you know for you you bird the last five holes right I mean I mean it's just how do you birdy the last five holes in terms of like mentally did you must have known you had to bird the last five more or less you mean the guys you were playing play unly well as well do you just isolate each shot and say right I've got to just hit the fa I've got to hit the ground holder you don't think about obviously I've got a birdie the last five I mean I'd love to get inside your mind and what what happened in that sort of last two hours on that Saturday afternoon I mean everything becomes super simple at that point so it's you have to win every hole Yeah so that bit was probably the easiest bit it wasn't like you had to hold it wasn't like you had to hold on to a lead yeah we had to win the match yeah we wer you had to do so so whether it was Rory or I it was do what you got to do yeah to birdy every hole coming in the house cuz they were playing pretty good yeah at the time so how many how many holes did you win out of those five did you win three cuz they they was yeah so we the drivable foot path four so Rory won3 par three yeah made an unbelievable two by the way like 235 yard par three which was easier for him I was going with hybrid he was going with an iron so it was a lot easier so I was very thankful that he whipped it on there to about 20 ft and rolled that one in the par five um the par five was hared with birdie mhm we won 15 mhm with birdie yeah so we both took we both took the opportunity we switched up and went I teed off first hit it in the back trap yeah he teed off first hit it in the back trap I hit it in the back trap we then had two bunker shots to play they had one go at the green hit it in the hazard yeah so then laid up knocked it on and you hitting quite close there didn't you was it about six feet or so I played a Bunger shot from about 15 it was quite a long bunker shot actually but it was all with me in terms of it was feeding down it was all feeding down to the pin so it's a relatively easy bunker shot yeah under the pressure T it probably wasn't but for me it was just like a simple smooth accelerated get it out let it release like 25 ft to the pin uh stiff um one the next with birdie hold about long hybrid I think yeah that was 25 30 ft yeah and had a bit of breaker remember yeah left to right coming in a bit right to left at the end went in the left left side and that got what was the match score then after after going that got you to one down that got us to going on to 17 that got us to one up one up yeah so one up in the match at that point three isn't it then it's the par three and Zack Johnson hit it in there to two feet yeah so you you've got a birdie then so we have to make birdie yeah Ro I think hits it just just On The Fringe left of the green I hit it into about 10t behind the hole Yeah seev SE no se O's there at that point and he comes up on the he comes up on the tea box okay okay um he says uh just seen the part it was someone else I can't remember who who would hit that previous part and it breaks a little little bit right to left so I'm walking off the tab box and I laugh really what you did like was he he was he exactly in my spot or was he a foot to the left cuz if it's a foot to the left that part might not be breaking right to left so I'm trying to not ignore him cuz he's a captain I'm also trying to turn around and in my head say got hold this putt because Zach's in there at two feet he's already given I'm given him mentally him holding that PT so go down there obviously hold the PO which was great didn't really move that much um and then then you're on 18 you're one up and then they hit it in close again on 18 yeah and you had nice what did you in there then what was it uh 7 IR 7 that's about 15t 15t great shot they're already um daffner is already in there tight takes the opportunity because Zach was further away to hit his putt first to roll it in so then yeah it's it's all on me at that point I have to hold the putt to um to win the match and and and take that extra the arena there just that I'm getting Goosebumps now the arena everyone behind there um and you you stalked it out didn't you and you sort of was it down was it off the right was it downhill right to left a touch yeah right Edge or was outside outside yeah and can you remember when when you were walking around I mean when you when you saw that Putt and you saw the line did did you were you 100 you could see what it was going to do you knew what to break what was going to do when I walked on the green yeah so it was like um I smile because it's just funny because I walk around the hole and I'm scouring the green like it's a grid formation where like if you imagine imagine you poured water on the green where with the water flows you can see the break of the part so I'm mentally picking up this picture and I get around the back of the hole my balls here holes here and I'm over there and I then sort of scan all the American players one by [Music] one probably shouldn't say what mentally in my head I actually want to have happen because but that's almost the the mentality I had because the only thing that crossed my mind at that point was the excitement the internal excitement of what's going to happen when I hold theart right okay so not anything so not any so you had slightly let yourself get ahead because you were like I'm going to love this moment yeah I am going to love what is about to happen yeah I'm so powerful isn't it well it it is now wouldn't have been if I'd have missed it but were you certain in your mind you were going to hold that yeah 100 100% there was not one% of if I miss the part where it's going to be 10 and a half five and a half yeah it's more of scow with the PT yeah scoured the US team had a little look at my team saw whether they all stand they were sort of if you were putting here they were sort of behind you there weren't they yeah so as as I were putting European team were directly behind me and the US team was sort of behind me slightly to the right yeah and and that's all I could think about I could I could only think about when that partt drops in tur into the team yeah and just like and what was it like when it dropped that feel I mean is that got one the best of your life amazing it was amazing yeah cuz you you know you know at that point you've energized a team yeah it's the last part of the day yeah I was think sat that Saturday moment that sat the last game in the Ry Cup's a fantastic time of a tournament Y and you I mean you switched it was still still a long way behind but you giv given the Europe chance given them hope absolute hope they could do this but it was funny because the the the mental the mental Dynamic within the team room because someone said okay Saturday night you're going to be 10 six down you'd be you'd be if you told that the opening ceremony you'd be demoralized you'd turn around and go well we can't win but 104 down an hour earlier 104 down an hour hour earlier 106 yeah a team room that have just gone absolutely completely crackers and a sing song it was what was it like when you G back into a lock room was everyone was it was all it was going off it was all it was like it was absolutely Wild and that was nice because the atmosphere the energy in the room wasn't 106 no it felt like it was 108 what we've just done yeah where we at and everyone's like excited about well so we won Luke and Sergio winning the match their match to turn that around massive momentum we won our match massive momentum it was the last part of the day we walking in the locker room the Americans have now got that 1% they've gone from thinking we've won this to actually with still got to turn up tomorrow um and then the singles went obvious the the order came out well we were all excited to to read the singles as we sat there in the team room you know just players and Captain and Vice Captain went down the order happy yeah happy yeah that match yeah buzzing going to do the business yeah going to do the business how'd you like that match yeah yeah that's awesome I mean then Rory turns up with two minutes miss that you got the wrong side didn't um but um absolutely great great I mean just amazing it was um it was pretty it was and the whole sevy thing seven sevy on the arm amazing absolutely amazing lasell is Captain and just my golf bag is still fully intact with T's the ball that I hold on 18 ball still in the bag the yardage book is in my bag the pencil's in my bag the te the pin sheets in my bag um you know everything that that did its job yeah for me trous belt the shirt it's all in my it's all in my office it's like it's awesome I think I think the 80s rid Cuts were fantastic as well I remember you know the 85 87 89 were brilliant 95 was fantastic wasn't it a good turn around in 95 that was 97 wasn't it yeah but I mean I think that'll take some beat in that one so special special memories I've given you an average lie there like a standard Standard bunker shot depth line like that that's that's I'll be delighted with that yeah yeah okay well let's play some from there I'm going to make Li a bit more interesting so again is she 60 there yep okay I generally I'll only ever use 56 longer bunker shot for a much longer bunker shot yeah okay CU I I will 20 30 40 yards it's yeah it's got to be it's got to be 30 yards really before I start to default back that way I use I generally use speed uh as my as my distance gauge uh um speed chest chest turn how quick you moving through it I don't think about it that way I think about it speed of Club speed of Club okay we see so energy we I mean it could relate from from just how you see it you get quite far away you know you get low when you're low with a handle you have to open a lot you to El it points left yeah so that's good yeah so I'm a nice came out really straight really straight spin as well straight spin so that's one of the that's one of the things that I feel I don't add tons of cut spin just your divot pattern there it's almost straight the flank straight and that helps you hold more bunker shots right cuz it's not going to be it's not going to be land and spin to the right it's very hard to hold a bun shot bring it in from sideways you just hear that bounce going through can't you bit too much sand there though so I haven't hit bungus shots in a week so um you can tell cuz little bit too much sand get a bit more really laid that down in the sand there didn't you bounce if you set up to this one let's just talk through some of the bits I think you set up beautifully there so if you just set up to the ball what people can learn here is how youve got the left foot flared out okay and that helps you put a bit more pressure forward this way Y correct uh and you've got yeah shoulders just a little bit more tilted there which keeps it nice and shallow and the shaft angle this is really key is like straight up and down but you're not putting any lean in there so you're protecting the bounce there yeah right Y and that's good and also how far away you are I mean you got quite a bit of knee flex and that's nice low hands there okay which help not the guy that's going to stand really close there can't do it so low you get obviously you're going to put more cupping in the wrist there that's going to promote a bit more hinge and a little bit more release through yeah I was going to say it's easier for me I feel I feel when I really get in there I can feel and allow yeah the hinge to work yeah you know and again you know they're all to be honest that's all a bit they're all a bit heavy in my opinion mhm that's all a fraction too much sand but again you're using the bounce well though aren't you and it's you know it's it's friendly yeah yeah can I talk about a lie because this is what again I don't think am quite understand how the LIE affects the spin of the ball yeah so let's say we've we've got a li even if it was say like that might look quite subtle and might someone might and say well I don't see any difference but you're looking at that Li same pin yeah what's that going to do to the ball for you and how you land that 6 feet at least six ft shorter than those ones brilliant because it's going to have less spin because the stand isn't going to go under the ball as much you can't get as much Spin and if I gave you uh this lie again I mean that is that a few more feet yeah that's that's just really your you're you know you're literally going to use a shot where you're just going to be hitting down on the ball there's if you slowmo that down that ball is not rotating that much backwards at all no by the time it's probably 8 ft in the air yeah I bet it's almost trying to move forward then yeah and that's what you're predicting so that's fascinating so you're actually looking at a lie and anticipating how much that Ball's going to release out now if I gave you this lie right that's a spinner lovely you can land that and stop it dead we can do anything that absolutely what you want you could play you could play he you could play the heavy one and land it and roll it out or you could get in there and hit that the so let's see you play this one then would you would you get a little bit more left on this would you sort of the B position's Gone back a t bit get a bit steeper I don't I don't want the club to bounce and come up in the sand mhm so I almost I almost want the Leading Edge to stay going down slightly mhm yeah so if you look at your divot there you've displaced more sand you hit down into it more which I think is a really big point for people watching when you do get those lies that are semi plugged or down a bit you also want to imagine your divot is getting deeper as it's getting longer and the nice light the spinner light we call it that your divot here would be absolutely level from front to back you skip it yep yeah yep yeah I mean you can see you can see the amount of yeah I mean that's at least a foot of sand there isn't it over a foot that's yeah that's a that's a load of sand then you're not you you're almost as you would say you're leveling out and nipping yeah that good okay what about Short sided bunker shot if you had a short sided one if you were going to this pin here the LI is okay yeah and you've got to carry it this what six seven yards yeah what are you changing to do I know you're saying you manage your speed but you've got to get spin as well here yeah so I'm I'm going to be trying to be a little steeper and across the line yeah and I'm actually almost going to try and maintain and hold as much LOF on that face as I possibly can get it face to face there really keep that on you yeah nice again I've hit it a bit too heavy I think what you so I get I get sometimes when I haven't hit bunker shots yeah a lot yeah like that's an okay shot but I'm not happy with that let's do it again like so you know and also what I've noticed you've actually got a little bit lower yeah for the shorter shot it looks like you got a bit further away you're' sitting down a bit more the hands have gone lower yeah good yeah that's better it yeah that was was better like your your stop that I mean it's on a down slope and again it's going back to expectations right you know it's yeah absolutely you know in a tournament you would in a tournament it depends how depends how cheeky you want to get right you know do you you know sometimes when you feel you're warm your game's perfect like I might be trying to land it austa where it's like it's pure grass right up until it drops in drops Into the Bunker yeah I might be on some shots trying to visually land it yeah like out the Trap which is which is again that that's like a margin of like you got to be so you know so super precise so I mean that was ni yeah that's yeah yeah that's you happy with that one yeah that's a perfect stri so was perfect and and he got held it you got three okay that yeah we got one one one that's dead and you got three you got a hole up that's the difference isn't it right A lot of people struggle with plug light so show me this one there that's like Plugged bunker shot sat down not very nice same pin well we've also got in these bunkers yeah which is great we got a little bit of a r rubbery rubbery texture underneath so it's like you know am I going to am I going to reach that but we'll have to wait and see I think we're okay I think there's plenty I think there's enough there so what's quite interesting there which which which I like is actually you play that with a wide open face and if you go back over over the years people will tell you to shut the face shut it yeah but again would you ever shut the face if you wanted to run run it out a bit more what run it out of a plug well you know we're Landing Top Spin it a little bit when it comes yeah I mean like you yeah I mean but again H it depends how but look how soft that's coming out of a pluged li it depends how powdery again and how consistent the Trap is right so if you can trust the Trap that there's loads of sand underneath like it's you know you can take all the speed out of it I look how soft that's coming out and again it's a bit like that shot we played earlier you're kind of really using the heel there aren't you yeah it's wide open and you're just digging the heeling behind it yeah I'm not over accelerating through it's almost like a and I see so many people that trying to kill a snake really and you D you just you just you're just chucking that heel into it aren't you and it's just popping up it's just popping out yeah good shot it's a great shot I tell you what the stuff I like doing at Fade and draw bunker shot home messing around when I'm bored when you turn around and go right you know can you hit the can you hit the draw spinning can you really so when you get a long bunker shot you're trying to draw it a little bit more generally as a feeling to try to send cuz you're trying to send s more forward aren't you that's a feeling I am yeah because you want to you know you want to be able to put the distance on it and I find it easier the lower I get but that's a great shot so you start with an open face and you're drawing it through the sand draing it through but you do that and it's easier the lower you get to the ground yeah but it's just like it's the messing about B where you can go okay like do the opposite getting a bit tighter to it and are you going to try and have try and spin off the slope a bit of cut spin yeah yeah yeah that's the creative stuff isn't it that's the bit which he's like that's the fun bit Yeah you when You' got that spare hour and you're like right how do I hit the shot where it's you know how do I hit the shot where 50 Bryson shot yeah let's talk about Bryson’s US Open winning bunker shot that then because that for me was absolutely ridiculous I mean that that was to win the I open absolutely got to get up and down he was sort of under lots of sand in that bunker as well yeah there was uh they looked like there was tons of sand in there and he's got to hit the number he was on the up slope slightly wer he so he was he was kind of and he just he just absolutely I mean he released it he really released the club he had to out that lie but he had a ton of speed didn't he that that you had a load of speed through it yeah and it just popped it up high there I don't know how far that right not the right pin yeah just just over that yeah well that on you would it Miss speed right so we were talking earlier exactly this is fascinating what you're saying six iron length shaft yeah you think that gave him an advantage having the one lengths I think it was I think I think he could get in there in a position where he could use all speed and leverage yeah he can hit it heavy in a way yeah right where he can then allow the ball to do what it needed to do once he worked out right I need to land it 40 yards it's going to release 10 it's going to release 30 ft fed down I think yeah the longest chart he's obviously give a little bit more speed it's going to help taking credit away from Bryson I know no but it's an interesting point it might have just given him a little bit more yeah it was it I mean it was an incredible Bunger shot and that moment as well be like the Madina moment you know that moment you've got to hit the shot but got to hit it you know if you look at the PT Rory he had from 3T past the PIN to the PT Bryson had from 4T short the pin and you saw how difficult Rory's pot was coming back down mhm I mean it had probably people again You' got a little bit sck for obviously missing those SPS but that one and the last time was I mean it was way can you explain how way more difficult I think um Smiley Kaufman was commentating at the time I think from the coverage I was listening to and he said oh it's maybe an inside left putt M and then we all saw when he stood to it yeah well an inside left he was aiming yeah almost a cup and change outside yeah don't think he struck it perfectly MH but it was one of those that was just always going to move away wasn't it but did I mean that's a that's a nasty part to Le hisself so for Bryson to be 50 yards away 55 yards away and to be able to give himself that putt which was a simpl upill whatever the distance was I mean he's I mean he's it I mean he said it's the best shot he's ever hit in his life exctly in his life which I would agree yeah it's pretty it was as a moment it was pretty cool yeah no it was cool Outro listen it thanks today absolutely superb I think just it's been fascinating listening to the insights and seen you place so many amazing shots and I think um a lot of the golfers watching are going to take a lot from it into into their own games it's a lot of it it's that IQ it's that understanding it's that education that you've developed from from so many years and hours and hours of practicing it and to be able to pass some of those nuggets on is just absolutely you know yeah no it's great so like And subscribe and book yourself a lesson the man's off all right okay good awesome

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