Spring 2024 Afternoon Commencement Exercises

Published: May 09, 2024 Duration: 02:01:40 Category: Education

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e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] for e [Music] ladies and gentlemen the commencement ceremony is about to begin please silence cell phones and all other devices at this time and now please rise for the procession of the stage party faculty and graduation candidates led by Master of Ceremonies and Provost and vice president for academic Affairs and enrollment management Dr Frederick chip Lemieux [Music] [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Applause] please be seated good afternoon it is my honor to welcome you to the 162nd MCN State University commencement exercises I am Dr Frederick Lemieux provos and vice president for academic Affairs and enrollment management this afternoon we celebrate the graduates in the colleges of agricultural Sciences the College of liberal arts and the College of science engineering and Mathematics on behalf of the faculty and staff of mcne State University I extend congratulations to the candidates and to their families please stand while the mcne State University wins Symphony Under the direction of Dr Timothy parue director of bands performs our national anthem and remains standing for the moment of reflection led by Miss cran Youngblood director of inclusive excellence [Music] [Music] good afternoon everyone graduation marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another as you stand on a threshold of this significant Milestone take a moment to reflect on your journey think back to the countless hours spent studying the late nights fueled by coffee and determination and the challenges you faced along the way consider the friendships forged the mentors who guided you and the moments of Triumph that filled you with pride reflect on the growth you've experienced both academically and personally remember the setbacks you encountered and the lessons you learned from them cherish the memories you've made and the experiences that have shaped you into the person you are today as you prepare to embark on the next chapter of your life take pride in your accomplishments and the knowledge you've gained hold on to the values that have guided you thus far and embrace embrace the opportunities that lie ahead above all remember that graduation is not just an end but a new beginning it's a time to celebrate your achievements and look forward to the adventures that await you so take a moment to savor this Milestone knowing that the Best Is Yet To Come congratulations graduate thank you please be seated graduates you are why we are here today you or why we the administration faculty and staff of mcne State University strive every day to do our best to prepare you for the next step of your career your continuing education and your life you have made an investment in your future and today you embark on a New Journey take pride in how far you have come believe in your abilities be optimistic about what is to come and be thankful for your family your friends and your mentors we are so proud of you and we wish you the very best at this time it is my pray Riv to introduce Dr darl burel president of mcne State University who will deliver the president's welcome Dr brel began his term as the seventh President of MCN on July 7 July 1st 2017 he is a professor of accounting and prior to becoming president he held the Arthur Hollands endowed professorship in accounting Dr Bill earned both his bachelor's degree in accounting and master of Business Administration from Mech State University he then earned a doctorate of Business Administration from Mississippi State University Dr brel is a certified public accountant and a certified valuation analyst he has served as president and director of the Lake Charles Harbor and terminal District board and as a chairman of the board of directors for Christa St Patrick hospital he also served on the board of directors for the Louisiana Housing Corporation the Louisiana land trust and the council for a better Louisiana he Curr currently serves on the board of directors for JD Bank ladies and Gentlemen please welcome Dr Daryl burel thank you Dr Lemieux and good afternoon and welcome to the 162nd MCN commencement ceremony the spring graduation class includes 670 candidates from 39 parishes 24 States in a territory and 20 countries 629 degrees will be awarded today including 21 associate degrees 594 Bachelor degrees and 77 master's degrees many of these graduates are the first generation in their family to earn a college degree I'm a first generation college student college graduate and for it forever changed my life and the life of my family to the families of our graduates I want to thank you for the love support and encouragement that you have given them I also want to thank our faculty and staff for their commitment to our MCN motto Excellence with a personal touch and for their dedication to being student Centric in all that we do our MCN mission is to change lives to the members of the class of 2024 your lives have forever changed because you have earned this degree the journey to this day is a special story is your special story along the way you learn to adapt to challenges none of which you could have ever imagined you're the class that endured the sudden unexpected and continuous changes to your lives during covid-19 you're experienced the disruption and Devastation caused by hurricanes Laura in Delta and a Thousand-Year flood no other university in the country encountered the trials we faced over a 14-month period we worked together we helped each other and we persevered you learned to take personal initiative you learn to be self-reliant and you learn the importance of helping others those characteristics will serve you well in the future take pride in how far you've come and the obstacles you you've overcome along the way in just a few minutes you will transition from being a mcne student to a MCN alumnus a large part of your life will be dedicated to the career that you choose so dream big be diligent work hard believe in yourself and have faith in your abilities be accountable courageous but above all be grateful the skills drive and determination that you leave here with today will make a difference in our state our country and our world I hope the motto Excellence with the Personal Touch will guide you throughout your career remember a few things civility is important respect is important and kindness is important you entered MCN with dreams and aspirations I remember when we recruited you we talked about each of you sitting out there with dreams and aspirations for your life and that one day you would see yourself right here at this moment right now and those dreams and aspirations don't stop today as you Propel yourself into your future your investment in your education should give you confidence and I encourage you to leave here today full of optimism and hope optimism is the primary ingredient for progress optimism is not wishful thinking optimism means that you choose to see possibilities and seek Solutions when fa with challenges it is the unwavering belief that something can be better it's what drives us forward life has no script no textbook and there are no answers in the book there will be Curves in the road ahead learn from your experiences learn from your mistakes learn from your failures but keep going and by all means get up and never stop you cannot always control what happens around you but you can control your attitudes and how you react Victor Frankle wrote everything can be taken from a person but one thing the ability to choose one's attitudes in any given set sets of circumstances to choose one's own way I encourage you to never stop learning to grow in wisdom and understanding to commit to a life of leadership and service and always strive for excellence in the words of Henry David thoro go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you have imagined on behalf of the entire MCN family of Faculty staff students and alumni it is an honor to extend congratulations to to this exceptional graduating class I wish you great success you go forward to make a life make a living and make a difference in your careers your families and your communities congratulations and go pokes thank you Dr Marquel at this time we will present an honorary doctor of humain letters to judge James Kain JR this is the highest recognition that the university can bestow on an individual Dr Briel assisted by Dr Jimmy Clark chair of the Board of Supervisors for the University of Louisiana system will present the honorary doctorate in regelia Judge James Caine received a Bachelor of Science degree in economics and finance from MCN in 1990 and a jurist doctorate degree from Southern University Law Center in 1993 he has served on the MCN Alumni Association board of directors since 2014 including terms as Treasurer vice president and President elect in 2019 judge Cain was nominated and confirmed as a judge of the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana prior to his judicial appointment judge Kane was a founding member and partner at Lofton Kane and Leblon his admitted to practice before the US Supreme Court us fifth dist fifth Court Circuit Court of Appeals and the US District Courts of the eastern district of Louisiana Western District of Louisiana and Middle District of Louisiana judge Cain has over 20 years in general civil litigation practice including trying more than 25 jury trials and numerous bench trials in state and federal courts in both Louisiana and Mississippi judge kanaine is actively involved in local public service boards and activities and is a founding member of the alliance for positive growth he is also a member of numerous professional organizations judge kan's sub substantial achievements and his passion for service along with his ordent support of mcne State University clearly warrant the granting of the honorary doctrate please join me in congratulating Judge James Kain Jr thank you very much um Dr brel faculty graduates family and friends um thank you for this tremendous honor I'm going to try to get through it you know I'm not often speechless because it's my job to communicate the law and to speak I think the last time I was really speechless was when I got a call from the White House that the president of the United States was going to nominate me to the federal bench but I'm going to get through it but before I begin my remarks to you I do want to take a moment to say a few words about not only a good personal close friend of mine but our president Dr burel he has been a tremendous leader and president to this University he has seen this University through some very difficult times over the past few years a global pandemic two backtack hurricanes unprecedented other weather events I think if we would have had Locust we'd have had all the seven plagues but thank you Dr brel for your leadership and for all you've done for M State University let's give him a round of applause um I'm very lucky today to have my beautiful wife uh Angie my two daughters Juliana and Haley Beth here as well as my sister Melissa to share this moment with me magnes means the world to me um my wife Angie is a mental health therapist has a giving heart helps people who are suffering she instilled that spirit in our daughters Juliana who graduated from the University of Texas at Austin is an ICU nurse and helping those in need our other daughter Haley Beth graduated from SMU with a degree in dance performance and applied phys techology and is now through her dance um Through The Years through her dance helped color the world with the Arts but now is using that Talent uh to earn her doctorate and occupational therapy to help those with afflictions but giving back and making a difference all of them and that's what we're all called to do is to give back and to make a difference and magnes instilled that in me my mom and my dad both are graduates in mnes and they gave that desire and responsibility to me to serve and to give back and that started here at mnes my dad was a coach a teacher went on into a career of politics and served in the state senate for a number of years um and that started at mnes that willingness to serve unfortunately he passed away this week but the blue and gold runs deep in my family and um I'm sorry you know I played basketball at magnes and he did too he won a couple of those Gulf States Champion conference championships up there and so this past basketball season I know we have a couple of our players here graduating it really brought back he he really got a lot of enjoyment out of this past year but I'm sorry but I'm but it it's just an emotional for me but my point is both my parents went to magnes I went to magnes um so it's your it's a tradition with us so remember when you move forward from this day uh that there were a lot of people who helped you along the way who encouraged you who supported you through your journey um parents family friends so take a few moments over the next few days and to thank them give them a hug mcne State University was a transformative place for me the experiences here on this college campus playing college basketball learning from great professors collaboration with my friends and fellow students all shaped and prepared me for the future I encourage all of you to stay in touch and be involved with mnes even if you move far away in the years ahead you will reflect on your time here at mnes and realize the impact it had on your life if you haven't already our alumni our University will always be there to support you and encourage you as you engage in the world that's one of the great advantages to a mcnish degree we never stop supporting one another you know we're a family an example of that continued support that you will receive I can give you a personal example of it I Was preparing to go to the White House for my interview I call it the ultimate job interview and I got a call from Dr brel wish should me good luck and I said I'm good Dr verel uh I told him I was confident because magnes prepared me for that day and so I felt ready you should all leave here today proud of what you've accomplished but also confident that you are prepared because of this great University you will encounter challenges but you are ready to take on those challenges and to make a difference in your communities and in the lives of others and to make a difference in our country and to our fellow students and and graduates from foreign countries we all benefit from your culture from our shared experiences and so as you return home uh I hope that your share our shared experiences will benefit your country and your communities however you must always be learning and growing never stop that never stops because you leave school I continue to study the law every day to try to make a decision make a ruling to be a better judge to make the right decision which is not always easy you know you're not going to get through a Commencement Address without a sports quote so Lou Holtz the great football coach at Notre Dame said there was a rule of life that said says you're either growing or you're dying the trees either growing or it's dying so is the grass so is a marriage so is a business so is a person coach Holtz went on to say doesn't have anything to do with age it has everything to do with trying to get better I can make a great thought out legal ruling then everybody that doesn't like it calls me an idiot a guy who finishes last in med school they call him a doctor life's not fair but nobody prom has promised success or a guarantee of anything in life but the greatness and beauty of this country is the promise of opportunity you need to be prepared to recognize and take advantage of the opportunities that this country offers ERS you know America is the land of opportunity so as you leave here today be proud of our country and that you're Americans there is so much talk and Division in our country today most of it politically motivated but there is so much more that unites us than divides Us in these fractured times we must never forget that freedom and liberty are not free the freedom freed and Liberty we enjoy As Americans comes at a cost and with responsibility we all share a common concern for our nation's future it's frightening to think that in this confusion of Campus protest a divided political environment that we might cast aside ideals ethics and standards that have made our country great in a is America perfect no is our history unblemished of course not but think about it this way my wish for you is not to be judged based on the worst thing you ever did in your life or the worst time in your life I hope you get the benefit of the totality of your life's work and deeds and doesn't America deserve the same general West Morland said America is great because it's the land of liberty and endless challenges and unbounded opportunity we add it to to our challenges by being an example and a beacon to other people in the world for individual liberty no other nation has done that he also said never before in history has a nation so freely shared the treasures of its hard work never has a nation provided others with so much security never has a nation so responsibly shouldered the burden of world leadership ship I ask you to remember this when people criticize our Constitution and advocate for the demise of America but then hide behind the very rights that we it gives us we Americans at the very least owe a debt of patriotism to our country and this Demands a commitment to the principle that for every individual right that we enjoy there is a duty to our constitution to exercise those rights as our Founders intended and that is to be responsible and educated citizens my duty is founding the oath of office that I took when I became a federal judge I didn't take an oath to defend the flag or to defend some government building I took an oath to defend and protect the Constitution of the United States historians say our constitution is probably one of the greatest documents ever written in the history of man our constitution protects us from our own human failures jsb Mo said I don't believe in the Constitution because I'm an American I'm an American because I believe in the Constitution and it is the thread that binds us all together the beauty and strength of America is the fact that we are from many different cultures many different races many different backgrounds but we are are at our core in essence all first and foremost Americans and our constitution is that thread that binds us together there's a motto that's probably a lot of you have never seen it's on the Seal of the of the United States of America it's in Latin and the motto says ebus Unum which means out of many one remember we have differences of opinions we come from many different backgrounds but we are one nation We Are One people and we are one America good luck to all of you congratulations graduates God bless all of you and God bless the United States of America thank you very much thank you judge Kane congratulations on a well-deserved honor now I'd like to welcome uh Mr Ben booa a member of the board of directors for the magnes Alumni Association today you officially become graduates alumni of magne State State University as the secretary of the Alumni Association board I'm honored to announce the third co-art of outstanding graduate award recipients partnered with the student government Association and the office of University advancement candidates for the prestigious outstanding graduate award are nominated by the dean of each college for one undergraduate and one graduate who meet an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher participates in leadership and service and emulates our motto here at magnes Excellence with a personal touch I am overwhelmed by the High Caliber of students we have here at magnes I would now like to recognize our 11 undergraduate and graduate candidates and announce our overall recipients please stand when I call your name from the College of agricultural Sciences undergraduate Jude briette graduate cutter tan from the College of Business undergraduate at a poju at a tun G and graduate Chris Nina suopo putri from the Burton College of Education undergraduate kenned Mallet graduate Sierra Gilroy from the College of liberal arts undergraduate Samuel Gil from the College of Nursing and Health Professions undergraduate Bailey Bard graduate Henrietta Chambers and from the College of science engineering and Mathematics undergraduate Darcy l and graduate Kaylee Johnson I'd now like to rep uh present our overall outstanding undergraduate Mr Samuel Gil Samuel son of Eric and Nicole Gill is a native of Vil plat lisiana graduating today with an Associate of General Studies with a concentration and a applied in Natural Sciences and a Bachelor of Science in mass communication concentration public relations he has served two terms as the student body president and was the first ever full serving member on the Louisiana Board of Regents from mcne State University he has served in various other capacities on campus including being a member of the Honors College two-time executive committee member of Kappa Sigma Theta Road inner fraternity Council vice president and president as well as a three-year chairman of the technological advancements for students committee and a two-year chairman of the campus development committee he made history as the first ever Road scholar finalist from mne State University and served the state of Louisiana as a Governor's fellow working to bring high-speed internet to rural Louisiana he was previously declared a national undergraduate brother of the Year from Kappa Sigma fraternity and was inducted into its Dr John W Ryan leadership Circle upon graduation Sam will be attending the University of Texas at Austin to pursue a master of public affairs ladies and Gentlemen please join me in congratulating Mr Samuel Gil for being selected as our overall outstanding undergraduate this year I'd now like to present our overall outstanding graduate Miss chrina suopo putri Christina earned her undergraduate degrees in accounting and finance for magnes in 2013 and returned to pursue an MBA after gaining extensive experience primarily in the accounting profession she's an active CPA in both Louisiana and Texas and worked principally for two prominent companies in Texas and California while at mnes she interned with KPMG in Houston and Grant Thorton in Washington DC she was involved in freshman mentoring and she recently published her academic journal on empirical validity of okun's law evidence from Indonesia in the international review of business and economics she accepted a position working for Community Coffee as a senior accountant after earning her MBA degree chrisina is inspired daily by her family friends and professors to live life to the fullest ladies and Gentlemen please help me in congratulating Miss Christina suopo putri graduates today belongs to you your family and your friends you have worked extremely hard to get to this point in your achievements are a testament to your determination and your perseverance As you move forward to the next chapter of your lives remember that the skills and the knowledge that you have gained here at magnes will serve you well I encourage you to use them to make a positive impact in your communities and in the world I also want to thank the family and friends here who have supported you throughout your academic Journey congratulations once again I wish you all the success in your future endeavors go pokes thank you Mr bis at this time we would like to recognize faculty retiring at the end of the Academic Year from the College of liberal arts Dr Elizabeth hate associate professor Department of English and foreign languages 37 years Dr Judith hand associate professor wa and Dorothy Hannah Department of Performing Arts 29 and a half years Dr Nancy Blaine associate professor Department of English and foreign languages 20 and a half years Dr Derek Blakeley assistant professor Department of History 20 years from the College of science engineering and Mathematics doc Dr robbert duay professor of depart Professor Department of mathematical Sciences 33 years Mr Darren Alcock assistant professor Department of mathematical Sciences 24 and a half years Dr Katherine Anderson assistant professor department of engineering and computer science seven years thank you for your service to our students in University now we will introduce our degree candidates who are honor graduates college students make a significant commitment of time and effort to complete the curriculum required to earn a degree while all candidates here today have met requirements for their degree many of our undergraduate students excelled in their academic work and earned academic honors and we will now take time to recognize them a baloran student graduates with honors by earning an overall grade point average of at least 3.5 Miss Morgan Turpin will introduce our candidates who have earned academic honors honored graduates please stand when your name is called and remain standing until all honored graduates have been announced the following students earned the distinction of sumacum L for an overall great a point average of 3.9 to 4.0 Marie Azor 4.0 Samuel buer 4.0 chb Deon 4.0 rain Gore 4.0 pavl Krauss 4.0 Elizabeth Moss 4.0 Clara rosini 4.0 Crystal gray Samantha son Hannah Denton Brooke Humphrey Nicholas Bellman Adam Corville Sarah petski Juliana riddle Aubrey Zito Samuel Gil Darcy L Anna alamon Ethan pedex Ashlin Elliott Lily zom Breer Beyonce Banks Gil Julia tassen Kaleb Davis and Lorraine Le BL the following students have earned the distinction of Magnum L for an overall grade point average of 3.7 to 3.89 n Drake gidry Anna Lippert Madison por Dexter Sydney Clark Madison oakin Brian Shadrick Molly Nyland Connor brussard Elaine Robertson Elizabeth primes Maggie [Music] Tero Kaye opal Samantha duet Emma fornerette Aaron Mansel Macy Busby KAIT Woodward Lindsay Hunter lanino Owen leun Zarin Manita Clifton bro Dylan brousard Katherine carer to Jean Claire bason the following students have earned the distinction of Kum for an overall grade point average of 3.5 to 3.69 John Mohler Destiny kst Aubrey Jackson k Mallet Sarah Miller Alex brussard Ali KH Mariana Torres Peyton Augustine Madison goldburn pton Meyer Eden Marino Casey morval Colton DeMent Blake Smith Robert Kennedy Logan Todd Zane McKay David oaku Addie trosclair Brady Jacobson Amy fno Alexander darbon Bo Dobson Mitchell ezer Riley ardwin Laken Thomas Ashton brussard Zachary Voss Morgan Menard Sydney Le Jose Maria aay jway Luke leay Maggie Montoya Jordan Warren Judith Darice Brock Petri Chase Keaton and Harrison McBride let's give these students a round of applause congratulations on your outstanding academic accomplishments and now we will present our degree candidates out of consideration for the families and friends who wish to hear their candidates name announced we ask that artificial noise makers not be used we will begin with the Honors College candidates honors college students must complete a unique curriculum in their field which includes a minimum of 24 credit hours of honors coursework president burel will present the Honors College candidates with a medallion depicting depicting the scholarship leadership and service motto of the college it is with great pleasure that I present the following MCN Honors College candidates who have completed all requirements for the Balor degree with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to Samuel Henry ber I Bachelor of Science and chemical engineering summum Lade Ashlin Janet Elliot Bachelor of Science and chemistry sumacum lad Samuel Tate Gil Bachelor of Science and mass communications Summa Kum lad and Associate of General Studies rain Joyce Gore Bachelor of Arts and art summum lad Madison Katherine goldburn Bachelor of Arts and liberal studies kumlade Anna Elizabeth Lipper Bachelor of Science and criminal justice Magna klady Zarin musarat Manita Bachelor of Science and Engineering Magnum L Zane Wyatt McKay Bachelor of Arts in English kumlade David Chua oku Bachelor of Science and Engineering kumlade Nicholas Drew vellan Bachelor of Science and biological science summum Lade Dr Tom Shields head of the haral and pearl drip School Of Agricultural Sciences we'll present the candidates from the College of agricultural Sciences thank you Dr Liu the following students from the College of agricultural Sciences have completed all requirements for graduation The Faculty of the College of agricultural sciences and I take great pleasure in recommending these students as candidates for The Bachelor of Science and master of science degrees with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to from the heral and pearl drip School Of Agricultural Sciences with the Bachelor of Science Elise Morgan benois Keaton Ramsey bertran Jude [Music] brake Madison anel [Music] Browning Grant Michael Callahan Micah Shay Charles Chelsea D [Music] Coleman Michael Allan dor Amber R foran sh Shelby Lynn Jah Kane Tanner [Applause] abar Aaliyah May Hilton Morgan Gail Johnson [Music] Randy Leanne kleene Rivers Merrick longl Sydney Christina Le [Music] Nia Deshawn lamel Abby Gil [Applause] labu Ethan Bryce marel [Music] Addison Jade Mallen Alex Avery [Music] mesh Cameron Trey Melton Morgan Lynn Menard [Music] joyn Carol Miller two [Music] degrees Ashley Malia [Music] Morton madin Claire muton [Music] Lauren Alexandra [Applause] Oliver Brock Anthony Petri Bailey Elizabeth Ramsey Emily Nicole Ramsey Aaron Elise [Music] Ross Teresa Evelyn Sevilla cenno two [Music] degrees Blake Richard Smith and Marie [Music] Sneed Abby May [Music] Tero Kendall Claire ton Haley [Music] Vincent Sydney Patrice Widner from the William Jor senior School of Graduate Studies with a master of science Gavin Keith gidry bana Manali cutter William tun Dr Michael buckles dean of the College of liberal arts will present the candidates from the College of liberal arts thank you Dr Lemieux the following students from the Departments within the College of liberal arts have completed all requirements for graduation The Faculty of the College of liberal arts and I take great pleasure in recommending these students as candidates for the associate of General Studies Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of General Studies Bachelor of music Bachelor of Science master of arts master of science and master of Fine Arts degrees with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to from the Department of English and foreign languages with the Bachelor of Arts Hannah Jane Denton Destiny Renee George [Music] [Applause] Gabriel Thomas laner Samantha Katherine [Music] son Maggie Marie Tero [Applause] [Music] from the Department of history with the Bachelor of Arts Nicole Katerina Douglas Amber Shay [Music] Garner Harrison Lee McBride Sarah Nicole Miller Eden Grace Marino Brooklyn Lynette [Applause] Smith Aubrey Gail Zito [Music] from the Department of interdisciplinary studies with an Associate of General Studies Tony Clyde [Music] citizen jakyra Jana Jackson Emma Claire m ERS and Janette Gonzalez Taylor with a bachelor of General Studies Samantha K AEL [Applause] Latrell Alfred Riley Alexis ardwin Abby Claire Ballard Logan J James batist Ryan Nicole Bellard Roberts Bears Evelyn Katherine bul marich [Applause] Ashton brussard Riley Addison [Music] Bryant kalain Sylvester Chapel [Music] Morgan Elizabeth Clark Andrea Tiana Collins Chandler James Cormier Michael J Davis Jr two [Music] degrees Michaela Renee Elkins Cassandra Lynn [Music] everage Calvin Jaz Felder Cayman Blaine Pierre George Shan Michelle AAR Leah Jean Kimbell [Music] Brenda Marie Landry Shane Cormier [Music] [Applause] Lin Richard Cole lir Luke Henry leay Nadia Miranda manitas pton Elizabeth Meyer Riley Christopher Miller [Music] Smith Marta Sophia D Costa [Music] Pasqua Isaac denen [Music] reard Isabella Angelina Rodriguez [Music] [Applause] Carly elain [Music] Romero Natalie Nicole [Music] Rush Emma Marie Sarver Heidi Nicole abar Sav Angelica chantan [Music] Scott Lauren Louise Simmons Gracie Elise sea Halen Brook [Music] sea McKenzie Blair [Music] Smith Christopher Javon Stevens [Music] Nicole [Music] Valerie Alec Matthew Wallace Desiree lelle Wallace [Music] nilia juwel Kim [Applause] [Music] white Aaron mcginness Willis [Music] from the Department of mass communication with the Bachelor of Science Morgan Jade Babino Margaret Grace Barnett two degrees Claire Bernice bason morray Elise bort Bo Thomas Dobson [Applause] [Music] Marshall Edward [Music] [Applause] [Music] fno kylin Lamar [Music] Harmon Kyle Joseph [Music] Holland Matthew Reed [Music] Johnson Victoria Elizabeth LS Molly Jania Elizabeth Nyan two [Music] degrees Gabriela Janice konas Mahia 2 [Music] de Fen James rishard Jr key Luca Renee shuffler two degrees Julia Camille tassen [Music] lakan Nicole [Music] Thomas Logan James Todd Trent Vincent vondenstein [Applause] from the wa and Dorothy Hannah Department of Performing Arts with the Bachelor of Music Marie Olivia Azor [Applause] Mar Sydney mlin Clark Colton Tyler [Music] DeMent Crystal Quest leun gray Joshua Joel abar [Music] Sarah and Joy petski Bryant Eugene Simmons [Applause] [Music] junor from the department of social sciences with the Bachelor of Arts Peyton Anthony Augustine [Music] Olivia sat e [Music] Belin Robert Heath [Music] Bradley Gyra chave Clayton [Music] Michael [Music] AEL Carly Grace fno Jaa Jana Fus [Music] kelen Joseph [Music] Harmon Brooke Bailey Humphrey Alex Kade Johnson Elizabeth Karen Johnson Jared Dwayne Jo bear Casey Diane Elizabeth an Moss Britney Riel [Music] Williams Lily Joe zom Breer with a Bachelor of Science alua shumi F ad aumo Jonathan Allen Bradberry Beth Caroline [Music] Brown Samantha Lane do set Emily Nicole fuseler Marcy Nicole [Music] Hackler T [Music] Jean Cavin Paul LEL Leanne Michelle [Music] Maus JZ C Morgan [Music] [Music] Ian Gabriel [Music] Porter Tanya Elizabeth [Music] Rojo Patrick Leon Stevens [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Britney Michelle [Music] Taylor Caitlyn Marie Woodward from the Department of Visual Arts with a Bachelor of Arts Anna Elizabeth alamon two degrees Caleb Lewis Davis Mitchell Joseph ezernack Haley Bruce [Applause] Gilbert Aubrey Elise Jackson Destiny Morgan car two degrees Maggie May goo [Music] Montoya Griffin Eugene Paul Haley Renee peder Madison and po Dexter Elaine Nicole Robertson [Music] from the William jori senior School of Graduate Studies with a master of arts Hannah Elizabeth coun Taran Louise White with a master of science Michael Joseph [Music] Caro Payton jadarius Harden aan K sioban Johnson Lindsay Allison [Applause] [Music] revette Alexandra Jane Sheek Snider kin Monroe smear saww with the master of Fine Arts Taylor Malia Elise Mahon two degrees mayank manenda two degrees Andrew Robert perso Abigail Louise Skinner two [Music] degrees Dr Kathy Jackson head of the Department of biology will present the candidates from the College of science engineering and Mathematics Dr Lemieux the following students from the Departments within the College of science engineering and Mathematics have completed all requirements for graduation The Faculty of the College of science engineering and Mathematics and I take great pleasure in recommending these students as candidates for The Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Science in chemical engineering Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering master of engineering and master of science degrees with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to from the Department of biology with the Bachelor of Science Madison Rachel [Music] oakin Beyonce Shania Elise Banks [Music] darisabel [Music] Charan denen Dupre Amy Victoria fno [Music] em ma Catherine fornerette Laurel Gable ramario Jr James Ali Akbar Khan two degrees Kenley Michelle [Music] Leblon Courtney Renee Lesar Katherine Elizabeth marker Haley Brook [Applause] opal Katherine Virginia [Applause] parmentier Julie Julia Jane salum Julia Bria Diane Renee [Applause] tanley Addie Gail TR player Jordan Lane Warren Jess Patrick Weatherford from the Department of Chemistry and physics with the Bachelor of Science Kaylee Renee de [Music] from the department of engineering and computer science with the Bachelor of Science Britain Devon [Music] [Applause] [Music] Bary Christopher Isaac [Applause] Bertram Connor Matthew brussard [Applause] [Music] Macy Paige Busby Joe cared sheb Grisham Deon Jose Maria Kuku aay [Music] Jay Christina Hill [Music] Abad Drake Anthony gidry [Music] Brady James [Applause] Jacobson Mark Allan [Applause] Jones vum Lee [Music] Daren Christian Magnus Logan Rolando Mania Nelly Esther Miller Brennan Scott Peloquin [Music] Ethan Michael [Music] pedex Grant David Simo Tyrone Dwayne slack Jr [Applause] Michael Andrew SP [Applause] [Music] III Ivory dearen Roberts II [Music] [Applause] William Anthony Underwood Jamar Eugene Woods [Music] Jr John Cole Woods with a Bachelor of Science and chemical engineering Maya Amelia [Music] [Applause] abdala Dylan Paul brussard Mark Wesley Buller Keegan Wilson [Music] crosdale William Drew [Music] Cunningham Bryce Renee glapion [Applause] [Music] Bryce Anthony [Music] Huber Matthew Wayne [Applause] cars Darcy k lne [Applause] jacqu Henry [Applause] Le Owen Paul leun ow Erica manindar Joseph Richard Pon [Music] II Lindsay Bryce priola Danielle Marie [Music] son Hogan Nick stagner Ashby Olan Todd Spencer Bellon [Music] ybe with the Bachelor of science and mechanical engineering Clifton L bro [Music] III Alex John brussard two degrees Adam Bryce Corville [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Jacob David laflor Jackson Wade Lewis Nicholas Scott Lopez vipen paragel [Music] Garrett ree [Applause] [Music] Perkins CLA [Applause] Rini Jacob Kendall Waters [Applause] from the Department of mathematical Sciences with the Bachelor of Science Lorraine Adele [Music] labl John Thomas [Music] Sims Jimmy Kyan V [Music] from the William J Dory senior School of Graduate Studies with a master of engineering is La War Vincent akena with the master of science Alexis an [Applause] [Music] Bower magal [Applause] [Music] Dio Kaylee Quinn Johnston maau Sage wing [Applause] [Music] love you m Dr berel with the authority vested in MCN State University by the Louisiana Board of Regents and the University of Louisiana system I declare degrees conferred graduates please stand ladies and gentlemen I present to you the M State University spring 2024 graduating [Applause] class will the graduates and guests please stand as music Major Julia Dy leads us in singing our Alma mat the words of the alma mat are printed on the back of the commencement program we ha our M with hearts full of gratitude when all it dwells with friendship and all that is right and true our memories here will linger with the faith in all you do magnes magnes May Glory reain here here to all Hill all Hill mes we are proud of you [Applause] all [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] l [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] she [Music]

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