Faker Whips Out MID CAITLYN - T1 vs HLE Highlights with Voice Comms Translated - Low Bracket Finals

in from Guma we already have the zigs and we're just thinking about what is Baker going to play as they should be saving counter pick for Z in the Top Lane and maybe it's just I I imagine it's the it's the APA special right Captain America showing his face here with the zigs coming through most likely the mid lane unless it's uh mid Caitlyn which given that you have gumma on your team I I hope not probably not you know smolder you know not really something that we expect to crush the Jack it' be interesting to see as well though I think swap by the way gas playing Zig so they are swapping it now and putting the Caitlin in the mid lane I mean you outrange avable there not all you can do is Peanut yep hex flashing in and actually just going to real flash on top of Faker here and that is going to be Faker in a ton of trouble owner does make his way over but that's First Blood given over to the smoulder in the mid lane meanwhile at top Dorian going to for bar not really that brightening here is a dive on the top Lane Doran is going to get flashed on by K and a bunch of damage goes into this ja as does have his TP available so he can join but it looks like H life OHA had Smite and he's going to take number five so that's five grubs TP for the set of H Sports here's the TP as you mentioned getting right into that back line the Z SCBA he's all alone is really a cross map opportunity as Guma is zigs but doesn't have his ultimate right now oh boy I mean there there's no TPS he's alone there's three people here for H Sports there's just no way for go to get out of this situation as and they do try and focus on Peanut but they just didn't have the damage available there you know a lot of burst even the Caitlin as well Doran stepping on a trap and he nearly dies he's going to be forced out of this one and he just tpd in the mid so now he doesn't exist and T1 have their sights on something here maybe the bar going and he's going to hit him okay we just have to take mid tier one and that's about it maybe they get the Dragon but T1 will get this Baron off the map there it goes and now they're going to be running towards the dragon and look at a fight again oh I don't know if they'll be in time this is going down quick look at all car away but he comes back from the sky and now he's trying to get something going here as it is going to be the fite and the magical journey out halalay Esports they do get this one and now they're going to turn as ker is going in he wants to open this fight but peanut is just providing the door and Delight thinking about the disengage not sure if they want to continue on this one but the smoulder is online the executions are beginning as h v sports are running T1 away from this one T1 you just got a baron but they over Chase and H I mean z is trying his best there's the lock down though on to Faker he's in a lot of trouble and now they're going to knock away on her there's no protection for the Caitlin down will go vaker here in the front line P I'm thinking about continuing on this one here comes the flash the slow on to Guma who does have his flash but still trying to continue on this one big solar flare and now mear coming on in but the ster is gone and they're just going to give him off down will go and that is another kill here a shut down to smolder and another engage comes in from peanut and how about another one they're looking for car as well as he will be taken down it is a very fight for T1 because H life if they can get this Soul it's over trying to take out to light he is going to be caught they get him and they use a lot of their cc to take him down but that is going to give the Vantage here to T1 five members to four Now Sports still have their carries they still have a front line and they're still very far ahead so it looks like they wanted just fight for this one door and just jumping on in doesn't even care it's a 4v4 right now as the TP from Z is laid in the execution will come in and look at the damage right now from the side of H life they take down two and zus can't even kill amle Jin in the backline by himself it's a totally broken up fight and that will absolutely favor H life Esports as you know the last fight was very onid infernal Soul or just the game win to the side of H life Esports how much you can do in this situation owner trying to survive as long as he can but the rest of the team are heading over to try and end the game a very one-sided start to this one and there's not much else you can say some interesting picks from T1 but at the end of the day it's good Old Reliable smolder and the poppy as well from peanut to get the job done as very dominant G doing what they can on the other side now they are trying to lean towards Z if they bring four members that's where it becomes diable and it's down how well they have three and there's the stun already Z finally going to get that alt off and Delight does tank out the turret that's another turret shot going into fper chunking him at half as Z Will Survive against three can he survive against four the other question as the sun comes in lines it up for zaka really enjoying his time but there's a lot more resources on the way TPS are available yeah they're trying to get something here on the top side of the map but this is uh kind of halfhearted as now the Zin bomb comes over the top sa looking to take out Del will uh well if they get everybody up there as yeah no hook shot just yet and there's Zeo over the wall and now the magnet storm with the hook shot buffer to try to get away and an Al as well as we got a little Skirmish on the right side coming in Baker trying to flash on in but it will be disengaged Z has to back away here comes owner there's a way Z can flank with a TP once he recalls they're playing it slow they definitely are h p sports are backed up against the wall we'll see if T1 can Zone them and do some no Delight yeah that's a lot gone and how Esports again they have nowhere to go as Dorian trying to throw himself in there but now delight's got a front line and he's not very tanky to vs are just running the opposite way as he has to flash a spear T1 still on the chase but they're not quite fast enough I mean h Esports are just running away from them really fast isn't there just yet second doesn't have his ultimate maybe this is the window it's 27 minutes in that's a bit of damage from Mom but yeah peanut is in the pits they have not found a way to Zone him away and now we have the TP coming on in the all out on Taria and peanut will not be denied access as it is just a flip it goes to owner but the health bars are so low on the side of T1 owner is just running away Baker's running away Z is is isolating ker can't quite walk his way out of this one 12200 gold in the power play and now they're looking for owner oh he is caught out and there's nowhere for him to go they get Carri as well in the magnet storm as just just kind of hanging out at the end of the baron push and that will be a double kill he will not be tping into this fight as I say that he TPS into the fight as now trying to get on top of a Camille that's not going to work out Z not going to hit any engage but actually Doran is going to All Out goba but K is going to get the peel on that back line Doran in a bit of trouble but so is Kia who will go down first the answer is the cow as Kia does go down Z going forward Z desperately trying to find the angle very low health bars it's in go Z but there's no follow up as some bombs are thrown in the zeka finally the re for Faker he's going to get in he's going to get out and it's just going to be Doran super low on HP once again eats a spear that they used more as the mega bomb comes in they're going to take down the ra and how life Esports are left well they got some extra plates and they've gotten some other objectives as Doran is ex but owner's in a lot of trouble he will mom doesn't do much but owner still going to be caught by the Viper in a kind of an awkward spot but he's able to Flap away and he gets some peeling and now zus is really just in a rough spot here as well zeka does have his GA but down goes zus and how I they find the fight they're looking for more trying to find Guma trying to find Baker and K up the Two Carries here on the side of T1 they go in off the carry look at the damage from Baker it is huge as there's a couple of kills already for the Tristana Baker is standing and firing anding everyone out he gets a triple he no it's the kill the sa but it is a massive fight to the side of T1 as they overstep and Faker picks up a quad [Applause] nice of this uh of this of this justana and it's over there's nothing they can do then Nexus you see that the light is just desperation but this late in the game you give up a fight like that t will run away with the that's getting used as well we'll see if owner actually is allowed to take his buff does have Smite Advantage but he just can't walk up we'll see doesn't have a ward so can't get Vision into the brush easily uh yeah he's just going to get flashed on he plays with fire and now he's not able to get over the wall as it is Poppy after he's actually totally fine you track in like the last two oh uhoh y That's the catch on a baker he is so dead in this one he is able to Valkyrie the wall and Flash actually so maybe he's totally fine did have to expend a lot to get out of there but team like well he's dead Viper there run out of ammo yeah TP coming in and now this is about to get really Scrappy the AL goes in onto the light but now the charm coming in they turn immediately on this a who is so low but he gets over the wall and now holder in a bit of trouble but we got the flank coming in from Faker and Goo car looking for a bit more a lot of low health bars but is finally goes down to the que of this Boulder and car just trying to give up his life just trying to front line for theam team but Z just able to run forward they deny the pble he is not able to get anything it's another kill to the smoulder and T1 are just on the Run they can't quite get away nearly able to take out Viper but beened by peanut so many times and you know these times of like oh he's in a lot of trouble let he just keep getting away as Z will be uh uh rooted down but now we got the engage coming in from car as in goes theight just trying to save peut who is so low and even the poppy will be taken out eventually T1 H life gets this one if this and uh this attempt at oh it can't faill they need to get it uhoh Faker yeah he's going to be slowed up and now you got the whole team body block they knock away snip the my arent let's take another look oh cinematic view as well even the bomb on his head he doesn't care the fact you get cuz if you only get one front liner it's it's irrelevant and S them out yeah Peanut's going to use the engage cone and Baker and they don't even know about car they going to TP might get a little bonus carry at here that's a lot of damage and yeah K does go in but Baker they finally deal with him down he goes and K is in fact the bonus kot that I did mention so down he'll go and now we have uh very awkward Guma who tped into this fight he is free as well you talked about desperation that one definitely look uhoh another play here gumas in a lot of trouble can they take him down is the question the grenade goes is flying but he will live with that flash and now an opportunity for T1 to turn this one around but is just so tanky got the waro finish and now he goes back in and he's Ling there's the knock on a baker down he'll go Doran diving the turret SE is a massive Dragon at this point and they will just dive on in and decimate the rest of t k goes down it's a triple for the smolder [Laughter] once again winning on blue side going to try what he can but there's no way he defends against five here yeah he's trying desperately to clear the way but there's not much that he can do down he goes He trads for the life but he will not trade NEX is H life Sports will take down game number three and Rak the lead in this series two to one yeah especially when you're going grasp and you're also getting grasp sacks and meanwhile Delight here he just flashes in it's a free kill on a baker and now feel like mid would have been better but maybe just they thought they wouldn't find a window there now they are looking for Doran yeah he's kind of getting baited into this one and Faker just going to hop away Doran now flashes into the T1 jungle as Z's even trying to get on in there Doran one que away and nearly takes off Z head as yeah he will go down two CH Point against the poppy in particular not going to work as a one one a little bit help from the zig and it's just a trade Q just to beer through the shield so hard they stting the baron oh a lot of vs are down here for H life I don't know if that's enough but Tian is going to try they're going to send it we'll see if it works out for them peanut is in the pit the solar flare doesn't hit anything and it goes to peut the steel comes in and T1 might just get wiped here they've got Dorne in the front line for hanwa he's going to flash the wall down will go Faker in the execution and even potential for the penta it's not going to happen but how life these sports with this team Fight Win take a massive lead in this game I don't think they're going to make it in time we'll see just TP as well but yeah it's just the turn from hanwa and a bit of damage comes in but the stopwatch oh the six damage is massive actually in that psh but do they have enough to take out hwa Peanut has to flash away but Viper flashes in he's getting so low but zus takes him down owner and Z The Last Hope of T1 but they will not take out Z that will [Applause] [Applause] and we will be denied the rep1 geni finals H going to break up the streak they're going to go to finals they're going to go to Wills H coming strong with a 3-1 victory over T1

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