Archer Aviation $6Billion in sales strategic partnerships but stock under $4 Naked Shorters in play?

Published: Aug 14, 2024 Duration: 00:03:22 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: archer aviation
this not Financial advice not legal advice for entertainment educational purposes only please don't make any financial decision based on anything I say in these videos listen the good news coming out for AR arer Aviation just keeps getting better and better and better they just sold 580 million worth of air taxes to Future flight Global okay they have an estimated of $6 billion in sales okay $6 billion in sales and the stock is trading under $4 do you guys think that this stock is severely undervalued you have a company with over with $6 billion in sales they have strategic Partnerships with the Olympics with NFL teams with LAX airport and they're moving to other metropolitan areas and the stock is selling under $4 this is the Bad actors this is the naked shorters doubling and tripling down pushing the price of the stock down and you know why they do it because they can they do it because if they get caught breaking the law there are no real consequence quences they will pay a fine and then the day after that they will start naked shorting again and it and then it depends on what time they pay the fine cuz if they pay the fine during the market day they will continue naked shorting that exact same day they do not care it's absolutely crazy what these Bad actors are allowed to get away with every single day and then we have the s C the doj and the FBI claiming that they protect the market they do not they protect the 1centers and they protect the market if somebody is screwing over the 1centers if you're screwing over the 1centers with fraudulent activity or questionable activity you will get a knock on your door but if you are screwing over retail investors Pension funds and institutions that follow the rules nobody cares is but I believe and this is just my opinion and I'm not telling you to buy hold or sell Archer if a company just sold 580 million in product well Aviation Vehicles flight tax electric taxis and they have 6 billion in estimated sales how can that stock realistically be trading at under $4 make that make sense anyway please leave some comments tell me what you think do you think a company with $6 billion in sales should be trading at under $4 in a fear and transparent stock market anyway have a great day God bless and I appreciate y'all on this journey with me

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