FALL MAKEUP TUTORIAL 2024 | ChitChat Occupation Double Mexique 2024

So today we're going to achieve this [Music] look what I'm going to do right away is prime my face I'm using the Maybelline Fit Me matte plus poreless primer I've been really loving this primer lately if you don't know I have oily skin so this matte plus poreless it's like two in one not only it's going to mattify my skin but it's also going to reduce the appearance of pores which is great I just added to my T-Zone which is my forehead my nose my chin and my cheeks I start by tapping it into my skin as much as possible so it really penetrates my pores instead of you know applying it like a lotion so I tap it while slightly dragging it on my skin but I want to do a little project Pan um I've seen this going around and I was interested because babes I have so many foundations so many eyes Shadow so many products basically so many uh makeup products that like I would like to use up and now I feel like my goal is to finish these Foundation by the end of this year um 2024 so there's 4 months left so that mean that I will only be using this Foundation this Foundation I'm saying these because I have to Shades I don't know if it's possible but we'll see it's the e.l.f um Flawless finish foundations to be honest I really love this Foundation I don't see a lot of people talking about these foundations but yeah my goal is to to be done with this foundation so I think in the next couple of my videos this might be the only foundation I'm going to use project pan okay project pan and um I have the shade chocolate and the shade mcad nutmeg nutmeg there's also the name in French this one is right here so it's half done I just shaked it so it's not showing up but you can see a little bit the the mark the demarcation Mark so the shade nutmeg is almost done this one I've bought it because I wanted to mix it in so I could create the perfect sh summer shade but this is my shade um in the winter I wanted to try this kind of cushion I'm laughing because this is stupid but anyways I want to try this kind of not stupid what no no no no no not stupid that's not what I meant I want to try this little cushion foundation brush usually these are supposed to be used with um cushion foundations but I want to see how it's going to work with liquid foundation so we'll see going to apply this with a flat brush I love the smell this Foundation has fragrance in it anyways I'm going to carve out clean up the top of my brows using this Foundation okay let's see how this is going to work out H not bad you guys it's the sound for me it's giving a Samar next I'm going to use my L'Oreal infallible concealer to contour and kind of bronze I'm using the shade 430 mocha and 445 espresso I'm going to put one dot of the mocha shade because it's more cool one dot okay maybe two dots and then this one I'm going to do this much going to put what's left on my nose I'm going to go in with my first conce concealer shade which is the colourpop um that I used on my eyelids earlier and uh why do I use two concealers because the first concealer shade is very close to my skin tone meaning that I'm using it to correct mostly so under my eyes H it's pretty light well this is usually more close to my skin tone in the winter this summer I don't know what it was with the Sun but I've never been more taned than this except when I was like 10 years old 12 years old because the way I taned this summer and I was barely outside I don't know if that happened to you guys as well I'm not mad at it it's just adjusting my makeup other than that I really love my tan this summer I hope to also finish this concealer by end of this year I think I'm going to keep these close so I can be done with it so what was I saying yeah I'm going to blend this out using my e.l. camel sponge great sponge I didn't use it in a long time and when I used it again last week I forgot how good it was and I used to use it all the time so it's back next I'm using some liquid blush and to make it more Folly I will be using a orange blush but I'm going to mix it with a curl Shade Blush I'm using today uh the E.L camo liquid blushes the orange one is in Gorge orange and coral one is in Coral Crush I'm going to use a DOT of each going to put orange here there's a little drip on my shirt oh my God these are so pigmented it stay in my shirt for real yeah so stippling this into my skin let me take a sip of my coffee in my little opur cup opur is a place in Montreal and it's free there you can get there for free before s why am I saying this like anyone from Montreal is watching me if there's anyone from Montreal okay for that matter of fact watching this leave a comment down below don't be shy I'm drinking iced coffee melted like it's not freezing cold outside it's 11° Celsius de CSUS and I turn it on in um Fahrenheit because I was talking to my cousins in the United States and it's 56° fahr we're in the beginning of September like it's way too early way too early for this cold I said that with so much passion I need to calm down anyways to highlight my face I'm using um to to bring more brightness I'm using the Maybelline Fit Me concealer oh sorry B babes I'm sorry I kicked my little puppy babe baby it's okay I'm going to let her out of the room hold on I feel bad I did not know she was under the table um so like was saying I'm using the Maybelline Fit Me concealer this concealer I like it so much I don't know but it's in the shade tear what's going on it's in the shade 10 fair this for Fran okay I like this concealer this was the concealer oh no this is way too light oh my God I'm shook I'm going to use a concealer brush so I make sure it's not GNA ex not expand but you call this it's not going to what's the concealer I used before ew the colourpop concealer is kind of creasing a lot it's normal for a concealer to crease but that much though colourpop wow we're going to have some issues if I want to project fan this concealer because hey girl she's back okay let's blend this out going to try to keep this okay let's set it I'm going to use my Fenty Beauty um um Pro filter powder and I finally found a way to U make it work for under my eyes and basically is going with the lest lest amount under my eyes so this apparently is a baking powder I think oh no it's a setting powder okay that makes sense I always thought that it was a baking powder but basically I go in with the Littest amount and it sets my under eyes beautifully my error before was going in with a lot you can do that that with the HUD Beauty with the one size the laa Mercier but this one you really need to be careful and I go in with a lot and then tap it again just to make sure there's any left glad I found a solution because I have two of these powders and it was basically wasting because I hated it so much not hated it but I didn't like it that much I'm not going to exaggerate but yeah but now I'm glad to pick it up and use it so I will be watching the red Carl [Music] I'd love to know what it is basically it's like kind of a show it's a dating show so yeah that's a Quebec show what was I doing okay now I need to set the rest of my face to set the rest of my face I will be using a Maybelline Fit Me This powder I've been talking about it I love to use it under my eyes to set my concealer in a brighter shade I Ed the shade 310 Sun beige to set under my eyes but for the rest of my face I'm juggling between 365 and 355 of course 365 during the summer it's darker and love this powder like it's so cheap and it works very well I'm also going to use this powder to set my nose Contour so it's L horsh next I'm using a product that you already know I need to use I need to use it it's my a glamour bronze from morphe it's a bronzer I don't know what was wrong with morphe to discontinue this product but luckily for me this pan is so big I have like forever to use it I've been using it religiously for the three pass years and look no Dent use as well my um Juvia Place powder bronzer the duo thing but I don't use it a lot because it's Juvia's place and you if you don't know in Canada um the don't carry ju ju place in drugstore for blush I'm using the Sephora blush love this blush so much it's in the shade tiger [Music] ly all right so this completes my first fall look of 20124 I really hope you liked this video if you did give it a big thumbs up and if you're not subscribed yet subscribe and join the squad I love you [Music]

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