The Rings of Power Season 2 Episode 1 - 3 REVIEW + BREAKDOWN

Young Sexy Sauron hey guys I'm Jax and this is my spoiler review for season 2 episodes 1 2 3 of the Rings of power lot of the Rings the rings of power is finally back and oh boy do it get straight into it with our favorite sympathetic sexy saon that's right this show goes full prequel and gives us a prequel to season 1 of this prequel show and it's utterly delightful we see saaron as he was before he was hunky sexy man Aragon type and so slightly less younger and slightly less sexier although I suppose that is subjective saon gets seizured by all of his Orcs And recast adah for reasons I don't know he says some stuff where he's like I want to do the thing I want to do and they're all like we don't like this cuz we're Orcs And we don't like that because apparently we're not evil and we're just guys we're just very very ugly guys and we don't like to murder even though it seems like in season 1 they loved to murder but they don't like what his selling and so they Cesar him or they Jon Snow him either all and then we get one of my favorite parts of these three episodes where Sauron goes on a little bit of a flashback of Golem style kind of crawling through the gutters if you will or crawling through the caves and tumbling down a mountain we see him turned into just goopy blood and then we find out that he was able to survive due to Magic whatever who cares and he was some kind of tangler SL symbiote situation just rolling about like a bunch of grotty Mucky worms that really just looked like if tangler from Pokémon was a Symbio or had a simbio on him that's what Sauron is and that's a bit of fun and I loved it then he finds a human and he's like I like the cut of this jib but less old lady and more young sexy saon then we see the giant monster again and that's fun cuz I love giant monsters and I love the bit with the giant monsters like coming at him he's like going to eat saon and sa's like man saon and he's like I I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to mess with that and then the same just like bolts the other way that was very funny maybe the funniest been in the whole like three episodes I am going to be honest was that the start of my disappointments yes did I want him to ride that sea monster like some kind of Aquaman Sauron situation of course I did but any type of sea monster I'm a fan of I'm I'm a big fan and then we cut up to the present day moment where we met young sexy siren at the start of season 1 of rings of power and they do the classic awesome Epic cold open situation where you've got one character looking at another character and we've been doing a flashback leading up to that moment that we knew they were leading up to and they look at each other and the music swells and you're just like smash cut to opening titles what was my next note I feel like this season should have a subtitle like some shows do back in the day less frequent now that's for sure but it should be the Lord of the Rings the rings of power sub second subtitle sympathetic sexy saon wait no let me retone that sympathetic sexy saon yeah that's it it's all about the tone so the main focus of these first three episodes is that young sexy Sauron is now out in the open we know who is the young sexy saon is it the young sexy Gandalf character who's definitely Gandalf sorry I mean the young sexy mysterious unknown wizard who could it be it's gandal his quoted Gandalf and so now that saon is out in the open he travels into Mordor and he faces off against Adar and he all like let me leave please and it's like you walked in there bro what are you what are you doing I know that there was a moment at the end of season 1 where you had to have young sexy ston fully revealed with Mount Doom and it's the shot from the movies and the volcanoes doing erupting and he's all like got the cloak he's like I'm a smoldering sexy man oh isn't it going to be great that s looks exactly like this as a sexy smoldering man and you're just going to love it forever isn't that going to be great so he goes into Mordor and then he's like please let me leave Mordor because I only came in here for a shot like to end the season like a really cool Cliffhanger shot but yeah can I leave and adar's like get out of here man and he unleashes one of the hyena uh Wags on that old man the old man that like did the big key that erupted Mount Doom we all we all have fun memories of that old man with the key that made Mordor fun stuff but this is when young sex s's plot gets juicy he goes and he meets with C re bambo CAD demo Cel celer [ __ ] cereb B what C celador imbo celador imbo celador bimbo no that no that is definitely not it oh C my God cmbo and so young sexy saon goes and meets C brimo and C brimo I feel like is kind of the key to making this season feel kind of exciting and dangerous and interesting I don't know maybe it's just that I understand what the show is and that it's not going to be Lord of the Rings but a show this isn't going to make me feel like Game of Thrones did in seasons 1 to 4 but with the Lord of the Rings material but I've I've come to peace with that like two years ago when the show came out and I didn't like season 1 I rewatched it recently I had a lot of fun with it like I don't know I do not like how Mount Doom was created I don't like any of that but for the most part it's a bit of fun or whatever like who cares I'm still hating things unless they suck which so much stuff sucks now but I just kind of have a bit of fun with this but I feel like something that was kind of not necessarily lacking but something that's really a big strong addition to this season so cell brimo feels like this really strong main kind of heroic character at first like he's like this wonderful forg maker he's the master of making things he's an artist he's like what if science and Artistry combined to make the greatest elf of knowledge and wisdom and what if that really smart artsy scientist was like oh I can make something that's the most powerful awesome cool thing in the world and he's just like doesn't think about the consequences he doesn't think about the possibility of being tricked or manipulated we got little glimpses of it with hellbrand and C bmbo right at the end of season 1 but having just full-fledged big moments big conversations like the whole Crux of these first three episodes is their partnership and them creating these rings for the dwarves and for the men and him doing it knowing that the high king of elves doesn't want it to be done and all of this stuff and whilst we just fully know like I think at that point in season one I knew knew but I didn't know he was young sexy siron but now that we know now we know that he's just fully manipulating him I just find it really fun and satisfying that he isn't just like doing classic kind of you know tra traditional classic I don't know like it's isn't him just being like and doing some kind of magic spell on him and like touching him from the back when he doesn't notice and being like you'll do what I say cmbo cuz I'm an evil wizard tap he just kind of walks up and he's like hey bro you know how you made those three like super dope Rings like super dope three Elvin Rings right they didn't even like send you a text to like say thanks like they didn't even like say thank you they just like I'm the king I'm going to wear it it's super powerful and cool they didn't even thank you you're like the Craftsman bro you're like the Smith who did it they're kind of lame right just those those they don't even respect you I don't know what do you think about that and he's like how dare they I'll make a million rings and I just love this really authentic realistic vain ambitious arrogant genius who's like what he didn't even like say thanks I'll do I'll do it again I'll prove everyone I'm the smartest greatest man that ever lived he's just a quintessential class mad scientist and I bloody love that I love it I love how the manipulation and the trickery is essentially him standing about and just like nudging and pushing and like not like sorry no not pushing but just like n nudging and like twisting moments and just like saying this the right type of word and kind of like he like gets the person like looks at them and goes all right this guy's ABC so if I say d it's going to trigger all these things and send him on the right path and that's how he manipulates him rather than him just being like I'm a magic dark wizard cuz he can do whatever he bloody made it rain so the guy would come out and do all these things that's kind of big overblown stuff where it really comes down to making the Rings he really just like twist them in a way very subtly and all of that I just found really really fun really enjoyable all that stuff I loved I absolutely love the idea as well where he's like hey gadriel said not to trust me and because it's a TV show and we need to kind of figure out a way that you'll trust me and we want to keep the actor around I'm not just going to be in new face she didn't tell you like why and his reason is I lied about who I am I'm not a king guilty is charged I'm a wizard I'm essentially a God and he just buys it cuz he does a bunch of pilot tricks with the fire and stuff I think that's kind of funny I think it kind of says more about C brimo than it does about Sauron doing like kind of lame not lame look pretty cool I be pretty shocked if someone did that in my living room but like the fire goes up and down and he turns the lights on and off essentially and I don't know it's is pretty funny that it's like pretty like basic wizard tricks and Wizardry tricks and the guy's like oh my God he must be an angel from heaven or a wizard from Heaven I guess is what they get in this universe but he doesn't really think about too much cuz he doesn't really want to he doesn't care he wants to create these dope ass rings and all of that I just find really deeply compelling and interesting I love it all young sexy sonon is pretty cool actually I have one critique one massive dangerously negative critique the Elvish hair the whole Elvish look not a fan I feel like young sexy Sauron really he got his Vibe down he got his look down with the human hair with the UN budget Aragon in season one and I respect that just the the beard the the the the hair just looking like a man I suppose and I don't I'm not trying to sound elfish and racist towards the elves no not at all I just feel like that guy had a certain drip why' I try and say a young word like that I don't even know if that makes sense I just feel like he looks super cool as a man and now as an elf kind of looks like a guy doing cosplay kind of feels like a guy in a show where I'm like I don't know did you miscast this elf that you're doing oh he's in Disguise okay I don't know I just kind of feel like my enjoyment of him so far was like half Vibe half look and I just don't like it now and that is subjective but this is a review and everything I've ever said is subjective and by that I mean the objective truth Orc Racism is NOT COOL oh also Sauron implies that he's going to enslave all the Orcs when he takes over and that the one ring like enslaves them and I guess when I think back to the movie I haven't read the books sorry I'll get to them one day I promise I know I know I know I know I'll get to them one day I promise so young sexy saon implies in this that he's going to like enslave all the Orcs And like that's what the One Ring does and I guess if I think about when I'm like one ring to rule them all I'm like y yeah no okay no like enslave enslaved yeah sure but I always felt like the Orcs just like liked his Vibe and they just like saw the guy's armor and they're like yeah that guy that's how guy that's our guy who else is going to be our guy this dark wizard it's not going to be the elves everyone's super racist towards us this one guy's not but he hates them too or they hate him because they did a big Caesar SL John Stow on him so I don't know they don't like him either no one likes him so he's going to just enslave them and then enslave everybody and that's kind of horrible and kind of interesting it's kind of interesting that the Orcs are like just a different race and like they're not inherently evil they have babies and they love their babies as that one has got a baby he's like I love my baby I'm paraphrasing he doesn't say that he kind of goes you know because Orcs are disgusting and so on one hand I love the idea that Orcs are more sympathetic and more interesting and more compelling and on the other hand I guess everyone was just super racist towards Orcs they weren't just inherently evil they said they were and they were just like well just look at them and that carries some dangerously dark implications that being said just like look at them just like look at them just disgusting like if I'm going to be honest if ORS just like lived in our society e I'm kidding I'm joking if ORS existed in our real lives like the movie Bryce a movie every body remembers exists I would be not orc phobic I would love the Orcs why because if an orc stood next to me at a bar I am deeply attractive I am IM I'm like 2,000 times more attractive or am I no see if a lady I was trying to hit on at a bar like pick the orc over me i' probably I'd probably have to kill myself in fact I'm now seeing where all this orc phobia is coming from I didn't mean that that's not a true thing they're pretty gross though right hey guys editor Jax here just coming back into the video after watching some of that uh in the editing room and by that I mean right over there there's no there's not a separate room it's it's all in one room uh but I just wanted to say that all Comet the d uh it was a bit it was a joke I am in no way trying to spread orc phobia I am not trying to say you know anything like like imagine the things I say about Orcs is like how Eminem speaks about everybody it's just a joke although it's hard to tell with him isn't it it it it is hard to tell he he sounds very angry that was a bad example that was a bad Young Sexy Gandalf example so let's talk young sexy Gandalf's plot I don't know he like walks around in the desert for a bit and then does a big tornado moving on no no no I kidding youve somehow got to this part of the video you know I love a bit of a rant a bit of a ramble let's get into it so young sexy Gandalf and by that I mean dark mysterious potentially anybody he could be saaron wait no he can't be saon he could be one of the blue Wizards it could be soromon it could be just some [Music] guy so young sexy gandal this season is different how is he different you ask he he talks like a lot like he's super talkative now one might say he talks now he talks now it creates a very different vibe for the whole Gandalf and The Hobbit situation or sorry half foots I'm going to call them Hobbits or budget Hobbits I'm no no to the halfs thing not not not a fan it just you're doing Hobbits but somehow you feel embarrassed to call them Hobbits even though Hobbits are the best but you've made Hobbits the worst and like season one I feel like young sexy Gandalf well maybe it's not Gandalf but it's definitely Gandalf young sexy Gandalf and the budget Hobbits are the weakest element of the show in season 1 and I feel like the same is said for here they're not in it that much but the same can be said for season 1 I love the gravitas and the feel and the mood for young sexy Gandalf he's super cool I like him I love both the hobbits the budget Hobbits I just not for me the humor doesn't work it doesn't land just their whole kind of thing just doesn't really work for me it's really really off the biggest issue though this season which I don't think was that big of an issue last season it happened a couple of times and every plotline is like guilty of this the show Runners just see or the riters I suppose just seem to love to do this they can't help themselves but also I guess it's just like a subject of being a preal and that it's meant to be fun maybe I guess but it comes across as like really frustrating kind of embarrassing at times like this isn't the best show ever but it's definitely not the worst thing I've ever seene but the worst moments are when they remind you that you could be watching La the Rings instead of this show and that is all the member bearing moments those lines or moments where they're just like it's the same as the movie you love and I'm like yeah I know I know oh do I remember Lord of the Rings yeah yeah I remember Lord of the Rings my favorite movies I've only seen them 200 times you don't have to recreate exact lines of dialogue you don't have to recreate scenes you don't have to recreate shots and moments it feels cheap it feels lazy just I mean I don't even know what to say just feels so derivative and creatively bankrupt and it feels so Hollow and shallow and it just feels like yucky it feels yucky let's list them so we got the we've been here before we're going in circles when they're lost wondering about we got the easterlings but now they're westerling I think they're in the west they said and they're like looking for the hobbits and like where are the hobbits and the hobbits are hiding and the Magical cloak is hiding them like a rock and the Easter Lings like oh I've got a funky mask on and I'm I'm looking but I can't see them cuz of the magical cloak and then we've also got the capturing of Golem recreated as the capturing of a budget Hobbit budget swise gamji yay we thought we got rid of all the hobbits except for one now there's two of them yay but instead of capturing Golem in a really fun and clever way there's just like a rope on the ground a very visible rope like on the ground it's just like you make it too easy to mock I almost don't want to it's just so stupid and dumb I but they trip the the person chasing them and it's not some kind of spooky scary creature or some kind of interesting new character we're going to meet on their journey to do it whatever they're doing no it's just budget Sam wi gami and she's like I'm along for the ride too and I'm like why did you not just come at the end of season one then if we're doing this this doesn't really feel like it makes sense and is necessary how did you even follow them whatever who cares the most interesting thing with young sexy Gandalf and his budget Hobbits is that we are going to meet some kind of dark evil wizard played by man Raider himself Caesar himself which is fun someone got Caesar but then Caesar from Rome is in this show now as dark evil wizard I thought from the promotional stuff he was just going to play Saron that does not seem to be the case at all so I guess he's a blue Wizard and they're going to imply that he's one of the blue Wizards and that this is the other blue wizard cuz as far as I'm aware there's two blue Wizards don't quote me but quote me who cares whatever I'm pretty sure there's two blue Wizards so they're going to imply that that's the thing for season 2 and it's going to be a classic izy s and izy gandal for season one is like oh which which is which blue wizard because they probably have names or whatever but like who cares no offense but also it's Gandalf it's Gandalf he's young sexy Gandalf it would be crazy if it wasn't like why did he say Gandalf's classic line follow my bloody nose you stupid little hobbit or whatever he said you know in season one why does he just Why is he Gandalf if it's not Gandalf you know one thing that I did find kind of strange is that like the dark Saron non Saron guy was like Hey evil lady witch Eminem character you know that chick that looks like Slim Shady and she's like all like I'm alive again and something something the Wizards she says words and it's like okay you resurrected her cool fine she has a cool Cool vibe Slim Shady but a wizard that's fun but like I don't really understand why she's working for this guy wasn't her whole thing in season one being like you're Sauron our whole mission is to find you Sauron we love you Sauron and it wasn't Sauron and they're like oh [ __ ] well now she's working for this guy and they don't seem to be part of saon at all do they I feel like there was a flag at one point that had a mark and I'm like that looks like the eye of Saron but that kind of been right was the eye of saon maybe they working together but the way they talked about sonon was like that doesn't seem like they're working together and so then young sexy Gandalf is like tornado and it gets out of control he's like no the budget Hobbits they're dead but they probably won't be I imagine I'm just I'm just like taking a a swing a big swing a shot in the dark that'll be totally fine so as Isildur VS Young Sexy Shelob zor's introduction into the season is that he gets an Aragon and brigo horse saving scene from the clutch of young sexy wait for it Shob that's right we've got young sexy Gandalf we got young sexy sa we got a young sexy Gad young sexy Aon what I did not expect was young sexy shop and I'll be honest not as sexy as you might imagine for a young sexy prequel where everyone's young and sexy kind of just seems like a disgusting little spider but zildo gets captured by Shob and that's a bit of fun I suppose or whatever I don't know feel like the timelines that spider's 2,000 years old but are the timelines broken cuz now he's saying that I'm like well zildo isn't 2000 or is he I don't I don't remember enough I just rewatched the show and just went that's a bit of fun I don't know swords and stuff I like swords I like fantasy but they're like it's a magic tree we got to put rings on to save the Magic Tree and they do and then they're like we were all going to have to leave this land to a better land that we love more but we didn't want to do that but we're wearing Rings now so the tree is fine which means we're fine I love it I love magic so elf guy is Blue Dress Lady Cancelled? back yay the Elf character but blue dress lady his lover is not what happened she dies offc screen in between seasons offscreen in between season death in a show that like is fine with recasting they recast Adar what did she do to get so cancelled so impossibly canceled that they don't want to bring her character back as a different actress playing that same character wild love it nothing else to say about that plotline why cuz the video is too long Eagle Elections and finally we got about 5 minutes of numor politics or whatever and it's essentially just like five guys who are like H should we be a bit treasonous should we do some traitor talk here in this Local Tavern this local pub just having a drink where anybody who likes the queen can hear just screaming out freezing out to the crowd at this local pub filled with drunks what the hell luckily it doesn't matter cuz they Rock up to the coronation and they're like look at this big magic aall she uses it she's magic and a liar and they roll it on the ground and they're all like she sucks and everyone's like she sucks and then the big guy the big bushy beard guy he's like it should be me and then an eagle rocks up and it goes it should be him and then everyone cheers and and I kept waiting for the eagle to say something and be like guys stop cheering for that guy I'm I I clearly heard about the coronation that was for this lady and like I heard about it weeks ago or whatever and I flew over here at perfect timing to like celebrate her I'm only I'm just here standing cuz I don't want to get in the room cuz like my wings it's going to be crazy for me to fly out you know I'm just going to stand on the outside cuz I'm a big eagle and this guy just walked up to me I am in no way like endorsing this big bushy bearded man this trees in this monster I'm the blind lady I'm with her obviously but he doesn't speak like the eagles I presume I thought the Eagles were going to speak in this cuz they speak in The Hobbit the book but they don't speak it just goes and then the big bushy beard gu like yes yes Eagle chose me did anyone else forget the Eagles were were super big like when they're like well if an eagle rocked up that wouldd be pretty crazy bro and then the eagles's real big I'm like that's right it's l of the Rings

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