Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:04:19
Category: Sports
Trending searches: britt baker
in the next match we saw Dr Brit Baker DMD take on Mercedes Monae for the TBS Championship Mercedes came in in this like Cinderella esque like Carriage with two like sh whing dogs they're piped in CEO and of course go with me because every tiny person needs a big person bodyguard that has to be checked off I'll tell you though I I don't know what was up with Brit's gear but it was not the most flattering like her pants were really saggy like it just looked weird was not I mean she's beautiful but I would not have gone with that help the choice pretty standard back and forth so far there's a funny spot coming up you'll see oh I forgot like a Avalanche um follow slam but there's a funny spot you see coming up uh tribute to the cre so uh Mercedes body slam Brit off the top rope which she was targeting Brit's back for pretty much the whole match knowing that she had just uh recently recovered from her back injury I think bris heard him offense then I think uh share with the code breaker and uh she was going for another slam and then Brer Turned It reversed into a power slam off top and then here's the spot telling you about B bger pulled the Eddie Guero toss the title to Camille fell to the ground made it look like cam hit her WRA through Camille out so no it was just one onone versus Mercedes and she tried to get the Lo and I think Mercedes bit down on Brit fingers to get out of it she ended up finally hitting her with her finisher I forgot what she calls it but that uh slam move so you're a winner and still TBS Champion Mercedes Monae