YouTube is CENSORING Candace Owens (there's a dark twist)

and now we've got to talk about Candace Owens  who's just been censored by YouTube in pretty   dramatic fashion so if you guys have followed  my content for some time you'll know that I'm   actually not a big fan of Candace Owens and I've  criticized her a lot over the years I disagree   with her takes on gay people I disagree with a  lot of her rhetoric about Jewish people and I   do find some of it to be anti-semitic but I am a  believer in free speech and open debate so I am   concerned to see that she's being heavily censored  by YouTube Candice posted on x earlier this week   there'll be no show today or at all this week and  that's because YouTube has issued me a strike and   a onewe suspension for my sit down with Kanye uh  they also removed the interview as hate speech   as it was mass reported by zionists their tactics  never change and Candace shared a screenshot from   YouTube that says the video Kanye West y cross  Candace Owens has been removed from the Candace   Owens YouTube channel because it violates  our hate speech policies YouTube does not   allow content containing conspiratorial claims  that individuals or groups are evil corrupt or   malicious based on their protected group status  specifically the video in question contains claims   that Jewish people control the media so Candice  has explained on her show that part of what's   Happening Here is that there's been a coordinated  campaign by people who disagree or really hate or   strongly object with her criticisms of Israel  and her commentary that some people consider   anti-semitic to try to get her stuff taken down  and censored so let's look at that video where   she goes goes over that and so you're not going  to believe this they this account called awesome   Jew started saying to people let's start Mass  reporting her YouTube channel and he said this   after I dropped my Tristan Tate interview and he  showed a stepbystep guide of how to fake report   my account here it is you can rep even provided  a link you can report her YouTube channel here   because now they're like okay well we can't get  rid of her look at this this is incredible but   you go down and hit hate speech against ected  group do this to the Tristan Tate episode and   we'll get it taken down we're just going to  start Mass reporting her so that people can   no longer listen to her show these disturbing  tactics are apparently working because YouTube   did just take down her episode with Kanye West  or k yay and actually banned her from posting   for a full week I don't support this and I don't  like this impulse of trying to get someone taken   down or censored because you disagree with them  I've had many disagreements with Candace Owens   over the years I've critiqued her bad ideas  on many an occasion and I do that by playing   her commentary reacting to it explaining why I  think it's wrong why it's bad or even ignorant   or hateful and then disagreeing with her and  challenging her in the marketplace of ideas but   these kinds of coordinated campaigns to try to  shut down somebody because you don't like what   they're saying it represents an illiberal Impulse  that I'm just not going to be on board with and it   also I think represents an in incapability or an  unwillingness to defend your ideas openly and have   debates and and your and a lack of confidence that  you'll be able to win them and I really don't like   that or respect that now YouTube is a private  company they can take down Candace's owens's   videos if they want it's their legal right to do  so they can delete her whole Channel if they want   and it's their platform so ultimately they do have  the ability to do that but I strongly do object to   this decision that they're making just because  I do believe in that open atmosphere of debate   and criticism and also because there's a huge  consistency and fairness issue here I listened   to the interview with yay AKA Kanye West and he  says some absolutely crazy stuff and he does go   on some rants about the Jews controlling the  media and other stuff that I think is vastly   overstated and yes anti-semitic Kanye has gone  anti-semitic there's no doubt of that in my mind   but if we're being honest interviewing Kanye  West is still an incredibly noteworthy figure   and I strongly believe that media accounts and  personalities and journalists and commentators   should be able to interview people even freaking  Isis members or the Taliban or something like that   and air those ideas to the public because what  those people think and believe is newsworthy and   it is important and that shouldn't be taken down  just because things are offensive or might hurt   someone's feelings I strongly reject that I really  don't think the American people Jews or anybody   else are so thin skinned that they need to be  shielded from people saying upsetting and hateful   things because even shutting that down even  censoring that doesn't make those ideas go away   they still exist they're still out there they're  still spreading someone like Kanye is still   massively influential and just shutting them down  doesn't make that go away and if if if anything it   actually plays into their conspiracy theories and  affirms their beliefs and makes them look right   even when they're really not oh look see we told  you they're going to take this down because they   don't like the dangerous truths we're telling  actually let them say their peace and then fact   check it and debunk it and point out where it's  wrong but when you play into this narrative that   oh they won't let us speak because we're dangerous  truth tellers you're actually making them you're   locking in their base even harder and confirming  their biases and then again like I mentioned   there's a huge consistency problem here because  YouTube is saying well we took this down because   you're not allowed to demonize groups of people or  spread conspiracy theories about groups of people   well that's news to most of woke YouTube because  I could go and I could find you video after video   with countless views from Super popular users  demonizing all men drawing conclusions about all   men casting aspersions about all men being violent  Predators all men are guilty it is all men all   this stuff you're allowed to denigrate some groups  I could find you the same thing from anti-racist   woke types talking about white people saying  the most insane things things and to be clear   I don't want those people censored either but I  do want consistency and fairness and that's not   something you see in YouTube or many of the other  Tech Giants as enforcement of their standards and   their guidelines and these other kinds of things  what you often see is vastly uneven and unequal   enforcement which is really unfair and problematic  it also doesn't make sense because I do think that   yay is anti-Semitic and a lot of what he said  in this interview is is conspirator tutorial   but there's lots of hateful stuff all over YouTube  I could go find you massively popular videos that   are deeply homophobic besmer merching all gay  people smearing all gay people there's videos   out there saying horrific things about me that  YouTube wouldn't take down and maybe shouldn't   take down I don't know but there's just this  insane degree of inconsistency that in this   case Candace Owens and and yay have to be silenced  but so many other people are allowed to violate   these policies and it's never enforced and so  many other groups are allowed to be demonized   I I just don't get that double standard and  I think it really should be all or nothing   I'd prefer to just have an open atmosphere let all  the voices be heard but if you're going to enforce   standards at least do so evenly at least don't  just do so when a lot of people complain about a   certain person because then then you really are  empowering Twitter mobs and online outrage mobs   and that's not who we want determining the bounds  of Discord course I really I have no love lost for   Candace Owens I don't think a whole lot of her  as a thinker or an analyst but I don't support   shutting people down just because some of the  things they say offend people or upset people   I support open debate and discourse and I'm not  happy to see Candace Owens getting censored like   this by YouTube I'm really not what do you  guys think let me know in the comments below

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