Ranking Every M. Night Shyamalan Movie from Worst to Best!

Published: Aug 03, 2024 Duration: 00:17:45 Category: Film & Animation

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Intro so welcome welcome welcome to a video I've been very excited to make this is going to be my ranking of every M Night shyal Lama dingdong movie of all time he has made a bunch of movies I have 15 movies here he actually has made 16 but there's one of his movies that I did not see and I couldn't find it's his first film that he ever made so sorry but I will be talking about ranking all 15 of his other films from worst to best and I cannot wait for this because as you know I made a video a couple days ago where I discussed the idea of is 9 shamalan the worst movie director in Hollywood cuz he kind of gets that rap as a guy who just makes some really bad movies some really cringey movies cheesy movies movies with terrible twist and they all have a Twist some better and some very much worse and I really want to go through this filmography and really kind of find out how bad he is or how great maybe he is After Earth so let's get right into it coming in at last places After Earth I think this is by far M might shyamalan's worst movie and I know there's one other movie that don't worry I will be talking about in a few seconds but there's one other big film that a lot of people hate a lot more and they point to immediately when they talk about the worst films from Mite but after Earth to me is a movie that is not only his worst film but it is one of the worst movies I have ever seen of my entire life it's a movie that I feel like legitimately has no redeemable qualities this is a film starring Will Smith and Jaden Smith when he was still trying to be a big actor as well and unlike the pursuit of happiness where this fatherson Duo really worked and brought a lot of the emotions out in their characters in this film it doesn't work at all this is a film about a son trying to find his father in this very alien world the issue is the world that they crash land in is is not interesting the characters are boring and unlikable the CGI is terrible and ultimately this film goes nowhere it is unwatchable it's boring and I have yet to meet a single person that enjoyed this film I think it is easily his worst and number 14 is The The Last Airbender Last Airbender and yeah here it is the film that everybody everybody shits on the most I remember being a very young kid seeing the first ever trailer for this thing of course this was like the height of The Last Airbender of avatar The Animated show being out and I was so freaking hyped seeing that first preview cuz it's bad ass Ang alone in this mountain airbending as as this Fire Nation Army comes in it's seriously one of the best trailers ever uh the movie is just nowhere near that quality it's a cringey movie and I will give ight some credit for he did try to make something that was different than the animated Show versus the new Netflix last St Bender which I felt like tried to make the same exact thing as the animated show and therefore kind of suffered the same bad faith AKA making a bad adaptation type thing Em I tried to make a darker take on the characters he tried changing some things around and doing something more unique but he ran into a bunch of problems first things first he changed things that shouldn't have been changed like the pronunciation of people's names un why he also ran into another big problem and that's trying to fit a full season of Television into one two-hour movie it doesn't really work every time it's been tried every time they've tried to do it with a bunch of other projects it's very rare that this could be pulled off in a nice way this whole movie felt rushed the characters don't feel organically in this film and what they're doing doing and the actions they take the decisions they make the relationship between Ang and the other two characters qara and Saka just never really works Zuko never really comes off as a great villain although I like the casting of Dev Patel and I know a lot of people don't like the casting of this movie because it's completely whitewashed I genuinely do not care what the people in the movie look like no matter how it is I just care about the performances and unfortunately I I did not like Dev Patel as Zuko although it is a great casting in my opinion the betting in this movie is awful the CGI is atrocious and the writing suffers from the M Night shamalan diet diog issue it's just goofy this is just a bad movie there's yet again nothing redeemable about it other than the fact that it's funny it's so bad that it's hilarious so yeah and number 13 is old Old this is one of my favorite movies of all time cuz it is so stupid and so dumb that I actually kind of love it this is a movie that doesn't really work on any length other than an entertainment factor of being so terrible that it's actually amazing old is a movie about a bunch of people who go on vacation and they go to this beach where they get trapped and they find out on this beach that the more time they spend there the fast their body's age so they have to find a way to escape the beach before they all die of old age it actually kind of on paper sounded like a cool concept and I thought the trailers to this film all looked great instead what you get when you actually arrive to the theater is that exact concept but done in the silliest way possible with a bunch of characters who are all just so unlikable a script and dialogue that is so unbelievably corny you legitimately have to listen to it to believe it there's a scene in this movie where one of the characters has cancer so being on this beach and time moving faster the cancer grows at a faster rate so the characters have to decide what to do to save This Woman's life so they decide to cut the cancer out and I'm not joking the actual line is we have to cut the cancer out and then they cut her open and they remov the cancer emite shamalan congratulations man you just cured cancer you figured it out it was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in a movie and it's there's just a lot of that in this film there's a Twist in the movie that I don't exactly hate I actually kind of like M Knight's twist in this one but overall not a good film goofy stupid but a lot of fun to watch The Happening next is the happening this is another movie from M9 that is just not great although it had a good concept and a good sell I actually like the early parts of this movie with this weird apocalyptic event going on where people are all killing themselves the twists in this movie and how a lot of the characters are just acting throughout how they are written and how unlikable they are make this movie almost unwatchable The Twist is so stupid it's so kind of brain dead and the characters are not entertaining enough at least in a good way to make this film a good film and kind of overcome that dumb plot twist but but like old this is one of those films that's so dumb and has such a kind of stupid concept with its twist that it's watchable and it's somewhat entertaining I mean it's Marky Mark who doesn't want to see Marky Mark reading M Night Shyamalan dialogue it's fantastic The Village next is the village this is one I only watch for the first time recently and um I didn't love it this is a very different M might movie and it has a lot of the qualities that actually go into some of his best movies that we'll talk about in a little bit it's a lot darker it's a lot more straightforward tries to tell a more serious story that is some really creepy Vibes to it this whole movie takes place in this kind of Amish Village that is being haunted and hunted by a bunch of these weird creatures outside this community we follow a bunch of different characters mainly hen Phoenix and Bryce Dallas Howard these guys have like a romance going on in this movie and they kind of want to escape that's kind of an an oversimplification of the plot that's going on here but I do kind of enjoy this movie I enjoyed Adrien Brody's performance I thought it was something sort of different for him I've never seen him in a role like this U The Twist here is fine I think the twist it's self is not so surprising you can kind of see it coming but I really like how they kind of combine the twist along with Bryce Dallas Howard's characters blindness and how they kind of go hand inand with the end of the story and the themes around it I thought that was one of the smartest things that M Night Shaman had ever done but overall this movie is just kind of slow and boring and I did not get too into it if I'm honest but anything with Walken Phoenix I mean I'm down for the Lady in the The Lady in the Water Water this is one I haven't seen in a while and I wanted to put it lower but I don't remember that much about it so I don't I put it really really low on this list and then I rewatch it and I'm like wow that was so much better than I remember but this is like a weird fantasy movie starring Bryce Dallas Howard about like bed time about like dreaming about this chick and I'm going to be honest I don't remember much from this movie at all I'm not going to lie to you and pretend like I remember every last beat I saw this movie like five times when I was a kid have not watched it since but I remember not hating it it's very different from em Knight's other films and uh I like the cinematography so yeah then you got Wide Wide Awake Awake which is definitely the most different M Night film on this entire list this is a film that is just completely devoid of any of M night's actual trademarks as a filmmaker you would never know M might made this film unless you were told Wide Awake is kind of a goofy comedy film it's about this 10-year-old boy who goes on this quest to discover the meaning of life it's got a bunch of different people in it that you might know like Rosie O'Donnell uh but it's like a fun goofy comedy that you'll forget 5 minutes after watching it there's nothing egregious about it there's nothing terrible and there's also nothing M9 Shyamalan about it which is kind of the biggest disappointment about it but it's a lot more watchable than a lot of the films that came before it so that's why it ranks here at number Trap eight we have trap the brand new film from emite Shyamalan I went into vast detail yesterday in my review for this movie so go check that out but to sum up my thoughts on this one it is a movie with a ridiculous ridiculous concept that the movie does not force you to think that hard about thank God because the moment you think hard about it the moment the film becomes kind of uh really goofy let's just put it that way but I really like Josh hartnett's performance in this film as kind of this charismatic serial killer and I like the quest of him trying to avoid the police there's a lot of other stuff in this film like the second half that I didn't particularly love once it got away from the concert venue but this whole idea of this concert trap I thought was cool as long as you don't think that hard about it but I had fun with this movie and that's why it ranks right here in the middle of this list number seven is the The Six Senses six cents and yeah I I'm doing it I am putting the six cents this low because I watched it recently for the first time and I did not love it now here's my problem with the six sense and it's a problem that maybe you do not have with this film or you did not have have with this one when you watched it I watched this film for the first time knowing the twist I knew how this film ended and I feel like a big part of this movie working is watching it not knowing what is going to happen and watching it not knowing what's going on I feel like that is the key to this film working and if you watch it for the first time knowing what is going to happen and knowing the twist it just ended up for me being a very boring SLO of a film about Bruce Willis who's just kind of watching over this kid who sees dead people and not much really happens around that plot at least not enough for me to really sink my teeth into uh that had a lot of substance to it and because of that I just found myself to be very uninterested and detached from this movie it is nowhere near my favorite M9 film but there are still a lot of things that I appreciate appreciate about it I think the writing here is super super sharp Bruce Willows gives a phenomenal performance you have one of the best child performances I've ever seen and it is still a really solid movie I just feel like this would rank maybe top three if I had seen it not knowing what was going to happen and number six is The Cabin in the Woods the knock at the cabin the film that M Night released last year because now he's releasing movies every year how cool is that Naga the cabin is based on a very very great book called the cabin at the end of the world a book that is actually a lot better than this movie unfortunately because M9 as with his Avatar adaptation decided to change a lot a lot of things that I think really worked about the book but either way this movie stars Dave Batista and a bunch of other great people as this family that's living in this cabin is confronted by these four people who are saying they are they are the Bringers of the apocalypse and they tell this family that they must make a sacrifice or the world will end and throughout the film we're questioning whether this apocalypse is actually happening whether these people are actually telling the truth or if they're lying and the characters have to make a ton of difficult decisions around this question it's a movie that has a ton of suspense that's what this film is it is one gigantic suspenseful sequence and the film is carried by a fantastic Dave Batista performance I think he is incredible in this film it's one of his best sort of displays of his acting prowess to this point I also think Jonathan gra and Ben oldridge do a great job as this couple in the movie I do not really love the ending of this film I think the ending of the book is a lot stronger longer than the ending of this movie but at the same time this was one that had me hooked for the entire run time that stretched a little too long but it's still a solid movie which is why it ranks this high at number five Glass you have glass which is also one of his newer films this is the big Trilogy Ender to the unbreakable Trilogy we never thought we were ever going to get ight shamalan superhero Trilogy that's disconnected from any Grand superhero universe and this film was very exciting when it came out I remember after split and seeing the twist ending of that movie revealing that it took place in the same universe was unbreakable the idea of having one big final film bringing all those characters together was so cool and the say this film delivered did it I don't know I definitely think this film is a little bit of a disappointment because it ranks below the other two films in the trilogy but at the same time this film has a lot to offer M might shamot subverts expectations instead of delivering a gigantic Action Hero movie you get a very kind of slow quiet film about these three Heroes of course Mr glass played by Sam Jackson you have Bruce Willis coming back you have James makoy coming back and all three of these characters these superpowered characters are l in this mental facility and there's something really unique about that we get to explore these characters and sort of slowly figure out what it means to be a superhero in this world and if that's like a real thing in turn it ends up feeling kind of like the realest superhero story I've ever seen when it comes to what it would look like in our real world is something like this were to happen I actually do enjoy the twist in this movie I don't love the ending before the twist but I love the overall twist that the film delivers that gives us a satisfying ending to this Trilogy and to this weird superhero universe mni created and number four is the visit The Visit this is a straight up found footage horror movie that ight Shyamalan made in 2015 that sort of resurrected his career this is like the first great movie he had made in almost a decade at this time the visit is a freaky movie with a very cool concept for a found footage film most found footage films are usually monster movies or sort of like power normal activity sort of horror films with ghosts and spirits you know you set up a camera here and you see stuff moving in the house during the night you know that type of [ __ ] this one kind of mixes the best of all those kinds of genres it's about these two kids that go to visit their grandparents and they're filming the whole experience and their grandparents are [ __ ] weird and there's a lot of really creepy [ __ ] and imagery in this film there are some stuff that scared the living crap out of me when I watched this film for the first time and it is really effective I think found footage when put in the hands of a director that knows how to scare his audience can be such a powerful medium to tell a great horror story and here I think he did just that I love the twist in this film I love the ending this is one of his best Straight horror films that he's made and it's why it ranks this high on this list now we get to his top three which I I think are easily his best movies you can honestly call these three movies masterpieces I think they're phenomenal they are better than most filmmakers top threes out there you put this top three against just about any other filmmaker and there is a conversation to be had that they are just as good outside of like the top five filmmakers in Hollywood first up is Split splits now this is one of the most surprising movies for a ton of different reasons mainly because of that ending that did reveal that the movie took place in the universe of unbreakable which was such a well-hidden surprise but outside of that ending there's just a straightup good movie about this girl played by Anya Taylor Joy who is kidnapped by this guy played by James makoy who has all these different personalities and to say that this is James mcavoy's best performance is an understatement he should have been nominated for an Oscar here this is a tremendous performance that more people should be talking about it's insane how many different characters how many different emotions he's able to display in a small runtime this film actually still happens to be terrifying it's suspenseful there is a level of thrill in this film and danger that's felt around our main character that's kind of hard to it's hard to achieve as a filmmaker to really make this situation feel terrible as it actually is and the third Act of this film brilliant this is a fantastic movie and it's horror it's M Night horror at his absolute best except for one other film that we'll talk about I love split I think it's incredible and that final scene that last twist in my opinion is one of if not the greatest twist in Hollywood history outside of like Luke I am your father like this one is like right right near there and Unbreakable number two is unbreakable the first film in M night's superhero Trilogy starring Bruce Willis who plays David Dunn a guy who survives a train crash and slowly realizes that he may or may not have superpowers and his mingl Lings with this Mysterious Mr glass this movie is just so fantastic it is such a different kind of superhero movie that I think came well before its time if this movie had come out today it would be a massive massive success but because it came out early in 2000 it came out in the year 2000 it kind of went under the radar for a little bit this for the longest time was one of those you know kind of sleeper cult hits in my opinion it is a glorious movie that tells such a different kind of personal superhero story that really grounds it in reality which to me is the best kind of superhero story when you take these Larger than Life characters but you make them realistically feel like they belong in our real world and that's what this film does and it does it so so well the ending of this film is brilliant it's one of if not 9's best twist and I honestly love everything about unbreakable it has one of the best characters that ights ever written in David dun and overall this is just a phenomenal movie that I cannot believe the guy that made After Earth made this Signs film and at number one we have signs this is by far my favorite emni chaman movie ever and to me it's one of the best Alien films ever made and I don't know why people don't like this one I see a lot of hate for signs and I don't get it I think this film is brillians I get that kind of like the last minute twist with the aliens is a little dumb but everything of this movie this whole buildup to this Alien Invasion sort of the mystery of what are these things what do they look like the performances from Mel Gibson and Phoenix everything in this film just works for me the scares the music the scene where the alien is kind of locked in the pantry and mil Gibson is looking under the door with a knife to see the reflection that is one of the greatest horror scenes in an alien movie I've ever seen the use of suspense and tension in that scene is so brilliant it freaks me out every time I watch it even though I know what happens this movie traumatized me as a kid it scared me a hell of a lot more than many of the other Alien movies that were out at the time and it's a film that I just think is Timeless I wish we got more Blockbuster Alien Invasion flicks like this today this genre has kind of sort of I don't want to say died but we don't get a lot of films like this anymore families you know this family Vibe of facing this un this Unstoppable force of nature that's raining down upon them this mystery of aliens this mystery of this force that we don't understand coming to try to hurt us or do something else with us we don't know that is a concept that to me just always works and it works so well in this film and we need more of it honestly ight makes signs too why not thank you guys for watching make sure to like this video subscribe for more tell me your rankings of ights films down below and I will see you guys tomorrow [Music]

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