another day in another practice officially in the books for the Pittsburgh Steelers but today was different today was amazing the offense looked better Russell Wilson came to play and the pads came on the ultimate first day of practice for the Pittsburgh Steelers and guess what we're going to cover the entire thing in this video so make sure you guys do me a favor before we jump in before we get into the news notes highlights observ do me a favor and go follow all the Steelers media team on X now the reason being is they're amazing they keep us updated with all the highlights all the news all the notes and without them these videos are not possible to make so please go all them on X I guarantee you guys will not regret it at the end of the day you'll be updated with practice just like I am so go follow them on X with that being said enough with the BS let's get into what you guys want to hear about and that's today's action which was amazing so obviously we all know Russell Wilson walked down those steps with the helmet in hand with the pads on and from that moment we knew the Steelers training camp had begun and that was amazing to see Russell Wilson although he was very very limited looked good today Russell wi Wilson did take part in handoff drills but then in six or seven on sevens he did participate and went six for six now there was one part of practice that was very scary it looked like they were working on a new install for a new offensive play that had to do with Roman Wilson in end round type of jet pass type of thing right and he ends up getting tackled by Anthony aett obviously first day of pads they're going to tackle uh Roman Wilson you know gets rolled up on and he goes to the sideline now good news was he walked over there was very you know gingerly but did walk over there on his own power couple minutes go by C comes out and that's when I got a little bit nervous he can't walk off the field by himself don't really know what's what's wrong with them specifically if you guys have an update let me know in the comments down below but it looked like maybe a hip maybe a back injury I don't really know exactly what it was um but overall guys outside of that everything was amazing Russell Wilson was a was amazing right and as he gets more and more unlimited um things will start to R up for him but it looked like J or Justin Fields was the the QB one today obviously with with him um you know limited Justin Fields was amazing his best day of the of training camp obviously the pads fully come on and this dude looks like he can't miss a beat this dude wasn't missing a beat in terms of Justin Fields uh 44 in his reps with the second team offense in seven on seven uh I have not seen him do this in Camp even when you Dat Back to the Bears he never had consistent days where he was just like dot dot Dart completion right he was just going crazy and with his legs as well we're going to get into some of the plays here in a second but um I just want to give a big shout out to Justin Fields because he has been the ultimate Pro and been making some big time plays and not complaining about maybe not being the starter he's coming out here he's working every single day and that is something you love to see now one play he found Darnell Washington over the middle one thing we didn't see Darnell do a lot last year was catch the football and I think today uh was you know kind of a Telltale sign you might see a lot more daro Washington this season which is definitely something I want to see Connor Hayward also caught a deep bomb uh from Russell Wilson that was good to see Dez Fitzpatrick had a really good day today had a couple of really bad days but today bounced back um you know he's definitely got to watch out for to potentially climb up this step chart again Fields was a qb1 uh finding a couple of big uh you know Big Time gains over the middle of the field like I said to Washington Jaylen Warren had a couple of uh nice catches we had a big handoff to Naji Harris who had a massive day today a big game was very vocal in practice as well listen there's it's not every day you see Naji Harris come in here in one-on ones versus a linebacker trying to protect the quarterback and he's vocal man he's calling people out he's saying he can do this he can do that and he's he's holding his word man so Shelton nii a lot of people are really down on Nai and think he could have a or this will be his last year in Pittsburgh man I don't know he's been working hard he's been activated I'm excited to see him continue to grow now before we get any further we still got a lot to talk about trust me uh make sure you guys do me a big favor hit the like button but act but more importantly subscribe to the channel if you're new it is free it doesn't cost anything and we will be covering the Steelers throughout the entirety of not only training camp but pre preseason football games live streaming those breaking down the film on my twitch you can find the link in the description below and also the regular season as well going to be posting uh film review videos of the offense the defense uh what they're looking like how they're doing we got you guys covered but let's get more into some plays man so Russ ran the first two plays of seven on sevens had a short game to Dre Jenkins next play was a rainbow a beautiful throw according to my boy bewall to Connor Hayward like we said got behind the defense and a massive pickup and then Fields came on he had a nice little checkdown uh second play was it was over the middle to Scotty Miller who's been uh you know maybe not breaking out but he's been looking decent and more decent each and every single day as practice goes on as he gets acclimated to the Pittsburgh Steeler Playbook it seems like he's getting more involved and now that ran Wilson is potentially could miss some time look for Scotty Miller to continue to ramp up and get more and more as uh time goes on the third play was was a desit Patrick catch over the middle and then you get quz Watkins on a nice in route a in coverage and then from there Russell Wilson came back in and then he had a one to Calvin Austin the third four short gain also Calvin Austin looks like he'll be the starring pun returner he won the pun return drill today who could catch the most uh balls with the pun return uh you guys know that drill where you catch one you got to keep holding on to it then you got to catch the second one and then you got to hold on to it catch the third one uh cin awon won that drill today sorry took me a while to explain that one but all right so Russ's second pass of seven on sevens was completed to uh completed to Pro it um third one was to uh George Pickins on a quick slant uh the fourth one was to George Pickins on a short gain with queen and coverage and then Justin Fields came back in uh you know hit de Fitzpatrick for a couple plays had Scotty Miller on one and then Allen came in Kyle Allen a guy who has been really making a name for himself definitely didn't have the best practice ever uh had one to Dez Fitzpatrick had one to Scotty Miller and then had a couple of overthrows had a couple of uh you know rough starts just really could not hit anybody on target outside of a couple um so quarterbacks looked relatively good if you want to look at Justin fields and you know Russell Wilson so that's good to see we also saw grayan Arnold jumped a pass looked like it could have been intercept actually it was an interception uh from Kyle Allen intended for quz Watkins he's another guy trying to fight for a starting nickel spot on this team but beanie Bishop has been taking a ton of the first team snaps um you know with that defense so look for Beanie bishop and graro to continue to compete for that role um we had 11 on 11s Justin Fields again four of four did not miss a pass he had a screen he had a deep Corner route he had a shallow cross and also in the flat as well just great throws great finds um you know kai Allen came in one for three at a sack and an interception as well the interception did come from Gran Arnold like I said um again Russell Wilson didn't compete in the 11 on 11s he was uh you know just in with the seven on sevens we saw a lot of one-on ones today as well Troy fatano absolutely uh stood up TJ wat on the first rep and then the second rep W tries to beat him with a speed rush uh but fatano you know does a good job standing him up again man so shout out to Troy fatano although he's a rookie man don't look like a rookie uh Logan Lee another rookie had a couple of Big Time run stuffs in the middle of the field he's trying to you know Garner some time in that defensive tackle position uh obviously with Dean Lowry being injured Logan Lee is getting a lot more opportunity so shout out to him Justin Fields QB won during 111s had a nice quick screen to George Pickins um Joey Porter Jr was in coverage that's a matchup we've been seeing a lot this summer um dude earlier today in one-on ones I believe George Pickins had a one-handed snag over George pick or over uh Joey Porter Jr in practice so that was cool to see Elliot had another Blitz from the safety spot where I believe he was actually in a slot on that specific play he was a little bit late off the off the jump off the snap but um you seeing him a lot move around the line of scrimmage or or get to that safety spot or you know he's pretty much lining up everywhere so shout out to uh deson Elliott uh Fields hit George pickings on a drag route that was good to see and then we had some really good protection by the offensive line van Jefferson had a deep deep track another nice play again I feel like Justin fields did a good job going through progressions finding the open man and taking what the defense gave him Jaylen Warren Dogg in the back field in terms of pass Pro had two really good reps against Patrick Queen and Mike tomin was hyped about it man he was hyped about it he was like hey that's what you're supposed to do RB like he was pumped so that that's that's uh that's cool Jeremiah Moon um he's someone who has really kind of stepped up as of late looked good still a lot of work to do here uh to make a name for himself but is already starting to look like a guy they like over here in Pittsburgh let's see what else do we have today I'm still looking to see if we can get anything on Roman Wilson Oh naagi and pass pro at a good rep versus Landon Roberts Roberts wanted again did it and then it was more of a a balanced one Roberts might have wanted but it was pretty close um Nick herig was getting uh clamped by darno Washington on the pass rush drill uh we had uh Jefferson nice quick slan AIT Jaylen Warren continued to dominate on the the pass blocking drills so hey guys overall not really too much more to talk about today was an epic practice it was a fun practice um Justin Fields Russell Wilson nii definitely the biggest stand outs Jaylen Warren stand out as well George Pickins than Jefferson um the offensive line looked really really good Roman Wilson injury hopefully he's okay but guys hit the like button subscribe if you're new join the family and I'll see you in the next Steelers update peace