Green Bay Packers Announce 53 Man Roster & Adam Schefter Joins!
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 01:57:33
Category: Entertainment
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gave away you know $500,000 let me Pat myself on the back here like you never call me who hate people no it's you just love finding people to not like I hate people individually but I love mankind oh you do okay so yeah you're that's fair yeah I mean all these people sounds about right but we just said before the segment that you don't like hanging out with people either well that doesn't mean I think they're bad we don't know each other that well you've said 30 insane things to me in the last few minutes I'm not in every minute no you're not an every man I'm not an every man you are a singular man this is Jen Gabe and chewy broadcasting live from the grber law offices one call that's all Studios at the Avenue with Gabe Nel and Mark Jamara here's Jen [Music] L she's trying to hide it I'm cool as ever she's too excited her man look like he want to fight he ain't doing nothing but running do you think I'm [Music] I cannot hear you what topic are we talking about oh there we go uh I guess just generally smart you know like everyday sort of things well you're quizzing me right after I saw you do something really dumb like if you're sitting down to take the ACT yeah my money's on you doing everyday life stuff I've got some question suddenly what do you mean so Chu Jen Jen has this tea over here and I don't know what supplement she decides that that she's putting in there I'm just getting the TVs getting the studio all situated all of a sudden I just hear her start shaking and she yells hot and starts doing it again yells hot instead of just like stirring in something she threw on the cover which obviously has a hole in it because you need to drink h of it she covered the hole with her thumb and then just started shaking it to mix it in okay would you hold on would you rather be book smart or street smart I would take Street Smart every day of the week and twice on Tuesday I would also take Street Smart because it comes in handy more often like you're not taking the act as I did a few months ago regularly but you are interacting with human beings and problem solving and you know navigating situations every day all the time now this one was not one of my finer moments I will admit that so again just she did it once and you're like okay that's hot maybe I shouldn't do it and she's like nope got to keep going I've got one of these these cups Che these these uh paper cups or whatever they right I see okay and you I put my finger Over the Hole where you drink and then there's another one for the air so I put my other thumb over that one and I just started shaking it but but the T yeah turns out came through the holes and burned my thumbs okay so what's the perfect percentage because I'm topheavy when it comes to Street smarts I'm probably 9010 Gabe you're probably close to 64 n 6040 Gabe I'll take 6040 Joshy Josh's a fine balance of 5050 Jen I have no idea where you're at well I mean I got studied for 19 days for the SAT and I ain't getting a 28 so my guess is you're you might be a little topheavy too top heavy topy SM yeah I don't think so I'm pretty Street Smart also so that's the thing I'm like 9090 that's what I am yeah okay 180 intelligence 170% way to go that's my IQ there it is we can't ignore the fact there that chewy just added 90 Plus 90 and came with 170 yeah again he there you go there's my 90 I was about to say he's top heavy to illuminate we knew he was topheavy we can just move on he already admitted to being top heavy in that instance I think I obviously misjudged the temperature of the tea I thought by now after it's sitting out this morning during our production meeting right cuz I poured this at you know about 40 minutes ago at this point I thought that it would have cooled much more than it has by now that was not the case so Gabe that is like what are you doing like I'm trying to mix in my supplement and he said how about a stir why hold on why tea why tea cuz tea to me is bougie really put it on the poll is tea bougie it is bie maybe it's because I was in the UK for a week last week and that's all they'll give you is tea no they because they offer tea I feel like you've been on a I mean at least drinking tea during the show just because you've been going through the nose thing the ENT stuff youve you you've gone out to Advent to get that taken care of You've Lost Your Voice a couple of times the t's good for the voice that's right yes and we are getting closer as you can hear to me not being you know the nanny anymore you know Fran dresser or whatever variation you want to talk about because when I had that nose procedure done it was like welcome to Jed game and chewy can I take your own like it was real bad but now it's getting better it feels like it's getting closer to what I imagine my voice is you know that's the other thing too you don't really know what your voice sounds like unless you listen to yourself you know like on a on a show or in a voicemail or something like that your voice doesn't sound in your head the way your voice sounds to other people that was a wild thing to learn when I was a kid yeah it's like your breath uh how is it like your breath please please expound you can't smell if you have bad breath you have no idea someone has to tell you just like you you do know what you're no just like it no that doesn't work it doesn't work it doesn't no it's just like your voice you have no idea what your voice sounds like until you hear it back on the radio or something I like my voice gab people love your voice yeah I I I like my voice I I the thing is I think you just have to like your voice there's nothing you can do about it it just is where it is what are you you going to change your voice what if you cut your uvil off why would you do that seems painful change your voice that would not change your voice there's no way cutting your I don't think the uvula is for your voice I think it has a more uh what does it do important job than that what's the important job since you're the books smart one I'm going to Google it right now yeah I want to have this conversation very quickly as we were talking about books smart and street smart and obviously I saw yesterday that that um Apple is is putting out a new AI iPhone feels like a little too many eyes there but I digress the AI iPhone and I was sitting with Chase yesterday Chase is our 15-year-old uh almost 16 crazy and I said to him how do you feel about AI just trying to start conversation with the 15-year-old and he says I mean there it's good I think there are good things about it but it's also a little intimidating I said I got to be honest it's making us Dumber as a society right yeah because we no longer wait to excavate information from our brains like things that we know are in there you give yourself what Joshy how long do you give yourself to find in information that you know is in your brain you just can't recall very quickly no more than 7 seconds and then what I Google it you Google it yeah I think that 7 seconds is probably very short I was going to say like statistically you don't you won't recall something if you don't in the first 10 seconds that's that's not with my brain on the average look it up look it up Josh you and I spent time in my car driving around for a half hour before I found the house finally you can still recall things after then but if you don't have it almost instantly you are likely never going to get it I can't imagine that that's true I promise you it is did you Google it yes um no cuz we all say when we were trying to recall it we're like it'll come to me it'll come to me and it most times it eventually does that's what I think and then in the middle of the SE segment when we're we moved on you just yell out the name you were thinking of yes oh French class sorry that's my go-to always honey I shrug the kids it's a old old reference isn't isn't your concern there about making us Dumber the same concern of um people had when it was like oh the printing press now you can look up in encyclopedias or oh now there's Google or ask geves isn't it just kind of the continuation the continuation of therefore moving past recall maybe but I feel like it's getting worse like I'm walking with Dario the other day and we're having a conversation and I said oh remember that thing what was that thing and he's like yeah I can't remember it and he immediately goes into so I go give it a minute like let your brain computer work for a second it it'll probably process and get you to the answer you're looking for but he's so quick to grab his phone and have it answer the question for him I feel like and and I could be you know cucko laa here about this but I feel like that is a muscle Gabe you have to work recall is a muscle you have stop it what are you talking about over there you know what I'm trying you don't use it you lose it yeah thank you very much I was trying to recall that and I couldn't you didn't give me 7 Seconds am I wrong about that do you feel it similarly no I think I think that you yeah like the fact that and I know chewy makes fun of Josh but like the fact that Josh reads as much as he does is good for his brain that is a good thing for you to do put the screen down just kind of get lost in something else consume different various you know types of media yeah I think you need to be using your brain more instead of just automatically relying on oh I can just look this up the fear with AI is simply just obviously besides the obvious take over the world stuff is people just stop doing stuff like nobody you you will no longer besides the fact that AI is going to rise up and kill us all other than that here's what I'm concerned about it's the simple fact of like you'll just never learn anything because at least I Google something I will then know that answer for however long when AI is just doing it I just don't have that skill whatsoever cuz I'm not doing anything Jen like you're the closest to me in age do you remember having to use encyclopedias oh we had the encyclopedia britanicas that we had the same funkin wagels yes really and remember when that was actually a profession Like Somebody went door to door selling those things or Tupperware or vacuums well that's gone the way of the dodo hasn't it everybody buys everything online now can I ask you a question is it not played ISM if you put everything in quotes for like a report yeah are we doing a thesis or a paper no you can't I was doing my thesis I'm try I'm trying to figure out what you're what do you care if you quote something I mean technically it would not be plagiarism can if you quote it and cite it properly correct if you cite it but I do think that teachers and again I don't want to speak for all teachers but I think they have a certain threshold of how much they want you to footnote if you turn an entire paper with starting with a quotation mark ending with a quotation mark 10 pages later I'm guessing you're not going to get a good grade is it like the definition of plagiarism is taking somebody's other stuff and passing it off as your own but his point is if why you put it in you put it in quotes you've cited it properly whether that's APA whatever style yeah but at least there's a chance game there's probably that you know you might slip it by 10% of the time which I'm willing to take a fully quoted paper you think you're going to slip by the teacher so Chu now again this is why he is only 10% book smart 90% Street Smart now sh they push everything through a plagiarism uh software so now every paper gets pushed through this software and it's basically cross referencing the work that the student is turning in versus all of the works on the interwebs and if it pulls and there's a percentage again that you're allowed to quote unquote site or you know use their verbage and then if you pass that threshold they will flag your paper for plagiarism and you'll fail it yeah big big business now glad I went to school in the 80s went to school as in quotation marks thank you all right we got to take a break here on Jen G gab and chewy got a lot of stuff to get to today we do have Adam schfer coming up uh we'll talk to him about some of the cuts around the league and other news in the NFL Sophia min's going to join us as well to talk about the Brew Crew who are doing fantastic final month of the Season here right we're on the doorstep of September Brewers still in that top spot we'll talk to Sophia Min and of course we're going to break down the roster Packers making their Cuts yesterday what surprised you about the guys who will be on the 2024 2025 roster at least right now we'll get into that after this on Jen gab and chewy Jen gab and chewy continues next on 945 ESPN slowing down still just a little bit westbound 94 from just before 27th Street to Mitchell Boulevard the eastbound side is going to be slow from Meadowbrook Road to Highway 16 through that construction zone then you're 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out there about the Packers cuts and everybody kept saying like oh they didn't keep eight offensive linemen they didn't keep nine offensive linemen they kept 10 offensive linemen I was like okay good good good well and then they kept six defensive ends and they kept and I was like where are they getting all these roster spots from um Gabe what of the things that happened yesterday obviously there was some big news about AJ Dylan being put on IR his I IR IR IR I is baseball correct I is football um and his season being over there was the news about the quarterbacks that both of them were cut um what stood out to you most about the cutdowns yesterday for the Green Bay Packers I think it was I think it was the AJ well actually the biggest one I think was Anders because it I I presumed that Anders had won that competition and then it seems like what is going on over there like she can't even drink her tea now you need to take it away remove it remove it can't handle it we have to take it away it's all over her jacket spilled tea everywhere what is happening okay okay continue please I'm sure you were making a really brilliant point I don't even know what I was talking about AJ oh AJ Dylan and Anders um I thought Anders had won the thing um but AJ Dylan it kind of feels like this is the end of the road for him doesn't it well this is what they're going to if he was a jerk they would have cut him but he's not he's a nice guy so what's going to happen with AJ Dylan come on do you really believe that you do you really believe that his personality had anything to do with the fact that he is still affiliated with the team yeah what yes they kind of did it with they kind of did it with Donald Driver back in the day there's a story there that I can't tell but I'm just telling you that's what happened you're the worst kind of I tell you what this is what's going to happen with AJ Dyan uh they knew they've seen enough from him his yards per car were down I think the the three plays to get one yard kind of sealed the deal what they're going to do is they put him on IR which is essentially we love you here's here's this year's salary we would like you to be the next Rob Davis of the Packers and Rob was a player Personnel guy right correct I mean he's Perfect Right the mayor ofor County nice guy it only makes sense to he's not going to get better right and they're very I can tell you this from experience they are very Suspect with injuries above the shoulders above the shoulders so I think that's what's going to happen and good for him because I think uh it would be good for him to be around the team and and help the younger guys in the transition from college to to Pro so I think that's what's really going to happen doesn't it feel like there's an aspect to AJ Dylan where it's you worked your ass off you like reshaped your body and you just weren't good enough so we kind of like it's like the worst kind of guy like you're trying your hardest you're just not good enough so like it's you don't feel you you feel bad about it like what can we tell you I don't feel bad and and I this is not AJ Dylan specific this is more of my perception of what the NFL has always claimed to stand for which is it's a meritocracy either you're good enough to make the team either you're good enough to contribute either you're productive or you're not and if if you're not you're on the outside looking in it's kind of like the conversation Gabe that I was having with you as we were sitting down about how all of a sudden over the last 5 years or so there have been more and more people on social media who are reminding us football fans that yesterday is a tough day for a lot of people in the NFL tough crap I'm sorry it's the league is tough It's hard to make a team and I'm not gonna sit here and then start to like uh gently discuss guys who aren't good enough to make a team I get it they have a family I get it they've worked hard for it I get it it has been their dream all along but people get fired all the time I don't see people handling those situations with kid gloves like that's why I don't agree you that the Packers a top tier Elite organization are somehow sentimental about this guy but I mean you you've walked around those Halls so if you're telling me something that I've just never subscribed to I'm willing to come around on it but I just I just have never seen that before I never thought that was real there was only one team that wanted him he was a free agent there was one team and he's not even good enough to make that team but that's not their problem right yeah but they like the guy so I'm I'm with Chewy I mean well well look at look at what they were going to do with Brett look at what they were going to do with Brett it was essentially a $22 million bribe to not play football anymore so they do do it do you guys remember what I'm talking about right they gave them that mhm we do but we're comparing Brett far to AJ Dylan I got to stop you right there no but I mean what's what what are they going to pay him $2 million this year something like that yeah yeah I mean that that's that's no big deal they were Jen they were going to have to pay him an injury settlement anyways if they were just to cut him straight out and then AJ Dylan and this is how it works okay then that neck Stinger thing gets much worse when you're trying to get a a injury settlement you know where if they kept him on the roster he'd be like I can play in three or 4 weeks now his tune is going to Pivot if the Packers just cut him he's going to say are you kidding me this is a 12 week injury you got to pay me a million and a half dollars that's that's how it works that's that that's how it works but I think that's how it went down the fact that no one else wanted him this year he was a free agent went everywhere and the Packers gave him a pence of a salary where's he got to go you think after this neck in he's going to go out into free agency and all of a sudden teams are going to be like yeah he's done there's a lot that chewy talks about too where it's like a guy who does all the right things is in the wait room doing all that stuff I think those guys are harder to move on from than say a guy who doesn't put all like Aaron Rogers talked about how the wide receivers weren't doing what they need to do like when you're a guy like that I think it's a lot different than well this guy doesn't show up he's not working hard it's it's it's way different when you're all the right things including the personality stuff and you're just can't hack it doesn't that make you worry a little bit though like like you guys are having this conversation and again having not walked the Halls chew like you have I'm inclined to believe that you know how it how it shakes out in there I got to tell you though as a football fan I don't want that I don't want sentimentality when you're creating a roost I like but it's not really sent to me because he's not on the roster like they they knew they couldn't keep him on the roster but they want to do something else for them so as a fan like it doesn't affect you it's not your money that're yeah and it never it never does I'm talking more about like from a um across theboard sort of standpoint you need to be making decisions about who can get the job done not who's nice who people really like who right and again I think when it comes to the 53 they are making but I'll give you another example guys I'll give you another another example Chris Gizzy right what's your first image of Chris Gizzy running out of the tunnel with the flag right 911 and what they do with him cuz he was a nice guy and he was a great story they made him the old line or the uh strength and conditioning coach and he jumped over Mark lvat who was an assistant when I was there so they do do that you know if you tow the company line they like you they're going to reward you when they want you around John [ __ ] another great story you know John Coon's NFL career was what I mean you know he's a fullback he played for a long time I think longer than we all think but he personality is but he's a fullback and I don't want to disparage fullback basically it's one click above it seems it seems like you're disparaging fullbacks it seems like I'm just saying I'm just saying in case people didn't know what position he played he's a fullback okay and what do they do now he's he's he's he's the Larry McCarron in Waiting which is great he does a great job he played 12 years in the league what yeah well not all of them were with Green Bay obviously correct nine with the Packers one in Pittsburgh two in New Orleans give me his H lifetime stats or his actually Packer stats his Packer stats give be rushing way too much uh 601 yards rushing 15 touchdowns how many carries uh 196 give me an average uh 3.1 yeah I'm gonna you know what I'm going to do I'm going to take that 10% books mark down to about a six right now asking Gabe to do all the remedial math for you so I'm just telling you they do do that and they should yeah that's the because they're good ambassadors for the every time every time I want to make a joke and every time but now you've done it three times so that's like Beetle Juice Beetle Juice Beetle Juice uh we've got Adam shter coming up next on Jen gab and chewy we still want to get to some of these other decisions that the Packers made yesterday yester about the roster uh what do you think of the wide receiver room you excited about that what do you think of what they did with the defensive backs some of those guys out there who had performed really really well during the preseason were surprise Cuts yesterday we'll get into that as the show rolls on you've heard me talk about my garage floor and how it transformed thanks to the friends over at Showtime floors their latest innovation has me even more excited it is a sealer that gets applied protecting your new and existing 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then again back on the brakes from the zoo all the way through the stadium inter change we've also got the right lane blocked on Westbound 894 right about at Lumis we've got a broken down vehicle there that is in traffic so we're seeing delays Hefty ones coming out of the Mitchell interchange towards Lumis traffic is brought to you by Fisco Autobody call Fisco Autobody to help with all body repair needs Fisco Fisco Fisco and check at the TMJ4 Storm Team forecast uh today mostly cloudy cooler but humid isolated showers are possible a high of 78 tonight partly cloudy a low of 67 from the WTMJ traffic center I'm Debbie laa on 945 ESPN to fall into golf with late season rounds at sweet grass or Sage run the vibrant fall colors and cooler temperatures make for great days out on the golf course fall golf rates run September 16th through the end of the 2024 season with tea time starting at $75 in stay andplay package starting at $110 and submit your 2025 Golf package requests early to 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fishen and power of zip recruiter for free just go to sfree that's sfree sfree whether it's live or in podcast form you've heard us on air with all of our Shenanigans Gabe I'm throwing some why are you throwing I don't want now see your favorite 945 ESPN Show streaming on video by Me by the way I hit that microphone like four out of six times on that subscribe to ESPN Milwaukee on YouTube and get notified when we hit the air live plus you can watch back any second that you miss and see original digital content too watch listen interact ESPN Milwaukee on [Music] YouTube Wii and T did you get nervous as a player first of all like you know before matchups with Bruce Irvin or whatever it might have been presented by P windows and doors of Wisconsin also sponsored by American Family Insurance he's such a jerk isn't he like he just can't help himself he's got perfect kids they eat all of their vegetables and everything else and nothing but it but Jason loves to throw pot shots whenever he can have you noticed that about him weekdays 9 to noon on 945 ESPN untethered unfiltered and unbothered when they say Thicker Than a Snicker what do you think they're talking about thicker thought that was like body tipe Kyle brustin nortman kbn what but what kind of are we talking about I one at least three the more se's the greater the thickness weekdays from 2 to 5 right here on 945 ESPN And subscribe to the show on Apple Spotify or wherever you get Podcast everyone's goto source for all NFL News Adam shefter teas some big breaking news Adam you've told us about it what do we got Adam's on the phone you got more news what do you got they're going with another move and here is the man who knows all Adam and we're going to get right to some breaking news here that just came down this tweet from Adam schfer it's ESPN NFL Insider Adam schfer side gets wins right they have Jordan love under contract for the next 5 years let's get this deal in the books Let's get it done the way we want structure it uh if you're draw love you're banking all that guaranteed money you're set you're set for life so again I I think both sides win Adam schfer on Jen gab and chew presented by Orthopedic Associates of Wisconsin there is a difference also sponsored by Island Resort in Casino can you hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me we are efforting Adam shefer here on Jen G and chewy just give us a few minutes to get the technology up and running between chewy stuff this week and you know this happens this type of stuff happens I am very interested in what Adam schfer has to say about this private Equity development in the NFL we were talking about it a little bit this morning Chu you're not a fan you don't like the idea of this private Equity 10% you know being able to buy into NFL teams why he is H how do I uh they're bullies they're bullies and having some experience with private it I'm just worried that they're going to try and get more of the pie uh than the 10% that they're allowed to grab right now because they're bullies they're they'll be the big guy and hopefully they'll never get control of a franchise because they're going to push everyone else out they have a lot of power um and a lot of you know I've had experience with buyouts examp for example when a private Equity goes and tries to buy a company and there's an earnout right they never pay on the earnout they never pay on the earnout how does that work though you would think too that there would be some language in a contract there is but they don't care they use the courts and and what they do is say say you sell your company for x amount of dollars and there's a $5 million buyout right based upon the benchmarks you have to hit they're never paying out on those benchmarks okay you can say hey I reached the threshold of whatever percentage they're going to say no you didn't they bring in their forensic account and say no you you didn't and then there's a fight between the person who sold the company and the private equity and then what happens uh private equi has so much money to the little guy they're like I don't care we'll take you to court we'll bleed you dry go ahead and sue us do you want to pay $500,000 in legal fees to get $5 million they're they're kind of Ruthless they're kind of Ruthless we now have Adam Sher so let's bring him in on this conversation good morning how you doing today welcome back Jen I apologize about the technical difficulties my connection is not working with video today so again we're just calling in today instead apologies as they say in Ireland no worries uh let's get to this private Equity thing because we were just talking about this new uh I guess the NFL has has decided it was I think I saw nearly unanimous by the owners I believe there was only one person who voted against it how does this change the NFL if at all from a fan perspective well I don't think from a perspective much is going to change I think the idea here is that this has been going on in other sports and it's another Revenue stream for NFL teams so that if a team is valued at5 billion dollar with the prices of these franchises skyrocketing and a team needs some cash which some teams have had needed that in the past to build a training facility to build a stadium whatever it may they can sell up to 10% of their franchise to vetted approved private Equity firms who have been dying to get into business to do this anyway so it now creates another Revenue stream for NFL owners at a time when franchise values are skyrocketing and the other thing that it does also I think is when you see the commanders go for 605 billion or whatever the price was I'm pretty close to it you start to price out some buyers like there's not a lot of people in this world who could go afford six billion dollars today and by the way may be more in the future it's going to be more in the future so now if you bring in private Equity firms private Equity firms to uh absorb 10% of the cost it makes it a little bit more manageable it makes it feel a little bit more doable my conc certain adom is they're going to want more it's going to start at 10% and once private Equity gets control of an organization I don't think that's a good thing because then they're controlling the firing of everyone firing of coaches I think as long as they stay at 10% which I they're not going to try to do they're going to try to get to 51% it's fine but once they C cross that cross that threshold and become um the majority owner of the FR I I think we're going to have problems I really do and I don't well but what I would say to that is what I would say to that is this it took a long time for the NFL to get to 10% yeah Equity involvement a long time and I if it ever gets to 51% I cannot see that being anytime soon I just cannot see that like that's years away from happening well to che's point though Adam and it's not 5 I just want to be clear on this but according to the article on this very topic the NFL is the last of the major sports leagues in the United States to allow private Equity funding the NBA the NHL the MLB MLS and nwsl all allow for up to 30% of a franchise to be owned by these private Equity companies that's a little bit closer to the 51 yeah there you go okay so 30% the other sports the NFL I think because it's the last one is is going to try it and see how it works and then the league would have the option if it so chooses to be able to raise the stake of private Equity involvement to up to 30 now we're just coming up with that number because that's the number another leas there must be a reason that they came up to that number I don't know it particularly I'd have to ask people in this area why it is 30% and yeah could I would I be surprised if eventually the NFL got there probably not like again there were people thought that private Equity wouldn't find its way into the National Football League and it did and here we are at 10% so let's see where that goes Adam yesterday roster cut down day everybody down to 53 is that one of the busiest days of the year for you trying to keep up with everything going on and all the players being released well from a an actual numerical standpoint yes because you have basically 32 teams making 37 moves so it's just a huge number of transactions I still think you know the first couple days of free agency are probably the busiest days and the draft day is a busy day but from the quantity involved uh the volume involved yesterday's probably the busiest day on the NFL calendar for everybody because it just goes non-stop um with all these teams making news now again I mentioned every team cutting down 37 players 16 players are signed on practice squad so 21 or out of work 21 time 32 you do the math uh what is 21 * 32 let's see right here uh 7 there he goes okay 782 players G to be out of work here like time to wa move on and wait wait wait wait wait wait Adam are you just taking Chewy's word for it that he was able to do the math Gabe just let it go okay 32 I I okay I know 672 good job was right there Adam by now you should know better I mean like I appreciate the Blind Faith in the big guy that you're providing but by now you should know you have got to push ad Adam the back story is this Adam the very first segment we came out I said would you rather be street smart or books smart right so and and you know I tell to I'm 90% Street Mar Street smart 10% book smart so for me to come out with that number that's why Jen and Gabe were like you got to be kidding me we knew that you were kidding us we knew it wasn't real the fact that Adam ran with it I just didn't know what was going on yeah and and did you know that smart is spelled s m a r t chewy did you know that too there's no e on the end [Laughter] very good Adam we didn't get to talk to you about the Malik Willis trade is there anything there uh did you hear about any of those conversations obviously he has slipped in now slides into the backup quarterback the rumor is that they're going to keep Sean Clifford as the practice squad guy uh is there anything that Packers fans need to know about Malik Willis they hope that he is not in there obviously as the backup quarterback but I think the goal is to have somebody who can win you some games if he's pressed into duty well here's a guy that's when he has gotten time in the preseason you he's made some plays and obviously they feel like they can help him grow and improve his quarterback the Titans were more comfortable going with Mason Rudolph whose style of play I think more closely resembles will Levis and I think Malik Willis probably his style of play a little bit closer that Jordan loves than it is uh will Lon clearly Green Bay you know when Malik Willis was coming out there were people who thought he was a first round talent and there were people that identified him as a really strong Prospect and obviously Green Bay must have had a good grade on him at that point in time to make the trade and the cost is not very high at all so they're getting a backup quarterback on the chief wi clearly they didn't believe in the quarterbacks they had as backups for Jordan love so they made that move and you know that to me that was expected honestly I thought that they would be in that market for a quarterback uh I thought they'd be in the market for a kicker and they are right we don't know who their kicker was going to be at do we well that's the next thing I mean who's who's out there I was I was just kind of scrolling through last night Adam after all the the cuts were done and had did a great job of having all the guys who were cut for every team I'm scrolling through last night the list of kickers out there I mean it's I don't see anybody who would be appreciably better than what they have in Greg Joseph is he's the one who they kept on the roster yeah I you know the name that came up the other day to me was Matthew Wright uh who was with the Pittsburgh Steelers I didn't see if the Steelers cut him yesterday uh I'd had to check I had the wire with me but you know Greg Joseph may be the guy but it wouldn't shock me if they went out and found another kicker that wouldn't surprise me either so I think that could go either way Adam we saw that CD lamb signed a couple of uh days ago do you think a Dak deal is close no I I I don't but that doesn't mean that they couldn't get there like you know last week a CD land deal wasn't close and then it got there and I think that there will be a push before the start of the season to try to get a Dak deal done but you know if I'm Dak Prescott you know I guess it's Dallas if you want to stay there and and the offer is right um then you can go ahead and do it but the idea of Dak Prescott is a free agent next march when I can give you a half dozen obvious Landing spots when his price to me would be 60 million minimum uh there's something that's intriguing about that right so he's got a lot of Leverage being that the Dallas Cowboys can't place the franchise tag on him so by the way Matthew Wright was released yesterday from Pittsburgh so that that's a guy that again just I I I don't want to see the list of kickers out there that Gabe went through but that's a name that I know was brought up to me earlier over the weekend we were talking about Packers kickers with Craig cares Adam before we let you go couldn't help but notice a viral video from NFL live where it appeared as though you were talking about a certain tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs who may or may not have purchased an engagement ring for a certain International Superstar would you care to share any details you might have on that situation uh I know that it was Laura talking about him not purchasing a ring and then you said well how do you know he hasn't purchased a ring and you are the guy who knows all the things so it got my eyebrows up is all I'm trying to say but that's all it was Jen it was good fun right because my daughter is going to be 16 years old and she's a big Swifty and there's been all this speculation from people about the fact that there are people out there I have no idea what's right or wrong that think that Travis and Taylor already are engaged married they they think that right now I don't know if that's true or not but Laura rage came out of the break and just said well we know Travis Kelce hasn't purchased a ring but he has purchased a horse and he named it after Taylor's rook and so all I said was how do you know that he hasn't purchase the ring all I do is raise the question right and she's like go what do you know I'm just asking you you know sure sure sure but the big difference here is Adam if I say to Laura rutage how do you know he hasn't purchased people dismiss it because they're like H she doesn't know anything but you're Adam bleeping shter okay we feel like you've got the inside track on all of the things and obviously this is peripheral NFL because of Travis Kelce so you got a little more responsibility than say I do in that situation right and here's well and here's the thing if shefy breaks this if shefy somehow gets on the inside and breaks the engagement news that's the biggest story of your career right hly right where does where does the cost of the Ring where does the cost of the Ring start so if he goes to the jewelry Center is he saying yeah I'm looking like at a $7 million ring well I mean he's got some extra money laying around after signing a hundred million doll deal with Amazon for the podcast I I understand that he's debating bringing in 10% private Equity ownership on the ring can we do that you can do whatever you want expensive these days you help funding what allow he needs to bet the private Equity firms to make sure that they're approved and then they can invest up to 10% in the engagement ring that he would purchase for Taylor Swift if he hasn't purchased it already you know what's crazy is we're talking about how the pool of people who can afford NFL franchises continues to shrink right as the price or the value of these uh teams goes up and up you know who could afford to purchase an NFL team lik probably a couple of them yeah all right Adam we really appreciate you this morning have a great week and we'll talk to you again soon thank you very much appreciate it Adam Sher brought to his each and every week by the island resort in Casino a premier Resort destination the largest north of Milwaukee with everything you like to do in one awesome location visit Island Resort andc and book your total experience today Jen Gabe and chewy are back after this on 945 ESPN September baseball is coming and every Brew's game means even more this time of year get to American Family field as the crew takes on the Rockies September 6 through the eth get your seats now at phones aren't wired to the wall anymore we carry them in our pockets cars can even drive themselves right technology 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great music cold beers food and golf challenges at the clubhouse Festival inside the stadium upper deck is open to all ages but tea times are limited so book now head to upperdeck golfing. to book at tea time today it's Jen Gabe and chewy unbelievable that they ran all over this vaunted defense Elite what Kool-Aid why it was poop Kool-Aid and we gobbled it down a 945 ESPN fix Ryan from iguano weighing in saying when Travis Kelce starts doing commercials for a local jewelry company I guess we'll know what's coming next you know much like gab and our buddy Ashton you know when when you guys need something for the lady you work with Dean Dean the dancing machine I mean I'm sure Dean would love to work with Travis you think he's getting lab grown can't imagine I mean why not I mean but he's got all the money like sure but more I mean just the reason you keep all that money because you you know do the smart thing Jen more bang for your buck with the lab grown but but seriously where does it start $10 million ring oh God I think you got to start looking at like what some of the other celebrities r RS you look at her friend group that's what I would do right look at the Blake livelies look at some of those gals that she Pals around with and see what their ring is because Travis is Gonna Know JLo's got one for sale right you think she's just Consignment in her wedding well she's got a lot of them her why would I don't know she feels feels like she might hold on to this tell me she's not putting those on display like you you might have your Super Bowl ring on display yeah I'm looking it up right now how much JLo engagement ring uh oh this well the 15 karat ring from Alex Rodriguez was $1 million oh that's it cheap how about the okay hold on again she's got several of them so hold on the most expensive and rarest ring in JLo's collection is a magnificent 8.5 karat blue radiant cut diamond flanked by trapezoid cut diamonds on a PL Platinum Band that was given to her by Mark Anthony worth 6.5 million you think Travis has got to go up and above 6.5 for Taylor's ring probably you said 10 you might not be that far off yeah what is a 10 million ring doll ring look like uh do you even wear it do you even wear a $10 million ring it looks like this there you go yeah that's what I'm saying like it it of my mug or my cup of cumbersome like how are you even wearing that and functioning in society right like look at this I I hope Travis doesn't snore that's all I'm going to say oh because when she yes okay when she in the middle of the night yeah cuz I had a bruise on my lip and I'm like where the hell did that come from and you think it was Angie's ring of course it was where else would I from yeah I suppose walking into doors enough all right lots of stuff to get to in the second hour of the show we do have Sophia Min she is going to join us going to continue talking about the Packers roster cutdowns and this $500,000 scratch off ticket what is the obligation to tip somebody who might have led you directly to that fortune we'll get into that on Jen gab and chewy never miss out on a second of the show find Jen gab and chewy on Spotify apple or wherever you get your podcast with Wisconsin on demand sponsored by Celsius essential energy drink our earlier accident on northbound 43 at Bender has been cleared out of the way so that's doing a little bit better on the southbound side we are seeing delays from Silver Spring down past Capital Drive westbound on 94 backed up from 17th Street out to Mitchell Boulevard eastbound 94 backing up from Maple Avenue all the way to about Highway 16 in wakaa County little bit more right past Barker Road and then again riding the brakes from the zoo all the way through the stadium interchange Northbound on 4394 taking it back all the way to the airport spur through the Mitchell all the way up to Oklahoma Avenue we've got delays there and checking the TMJ4 storm te forecast today mostly cloudy cooler but humid isolated showers possible a high of 78 tonight partly cloudy with a low of 67 from the WTMJ traffic center I'm DEA on 945 ESPN [Music] the island invites you to fall into golf with late season rounds at sweet grass or Sage run the vibrant fall colors and cooler temperatures make for great days out on the golf course fall golf rates run September 16th through the end of the 20124 season with tea time starting at $75 and stay andplay packages starting at $110 and submit your 2025 Golf package requests early to guarantee Choice dates plan your fall golf Adventure today at Island Resort Jen L here from Jen gab and chewy I have told you about the delicious pizza you can find at proof Pizza inside St cake now there's even more to be excited about with new sandwiches on the menu available every day from 11:00 to 4:00 you can enjoy options like the turkey pesto the meatball hero the Italian hogy and more skip the same old lunch at your desk and grab a delicious sandwich from proof instead order inside the restaurant or directly from the bar at St Kate explore the new sandwiches and the rest of the menu at proof Pizza MK hi this is Evan Cohen from one Sportsman like on ESPN Radio you're listening to ESPN Milwaukee 945 wkti wkti h a locally owned Good Karma brand station show the right way to start your day this is Jen Gabe and chewy and these people that toot their and I'm not saying you but people that tooted their horn and oh I gave away you know $500,000 let me Pat myself on the back here like you never call me you hate people no it's you just love finding people to not like I hate people individually but I love mankind oh you do okay so yeah you're that's fair yeah I mean all these people sounds about right but we just said before the segment that you don't like hanging out with people either well that doesn't mean I think they're bad we don't know each other that well you said 30 insane things to me in the last few minutes I'm not an every man no you're not an every man I'm not an every you are a singular man this is Jen Gabe and chewy broadcasting live from the grber LA offices one call that's all Studios at the Avenue with Gabe Nel and Mar Jamara here's Jen [Music] L's too [Music] excit we continue analyzing the moves that the Packers made yesterday on Cut Down day and and there's an interesting phenomenon that Joshy you said you saw on social that after AJ Dylan was put on season ending IR which we discussed in the first segment of the show the only member of the 2020 Packers draft class left on the roster 2020 four seasons ago remember the average length of an NFL players career I believe is three seasons so we're talking Four Seasons go the only player left from that draft class on the Packers roster is the quarterback Jordan love you could clearly make the argument that at least they nailed the most important one right but the other guys and I'm just reading from this list that Joshy compiled Dylan deara Kamal Martin John runan Jake Hansen who's this Simon I didn't even I don't even know who this guy is stania yeah I didn't even know who that was Vernon Scott and Jonathan Garvin are all off the team is it a good draft if you get one right even if that one Gabe is the quarterback yeah yeah you nailed the most important position that's a good draft class you got yourself no that's all that I mean yeah it's all that matters man you nail that one pick you nail that one pick of a franchise quarterback doesn't matter what the rest of the draft class what do you give it for a grade it's an a no it's not you're insane give me Aaron Rogers draft class okay cuz that'll be all right you ready we don't know if we nailed it yet what's nailing it Hall of Fame he he's your guy I mean if he ends up being a franchise quarterback which he already is like you've you've nailed that draft ah do you have Aaron Rogers draft class all right let me hear it uh Aaron Rogers Nick Collins Terence Murphy Marval Underwood Bry pinga Junius C Mich Hawkins Mike Montgomery Craig Bragg Kurt Campbell and will Whitaker so that's an A+ so you can't give Jordan loves draft class to a Gabe is saying it's weighted it's weighted because the quarterback position is so important and as you mentioned you have to nail it if you're going to dra if you're going to move up in the draft when you already have a future Hall of Famer on the roster you got to nail it right and it looks like again it's early small sample size it looks like they nailed it so I'm willing to also give it an even if all of the other guys it is though concerning cuz cuz chewy some of this is fluky right like some of these why are we anointing him why are we anointing him he's had nine great games or nine very good games we can't anoint him do I think he's going to be good can't then we can't grade the draft class if we if if you're telling no if if we don't know what Jordan love is then you can't trade the graph class I think right now you give it a B minus C plus plus no it's you can't give Aaron Rodgers in a draft class in a because he's going to be in the Hall of Fame and he has an argument to be one of the top three top five quarterbacks to ever play the game sure and I could also make the argument Sho that the Nick Collins on there the Brady pinga on there even Underwood who was a contributor those sort of even crank it up a little bit more sure so so that draft class even though you could argue that there were only a few contributors outside of the future Hall of Fame quarterback I don't think anybody's arguing with you that it's an a whether it's an A plus or an A minus I suppose it's debatable depending on what you think the hit rate needs to be for a general manager on any given draft year but this was alarming this is only four years ago guys theoretically some of these guys should have stuck and John runan you know obviously R could have I mean he's still in the league still League somewhere else that's right yeah so he's he's still a good player but yeah the I mean if you want to go that deep I mean the 2021 draft class which would feature guys in the final years of their deal it's not exactly much better but Gabe what if Aaron Aaron what's his name no Jordan love okay what if what if Jordan sorry what if Jordan Love Makes Three Pro bowls then what's the grade of the draft class makes three p bows the more success he has the more it goes up yeah but I think he's going to be really good I think he's going to be if he ends up being your starting quarterback for the next decade then the lowest it can be is a b okay I'll I'll go with you there and I'm with you I'm with you you can't really grade it yet then Gabe I appreciate you bringing up the 2021 draft class because those guys theoretically again should still be on the roster so go ahead and go through that one there are some misses but you could argue that look with what the Packers did with the defensive backs yesterday even on cutdown day it makes me feel like they're real confident in Eric Stokes being back out there on the field yeah I mean he's going to be starting so Eric Stokes is in that draft class Josh Myers is in that draft class still on the team uh Amari Rogers not on the team not in the league he in football he's out already oh no he's I mean is he in football he played the UFL that's technically in football right can you give Rogers credit Aaron Rogers was Aaron Rogers right about Amari Rogers yes Aaron Rogers was right about Amari definitively I don't think I think that debate's over uh Rey Newman just got cut just got cut yeah uh TJ Slayton ah he's okay yeah he's on the roster yeah Shamar John Charles a great name cole van Lannon Isaiah McDuffy uh and then kylin Hill no longer in the league that draft class to me feels again depending on what type of production Eric Stokes has this year that draft class to me feels like a e minus who was one and two who was one and two Stokes and Myers St still on the Rost they're not bringing Myers back uh Meyers just in case we haven't noticed Creed Humphrey signed the largest Center contract in history of the NFL you want to know who's taking one pick ahead of him Josh Meyers really yeah yep God I'd love to be a student your guys class I really would that 10% would be like 30 why guys are easy graders huh wait what would you have given 2021 draft class with Stokes and Myers yeah and McDuffy don't forget McDuffy I feel like C+ B minus I feel like there is I just said B minus I feel like you yeah cuz I feel I mean I I lean more towards C+ I mean this is a huge make or break here for that draft class okay because I think there's a real chance that none of them are on the roster next year really well they're all in I like Stokes though I I like him what what is there to like is he great no I don't even know if he's good pretty good as a rookie I think he's good bad as bad as a seconde guy if he can stay healthy I think that's what I'm saying there's not a lot to I got to be honest too this is feeling like AB borch endorsement right now I just bought some yesterday I'm so you know what lunch is today him I don't love him you know what lunch is today they don't love it they like it they don't love it parois in dill pickle soup I am so excited oh you brought parois I thought you bought borest I didn't know anyone was selling I did but I that's in the freezer I'm going to save that for B there's a Polish deli around here wow yeah very want me to bring some back I'm good yeah you can keep it although it melted because it's so hot down here and my buddy's truck who drove me over there it looks like there was okay all right all right we can stop so given this development uh which was not Ed on social media yesterday about the 2020 draft and how Jordan love the franchise quarterback who is currently the highest paid quarterback in the league uh is the only remaining player from that draft is was that a good draft Gabe is saying yes emphatically there's no question it was a good draft because you got the most important position chewy is saying no you missed on every other one and to him that's more important there's sort of a uh quantity quality argument sort of happening here between you guys and Gabe I love that you brought up the following year's draft because you are seeing a follow this to me is always the philosophical question to of what do you need your hit rate to be for a general manager to consider a draft a good draft it sounds like it's folded into the cake it's baked into the cake that you're going to miss it seems like you're allowed some strikeouts here when it comes to drafting but how many are you allowed and does it matter one Higher rounds I think it should and two more important positions I think it should I think those things should be weighted more heavily than the opposite what do you think Gabe yeah you hit the quarterback spot you you're hitting your higher end picks it makes everything else a little bit easier and that's why again you look at the the 2021 draft class the four guys that are around Stokes Meers Slayton and McDuffy two are starters two are I mean McDuffy and Slayton probably rotational players at this point I mean it doesn't feel like it is as impactful as a franchise quarterback and this is going to sound crazy tow but are we putting too much emphasis on the draft hold on hear me out I know the Packers have always been a draft and developed team right they do not very often you know diance in free agency although they did this past off season are we putting too much emphasis on you have to nail all of your picks because that is the way that you are building your roster when we believe the Packers this year are going to be one of the top teams in the NFC I think it changes from round to round obviously you should hit first round picks you should hit 60% is that too low I still think it's it it feels like a 5050 proposition still it shouldn't be though but I don't think it should be if a GM's worth his salt you know the one thing that c a would Ron I about say run Ron's 50% row 50% on first round but he nailed third round he nailed fourth round he nailed fifth round he nailed six round that's how you make a championship team if you hit every one of your ones and two is great there not enough guys to feel the whole team so if all you're hitting is one and two you'll be good you're not going to be great the only positions above 50% hit rate in the NFL and that means signing another contract are guard offensive tackle Center wide receivers 27% tight end 33 safety 34 running back 38 quarterback 38 defensive tackle 40 and then upwards to 48 is the highest at linebacker so what do you think that is Joshy why why do you think it is so easy quote unquote to nail offensive line is there something about the skill set where you can watch a guy in college is it because the game is so similar like the the transition from one League to the next is smaller than at some of the other positions like why do you think teams historically have had the most success at those spots uh I think offensive line is a largely body type dependent and really based on athleticism if you have the feet you can do the job yeah when it comes to a lot of these like a lot of these other positions are often intangibles and we were talking about intangibles with AJ Dylan Like quarterbacks have to be otherworldly you can they can have everything you ever wanted that that they show like physically but they just can't figure the game out I think there's there's a lot of factors that go into this stuff that isn't like I not to degrade offensive linemen but it's are you big and can you move your feet and that's pretty much you know what another weird thing is another weird thing is um that they look at is arm length you know MH when you think about arm length and and I used to you know everyone asks me like who's the toughest Defender you had to block and then I say Tony Tolbert and they're like who I'm like Tony Tolbert of the Dallas cob you know why he's so hard to to block cuz he had longer arms than I did so if you got good placement and it's the same with offensive lineman if you got good placement with your hands and your arm are longer than the guy you're going against it's like a turtle the guy defending just can't get leverage cuz his arms aren't long enough so that's another thing and they they also look at toughness and work ethic like y Yash Yash Yash is out of here because he didn't like the work you know and you see so many of those if you go get a road grader in his I would take a guy an offensive lineman with okay feet that bust his ass over a blue chip who has great feet and you don't know if he wants to work but that's EXA science right the only way that you can figure that out is basically by talking to their previous coaches and seeing day in and day out whether they loved the grind or not yeah you know I want I want Adam Timberman I want Marco Rivera I want Mike wall I want those type of guys not great feet but you know what they're going to punch you right in the mouth well on the grind in the is different than the grind in college too yeah you know so that transition so maybe the guy could handle the grind in college gets to the NFL can't handle it also the reason they ask those insane questions and some of them are inappropriate like asking Dez Brian if his mother is a prostitute that's a little far but they ask those crazy things because they're trying to get into the depths of someone mind and their character they're trying to like find out something that you can't really cuz I mean we all rehearse answers we go to interviews and we all basically lie through our teeth and present the best version of ourself that's what those guys wait wait wait wait wait you're taking other interviews no I didn't even really interview here for being honest neither did I of curiosity is it working out for you or again maybe it's like the draft it fluctuates from year to year day to day if you love sports betting you got to make your way to the sports book at patami casino hotel it has everything a sports fanatic could want and more get the Ultimate Experience a dozen self-service bedding kiosks seating for over 200 people broadcast Booth a first class bar and of course their new restaurant the kitchen and by the way big announcement coming about ESPN Milwaukee and patami Casino Hotel it's a new era of sports betting at paty make sure that you get in on the action Jen Gabe and chewy continues next on 945 ESPN delays on Westbound 94 coming out of the 27th Street area to about Mitchell bll vard we've also got westbound 894 slowing down out of the Mitchell interchange towards 68th Northbound 4394 backed up out of the Mitchel all the way around the plane field curve up to Oklahoma Avenue and then we've also got Northbound 794 backing up as well heading into the carferry area I think there might be an accident there that's causing some issues so just be extra careful give yourself some extra time and check at the TMJ4 Storm Team forecast today mostly cloudy cooler but humid isolated showers possible with a high of 78 tonight partly cloudy a low of 67 weather is brought to you by Showtime floors protect your new or existing surfaces in and around your home or business with a sealer from Showtime floors schedule a demo today at Showtime from the WTMJ traffic center I'm Deb laa on 945 ESPN the Gen G and chewy podcast is sponsored by Celsius energy drink and I am here to tell you it makes a huge difference in my mornings with a unique blend of essential energy and key vit Celsius is your partner to an active lifestyle my favorite the peach Vibe learn more at and pick up Celsius energy drinks today what is dedication people ask how your children learn how to ride a bike and you didn't I just created an environment where they taught themselves and all I had to do is be there that's dedication visit to hear more 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including live entertainment at the bank 59 Amphitheater with headliners including Ian munik and Quiet Riot get your tickets now at and experience hiy Milwaukee Mile 250s weekend August 30th through September 1st this is Jen Gabe and chewy uh you know I'm going to go with the corn dog the old corn dog the corn dog for the bir and borch all day long that's just crazy nobody likes borch let alone on their birthday so it's the only thing that makes my mouth water other than my wife on 945 ESPN don't it don't you love it no I ain't happy but way have you guys been to Arya yet the acclaimed restaurant inside St Kate the Arts Hotel it is and should be your next dinner destination nestled on the second floor of St Kate it is an Artful dining experience that captivates with culinary creativity delighting in its offering of artisanal American Cuisine every bite guys is a culinary work of art learn more and make reservations at Arya that's Arya [Music] excited to talk to Sophia a minute about those Brewers in just a few moments but before we get to that guys so what is your obligation if you get a scratch off ticket at a gas station that is a big winner I'm talking big big winner not like pennies in the pocket not like coins you'd find in the couch cushions Fortune $500,000 in the case of a man who uh used a $10 scratch off that he told the clerk to pick out so follow me here he walks in he hands the guy $10 he says you pick to the clerk clerk picks a ticket guy scratches it off $500,000 winner does he owe that clerk anything does he owe him a tip should he give him a percentage or is it every man for himself thanks for being a part of my story but not thank you so much that I'm going to give you some money if you're telling him to pick it out I think you float him I don't know float him a grand right got what if he didn't pick it out if he didn't pick it out then then it's every man for himself right like if you go and you pick the you know if if you ask someone to pick your Powerball numbers for you probably owe them a little bit of tip if you just go hey I'm taking a Powerball ticket machine random you he just hands it to you you pay your two bucks and you move on you win nothing but I think because the ACT yeah let's ask Joshy Joshy let me ask you this because we talked about it earlier this week or last week when you're going to have your second beer party instead of bringing more beer I said bring a scratch off lottery ticket so if Gabe brings you a lottery ticket and you win $500,000 what do you give Gabe I would probably give Gabe no less than $2,500 it's a good little good little tip in that instance and even I'm surprised you even if I do random and I do 10 tickets I still probably go back and give that guy some money because I'm winning hundreds of millions of dollars in that case that person's life has changed from 10 grand and they were a part of the picture even though the computer did it that is important it is random but still wouldn't you feel really good about impacting that person like I I just think like you got to think about when you walk into these gas stations there is usually a a checkerboard of options right and so this guy picked your winning ticket he could have picked any other of the $10 tickets maybe there's only five or six tickets but he chose that thing I feel like good person you got to kick him some coin you got like like I don't want to carry that Karma around to be perfectly honest with you for the rest of my days but if he walked in and said hey $10 give me the crossword puzzle different if he requested the crossword puzzle then he did the picking right and he chose the winning ticket but once the clerk is responsible for making the choice I think he's a part of the winnings and you owe I'm not saying pay him half right but I'm saying just again I don't want to carry the karma from stiffing that guy around I'd Duke him either way you're GNA have you're GNA have to because when you duing him tipping him or fighting him yeah no I would tip him either way I got no Dukes you never heard that term no no not in that context wait Duke means uh Bas take care of them yeah the Duke isn't that the signature on the old footballs yeah that is I believe that's John Wayne John Wayne I I think I tip regardless and maybe it's like gambling Karma like you're insinuating but even if I like I'm at the casino or playing poker where the dealer is paid to be there like if I win a big hand I'm tossing them a percentage usually like one to five if I'm playing Blackjack and I go on a hot run before I cash out yeah you're you're throwing a couple chips towards the deer the clerk at the gas also because I know what it is like to work there it's just like that would be great you know how happy all those people would be with a couple extra Grand to take home like and it's not going to matter to you you just won 500k what is 2500 doing to you I I think you have to yeah it ticks my wife off when I tip someone a good amount it's I'm like it's tithing oh you yeah good again the karma thing um yeah it's tithing you know what tithing non Catholics or you're supposed to give a percentage of your salary Tidings of great Tidings to you so this is interesting conversation as I just returned from Ireland where there is no tipping and yet there were places that would recognize you as an American know that it is an American custom to tip and then would insinuate that you are welcome to tip should you want to but it's not mandatory well now You' put it out there in the universe so you know maybe we didn't tip 20% but we would tip 10% on a bill like that but it was wild going into places and not having the expectation SL obligation of tipping like the number that's there is the number you pay that was that kind of nice isn't Ireland a little unique where they're not necessarily CU here obviously the tip number I mean the salary number for service industry people is like two bucks an hour mhm but I don't believe they living like the wages they're paid there are even that considerably like great it's like I don't know if they compensate it's just tipping culture doesn't really exist there in the same way yes and but you're right they are making more money yeah so Chu you so let's just go around the horn here Chu you would tip the clerk what amount would you tip the clerk on a $500,000 Lotto winner five grand whoa very kind of you Gabe yeah I was in the 2500 with Joshy yeah I haven't figured out the the number of taxes but it's probably 00 to 5 grand mhm yeah that is a chunk of change I'm thinking $1,000 now you guys are making me feel cheap yeah exactly but again to we're not making you feel that way it just might be a fact you just are feeling that way you should really reflect on that Jen is what you guys are saying uh the reason we bring this up is because to this point the person that won the $500,000 did not has not kicked back anything to the clerk who allegedly picked out the winning ticket so we all feel like that is wrong though right we're all in agreement that that at some point you should give them a portion of the winnings since they were instrumental in getting those winnings yeah throw a little back yes absolutely put it on the Jen Gaby Twitter poll I wonder if we are in the minority of thinking that yes you kind of I don't want to say pay it forward that's not what this is but to me it's I just want a huge chunk of change mostly because of the ticket that someone else picked out Karma I don't is going to be kind to you if you stiff that person or if you ignore their role in your fortune 80099 3776 we're going to put it on the geneng gab and chewy Twitter poll are you obligated to tip the clerk a decent amount see decent is also so fluid very arbitrary decent amount are you obligated to tip the person who helped you get those winnings 80099 3776 uh Chris weighing in saying it would depend on if this was the owner or not I believe the store gets a percentage of the winning wait wait hold on I'm not familiar with this so the owner gets a portion of your winnings or the owner gets a portion that like L Lotto has set aside the lotto has set aside like they get a big there's a place in felactio dollar I think I think you're right winners and they get I want to say the store is let's just say it was a $20 million uh Power Ball thing the store gets like 100 Grand like it's a crazy amount so hold on are you more likely to go to that store because they have a track record of yes they do or I'm never going back that's that's what I was thinking lightning doesn't strike twice right and if it did it's not three times that's what I'm thinking I feel like the more success you have with this the less future success you're going to have I think it actually starts to affect your sale like oh you've had several Million dooll winners at this store the chances of that happening again have got to be even more minute than the chance of you hitting the first time statistically they would tell us that's bad processed by us that's like Gambler brain hold on hold because it's equally as insignificant every time anywhere oh interesting get especially Powerball it's just random numbers that a computer's spitting out can I get a timeout no 30 or all fans we're all fans of a team who has the potential to have three Hall of Fame quarterbacks okay oh now that do happen potential about 30 minutes ago you said why are we crowning him and I quote I I and now he's in the Hall of Fame I spent a year arguing with people about how the prior two occurrences have no uh have no bearing on what happens after it it is not there is not some special football Juju out there that prevents you from having 3 four five in a row it's then why doesn't it happen it's never happened before in the history of football it's never happened before never that would that would indicate to me that there are people in place making good decisions from a organizational standpoint no that's [Music] Jesus let go and let God we got to take a break here on Jen gy because Sophia Minard is standing by to talk about your Brew Crew I know there's a lot of intrigue what Gabe what it doesn't matter what age you are low testosterone can be an issue for any guy that's rality comes in a local Healthcare facility specifically dedicated to helping men feel and perform at their very best look you could be dealing with low testosterone not even realize it kind of groggy tired just don't feel like yourself don't have that energy that you had a year or two ago those could be signs of low testosterone and you can again if whether or not you want to admit it your career is a competition you need every Edge you can get and that's where mentality comes in if your testosterone levels are low like mine were you can reclaim that back with mantality and their customized testosterone treatment plans go to lot mentality allows treatment to fit into every guy's lifestyle learn more about mentality low more Jen Gabe and chewy coming up on 945 ESPN we've got some backups along southbound 43 from just before Hampton all the way way down past Capital Drive Northbound 4394 slowing down around the planfield curve all the way up to Oklahoma Avenue eastbound 94 we got some backups basically from 84 Street all the way through the stadium the westbound side slow from 35th out to Mitchell Boulevard traffic is brought to you by dve and Busters book your fantasy football draft party for a free draft kit free room rental free appetizers and more dve and Busters your Ultimate Fantasy Football Draft experience visit dnbp to get started and and checking the TMJ4 Storm Team forecast today mostly cloudy cooler but humid isolated showers possible a high of 78 tonight partly cloudy a low of 67 from the WTMJ traffic center I'm Deb laa on 945 ESPN I'm really looking forward to this me too she absolutely nailed it are you talking about Jenny sine yeah Jenny and her pendant the music in a mother's heart hi Rick hi Sarah hi Monica hi Jenny hi Jenny Jenny we're going to produce your p design is a limited edition collector's item and put a few of them in all of our eight castler stores congratulations Jenny wow this is huge Jenny we expect the music in a mother's heart to sell out very quickly we'll also make a few available online I designed that pendant from the memory of how my mother made me feel when we'd sing together how often did that happen constantly we'd sing along with whatever was playing on the radio or sometimes we would watch a musical on TV and sing along with that at just $124 the music in a mother's heart is going to sell out lightning fast I'm buying one I'm buying one I bought the Prototype the moment I saw it for the location of the castler nearest you visit castlers hey it's Gabe Nel from Jen gab and chewy you've heard me talk about the results mentality has had on my life but don't just take it from me Jason has had success too thanks to mentality my only regrets I didn't do it sooner uh knowing once again I've gotten the treatments done uh and continuing uh it's uh I do feel you know it stuff does hurt a little bit more but I'm 40 you know in my 40s and that's going to happen but again energy levels uh it is uh above and beyond again it's I'm back in that age where I'm like this is amazing get started today at Loi $55,000 that's the average amount of money people in the US are now spending on gas in a year 5 grand that's crazy if you drive you have to download upside the free app that gives you cash back every time you get gas that's right you can earn real cash back with upside just by buying the gas you're already buying you can literally start earning cashback today I use upside every time I fill up and I've already made around $2 $300 you're putting gas in your car anyway why not get real cash back if you like free money download upside I'm saving the cash I earn from using upside to help pay for a vacation later 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pitchers love growing to him I mean he's a great great teammate to all the insight and expertise on things outside the ballpark some of these deals and of course the way that the the wild card picture is right now with the narrative is that there might be teams that are both buying and selling we only turn to one person better up it's Sophia Min on Jen gab and chewy brought to you by two men in a junk truck from unwanted Furniture to full service residential and Commercial cleanouts go to TW Menin a junk to book your free no obligations same day [Music] estimate all always great to check in with Sophia Minard especially as the Brew Crew continue to plug along towards the final month of the Season uh loss last night I saw I think 54 was the final um but still in a very very good position Sophia how are you doing today doing great yeah Brewers just keep keep rolling along and there's I think 31 32 games left now so yeah definitely getting into the final stretch here but who's counting Jackson Cheo with a big big home run last night and I feel like this is the Jackson Cheo that the Brewers thought they were going to get as opposed to kind of the challenges he faced earlier this season when they gave him the bag earlier this year is that fair to say yeah look I think you know there was a lot on him after he signed that contract in December and he he he struggled the first two months there's no doubt about it I think he got off to a good start like in April and then the later part of April and especially May was just really challenging for him um you know he was getting beat on Fast balls he was chasing there was some defensive miscues and these are all things that you would expect like the the unevenness or the up and down of a rookie season from a 20-year-old right and I think we all try to keep that in mind from day one of like of course this kid is extremely talented you don't get a contract like that if you're not um and the Brewers have a lot of faith in him but he's 20 years old old and he's so young obviously but also just young in his professional baseball career so June he's been a different player since June um the last three months have just been unbelievable production from him the the allstar break the way he's played after that the defense has been better the at Bass have been better power stolen bases just he's putting it all together and I think you're seeing all the tools of why the Brewers believe in him so much Sophia with the central pretty much in hand how much do the players eyeball the rest of the National League because now you have you have Atlanta in play you have Arizona in play and you have San Diego in play along with the Phillies and and Dodgers how much are they eyeballing that yeah this is this is a fun time of year right because you're you're obviously trying to take care of your own business and we hear from Pat Murphy every day right like win tonight win tonight and that's where their focus is they put themselves in a great position with that division lead um so there's still a lot to play for however I mean obviously nothing is secured yet and I think they feel they have a really legitimate chance to catch either the Dodgers or the Phillies get one of the top two spots in the National League postseason picture and then if you do that you get a Buy in the first round and you can get out of that Wild Card round which is what the Brewers got into last year with the diamond back so you know as it stands today they would be the three seed meaning they would would play the six that last team in in the wild card picture and and that's where those other teams are are grouped up that you're talking about it's it's the Diamondbacks the Padres the Braves the Mets are very much in that race as well um you know the Cubs are kind of still hanging in there I think they're still five five and a half games out of of that spot so who knows what could happen there but it's a very tight kind of race for for those three Wild Card spots so but I think for the Brewers it's like their goal has obviously win the division um but also like if you can get one of those top two spots that sets you up really well because then you get almost an Allstar break you get four or five days off before you begin the division series Sophia Christian yelish back with the team spoke for the first time to the media after getting his back surgery what was your biggest takeaway from the messages he was delivering I think what we got from him was just like how optimistic he is about what this means for him moving forward um look he's obviously really disappointed that he was having such a great year right going back to the all-star game for the third time he's worked really hard to get back to that that part of like being the player that he feels like he's capable of so obviously disappointed that his season is over but I think just the timing of it of if this felt inevitable to him which when we talk to him it it's that's what the point it got to like he really felt like my like daily life is being compromised right forget just trying to get on the baseball field and try to be a productive player so I think this just gives him more time right it gives him more Runway to go through the rehab and he's really confident with how he can go through that process should be about three months for him that gives him an extended off seon um there's maybe not as much of like a rush or urgency for spring training an opening day next year and and he feels like he still has a lot of really good baseball ahead of him and I think you know this is something he's had to manage obviously for the last couple of seasons and that's a lot on you physically and mentally and emotionally to have to manage that every day and what people expect of you every day so he's very optimistic um I think he's already looking forward to next year and feels like this is something that's going to help him in the long run Sophia men are hanging out with Jen gab and shuy here talking about your first place Brew Crew are we not giving enough credit to not just the bullpen which I know a lot of people have talked about how much it has helped the Brewers in their run to success this season but also the defense of this team is that something that you feel like has gone under the radar as far as a big reason why they've had success oh totally yeah I mean they talk about that of you know the they look at it as a run prevention unit um so it's yes it's the pitching staff and it's the defense together and and those two you know work together all the time um you can look at somebody like like Colin Ray you can look at somebody like even going out and acquiring Aaron savali or Frankie Montas at the trade deadline of you know on paper they weren't having lights out Seasons but the Brewers felt like with our defense behind you and with our you know pitching group and our coaching staff we can make you better um of how you use your stuff of putting the ball in play we have an elite infield behind you we feel like you know the Outfield defense has been incredible too I mean Blake Perkins robbing his fourth home run last night like you know you did end up in a loss so it didn't have the the biggest impact but still I mean the the defense that they have is I mean across the board is is really really good I think one of the best in the National League um we talk about the infield defense a lot you know of having three Short Stops in your infield with of course Willie adamus Joey Ortiz a former Short Stop Bryce ring a former Short Stop um so yeah I think those groups are very much responsible for kind of where they've gotten to um and yeah this pitching stuff like you know if you're pitching to contact you need that the defense to make the plays behind you so Sophia we love doing Power Rankings on Tuesday during the NFL season and we very rarely um agree with the list so I just want to read you the top eight from ESPN so one is the Dodgers two are the Yankees three Phillies four Baltimore five Brewers six Cleveland seven uh San Diego 8 Arizona would you agree with that where the Brewers are placed so it was Dodgers Yankees Phillies uh Phillies Orioles Brewers Orioles that's right okay um yeah that feel that feels probably fair I mean I think you know they better than the Orioles to me to me I think honestly in the National League that the Dodgers and the Phillies are pretty interchangeable um both of those teams I mean they have stacked lineups really good pitching staffs um I would actually say the Phillies probably have a better pitching staff than the Dodgers the Dodgers have had just as many injuries as the Brewers and their depth has been tested where the Phillies they they just got a ranger Suarez back they've got Zach wheeler and Aaron Nola and Christopher Dominguez I mean they've got they've got a really good Bullpen as well I would say the Phillies might actually have the edge with with their pitching staff um and then in the American League I do think the Yankees and the Orioles are the two best teams in that League um just saw the Guardians on the last home stand stand um they're they've been really good but they're now kind of neck and neck with the Royals in their division so um I think Orioles and Yankees have kind of been beating up on each other in the in the AL East yeah that that probably feels fair I think of okay kind of how topheavy um that that is yeah well and if you look at the Brewer schedule in the last month of the Season they're going to play a number of these teams who are in the playoff picture right they got Arizona there uh you mentioned the Orioles they do not have the or oh the Orioles no but I'm looking at the standings they play the Phillies again they play Arizona um the Cardinals are out of it so that's not a that's not a situation but there are teams that are going to be trying to make hay late to either punch their ticket in the postseason or to change their own uh positioning in the postseason so it's going to be a very exciting final month of the year no absolutely and I think like that Philly series is going to be a huge series again just because they got swept in Philly um in June ran into like their Aces um and and it was a really good series that they they played well they just ran into really good pitching so they're gonna have that that's going to be a monster series coming up in in the middle of September that those three games with the Phillies if they want to try to catch them again for one of those top two spots intriguing right like the Arizona matchup because Arizona has been one of the best teams coming out of the All-Star break it's been Dodgers Dbacks and Padres it feels like they're winning every night um and again they're kind of jockeying for position at the top of the National League West and also just kind of a schedule audity that you'll play The Diamond Back seven times essentially within two weeks like we just haven't seen that team yet um and then they're going to finish at home against the Mets and the Mets are one of those teams that is is currently in the wild card picture bumped up with with the Braves the Mets um Padres so yeah there's going to be a lot to play for in terms of obviously securing the division and then just you know teams that are in it and meaningful series and yeah so it's I I feel like just like every year this is gonna obviously you feel like all right they're in a good spot and somehow this will end up going down to the end whether it's for seating or matchups or anything but that's that's what makes it fun who are some who some names that we could potentially see come up with the roster expanding September 1st some familiar guys coming up from triple yeah so uh this has been a couple years now where the The rosters go from 26 to 28 um however you can only add one pitcher and one position player instead of you know the old days essentially bring up your entire 40 man roster right and and then you get into really long Bullpen games but anyway I think it's actually been a good rule um you get an extra uh most most go with another reliever and then an extra bench player here here's the thing it's like you've got Hobie Milner coming back off of the injured list soon I think they they feel pretty good about the Heth with their pitching staff right now you've got some intriguing like they brought Aaron Ashby up um he pitched really well Sunday two innings another Lefty option he looks healthy and strong he looked really good Elvis pagero was optioned to Triple A Nashville could be an option and then of course Jacob mizerowski who is the top prospect in the organization this is a player that people are really excited about um he started his season in dable a he's been in triaa for probably about a month now and he is just lights out in Triple A right now um so that's going to be an intriguing decision of of what they do with mizerowski um there's another top prospect Craig yo who's also pitching really really well in Triple A um and then position play wise you know I think you they're carrying three catchers right now they've gotten away with this for a while Tyler black kind of who's been up and down um he could be another good option a lefty Off the Bench another rookie so yeah there's U that that will be coming up September 1st I think that's Sunday um they've got a double header coming up Friday so they'll get an extra player for that against the Reds so yeah there's going to be there's going be some fun decisions coming up um and then even outside of the organization if they claim anybody or anything comes up on waivers those players have to be added to the 40 man roster uh by the end of August as well for them to be eligible for the post season I had a uh world's colliding moment in Ireland this past week stay with me folks uh Jim Phillips is the ACC commissioner uh he has spent time I believe at Northwestern and certainly at Notre Dame and we were talking about me being here in Milwaukee and having the show and he said you know I was born in Northern Illinois I'm a winka guy so I was always a Cubs fan he said but Pat Murphy is my guy he was my guy at Notre Dame and he said so my allegiance has switched this year specifically to the Brewers because Pat Murphy now is the guy and I was like oh my gosh he's fantastic the team has really taken to him they've responded to his style of coaching and he said so he is amongst the Brewers fans Sophia who hope that the Brew Crew can go all the way this year so a little college football space ACC connecting with the Brewers over in Ireland just the way you draw it up I mean that doesn't surprise me at all because it feels like with Pat Murphy it's not even like six degrees it's like two degrees it's like somehow Pat murf murf just knows everyone so I it's like not even remotely surprising to me Jen that like you're in Dublin and you're running around doing game day and Pat Murphy comes up like that's that is so on brand it was wild Sophia we appreciate you so much have a great day at the Ballpark we'll talk to you again soon all right thanks have a great day if you missed any of Sophia's appearance you can of course catch it on Wisconsin on demand wherever you get your podcast you guys have heard me talk about professional Construction Inc over the years we've enjoyed having them help us with our home projects PCI is a great team partially because they believe in building relationships in the community but also because they believe in doing exceptional work we want to congratulate PCI for celebrating their 20th anniversary this summer and if you find yourself in a situation where you need a home remodeling project done I cannot endorse them enough go to their website professional construction there you can see some of the jobs they have done see what might work for you and your family again professional 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raid that's on you no hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold it's not technically a belch if you don't open your mouth also just okay I heard it loud and clear I never opened my mouth I had your back buddy until had your back until what the mouth until you tried to change the definition of a bir it's very fair uh one check of the polls people disagree on this uh wholeheartedly what would you grade the Green Bay Packers 2020 draft with only Jordan love remaining on the roster 31% of people saying a b 31% of people saying a c 20% of people giving it the a that Gabe gave it for having the franchise quarterback in it and 16% of people giving it a d wow what an interesting conversation to continue perhaps they will touch on it on Wy and T right after this [Music] [Music] your delays along 894 westbound continue from 27th Street all the way to 68th through that construction zone southbound 43 backing up from Hampton