EP34: CLSK Expands, Trump Debate, Canada Election Odds, Censorship In Liberal Countries, iPhone 16

Intro Ooh So Exciting wow I'm such a cool guy if I have an [Music] iPhone all right everyone welcome back to yet another episode of zeleno money and I believe we are on episode 34 now uh wow the time does fly when you're having fun so uh I am always your host Andy uh in case this is your first time here and in case this is your first time here why don't I pass it off to the guys uh to introduce themselves uh for audience members who might be new hey what's up guys this is Dominic so please be sure to leave like comments and subscribe to this channel as well as the clips Channel as well and let's get started hey guys Tristan here we've got a pack show for you today as always so I'll toss it back to Andy to take it away as tradition we always like to open up this show with some uh Bitcoin or uh bit more recent than not Bitcoin minor news so this week uh is no exceptions we're going to open up with some Bitcoin Cleanspark Announces New Expansion In Tennessee mining news and uh the top story this week is also on clean spark so last week we talked about clean spark as well but uh we're talk about clean spark uh again uh because they just released this uh update uh they're going to they just acquired seven new sites in Tennessee uh and shout out to everyone I met at Bitcoin Nashville uh I believe they're uh building or they acquire these sites in Knoxville which is like close in Nashville but anyways it's in Tennessee right so if I uh met you guys and if there's audience members who I met in person at Nashville shout out uh but anyways um yeah these new sites in Tennessee is going to add uh I think it was 80 something uh megawatt hours um but uh it's going to add yeah 85 megawatt hours uh immediately and it's going to add five x hash uh so as a result of this uh acquisition uh clean spark has updated their guidance so I highly recommend you guys uh follow Dr Lewis uh who goes by the name charge sack on x uh if you haven't been following him already he does a pretty you know timely uh and accurate updates on all the Bitcoin miners not just cleanspark um but yeah basically um uh he was saying how it adds 85 megawatt hours uh which they're going to close the deal on or before uh September 25th uh and these miners will be um will be added like promptly uh to to their stack of hash rate uh and this U as a result they're going to increase by Dr Lewis's uh estimate they're going to increase the uh xash U by early October uh from what it is now which um I think they actually exceeded uh 22.6 xash already but they're going to be able to bump that to 31 xash by early October by you know his estimates and analyst estimates and I think they're pretty accurate uh and also they're going to increase their efficiency from 22.7 to 20.7 juwels per terahash uh so that's uh kind of the big update uh and yeah like I said uh actually there's an update here as well uh I think this happened just before we started this show so I just you know managed to grab this screenshot but um they're they are at over 26 ex aash uh already so this is uh some pretty exciting news uh and lastly just before I pass it off to you guys to add your opinions um Tristan and I um I don't do this very often but because I think this is like kind of a special occasion I am going to reveal part of my portfolio and my position specifically around cleanspark and so before I jump into like my position just as a preface uh don't this is not Financial advice don't just do something because I'm doing something I'm not responsible if you lose money right like don't sue me bro uh so just you know kind of putting that out there and getting that uh disclaimer out of the way but I'm sharing this as just like kind of me putting my money where my mouth is right because I've been talking about Bitcoin mining companies and uh Bitcoin for a really long time now pretty much like almost every episode of show there's something about Bitcoin uh and Bitcoin mining so it's like it's time to put up or shut up you know it's like you know Andy we get it you're bullish on the Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining industry but like how much money are you willing to actually put on the line well uh let me show you so uh not only did I buy um clean spark shares I actually decided to swap my clean spark shares at to clean spark calls uh so I bought two set of calls uh now the first set is um this 15 strike one so this is clean spark options uh expiring on July 18th 2025 so um kind of you know less than a year out but still relatively far out uh $15 strikes uh and as you can see uh my uh I I have 34 contracts of this and my average price per option uh is $274 cents and so if you do the math remember one contract is 100 options right so I have 34 contracts and that's 3,400 uh calls uh and then uh as you can see the market value as of today when I or as of when I took the screenshot uh is about 9,200 uh USD on this batch uh so that's that's the first batch and then I have an even larger batch uh for my second batch which I got a little bit earlier so I'm up decently on these ones already uh so these ones are also July 18 2025 calls uh and but these are with strike 20 so these are a little bit more aggressive and as a result you can see my average price on this is lower just because I bought it earlier and because it's a higher strike so it's going to be cheaper uh and I have 64 contracts on this one uh so 6,400 calls uh with the average price of each call at a192 uh and this is almost 14,000 uh USD so if you do the math if you combine that that's almost you know 25 uh, uh USD worth of of calls that I have in cleans spark so you know I'm pretty bullish in case you couldn't tell um but uh yeah let me let me pass it off to you guys now so what do you guys think of this news uh surrounding uh clean spark adding the extra facilities and the extra hash rate and what do you guys think of my uh position on on clean spark calls so um and maybe like you can you guys if you want talk about your own positions do you have clean spark shares or are you adding more or what are your thoughts in general so um leave it open uh feel free to take it away either one of you rare case I can go first just because I think mine will probably be more short and sweet because you are resident expert trist so um otherwise I think um yeah it seems like there's nothing but good news for queenspark specifically so it kind of makes sense as to why you've made all your uh options trading decisions it's like good news across the board it seems doesn't seem like anything quite ridiculous um you said like 25k USD is like definitely bullish for sure and it's not till like July 18th 2025 so I think it's within reason to be able to hit those um I guess like average cost goals or whatever you may call it I'm not sure how it works completely I think it's not um like ridiculously like crazy but it's doable just because I think um let's see at that point there's going to be multiple amounts of interest rate cuts and there's going to be more money circulating by then and people are probably going to buy crypto and if people are buying crypto then that's just going to counter react to bitcoin miners so realistically speaking I think this is a w play and yeah I think yeah I say that's good for me it might be a little too risky for my liking and I don't personally have queenpark I only have um bit Farms And Hive just because they're both in Canadian um right now I just can't be bothered to buy iron and clean spark just because of the conversions but I do think that this purchase is a good purchase and it'll most likely do well so I am pretty aligned with uh Andy in the perspective of clean spark being a very uh strong um company for the Bitcoin miners particularly as one of the largest Bitcoin miners in um in the world at this time um at least publicly traded so on that front I think that taking out a um more uh doing a more aggressive play on CLA spark is uh is something that you know can be done um not that I would necessarily recommend someone to do that but um you know if you're willing to um you know take a larger bet with a higher risk you you may get more reward um and then on that front I think the uh the news we have coming out of clean spark in general has been very good um they've been making a lot of progress and they've been doing a lot of good stuff with their with their additional Investments with the Tennessee site um and uh sites and um they have a quite High hash rate and everything so I I would say that like from my perspective clean spark is one of the more uh safer in the uh Bitcoin mining space because of the fact that I think that they've established themselves sufficiently that are not really a um not really quite as small cap as some of the other ones so the risk um perspective on them is lower but you know maybe the reward will be also so I can understand why Andy would be uh using that risk to reward um because if you're looking to have a safer you're you're looking to you know do a safer minor but you still want that addition gain you can use options as a as a opt as a method to increase that gain U more than the typical buying a stock would because like for example if I think bit Farms has a higher potential for the stock price to increase than clean spark percentage wise but clean spark May um clean spark is less likely to go and have a major upset that stops the stock from running as high from my perspective so I think that this says uh this is a good play um for the most part I mean again you know we'll we'll see what happens but uh I think um I'm I'm on board yeah and just to add to that I think um I'm probably gonna get a question like this at some point it's like why did you uh choose to buy clean spark options in particular not buy options on bit Farms especially if you think that uh bit Farms has more room to run so I think a big kind of factor that a lot of people are not like considering at first especially if you're new to options uh is the acquisition risk so for example if uh the stock that you're in especially if you're buying out of the money calls uh if your strike price ends up being higher than and the company gets acquired for a lower price than what your strike price is uh then if you own the shares you would make money because the stock would go up to meet whatever the acquisition price is but because you have a call who has a strike that's higher than the acquisition price you lose 100% of your calls so like this is a scenario that you really want to avoid even though I think that like you know at this point H with the riot deal with like you know bit Farms trying to buy bit Farms I think that that has like a very low chance of actually going going through or if it does go through then Riot will have to pay a lot more than what they initially offered um but with bit Farms who knows another player could kind of try to jump in and try to buy them right I think that that's still unlikely but you know it could happen uh with clean spark I believe they're at what like two billion dollar or something in in market cap I think it's going to be difficult for someone to like jump in and buy them like Marathon or Mara as they're now called uh is about only double their size right about four billion so you know I can't see Mara like pulling the trigger to buy clean spark and clean spark would not probably sell at what their market cap is they would want a premium right so there's not that many players that could actually come in and acquire clean spark there's always the possibility that some random like you know investment firm comes out of the blue and tries to get into it by buying clean spark but again like I think that that's like an extremely low chance of happening um so that's why I decided to go for calls uh on cleanspark because I feel comfortable that the acquisition risk is not as great as something like call options on bit Farms let's say uh so that's number one and number two uh just maybe let me quickly explain my reasoning on why I think this is going to work uh well if you look at let's say clean Sparks uh performance just throughout the past year I believe they already hit over $20 uh earlier this year uh and this was you know when Bitcoin just like was just at or near the previous all-time high right so my thesis is that regardless of the election outcome and we'll talk about like maybe the US elections later on in this show but regardless who wins I think that once that election is done and the market has certainty I think Bitcoin is going to go up either way uh now of course like people make the argument um that Trump is more Pro crypto and you know KLA Harris is like sort of neutral or if not like against crypto U but still I don't think like ultimately that that mattered so much the point is that they're both going to print a lot of money right like there's just no way around it they're both G to increase the deficit so that's what that's what Bitcoin thrives on and I think that um regardless of the outcome uh Bitcoin probably will hit 100K before the end of the year either way now that's my prediction I could be wrong but that's that's kind of my thesis uh and if uh Bitcoin hits 100K before the year ends my call options on cleanspark don't U expire until July of next year then uh I like I capture all the upside uh and and still have like you know seven months of intrinsic value of extrinsic value to go so I think that that's going to be a great time and let's say if like if clean spark is worth $20 per share uh when Bitcoin is at you know 69k 70k something like that 74k then imagine what happens when uh Bitcoin goes to 100K right uh if Bitcoin goes 100K could could I see clean spark hitting $30 maybe yeah like I would say that that's the table right and if you just like because I shared my strike price and my uh like expiry date and all this stuff you can like go to an options calculator and put in this exact like the data on this uh and then it'll give you a rough estimate as to how much money uh like one could make if they're in this call uh and that's exactly what I did it's a little bit of an ey chart so I don't want to give you an an aneurism so I'm probably like not going to like show it and it changes all the time so by the time you see this is like not going to be helpful but like I did it right before uh I made the options play uh this morning uh and I think that it was like if it hits uh the all-time high of of clean spark which was around like I don't know $24 I think it was something like that uh then I would stand to and if that happens before uh the end of December so before the new year uh then I would stand to make uh over 300% uh on on these options which would be uh a 4X so 300% profit so that's a 4ex right so so that means that my uh you know roughly 25k will turn into 100K and and this could happen uh before the end of the year so again this is like anything could happen no guarantees and this is just kind of my thought process but um maybe I'll let you guys quickly respond to everything I just said do you agree or disagree do you think it's going to work out or do you think I'm crazy or like whatever right I'm gonna let you guys respond and then we can maybe uh move on after that okay just like a little side note I think um you Bitcoin Cycles And Price Targets know more than me but I don't know about like 100k USD by the end of year I could see it like maybe early in the winter of like 2025 if not like marchish like or like the summer of next year but I guess if you like you know like quite a bit about like Bitcoin and cryptocurrency so I guess it's not off the table for 100k by the end of the year USD but I think I was thinking maybe with more interest cuts um more money would circulate and then people would buy Bitcoin but I don't know I'm just curious just to I don't know I don't know what's what's with me right now I'm just curious just to the mindset go ahead I'm just so interested you so let me responded first before before I pass it trist I just think that like right now September which is the month that we're in right now is historically the weakest month it's the historically the worst month uh for Bitcoin right so if you look at the fear and greed index uh we're at like 30 something which is in in fear if it's like below 25 it dips into extreme fear so we're at like the low end of the fear range and we're at risk of Dipping into extreme fear if something bad if we just have one bad day in the stock market or something right so it's really hard for people to see like how high Bitcoin can go because we're at the depth of like of like a local bottom uh or we're I don't know if it is the bottom it could go down even more Anything could happen but like I'm just saying I think we're near a bottom if we're not already if we've not already hit it uh already at like the 53k mark which was I think where the lowest was uh recently but in any case uh if you like look into the pattern of Bitcoin I think it's like the like almost all of the Bitcoin gains like 80 90% of the gains are made within just like a few weeks right like 14 to 30 days I forget what the exact number was but like 14 to 30 days so like two to four weeks if you just if you were in Bitcoin for those like you know two to four weeks that's all you needed to do to capture like 80% of the upside of any cycle right so and I think if if you talk to bitcoiners who were in this space before this cycle either back in you know last cycle last cycle was kind of like a muted cycle I would say so it didn't even go up as much and that was because you know the FED started raising rates and stuff uh which I would argue neutered it but if you talk to people from the cycle before that like 2017 uh where it ran from like I don't know less than less than $1,000 to $20,000 uh there are days when like i' I've seen uh Bitcoin YouTubers talk about this on on their videos and live stream where it's like there are days when Bitcoin goes up so much that you feel dirty like like you're making so much money that like that like you just you feel guilty right because like you start thinking about like The Starving Children of Africa and stuff like that and you're like sitting there making like thousands and thousands of dollars every hour like like literally like every hour you make like thousands of of dollars right like there are days when Bitcoin goes up that much uh and it's it's hard for us to Fathom what that feels like because again we're sitting in like the middle of September the weakest month for Bitcoin and we're sitting at a local bottom and it's hard for us to imagine that right but my prediction is that uh you're going to see those days like again at some point uh if not by the end of this year then maybe sometime in 2025 but um yeah like unless the cycle is somehow fundamentally different which I don't think it is right and and the FED is actually cutting rates into a Bitcoin bull cycle which I think it's it's just is massively bullish right so my prediction is that you're G to get those days again where you feel dirty for making so much money but uh yeah Tristan uh it off to you I've done a lot of research and review of um kind of the pattern for the last couple cycles for Bitcoin itself and um to be clear I understand that past performance does not predict future results right I'm not I'm not stupid I I do understand that the history does not mean the future will be the same but with regards to bitcoin um it does behave in a more predictable fashion in that sense because of the fact that um there is is uh kind of a multitude of um factors that run into it that all tend to cumulate towards the end of the year we have an uh the election there's always an there's basically always been an election in line with the having event like the same year um because American elections are every four years um which is always a factor and then we have um a lot of other features such as like um the supply of Bitcoin it's availability that I think um it takes a while for there to be any sort of impact from the having event itself to actually be felt and well I don't think that we'll be necessarily Supply constraint per se um I think that we will start to see the impacts of there being lower Supply even if you know it's not necess necessarily the it's not that you can't buy a Bitcoin it's more so just that people who the sellers of the Bitcoin are expecting a higher amount of money in order to be convinced to sell the Bitcoin right so from that perspective it takes about it seems to take a about six to eight months for that that effect from the having to kick in which typically has the bull runs starting in in October or November somewhere in that range where the where Bitcoin starts to take big gains and starts to gain a lot and that is the year of the having and then we usually in the past have gotten we tend to get a local high in January or February um which is kind of where I'm aiming to take a lot of profits is that in that range um like December January somewhere in that range um all my Bitcoin miners Etc and then in the in the previous years we've had uh the full Bull Run finish in um the following year AKA in this scenario be 2025 in January um December January November that time frame and so on that front um my expectation is that we will hit a local high in January or February of um this this next Bitcoin run in which case there's going to be a lot to be gained by selling in that range and taking profits you know Scrooge MCD ducking in your pile of money for a little bit and then waiting um to get back into Bitcoin until probably the summer ofh 2025 and then if you're looking to take advantage of that hopefully consistent bull bull run for the following year um where we hit that new Peak um I think that that may be what we would see in 20 late 2025 now I mean this is just based on previous Cycles so you know it may or may not vary it depends on if the Bitcoin ETF has had a sufficient effect on bitcoin itself that has made it such that it is um the the supply constraint is not as much of a factor because the Bitcoin doesn't need to move around itself it can just be moved around you know basically fakely through the ETFs but um we do have factors like that so um it will remain to be seing how this actually plays out but I think from my perspective I think that there that there is a lot to be gained by um trying to play it out the way I'm kind of viewing it where I take a lot of profits this year and early next year and then I have the option to get back into it to try and uh play the 2025 rally but I can also take a smaller position so that I don't need to put any put all of the profits that I've made from this first run at risk so in that regard you can try and maximize um your return in the in the first kind of local Peak from in the having year and try and um get to get a significant amount of value out of that then and then you know go back in maybe with a smaller percentage or something to that effect in the in 2025 to try and maximize on the on the value whereas um if you purchased rode all the way through like before the before the purchased before um like nowish and then you ride all the way to the 25 2025 one um run you might make more money on your overall position if you don't sell but you do run the risk you you you will observe yourself gaining a lot and then losing a lot and the fact that you'll have gone through that up and down um I think that it would be very difficult for any sane person to um not have a emotional reaction and you know sell their shares for example so I think um I think it's it's fair that uh people would be concerned by that so for my perspective I just think that there there's a good opportunity to load up now and um hopefully you know dump it all um and they're not future and you'll get a hopefully a great return for the amount of time that you actually have to hold the Bitcoin miners that being said not Financial advice that's I there's uh these are highly volatile stocks Bitcoin is a highly volatile asset don't be it's it's not for the faint of heart is what I really want to say because you know you you will see humongous fluctuations in your account and they may not always be on the upside so you know keep that in mind yeah no makes sense makes sense and uh well you talking about the plans to uh take profits will you commit on this podcast to our audience to let us know when you decide to take profits so that not for people to necessarily copy you but just you know for disclosures to let everyone know right so I I guess I'll go first I'll let you guys know I'm committing right now that I'll for sure tell you guys where and uh I'll be you know getting out of these clean spark calls for instance or bit Farms or just any other uh Bitcoin mining companies or just Bitcoin related um investments in general U I do have a bag of Bitcoin that I don't you know talk about that's in Cold Storage that uh I'm I'm just gonna probably keep forever uh but um yeah these Bitcoin miners I don't want you guys to get the impression that I'm just going to like hold on to them forever there is a time I think that uh you do want to take some lifestyle uh chips or lifestyle fun coupons uh off the table uh so yeah trist will you let us know when you pivot your strategy uh I will I will commit to letting you know if I'm selling out of my minor positions because when I sell I will be basically dumping them all like my my expectation is is not that I will be holding on a little bit here and there my expectation is this is will be a clear sell everything um and then we'll we'll see what happens uh in in 2025 on that front Dom do you have anything you want to add or uh yeah I actually want to like try something new we haven't done this on the podcast yet but so like while you guys were chatting um I was like oh there's a chart I never knew and I don't know if you guys can see my screen right now but I know exactly what Tristan's talking about this little like I guess you guys can't see my slump but around the Jan 2025 range is like I guess when you guys are planning on selling so I think I'll probably follow suit the moment I hear one of you guys say all right boys it's time I'm like f it oh wait PG take cut that out cut that yeah I'm down to solic bit farms and everything during that time too I had no idea that there was going to be a huge Spike you guys should have told me before I'm buying buying buing but I mean like what Tristan said it's not like 100% like just because it says it's going to happen doesn't mean it's going to happen for sure but now knowing this this changes what do you think we didn't tell you that there was going to be a huge Spike isn't that what we've been talking about for like this entire show since we started doing it will SI IES or but yeah no I didn't know about that chart yeah now that I know about the chart this is eye opening okay this makes more sense now okay iow will fall we literally talk about this stuff like almost every episode but I mean better late than never right like don't worry D we got you we'll we'll tell you when it's time like I'll just call you and be like it's time and then hang up like no explanation no context just it's time yeah yeah to be frank I I was today years old when I found out about this chart but yeah I guess if you want we can move on to the next topic um just quickly if you want to uh if you want more bull bu fuel um I'll share my uh I'll share my normalized stock prices um this is for the this is percentage gain over here on this axis this is the time frame and this is for 2021 so and these are the different Bitcoin miners that I had included in this selection so you can see there are some of them that in 2021 went up massive percentages um in this kind of short time frame so that's that's kind of what I'm looking to uh to take advantage of and you can't you can't even see really Bitcoin because it's um it's all the way down here in terms of actual percentage that Bitcoin did and this is how you can kind of see the leveraged amount that the Bitcoin miners were doing um but again is it's not Financial advice it's it's just uh some more Moon fuel you know whenever I'm uh I'm feeling like I'm I've lost my mind um I can come look at this tart and be like hey uh I mean did it last time hopefully this is like last time um yes there's like Hive here and Mara and I do have Micro strategy who is like down here at like the 400% markish so again it's it's there there were substantial gains made on these stocks last cycle so I I think it's something that we can uh keep in mind that there will be there there is a potential for a lot of gains here so uh you know not Financial advice but I I'm definitely bullish on it yeah and I think that this is actually one of wall Street's Best Kept Secrets right because like it seems like it's not a secret because we talk about it publicly on the show every almost every week here at least every other week uh but if you actually go out even like and talk to people even people who are well versed in the stock market and stuff like nobody pays attention to the miners and nobody like cares but they will care when that like you know they call it the banana zone right when the banana Zone hits uh then then you're going to attract kind of the mainstream attention uh but we're not there yet and hopefully the banana Zone uh is still ahead of us uh all right we do have to move on and conserve some time we spend a little bit more time on that segment than I intended but that's okay uh and the next story is also very interesting in my opinion uh which was the US Presidential debates so I'm not sure if you guys watched the debate I Trump Victory Chances Dip After Presidential Debate put it on and I just was watching a live stream of it so I watched the whole thing uh and uh the end result was uh let's just say like there was a maybe a two-thirds consensus that agreed that KLA Harris uh won the debate or at least she performed uh better than expected uh and there was you know the two-thirds consensus was that uh Trump underperformed right so he did not perform as well so um yeah in general it just seems like uh KLA was a lot better prepared and she was more eloquent in answer ing the questions and she seemed more professional uh whereas Trump was um you know he seemed super aggressive uh and he was just kind of yelling into the microphone uh and is just kind of like a like an angry old man sort of vibe right so uh that was at least the consensus again like don't get mad at me this is just kind of what I've been reading from both sides right like because you have a lot of trump supporters that were also uh slightly disappointed with his uh with his performance uh and and that's a fact right so uh after this uh it seems like uh KLA Harris's election odds or the chances of her Victory went up right so if you look on poly Market which is the biggest kind of you know crypto prediction Market uh out there KLA Harris was kind of I think Donald Trump was leading Harris by 6% on poly Market before the debate uh and after the debate um K Harris is now leading Trump by 1% so it's a 7% Delta um from before the uh debate until after the debate so the market does seem like uh they they thought that Harris one uh and you can see this in the stock market too so it's again don't get mad at me this is just the kind of consensus if you uh just you know if you're well versed in the world of investing uh it does seem like Wall Street likes Trump more than Harris right and Wall Street thinks that or at least the stock market thinks that Trump will be better so if Trump's election odds increase then then the stock market is green and then if Harris election odds increase uh then the market is red right so after the debate the morning after the market opened it was it was red because the market was the consensus was that the market was pricing in a higher chance of a Harris Victory um so uh this was kind of um maybe the consensus however uh you know the pundits obviously they the pundits are I would argue kind of biased because they were like mostly like professional people who study polyi they're mostly Democratic leaning anyways so they definitely said that Harris won but maybe a kind of a silver lining for Trump and Trump supporters is that uh not everyone actually agree with the pundits right so there are some signs that undecided voters were not so convinced right so this is a part from uh New York Times article and we know New York Times is a little bit left leaning right so uh it's not like a prot trump publication by any means but even the New York Times U published this article that said that they followed um around some undecided voters uh and this is what they found right so they said not all voters especially those undecided few who could sway the election were abusive about the vice president Harris performance uh in interviews these undecided voters acknowledged that Miss Harris seemed more presidential than Mr Trump uh and they said that she laid out a sweeping Vision to fix some of the country's most stubborn problems but they also said she did not seem much different than Mr Biden uh and they wanted change uh and most of all what they wanted to hear and didn't was the fine print right so again I think both candidates were a little bit light on the specifics of their policies right and this is a criticism that I think is valid for both sides right against both sides um so yeah that was kind of how the election um or how the debate uh went so I'm before I impart my opinion let me toss the question to you guys did you guys watch the debate first of all uh and I'm sure you've saw at least like highlights even if you didn't watch the whole thing uh but even if you didn't watch the debate like what did you think about what was uh said afterwards do you agree with um the like pundit that Harris won the debate or are you not so sure uh or just like kind of what are your thoughts on the debate in general do you think that um Harris is going to win or is it like what mistakes that Trump make I'm just going to leave the questions open and let you guys take it wherever you want yeah so I had the opportunity to take a look at a few Clips just earlier today or literally just an hour ago to be honest but uh yeah from what I noticed for sure um Donald Trump did seemed very aggressive and was just an old guy screaming in the microphone and while camela was more like I guess elegant and then more professionally well spoken I felt like I know uh there was a few times where she did bring the smoke I'll be honest like specifically when they were talking about abortion I think to be honest I agree with camella's view more than Donald Trump's view but uh at the caveat too I think um I'm not exactly sure where this election is necessarily going to go but I think if we're in like a specific economic condition we are in today um and then we do vote for CA it may very well be in the same position we would be before but if we voted for Donald maybe perhaps that change but then again I did like how camea was during that uh entire debate and I definitely think she was more uh reserved and prepared and maybe she perhaps took this battle like but I'm sure there's more to come as so only time we tell so I watched the debate that was uh that was an experience um was like look like you just came back from like the Vietnam War or something it it's just like is this these are really the best uh the best candidates that America could come up with was uh like Donald Trump and Camala Harris like you had no one else um uh I I thought um both of them both of them were definitely speaking a lot of BS in my opinion um and I I think I think it was clear at several instances I think it was more clear with Trump when he was speaking BS because he tends to be very you know they're e my cat no the cat which um is very much like a talking point like you know most most people aren't eating cats it's let's be real it's it's it's it's not like the average illegal immigrant rolls up and is like you know what the first thing I'm going to do in America is find a cat so um it's just a it's just a shock factor I think so he was he was very ham very clearly hammering on a point that um in my opinion had very little value to his um to his stance and I think um I think he had a habit of doing that throughout the um throughout the discussion the debate I guess the more accurate term um but I I did find that Kamala was definitely lying at multiple instances uh and I don't think that there was as clear I think it was clear When Donald was lying I don't think it was clear when Kamala was lying in terms of uh in terms of the both the moderator reaction and um the reaction from you know Trump and everyone right I and I don't think that most people picked up on way camalo is lying um or you know changing the truth or whatever so I think that um I mean I think that they're both they're both Crooks in their own way if we're really if we're really getting down to it um and I think that it's it's not really a scenario where there's a particularly um great option because I feel like Cala represents more of the same under Biden and in my opinion that hasn't been a particular success but I think that Trump also is a very much more of a wild card where there is um a lot more potential that he's going to do something crazy and um without having a big impact on everything or something to that effect I think um and I don't think and I don't think that Trump's a very good person in general like I don't think he's a good guy I don't like I wouldn't I wouldn't want my daughter to date him if I had a daughter but um you know I I think that there is there is a lot of um I I understand the perspective of the people who are like my life is worse now under Cala or I guess under Biden but under camalo let's be real my worse my life is worth worse now than it was under Trump so is that and the question from that comes down to is that the Democrats fault or is it CO's fault is it something else but think that a lot of people will be blaming um the Democrats and uh Cala and Biden for that and I just don't think um I I don't think they're wrong because I don't think that it is I don't think things are great I don't think things are better now under under Biden so from that perspective I think that the people have quite the right to to be angry and um you know they may decide to vote in Trump um either way as a result of that anger and uh you know whether or not that's the the correct choice you know we'll we'll have to see after the election because um you know I I feel like both of them have changed their perspectives on a lot of things from before getting elected to after getting elected and I think that the fact that in North America politics you have a you have these leaders who have a tendency to say whatever it takes to get elected and then do whatever the hell they want afterward after being elected um I think that's a real issue with our democratic system but maybe I'm just uh maybe I'm just getting a little bit sidetracked on that but uh I think it's I think it's kind of up in there and I I thought the debate was um it's kind of just like watching children argue yeah no it wasn't uh it's definitely different than like the Obama days right like I could tell you that for sure maybe like back then people would argue that watching a debate filled them with like hope afterwards but nowadays it's kind of like the complete opposite of that right um so I totally get uh what you're saying and uh you know I I think I've made my opinions clear on uh you know us politics and like how the result of this election is going to be incredibly consequential uh in my opinion and I know that everyone says that about every election but I I actually genuinely believe that this election is going to be one of the most I don't know about the most consequential election of our lifetime but like I think it's definitely top five uh in like recent decades uh of like in terms of most consequential elections because uh as Tristan and you argued earlier that like hey like if you just if you're an average American and I I'm not American so I can't speak for you but if you are American or if you you know watch uh you know go on American social media or watch like you know American um shows and stuff like that I don't know like or not shows but like news reports I think that the consensus is that your life has gotten worse throughout the past three and a half years uh under Biden and KLA than it was under under Trump right so and I wish that Trump like that's actually a very strong point and I think Trump only mentioned it like once or twice uh in the entire debate I think he should have definitely hit on that more and personally I was kind of disappointed with the way that Trump performed I kind KLA Harris kind of performed the way that I expected she would uh but um yeah I was kind of disappointed with Trump's performance uh and I'll like just try to be like you guys know me right I try to be fair right like I obviously everybody has their own bias everybody has their own opinions but I try to be fair to both sides uh and I think that uh if you were trying to be fair uh to both sides for this debate I think that things were kind of like unfair for Trump right I don't know if you guys would agree with that but uh ABC who is the host of this debate uh they a mainstream media source that is in my opinion clearly left leaning so it was it was like more of a three-on-one debate rather than a oneon-one right because if you just watch the debate at one point like first of all they ask really loaded questions right it's like hey like Jan 6 you said this how do you explain yourself right and you know like they I feel like they wouldn't do that for like kamla like because I'm sure she said controversial things in the past as well right but like they they had like a whole segment and and like with filled with pointed questions that were clearly directed at Trump or at something that Trump did specifically uh that was kind of you know risque and like you know bad that would you know make him make him seem or would paint him in a bad light right so I think that was issue number one where it's like the moderators uh were being unfair to Trump and asking these loaded questions uh and number two I'm not sure if you guys noticed but uh Trump they muted Trump's mic but they don't mute Harris's mic right so the official rules that uh ABC posted themselves says that they're they must mute the mic of the other person when it's like when it's not they they must mute your mic when it's not your uh turn to speak right but so they did that for Trump but they didn't do that for Harris so I think that that was like another uh big kind of clearly bias towards Harris right and you know even reading after like after the debate even reading through like social media and stuff like I know like people on social media can say anything but like I just find it also a little bit hypocritical uh if you look at the reaction of now KLA Harris supporters um right now after this debate where it was you know pretty clear that KLA did better versus their reaction when it was Joe Biden right so I'll name an example right so when when Joe Biden had that terrible debate with Trump uh people were saying hey like what are we measuring with the debate like we're not electing a a master like debater to be uh the president like the president's uh main duties isn't to debate right like the president's main duty is to govern so a debate doesn't measure that so you know it's just just because somebody is terrible at debating doesn't mean that they'll make a bad president so they're basically trying to defend Joe Biden right because Joe Biden was it's pretty clear that he couldn't debate anymore and they were like okay we're not like selecting the best president on their ability to debate like that was the narrative that that was said right but then after this uh debate it was like oh KLA destroyed Trump she was so good like she's so good at debating and Trump is so bad because he just sounds super aggressive he sounds angry he sounds like an old man which like fair you can make an argument but it's like okay so when it was Biden and he did terrible we're not like electing a president based on their ability to debate uh but then when KLA does well it's like we we are now electing a president based on their ability to debate so like which is it right so I find it kind of hypocritical the kind some of the things that were said uh after this debate uh and you know all in all it's it is what it is right so maybe a silver lining to this if you're a trump supporter is that I did read a an article somewhere and this was before the debate even happened that presidential debates if you look at the data they actually rarely change people's opinions right I feel like I feel like most people even if they say they're undecided deep down inside they already probably know who they're going to vote for right so if you're leaning towards kamla you're probably gonna like lean even more towards kamla if you're leaning towards Trump before the debate I don't think that because they're so far apart right like I don't think that after the debate you're going to be like I'm not gonna vote for Trump anymore or I'm gonna vote for KLA and maybe maybe some people but like I just I don't think that it'll sway like a large amount of people if anything maybe like Taylor Swift's endorsement of KLA Harris is gonna sway more people but maybe that's another topic altogether but what do you guys think um to anything I said I'll give you guys an opportunity to respond sure I'll be like quick on this one um so I only had the chance to watch a few Clips online on YouTube from like major news networks things like this and just YouTube channels in general and that alone was extremely left biased and like I'm not going to State like where I would vote like officially like I I just like not even from the United States so I won't say that but um one thing is for certain I did notice a bias and like all those media coverages and I think you're definitely on to something for sure I'll say that I think pretending like either of these politicians isn't full of oh D be whoops but uh is it is it isn't um full of it is uh is you know completely it's it's ridiculous and the fact that the moderators were calling Trump and factchecking him every five seconds and didn't fact check uh Cala nearly as much if at all and you know I've heard people be like well Trump was lying and Cala wasn't lying and I'm like they're both lying they're politicians like come on and you can you can look up and find examples of Cala um being fact checked after the fact um and being proven to have been lying or have uh changed the truth between what she said and what was actually happening so I do think that there was a clear bias from the um way the debate was handled um I think that it was it's very clear to me that Trump was more closer to a three-on-one than a oneon-one um it was there's definitely there's definitely a couple points where he was arguing with the moderators more than he was arguing with Kamala um and on that front I think the moderators were really hammering on Trump and not hammering on Kamala nearly as much so and I don't know if maybe this is just that they they knew more examples of there being um issues with what Trump was saying and they didn't immediately know the issues with what Cala was saying but again I think at the end of the day we we need to have um both sides be presented as um you know the who they who they really are and what they really said and you know we can have people fact check Trump and be like people didn't eat hats all you want um but if you're not gonna call out Kamala on saying that no we won't do any fracking after she says in the in the debate that yes they will do fracking and she in the past has said that they won't do fracking it's like you know I think um I think the there were other examples of of this where um Camala deserved to be called out as much as Trump was or at least at least um she deserved to be called it on the things that she wasn't being accurate on and I think there were enough instances of her not being accurate that I think were stuff that should have been called out and I think that that's part of why I think we're kind of seeing it as bias towards Kamala uh over Trump is because of the way they really hammered on Trump for these instances where he rightly should have been fact checked you know I'm not saying he was he was telling the truth in all these instances but Kamala definitely had many instances also where she should have been fact checked and wasn't and I think that's really where the where the problem is because if I'm a viewer and I'm watching this and this is the only coverage I'm going to watch and I'm going to use this to help to point in my direction and what decision I'm going to make I'm now going to be coming out of this going Trump's a liar and Cala is you know telling the truth all the time whereas in reality you know she is also a liar it's just you know maybe she's not as much as Trump in this instance or maybe you know I didn't count the number of instances where they should she should have been fact checked but again there I just think that it does really feel like there there was a bias um that was Pro Camala or at the very least anti-trump and I don't think that that is um really helpful in a democratic system where we should be presenting these politicians in as neutral a fashion as we can and let their words and what they're saying and how they present themselves and all of that influence um the people on how they are going to make the decision on who to vote for not um the fact that moderators are hammering down on one candidate well letting the other one walk away Scott free essentially so yeah I mean credit to uh CNN for their uh first debate with Joe Biden I actually thought that that one was pretty well done and people are saying that CNN's like super alt left uh theoretically like from the you know rating I've seen CNN is more left leaning or is supposed to be more left leaning than ABC uh and yet I think that CNN did uh somehow a much better job at trying to be fair guess like you could argue that the CNN was still somewhat left biased but I think the left bias was a lot more clear with the ABC one that just happened with Harris uh and yeah I think that and also just to uh point of clarification Trump actually wanted a debate on Fox News which was the only kind of maybe you could argue right leaning mainstream uh media platform uh in the US uh and KLA says said no so I I think Trump actually kind of compromised a bit and agreed to the ABC debate even though he knew he was walking into like an environment that was going to be that was going to have moderators and just you know this the kind of whole environment be against him um so I think that people should give Trump some credit for that as well at least he's willing to walk into like the Lions Den uh versus KLA she's like trying to always take the easy way out um but yeah all in all I don't know how much this is going to influence uh the actual result probably like you could argue that KLA Harris's odds went up and I would probably agree with you on that but is it enough to actually change uh the end results uh we'll have to see uh but yeah anyways if you guys don't have anything more to add let's move on to the next story uh and talk about "Canadians Don't Want An Election" According to the Liberal Party politicians who are out of touch and maybe not being the most honest let's talk about Canadian politics so I told you guys to watch uh a video of um the foreign minister so if you guys don't know what the foreign minister of Canada is is kind of like the equivalent of a secretary of state of the US uh is but for Canada it's like the main person who's in charge of handling like diplomatic relationships uh and stuff like that and negotiating uh deals with other countries uh so the current Canadian foreign minister uh her name is Melanie Jolie uh and she was speaking at the liberal Caucus meeting that just happened uh earlier this week so so this is recent right so this after all the news of like the NDP pulling out of the deal uh that they had to prop up the Liberals and it's after like you know Pierre uh POV the leader of cons of the conservatives uh went on national TV to kind of bash both the Liberals and the NDP and call for an election uh so after all of this and I assume I didn't hear the a question because it's not part of the clip uh but I assume I think the question has something to do with um should should we have an election should Canada have an election right uh so uh I'll just play you the clip uh of her response to that question Canadians don't want elections they just want us to do the job they just want us to govern and that's what we're doing we're governing we're taking tough decisions why because times are tough and so wait wait let me finish I'm speaking so um yeah you guys just saw that clip and I think Tristan and Dom you guys both I told you guys to watch that clip beforehand so that's her response her response was basically Canadians don't want an election uh they just want the Liberals to govern and I think that the majority of Canadians uh when they like saw obviously this wasn't played on like National TV so not every Canadians watched uh this video but I assume that if for everyone who did watch that video who was Canadian for the most part I would argue that the vast majority of people probably raised an eyebrow uh to that it's like really we don't want an election we want the Liberals to govern uh so let me give you you guys a chance to respond to that so first of all do you personally as a Canadian want to have an election right now uh and uh if so do you think that you know what what Melanie Julie said was out of touch or like what do you think of what she said in general uh and if not if you don't think that an early election um is is the right thing to do uh explain why why not right so take it away uh um I felt like she was just way over her head a little bit just remembering it from watching it this morning um she was so conf it's like oh it's not it's not what you think it is it's like um like our government's good like it's just like a matter of like inconveniences and like U hiccups but we're fine don't worry about it like nothing's wrong um I think fact of the matter is that um there's like several years of proof that uh this government isn't doing as well as it should be and for the fact of the matter I think In fairness I think at early election is the least that the government could do and from there um fairly the citizens of Canada can decide who to vote for and that result in itself should be the uh end goal to see like what Canadians truly want so I think in hindsight an early election is not a bad idea at all and she might just be a little too biased for one's liking and I think I remember in the clip too she was like um speaking kind of vibe like Karen Vibes so I didn't really like that taste in my mouth so to speak but yeah these are my opinions basically yeah so I I watched the uh clip and I feel like I feel like her argument was poorly um communicated in the sense of I think what she was trying to say was that can Canadians want the Liberals to do a good job and I feel like you know maybe maybe people want the Liberals to do a good job I mean I think I think most people want the Liberals to do a good job of running the country I think but I think most people would agree that they haven't been doing a particularly good job so I think that her kind of argument statement whatever it was um that Canadians don't want election I don't think that um I I kind of think that she's missing the point it's not that we I don't think the Canadians actually want to go to an election booth and put their ballots in a in a box if that's what she's trying to say she's right I don't particularly want to walk or drive or wherever D go put my name in a little what's it call after writing some on a piece of paper you know like I don't really want to do that it's a bit of a waste of my time from a you know that perspective of like this takes time it's effort it's not something that I roll out of bed I'm like yes today's voting day um but I don't want the Liberals to be in charge right I like it's not it's at this point it's at this point I don't think most people want the Liberals in in power anymore because I don't think most people feel like the Liberals have been doing a very good job and so I think that what she's getting at was that we don't want an election okay no but then she's really missing the mark with the the idea that we just want the Liberals to govern no we we we want our country to be functioning and not be having everything go up in price and not have all these issues with like different um housing with like housing and uh cost of living and everything so on that front we we want to have our lives be you know good we want we want them we want things to be you know affordable we want us to be able to buy the things we want we want to you know most people aren't rolling out of bed and thinking about the election from a wow I really want to change the color that is in the office right now you know the the the green the red people have been in there too long let's let's put the blue people in now I think people are very much looking at it like uh my life is worse I need to change it to be better and what is one way we can change it to be better by changing things that we cannot control because I I can't control the price of groceries myself I can vote for a party that will make changes that will help me and I think on on that front I I think very few people um at this point believe that the Liberals are the party that will change things for the better um particularly since they've been in power for so long and things have only gotten worse so I and I'm not sure I mean I guess from the perspective of you know why would I ever say my part is not going to do well like I have an incentive for if I'm a liberal MP to to say that my part's going to do well even if I know that it's it's um you know the Hindenburg about to into flame um either way I think uh I think that that's probably more so why she's beating the the the drum on that front but um I just don't think I don't think that they have much of a chance in hell is really what it comes down to I think that I think that most likely the conservatives will be forming the next election or the next government and uh the Liberals will be lucky to still be a party I think you're being too kind to the Liberals Tristan so I I do have some Choice thoughts and I promis like I was saying in the chat before uh this show started earlier when I Shar this video with you guys that as our residents left each chist I will give you an opportunity to defend the Liberals uh and now you've had that opportunity and now it's it's kind of my turn to say what I think right so I think this this looks really bad for the Liberals no matter which way you slice it so let me just share a few polls right so like and uh just share some like results from polls and let our audience members and let you guys to decide whether Canadians want an election or not right so this is from 338 Canada the charts that you can see uh so yeah you can see that there's a huge Divergence between like the support um ratings of the Liberals versus the conservatives right conservatives are in blue Liberals are in red uh and the NDP has taken like a small dip uh at the end as well uh so maybe pulling on the deal didn't help them too much at least not yet uh if anything it might have even hurt them a little uh and if you just look at kind of where they get because this chart is like aggregate so if you look at like the individual polls there's not a single poll that has been conducted in the past two to three months that shows the conservative with anything less than a 14o lead uh in in front of the liberals so the Liberals no matter what like no matter what polls you look at no matter like how they're rated whether they're A+ rated or c-rated or whatever the conservatives are ahead by a large margin right so I think that's it's it's just simply not true to say that Canadians want the Liberals to govern more and I don't see how you can make that argument uh even if she's like she's just I think she's just running out of things to say right like there's no way that she can defend the record of her government uh and she's just saying that oh like I talked to because this clip that I showed you guys it it sort of it didn't show the first part of her sentence so I apologize for that I couldn't find like a full clip until afterwards and I was too lazy to like recp it uh but there wasn't that much missing right so there's no like super big context that I'm missing the only sentence that she said before that was you know I talked to a few like people over the talked to a few Canadians over the summer and they told me that Canadians uh don't and my conclusion is that Canadians don't want an election right so the only thing that like kind of puts it into more context was okay maybe she talked to some people that just so happens to be liberal supporters uh that told her that they want the Liberals to to continue to govern and they don't want an early election so this is like what I like to call proof by example right so it's anecdotal and she just taking something that happens like in her life uh and and kind of projecting it uh in general where you know if like I know people do that all the time right I probably am guilty of that sometimes as well but again like if you're going to talk anecdotal evidence I have plenty of anecdotal evidence that suggest the exact opposite right like everyone who I talk to has pretty much even like left leaning folks have said that things especially economically uh in Canada but whole lot of other issues too like with crime and stuff like that has not gone the way that they wanted it to uh and yeah it's just like you're getting more and more of the sense that the Liberals are a sinking ship uh and Dom to what you said earlier about like her like cutting cutting off the follow-up reporter of her sounding like a Karen I think that was like a trick that she very clearly pulled from KLA Harris's uh Playbook because that was like one famous incident uh in the vice presidential debates when she was uh running for vice president uh against Mike Pence uh that there was a debate and Pence was trying to like cut her off and interrupt her uh and then and then she's like hey I'm speaking and then this was like you know powerful female moment uh and apparently like this is how it was received right uh and I think that Jolie is trying to like emulate that uh but I don't think it worked that well in her case because it just sounds extremely patronizing uh and it just sounds like it just makes her even sound even more out of touch right and I think that any Canadian even if you're um like let's say if you're on the fence right like I don't know who is still on the fence between like the Liberals and the conservatives at this point but let's say you're like a liberal conservative swing voter and you're on the fence still um and you saw this clip I think that it would do a lot to push towards the conservatives right because it just makes you mad it's like hey like things are not going well and you're saying Canadians don't want an election it's just it's it's gaslighting uh people in my opinion and it's like oh Canadians want the Liberals to govern it's like really do we uh I don't think so right so uh and this is I think why like the conservatives are going to continue to succeed uh and um Pier POV has been like calling for an election uh soon so I think the parliament Canadian Parliament is back in session next week so he'll probably put in a no confidence vote uh and then we'll see how it goes right I don't think it's really going to go anywhere because I don't think the NDP is actually gonna flip uh and even if they do like there's a chance that like the Liberals and the block could still work together block Kua uh and survive if the block um puts their support behind the Liberals uh so unfortunately I don't actually think we're going to get an early election but you never know uh but yeah I think whenever the election does come uh it's going to be it's going to be bad um for the Liberals and this clip uh from Jolie just illustrates exactly why right they're completely out of touch it's not just Trudeau but it's his whole cabinet uh and they're just not listening to what Canadians have to say and I think they're going to be punished at the voting booth for that and yeah pretty much that's all I have to say uh on that um why don't we move on to our final Censorship On The Rise In Left-Leaning Democracies story of the day if you guys don't have uh anything else to add let's move on to our final story of the day which is a sensorship and surveillance uh so uh I think this is this is actually multiple stories combined together but at recently I've noticed a trend in a lot of so-called Western Dem Democratic countries or you know Western democracies uh that they're starting to go down the path of you know censorship and authoritarianism uh so what do I mean right so uh there was an EU official named Theory Breton uh who tried to stop Elon from interviewing Trump on X uh by sending him a by sending Elon a letter threatening to criminally investigate Elon if he decided to go through uh with this um with this interview now Elon just ignored it and he went through with it anyways um but you know this was kind of controversial when it happened because it's like what does the EU have to do with this and like why is the EU trying to like stop Elon from interviewing Trump like isn't that election interference from the EU because they're trying to like interfere uh with um with the election uh in in America right um so that's uh another thing and then um the second story is France arrested the founder of telegram his name is Pavo durov which you know they they said that telegram is not doing enough to you know hand over data with suspected terrorists and stuff um so we can maybe talk about that as well uh the UK is using anti hate speech laws to crack down on people who protested against uh immigrants right so we can make an like we can kind of maybe go down that route of saying hey like are I'm not recommending or like endorsing people who are being racist online but I'm just saying like if somebody's racist online but like but they're just they just said something racist but they're not threatening violence or anything is that uh should we like get them in trouble for that or like where's the cut off right like or if even if they are threatening violence if it's like a general threat versus like a direct threat towards one specific group or person like is there a difference between that right so I think maybe we could talk about that as well um but that's another example of how like you know you got to be careful what you say online and like because the UK is like monitoring the social media and stuff uh in the first place uh so maybe you can argue that that's problematic uh can used the emergencies act to crack down on the trucker Convoy so we've talked about that uh in depth already uh us uh has worked with meta so this was something that Zuckerberg recently admitted uh in like an open letter uh that um Zuckerberg admitted to working with the US government through meta to suppress a story about Hunter Biden's laptop uh even though it later turned out to be a true story so if you don't know what the lapt top story was apparently like Hunter Biden who's a son of Joe Biden right he had some like you know classified files on a computer uh but then he was suffering from like drug abuse problems and then he was just leaving the laptop with like top secret government um files on it like at this like random computer shop uh and then it was like picked up by Rudy Giuliani who's like uh the former uh mayor of New York and he's like a big Trump supporter so he like took the laptop and like I don't know he like sold it or something but like there was a whole story about that uh and and the Republicans were arguing that Biden Hunter Biden needed he investigated uh for doing that because like he shouldn't have left the laptop there uh and and that broke a lot of laws and stuff uh but apparently that was when that story first came out uh it was the consensus of the mainstream media that this was a conspiracy theory this was like absolutely ridiculous uh but then it later turned out to be a true story and even New York Times admitted that and published a correction but this was way after the fact um so that's another thing uh and then um the final thing is uh Brazil uh Banning X so I don't know if you guys know about this but um Brazil had an election um couple years ago as well around the same time I think 2020 as as well uh where the former president bolsonaro uh he's considered like Brazil's Trump right like he's a right-wing populist um president and like he was also disputing the uh results U that he lost uh so he was saying that how he actually won and there was voter fraud very similar to what happened uh in the US actually uh and then there was also like their equivalent of like a Jan 6 event where a bunch of protesters kind of stormed a government building uh and then um this new government under President Lula who's the left leaning uh president uh he's trying to like make X or make Elon who's the owner of X give up personal info of like the people who uh went to these protests so that he can crack down on them uh and elon's like no I'm not going to give you that info because I protect privacy and Free Speech uh and then Brazil was basically like okay if we're not going to give up that info we're going to shut you down and we're going to and they threaten to criminally prosecute the um Executives at X including Elon uh and the biggest problem I think is that the Supreme Court who ruled by this um this man named uh mores I think his name is um Alexander mores uh who is uh I think he's like a friend of like Lula or he's like you know very closely t and very like in agreement with uh president Lula's government so they're kind of working together where you have uh you know the president and the Supreme Court working together to kind of shut down x uh and yeah right now uh X is not only banned in Brazil but if you use a VPN they're threatening to find people thousands of dollars per day uh if you try to use a VPN in Brazil to access uh X because it's a banned platform so um you know many have seen this as an attack on free speech so I was wondering what you guys have to say about any of these um stories and like if you notice a trend as well one last thing is that these kind of like you know crack down on free speech and censorship they seem to be coming from left leaning governments right like EU is overwhelmingly left leaning France is left leaning uh UK just had a election they put in the labor party who's the for a majority who's the left leaning party there Canada drul by the Liberals right obviously it's a left leaning party um us the Democrats are in charge right now right Brazil is also left leaning now now that they got rid of bonaro um so you know is there is there like a is that a pattern that we should pay attention to it's like why is all these left leaning governments who you know the left is supposed to be about Liberty and progressivism and you know anti-authoritarianism but apparently not so what do you guys think about that part as well so a multi-part story feel free to take it away and you know answer any questions you want one thing we need to remember with regards to the uh political spectrum is that just because you're left doesn't mean you're authoritarian there is an additional access sorry just because you're left doesn't mean you're not authoritarian that's what I'm what I'm actually trying to say because there is a political access um to the the other way between authoritarian and libertarian and I think that we do have a uh we have had several large key players in the on the left sphere moving up on that authoritarian um side of things rather than moving um rather than staying where they were or being more libertarian and from that perspective I think that authoritarian methods like this is um is concerning you know for example like the the emergencies act and then there was also um some of the bill c1s and um and such in Canada that were being used to um control where people were getting their media from or and dissuade people from well essentially dissuade people in in theory they weren't dissuading people but um they were saying that we could uh Bill C11 with pushing Canadian Centric uh content um being a priority and then with uh c18 I believe it was which was um you know making the news uh making meta and the the rest um pay their dues for um the uh having news on them which essentially uh was just another way was basically the the result was that all the news left those companies and as a result now people have less access to news than they did before so I think on on that front there's just there's been a lot of instances of um these more authoritarian acts um queuing up and I I do think that that has uh that we should be concerned about that and keep an eye on it because I think it's um definitely something that is uh clearly happening and um you know how are we supposed to assess who is the best um for our country if we are getting the wrong information right and so on that front I think um I think it is concerning their willingness to to suppress media um with regards to Brazil Bing X I don't think that um I don't think this is a big deal from X's perspective because I think that Brazil is comparatively a small market so X will be just fine I wouldn't be concerned about their bottom line yes there's a lot of people there but um at the end of the day if there was enough people like if there were enough market that they would want to stay there would have been more willing to comply with what um with what they were requesting from uh with the information that was being requested from X right so I think on that front it's not really a scenario where um this is going to be a major harm to X itself and then yeah I think it's uh I do think it's it's a bit concerning um but yeah I'll I'll pass it on to you someone else for uh additional thoughts yeah no just before you go Dom I I was just looking up um how big of a market Brazil is for x and apparently there's about 21 million uh users of X in Brazil uh so that's uh but that's out of 540 uh million users that X has in total uh so if you do the math um that's about uh what was it 21 divided by 540 that's about 4 perish so you know it's not like a huge huge chunk but it's like a noticeable chunk right so I wouldn't say that it's like it it's like insignificant that it doesn't matter but you know besides like you know X is one thing and I'm not really like trying to discuss their bottom line or anything like that uh but I think that's like it's the principle that matters to me right it's like there's 21 million users of X in Brazil and with one court order you're denying them of access to basically Free Speech right because if if they can shut down X for just you know because the boss of X did something that that the government doesn't like uh well then you know what is that like that's that's what North Korea and China does right so like what's the difference between Brazil and China uh and and North Korea in that case right so that that's kind of my point it's like it's the principle right like I'm not so worried about like you know is X gonna survive after Brazil shuts it down it's like yeah they're gonna survive L but that's not my main worry um but yeah anyways uh just waned to add that uh Dom sorry I cut you off um do you want to provide your thoughts yeah sure no wor it's fine um basically I think if you look at everything like overall I think yes it does seem like everything's quite left leaning and is that problematic perhaps it would be because um now a lot of people are super dedicated in you know politics things like this and the news but the odd chance that you do end up turning on the TV could be introduced to something that could swayer decision making for something important in a specific Direction and it doesn't give the Justice to the other side um nearly as much as one of the other sides so I think um in hindsight something should be done to make everything a little more balanced but if that's the world we live in hopefully we can change that and I guess since we're talking about Brazil band of X yeah that seems crazy it's I know like China banss quite a bit of like social media apps that are American too as well so I wonder if Brazil is like the next Domino and then somewhere else is going to do the same who knows hopefully not but yeah fingers crossed yeah I would say at Brazil what happened in Brazil is worse than in China because at least China doesn't self-proclaim to be a liberal democracy right like it's just it's always been the way that it is and like I think people in China have already just kind of accepted that the government gets to say like that they don't get to vote and they the government gets to say Which social media platform is allowed and not allowed like people are just kind of like used to it but it's it's almost like for Brazil it's like they're trying to pretend to be a liberal democracy it's like you have all these rights that are guaranteed under your Constitution and they like and they were fine before but now we're just going to take all this away and hopefully people don't complain hopefully people don't notice because like you know it's the right Wingers is the outright who are on X anyway so just we're Turing it down and we're gonna protect you from all these people who are you know supportive of the previous president who are you know racist and whatnot it I I just think that it's like it it's authoritarian um just like China but it's also hypocritical and I think that that's uh kind of where my gripe uh with with the Brazil thing is um but yeah anyways so that's all for that story unless you guys anything else to add uh maybe just just quickly five minutes five more minutes I just want to talk about this one last topic uh which is the iPhone Apple Announces iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro right so I'm not sure if you guys watched the iPhone event that happened earlier this week uh where Apple introduced their iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro uh so the only maybe big difference I would say is besides the processor which they update every year anyways uh they added this capture button or they don't call it capture button they call it camera control uh where it's almost like a mini trackpad that's built into the side uh where you can press it to take a photo or you can kind of um you know rub your finger I have the iPhone uh 15 so I don't have the button but it's it's going to be like where I'm pointing to over here uh where you know you kind of uh you can put your finger there and scroll um pan in or out and then it'll zoom in or out uh for your photo itself uh so it's an extra way for you to uh kind of take a photo uh and uh it it might be a little bit easier for you to take a photo now with the camera control button with one hand uh if if that's like something that's important to you but apparently that's that's the biggest difference and then there's also obviously like a few smaller differences as well uh but I was kind of just curious as to what are your guys's thoughts on uh this this new iPhone do you think that it's it's exciting or do you think that it's boring uh are you going to get it uh or if not what's your like how often do you upgrade your phones and what's your kind of like philosophy on upgrading uh your smartphone like how often do you do it when do you do it like what kind of features are compelling to you uh anything like that I think apple or iPhone's gone a little out of hand I think over the years nothing's really changed that much and it's basically the same phone with like maybe slightly faster uh speeds and like better camera like even at that I don't know if the 16 now is like even that much better I think for most people this is just my opinion if you're still an iPhone user you might as well just stick with the 14 at best even I think the 14 would be fine I was trying to look for the prices I think I see like around 900 bucks like give or take and then could if you were a student too and then the student discount it would be a lot cheaper so if you bought yourself an iPhone 14 you're probably okay um I myself personally use the Google pixel 7 I'm team Android yeah controversial I know some people are into about that but I like Google pixel a lot um even for myself I didn't even buy the brand new pixel I bought uh the previous model there's like a nine now but it beats me I think I'm okay with just my seven and I typically upgrade my phone every more frequently than I'd like but uh every two years two to three years and I'm buying like older versions of pre-existing phones so I think In fairness I think it's quite fine but I think for most iPhone users you probably be okay with the 14 because I think if you go 15 and up you would have to switch from T type c um and you don't have to use lightning anymore so that could be a little bit inconvenient but you can chime on that and that's all I have to say yeah I got to say that like I switched from an iPhone 13 Pro uh to the iPhone 15 Pro uh and the USBC was definitely the best feature because like yeah sure the camera is better and stuff like that but it's like honestly the there's not there was nothing wrong with the iPhone 13 Pro Camera uh so yeah I think the USBC was the most compelling reason and I'm probably not going to upgrade I was thinking about it but it was like when I I was like in denial that they were GNA like actually make so little changes and then I saw the event and there was like actually very little changes and I was like you know what maybe I'll skip this generation because I already have the 15 Pro and also it's like a hassle to transfer stuff uh when you get a new device so I'm probably not going to bother uh Dom are you going to get the pixel fold uh since uh it's now available in Canada and you're such a big pixel fan um to be frank with you not anytime soon I think there's like updates with the pixel 7 for like five plus years or something like that and then a little intrinsic thought thoughts welcome to the club suck you long enough kidding I just want to tease but yeah no I most likely won't uh get the new fold or whatever fold versions I would create now I'm okay with my seven no issues no problems if anything I mentioned in the chat I'd probably get the DJ Pocket 3 but that's completely different than what we're talking about so yeah I I I don't know how to politely say I don't care um about iPhone at all um the the iPhone 16 is they've been releasing the same phone for like five years it's like great O So Exciting wow I'm such a cool guy if I have an iPhone because I know I know it's such a fashion statement in some places but like at the end of the day devicewise it's only all right it's only like perfectly fine it's it's it's it's fine and uh you know they were missing a lot of features that Android had for a while there I heard uh recently they were getting a bunch of uh features that Android had and it was like wow you guys didn't have this like what what do you mean you didn't have this like I thought you were the premium device here not not Android over here but apparently some things are uh you know Android was ahead on so I I just I feel like um yeah I just I don't I don't really care about Apple iPhone stuff currently they've done nothing exciting since like their M1 chips in the in the Macs like that stuff and and I guess in the iPhones too but the M1 stuff was interesting and uh and those and those kind of chips but like now that they've got lines of those you know the first one was iterative and like exciting and wow look at all this performance in such a small form factor but now it's been out for a couple years so it's just kind of like okay you've you've taken the really good one and made it better okay keep releasing the same phone for another five years um so it's just yeah I I don't really care um and I I don't uh regarding replacing my phone um I've been doing more like every two to three years um for the last couple pych couple phones because of um my work plan doing every two years to uh replace my phones so prior to that um my previous phone before starting that was I think it lasted four years until I destroyed it so um uh and when I say destroyed I mean like I killed the power the the plugin the plug-in Port that was it the phone itself was fine so um you know it's uh it's not like I broke the screen so that Port was uh was USBC it was USBC it was USBC how many years that how many years was that before Apple introduced their USBC I bought that phone in 2018 and it died in uh it died in 2022 I believe beginning of 2022 so it was uh it was around for a while um so and it it started having issues with the Power report in 2021 I think so it it uh they do deteriorate um but I I would say that was a fairly long time to have a phone um what's your next uh phone Target if not iPhone like what are you going to upgrade to next do you think we'll see I I I've been really looking at the foldables but I can't justify the price so I really like the idea of having the foldable ones particularly the tablet style where you know you get that big screen but I I can't see myself spending $2,000 on it you know so I mean May if the prices came down to like 700 800 six 6 to 800 I might consider it but a current prices it it doesn't seem like it'll be likely anytime soon or Bitcoin goes to 100K and then you'll be even then even then yeah my philosophy is I think that you should splurge on a smartphone because it's something that you're going to use every single day now with that being said that doesn't mean that I'm advocating for you to upgrade every single cycle but it's just like I think yes it is $22,000 but if you really U if you can really see yourself getting like you know the enjoyment out of having a foldable uh then I think you should go for it because it is something that you're going to use every single day that's like what I would call Mission critical uh but yeah that's just that's my opinion I I think that part of it would be uh walking around with something that expensive in my pocket would feel um a lot more concerning like for example like if if someone wants to steal my current phone I'm like you know okay whatever that sucks but it's not the end of the world right whereas if someone's coming after you for your $2,000 phone I feel like I'd be like but please sir don't take my phone um or something to that AFF her or at least maybe they'd be more willing to so I think in in some regard that or or just the breaking it Factor you know you acally drop it out of your pocket and it's dead and that's $2,000 in the drain like that that is also a factor that I'm concerned about whereas like a cheaper phone does give you a little bit more peace of mind that if you know you do drop it and break it it's like whatever the replacement cost is not ridiculous right I mean so in my opinion I think the what you said about like someone steal steing your phone or robbing it from you the data that your phone controls and just how much like of your life that it controls that is worth more like way more than the phone itself right so I at that point like if somebody's gonna like take my phone they they have let's say they have access to like because I know like these days you can lock individual apps and stuff but I don't necessarily want to do that because I'm the only person in my phone and I don't want to have to like use face ID for every app that I open uh so let's just say they like somehow get my like face or they get my uh like you know passcode or somehow and they're able to get in then they have access to everything anyways uh and I think that that's like a big cost that that's like such a bigger cost than whatever the phone is worth itself uh so I don't think that you know that factor really matters for me but U maybe we'll agree to disagree on that one but yeah what you said about like dropping and breaking it I think that that's maybe a much bigger Factor but you can like put a case on it and stuff like personally I like I'm very careful with my devices so like I just I just use my phone literally without it there's like a little camera protector like piece of plastic that's on it but that's it so that that's how I use my phone and I've never dropped it or it's like yeah no he's crazy he's crazy y you gotta be careful with the uh with your devices crazy yeah anyways on that bombshell it's time to end the show so why don't I pass it to Dom for the outro sure okay um so I hope you guys enjoyed today's podcast because we definitely did so with that being said leave a like comment and subscribe to this channel as well as our Clips Channel and peace out guys have a good one thanks for watching see you next time [Music]

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