Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 00:17:34 Category: Sports

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mad D says Real Madrid plays another game and unfortunately they disappoint once again as they draw with Los palus 1 to1 in this video I'm going to be talking about the players specifically that I was very disappointed in this game giving you a recap of the game as well as giving you my official man of the match you know coming off the match against Real vo delad I felt a little more confident coming into this one just because you know we did win three nothing now did we have a shitty first half yeah we did you know did we come out in the second half and actually perform did endri come on and look great did brahem come on and look great he did and that's why when I saw brahem in the starting lineup as you can see on the screen now this was the starting lineup That Carlo anchel rolled out there and I was very excited to see brahe get the start you know he's been somebody we've been talking about in the comments you know should braheem start should Artic guler start if brahem starts you know should be a 10 a rightwing and as you can see brahem he starts as a right- Winger in this game Modric also gets a start over Iger which I'll be honest as an ariger fan I was not thrill about that I kind of want to see both of them out there at the same time I understand they're a little young but modri does get the start furline Mendy is back from suspension as well as Lucas Vasquez gets the start at right back over Danny Cara Hall and so coming into this lineup though the biggest thing I notice where's Rodrigo no Rodrigo in this lineup so I'm thinking okay are we going to be rocking a 442 in this one you know I kind of I'm kind of excited about the 442 I think there's a lot of opportunities that we have you know open up the pitch Vinnie and mbappe all the pace in the world can kind of go out there and show off and you know really create some opportunities for them to to gel together you know create opportunities run into the box and maybe have some free shots that we can actually take advantage actually put some goals away now ultimately this was really a 433 honestly as you can see on the screen this was actually the average position of the players in this one and so you can see that brahe he played a little deeper and also inba he does play a lot more of like a center forward in this one I think the thing is though that they are continuing to work on the linkup play with Vinnie and mbappe and unfortunately in this one there was little to none link up play at all between those two we'll get into it starting off the game though I thought that mbappe had a good really good opportunity to score right away Vinnie has a great through ball pass to him and unfortunately again we've talked about this in the past couple videos but I've mentioned it before keep looking for it mbappe's first touch has been poor it continues to be poor and until he fixes it I'm really concerned with his first touch I I don't understand what's wrong this is not the player that we've been watching year after year just get goal after goal and so I'm not sure just because did he not have a preseason yet but man it's game four what what are we doing it's game four let's have a better first touch mbappe poor first touch we don't take advantage and ultimately we lose the ball and just a couple minutes later L palus come out and they strike first Milow with just poor poor defense lazy defense and if I butcher his name that's fine I'm not a lost palus fan so it's okay M Moler whatever he absolutely cooks milit and then beats courtois to put Los Palmas up in the fifth minute one to nothing and I don't even know what to think I don't even know what to think at this point because what is this team why are we walking out there and just walking all around why do we have lazy defense this is game four for the squad the third game in La Liga I just do not understand what they are doing out there at all and I thought CIS should have done a little better but I think the biggest issue on that goal is Milow is poor effort I raved about him in the last one and then today I just don't understand at all what he was doing a very poor effort and Los pus come out and they almost find their second right away Chu manyi is just caught no men's land I thought Chu manyi was poor I thought Mendy was poor and ultimately though Milow does redeem himself a little bit he does give up the goal first and then he redeems himself and does a really good tackle in the Box to stop L palus free kick from fet I thought might be another goal it's a rocket free kick ultimately gets saved so nothing from there Milow I'm still liking the long passes from Milow that's something that we can continue to do I think it kind of creates more opportunities you can get Vinnie out wide mbappe out wide Milow passes it to mbappe but every time mbapp was getting the ball now that we're down one to nothing he's just double teamed every single time and so he has to meet two Defenders every single time to get in the box and then once he does that there's two more Defenders waiting for him so the opportunities for Real Madrid were pretty poor in the first half I thought it was actually a good long shot though for muder about the 30th minute in this game and the issue that we see though with that is it's kind of like a desperation shot a little bit that I don't love it was an accurate Ball but it's just kind of a frustration desperation shot where maybe we can get a goal from that one did not love that we do though right before half move from the 433 to more of a 442 flat okay and so basically what we had we had Vinnie and mbapp up top but then you had Brahim Diaz playing like a left Center mid with Modric and Chu manyi like a double pivot and then valver on the right and I actually thought this was a decent lineup however just it was just not brahim's day he he continued to lose the ball I think he lost about 13 times his passes were terrible Modric today we have to talk let me talk about modri real quick he looks over the edge he looks he's over the hill he looked 39 today he looked like a 39 year-old almost a 40-year-old out there playing and that is not a good thing I don't want to see modri start anymore I really don't he can come on and create Opportunities For Real Madrid and for this squad and be a really good role player however I I don't want to see him anymore AR guler needs to be playing instead of him if they're playing a deeper Center mid I understand I think too the thing right now with Modric kavinga would be starting right now over where modri is 100% losing Jude and losing kaminga is such a big loss for Real Madrid that I think we have to remember too now you know we we haven't even seen kaminga this season so that's the one thing but Jude we did see him you know in the first one and the second one and then we lost them right before the real VI to lead game and so losing both of them is a big Miss in the Midfield the Midfield has been a little terrible I think fatty valver has been good but overall the Midfield leaves a lot to to be desired overall first half pretty terrible brahe was bad modri was bad and then also Furon meny was bad too he gets a yellow in this one to and I do not understand what he was doing at all um not a fan of his performance in the first half moving to the second half brahe comes off and Rodrigo comes on as well as meny comes off and Fran comes on and like I said meny not a great day for him and Brahim terrible day from him too he if I had to give a worst performer on the day it's probably tie between both of them so I'm happy that Carlo has been watching the videos and has been listening to the community and actually is making subs so Carlo I applaud you for that we will get into the downfalls of today's performance so for you later today so to start the second half Rodrigo comes on in 433 to start the second half Los Palmas as a team you know they haven't won a La Liga match in 16 La Liga games and so for them to be one up on Real Madrid is just an achievement in themselves and honestly I thought Los palus looked like the better team today you know actually capitalizing on go and so if you are a lost palus fan congrats to you I thought you played pretty great today INE started to heat up and this is exactly the mbappe that I'm like okay we're seeing some flashes he hits an absolute rocket of a shot this was a missile um I I want to see more of that in the future th this was an opportunity though where this ball if you haven't seen it watch the Highlight I don't know if they're going to show in the highlights or not but right around the beginning of the second half this was a missile from mbappe that was on Target and he starts to heat up a little bit he wants the ball more the issue though Vinnie and mbappe are not on the same page and it's really frustrating to watch the this there's been a lot of selfishness going on I'm going to point specifically at Vinnie Vinnie I do not understand what you're trying to do when you're trying to pass the ball to mbappe you're trying to hit these flare passes you know these you you have this Brazilian flare I understand it I fully do the quality passes have been terrible to mbappe and then when the times you should pass it you don't in the times you don't pass it you should I don't know if I said that wrong I got my words mixed up oh well Vinnie's quality of passes have been terrible his decision- making has been terrible as well and specifically in this game this was a awful awful performance for Vinnie ultimately he does get the goal but we'll we'll talk about that but the decision- making from Vinnie I need need it to be better I need it to be better and I need him and mbappe to get on the same page and unfortunately we have one more game against real batis and then we go on International break and so they're going to have to hopefully figure out in the real btis game but otherwise coming off the break they're going to have to figure out we have to figure out quick too because we have Champions League coming soon and looking at that slate this is not an easy slate for Real Madrid so we need Vinny to do a lot lot better I did think though that Rodrigo came on and actually contributed right away I actually thought he looked pretty good you know had some good passes had some good runs as well it looks like Carlo has also been watching my videos and instructed Rodrigo to stay wide right and he actually was listening I thought overall in this game I thought he did pretty good Chu a manyi has a chance for a header I predicted it in the preview ultimately he misses the header he just misses it it was just an off day for Chu manyi and he's kind of had a couple off performances too and so I need two many to be a lot better Arta finally comes on for Modric and again shout out to Carlo for actually making these moves quicker and Arta comes out I actually thought ARA looks pretty good mbappe and him have been leaking up the best of any two players so far mbappe and IG guler making those runs I thought they've been doing pretty good glue excuse me gher flicks it into the box and Real Madrid fortunately get rewarded a penalty then he kind of he misses it where he should have smacked smash this ball in gher he hit it and then it hits one of the Los pus Defenders Vin he ultimately steps up and smashes it into the top right corner and I was curious though should Vinnie be taking the penalty is Killian gonna be taking any of these penalties this season or is this all Vinnie I'm not sure let me know what you guys think in the comments you know do you want Vinnie to be taking the penalties do you want mbappe to take some penalties too I'm not sure it's probably an ego thing and it this should be something that Carlo ultimately decides but it's going to be interesting but yes Vinnie smashes it in top right corner for us to draw 1-1 right now Counterattack in from the corners though for real Madrid is crazy to watch it looks awesome the pace on these these counters are just fantastic I'd like to see more of those two the second if Los palus gets a corner let's go let's run we have all the people in the world to make fantastic runs I want to see more of that in the future and let's capitalize too there's been like three or four times so far where the defense has actually been able to get back and actually stop Real Madrid and so I need them to be a lot better Arta has a great opportunity for a set piece which just curls and curls and curls into the box and man somebody needs to get on that Chu manyi rudiger milit where are you let's get a header let's get on the ball and let's smash it into the back of the net from artist's perspective though it's just a great a great setpiece from him and every time he's out there this is just what he does he's just a fantastic player i i rate him so highly Vinnie was the one who ultimately missed it it was a little too far for Vinnie I still think we could have had a little better effort in this one too and then later in bppe C A couple of runs from him he really wants to come back for the ball there was too many times like I said Vinnie was just not passing it to him and just the link up play with those two was just not good at all and he's coming back deeper and deeper just to get the ball to create some opportunities I thought mbapp actually makes a run from a pass from Arta and mbappe his shirt actually gets really tugged he probably could have flopped and Drew a penalty ultimately but mbapp doesn't I I think he would have had opportunity to pass back to Arda who could have scored as well but ultimately it just doesn't happen for Real Madrid in this one so Vinnie comes off and endri comes on and I was very excited to see endrick get another chance and come in and right away he almost gets the game-winning goal too his first touch oh man I thought it was going in honestly I really did I love the runs that endri makes and just the excitement that he brings and just kind of the attitude you know let me go create opportunities it's just it's just really fun to watch and I'm hopeful that andri can make a lot more opportunities and Carlo can kind of see you know what endri brings to the table I wouldn't mind if he would have come on at like the 70th minute you know maybe if we can see mbappe and endri and Rodrigo some more I would love that I think endri is has a real opportunity to make a lot more chances this season and I'm hopeful I'm really hopeful that he can do that for Real Madrid Los palus it looks like they find their equalizer luckily for Real Madrid Los palus was off sides and so at the end of the day the game is drawn one one now some big takeaways I had for this game I think the number one thing we need to take away from it is I think we have an ego problem with Vinnie and mbappe now some of the body language that we saw from mbappe was not great and then some of the attitude problems that you know Vinnie he's been known to kind of be a little flamboyant a little to extra extra is the word somebody in the live stream is call him V Kardashian unfortunately since Kim K was hanging out with them so I don't love that but that's kind of what Vinnie's been doing a little so don't love that however I think the biggest thing though between those two I don't mind egos you know if you can control egos that's fine I want people to come in and be confident I think the biggest issue though is the passing between them as you can see on the screen this is from one of those Bots I'll put it in the description that tells you about all the stats from the game however look at this is the passing Network there is no connection between Vinnie and mbappe at all for passing they they don't pass to each other they really don't the passes that they do are so poor and this is not only Vinnie to mbapp this is also mbapp to Vinnie however Vinnie to mbapp is the real passing that we need to be seeing because Vinnie can make the runs on the left and mbapp can go inside and finish and there's too many times that Vinnie is shooting when he needs to pass it and passing when he needs to shoot it and I just don't understand what's happening between them we need that to fix now that should have been fixed yesterday that should have been fixed in training I'm not sure what's happening with that also just the setup between you know we need Chu manyi to be crossing the ball is a lot more it looked like the second he actually started Crossing it diagonal it was way better we were way more creative and also Rodrigo actually staying on the right made the defense have to switch that was the best time that we actually had some opportunities in this game and that's when we created the penalty so ultimately it comes down to the training ground we need to be linking up better there and then linking up better on the pitch when it actually matters in the games and so going into the next one I need to see a lot more aggression from these players I saw I finally saw it I think from mbappe where he looked a little pissed off and said give me the ball let me go do something I need to see that more I need to see that from Vinnie too a little more confidence from Vinnie when it comes to finishing going into the next game I'm a little nervous I I'll be honest guys this is not the real Dre that we've all been hyped up to see you know on paper in FIFA this is an awesome team but we lack balance in the Midfield we lack creativity in finishing two in the final third and inside the box and actually scoring these goals this has been terrible I'll be honest the start of the season this has not been good this is not fun for me to come here and talk to you and say that we drew we do not deserve to draw these games this is something that we need to fix and it needs to happen soon otherwise Carlo I'll be honest man chabby Alonzo get him on the phone right away Flo Flo is not going to keep putting up with this this needs to happen if we want to achieve everything that Real Madrid can achieve we can achieve everything we can win every single Trophy La Lia Champions League however it needs to be fixed now it needs to be fixed now so even though this was an unfortunate game for Real Madrid you know getting the draw we still have to hand out a player of the match and for the first time ever on my YouTube channel it's a back-to-back player of the match for fat Valverde fed Valverde was the right spot for Real Madrid today I don't think anybody else deserved it anybody else didn't even come close fed Valverde is consistently one of the best players on the pitch one of the most underrated players for Real Madrid and again he gets my man of the match now I want to see somebody else get it in the next one and I want to see us come back and get a victory over real batist and guys I'll be back again with my match preview for the real batist game very soon so if you're not subscribed Please Subscribe it only helps the channel grow and I really appreciate it if you can like the video as well really helps me I really appreciate it and guys again thank you so much for watching this video This Been D with DC cheers H Madrid

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