what is good everybody welcome to another gold standard podcast I'm Rob stats Guerrera alongside a very special guest Vish Kumar and had some work stuff so we couldn't do a live show today but I am very pleased and privileged to be joined by Clayton Holloway of the NFL Network Clayton thanks for a few minutes hey man thanks for having me I'm glad I'm the back I'm back I'm glad I'm the backup plan here well I I didn't mean any disrespect but people expect people expect uh Vish kumarin on Mondays um for people that don't know who you are who are you and what do you do and why are you on this show who am I um I am Clayton Holloway I am an employee of the National Football League specifically the NFL Network um you and I met in Vegas during Super Bowl week uh both 49er fans although I am a league employee I am a very very lifelong passionate San Francisco 49er fan um what I do for the league um I do a lot of different things but the best way to describe it is I'm like the middleman for news um news gets fed to me I feed it to all of our other producers I feed it to our doc people we put it out in the NFL world I work with Ian Rapaport daily Tom peliso Mike gfo all of our other reporters and talent and that's how we put NFL news out into this world so when I was with the ESPN we had a news desk and the news desk that's where I'm at I'm specifically on the assignment desk yes okay that's exactly what I was going to ask so for people that don't know they have people on an assignment desk they hear about all the stuff before everybody else before it goes public you vet it you kind of who are you hearing this from what are your sources all that stuff and then once it clears that process then it can be like disseminated to everybody is that accurate that's 100% accurate if everybody knew what a senior assignment editor was I would just say that's on my title but usually when I tell people that they have a lot of questions I do a lot of things I produce break news I help write ticker headlines and I communicate all the news the way we distribute it out into the world so all right so tell us everything you know come on give us the give us the juicy gossip here we're days away from the NFL draft what do we want to know what do we want to know and I'll talk about what I can talk about well I want to know what the hell the 49ers are going to do in the first round I'm you know I I keep making the joke over and over again that you know the trade Lance deal is finally over with so we have a first round pick I get to read mock drafts again and I keep seeing the 49ers ending up taking Mims from Georgia the offensive lineman who I've referred to as the TR Lance of offensive tackles because he has eight starts in college I can't remember who it was if it was ESPN or I've read so many now somebody even had the 49ers trading up to take him and I'm sitting there screaming like no stop taking developmental players players that are going to need years of time before they can contribute when you have a Super Bowl team like those two things don't mix and I feel like they should have learned that lesson with Trey Lance and now if they draft this guy with eight freaking starts I feel like they're making the same mistake all over again seems like you're drafting a guy that's developmental like you said uh there's there's how many mock drafts have you read so far there's so many and all of them are I always go with what like DJ uh Daniel Jeremiah goes he's one of our guys Bucky Brooks and he and Bucky are both have different opinions I think I think Daniel jiah on his third mock he has us going with um is it chop Robinson the DN from Penn State chop Robinson I think he has us going with pen uh and then Bucky has his going Corner the the Clemson Corner Wiggins um I personally would like us to beef up the offensive line on the right side maybe gon um if he's available um JC leam he might not be there but I feel like you need a strong right tackle and if you're going to do it this year this is the draft to do it I mean what do you have like eight guys that are potentially going to be first-rounders eight tackles specifically so this is the year to beef up the right side um I was never a fan of the um Mike mcglinchy pick uh we resigned mckivitz for one year I just feel like the right side needs a lot of help leing says mckivitz has a two-year deal what could go wrong well we kind of saw what could go wrong at the end of the Super Bowl so yes and I know I know Lee knows that but I here's what I'm worried about though aside from the thing I mentioned earlier you're at 31 if you stay at 31 do you want the seventh best tackle in the draft potentially depending on how the board Falls I mean if you Kyle Shanahan I mean you're confident your scheme you're confident in your guys I feel like if there's a good guy there I mean if gon is there that's a really good that's a really good right tackle I mean if you're learning from Trent Williams you already have all the guy good pieces in play on the line as far as the George KD that are GNA line up next to you and help block I think that's a good piece to add I I mean don't you agree I JC let's say JC leam Falls let's say he you know I think he's projected to go somewhere between 15 and 20 let's say he falls I mean that's an Alabama right tackle I mean that's it's good pedigree yes I am not locked into an offensive lineman in round one I'm not saying like off defensive lineman are bust and what I think the 49ers have done is I think they have brought back uh Feliciano to play Right Guard I think they're they realized now he should have been the starter all along Spencer berford ain't it nice guy he ain't it I think they got mckivitz back and I think they say we know this is good enough so we are not going to be forced into taking a tackle in round one of the draft we know come hell high water if this is what we got got to go to war with we've done it before and so I think that they are not going to take the fifth or sixth tackle on the board in round one I think they're content to sit back and if they can get you know a top corner or a top wide receiver or a top defensive lineman like you said I think they're going to go that route I don't think they see the offensive line as as big of a need as you and I and so many other people see it as I mean I I agree with a lot that you just said there and I'll get to my second part in a second so my issue with San Francisco as being a LIF log fan especially during the Shanahan era is secondary and o line those have been my gripes for the longest time and they never get filled they never get fulfilled so going to your point about you know the seventh eighth best left tackle right tackle yeah I think if San Francisco doesn't address a need in the first round whether it be o line CB I'm not gonna I'm not going to be surprised if they do go the chop Robinson route I mean think of the amount of d linemen that they lost to me I feel like it's one of those three positions that first second round and then after that it's best available I would agree and I said going into free agency Randy Gregory gone Chase young gone Drake Jackson clearly not itell gone celand frell is the other one yeah they they gone everybody freaks out because it's all another defensive lineman but like you need people you need I mean they filled a few they got a few guys they got who did we pick up we picked upor M Matos Jordan Elliott uh I like the Malle Collins trade I think that is a really there we go I love the Malik Collins one the other ones are just you know we're filling holes Leonard Floyd still has a little in the gas but if you look at some of those guys' age they're all up there in age 30 31 years old yep you know so it's just more plug andplay pieces more than anything you feel your needs those first two rounds and after that I think it's fair game best available that would be my guess which again I'm fine with I keep saying the thing I loved about Leonard Floyd is like I feel like previous attempts to compliment Nick Bosa have been well let's get somebody and hope that because they're playing with Nick Bosa they'll be better than they've ever been and rise to a level that we haven't seen yet right they don't need that's not what they're doing with Floyd with Floyd it's like just do exactly what you've done your career and we're happy with that production we'll get that's exactly what we want and if you happen to get some sort of boost with playing with Bosa great but if not if you are exactly what you've been we're gonna have the answer to who Rush is opposite Nick Bosa that they really have been searching for since D Ford yeah absolutely absolutely you thought Chase was gonna be the guy and unfortunately didn't work out that way so yeah I really did have higher hopes for him I thought especially like that first Jacksonville game yes came in he had like a sack within like the first two series or whatever it was I'm like yeah I thought I thought that was going to be something special but yeah when he and Bosa met at the quarterback literally right after Chase said we're gonna meet at the quarterback I was like holy crap it's happening going the Super Bowl we're gonna win it you know yeah of course same same mindset yeah that was uh didn't quite work out turns out we realized why 49ers were able to get Chase young for a comp pick y so but that's all right it was it was a shot worth taking and I love that Kyle and John are willing to do that like they're willing to roll the dice a little bit they're willing I mean they as soon as they I feel like they figured out pretty quick Drake Jackson is just not who we thought he was gonna be they went out they got Randy Gregory they traded for Chase young like they move quickly and they're not afraid to take big swings you're not always gonna hit the home run but I feel like your chances of hitting one are a hell of a lot better if you actually take a big swing oh absolutely and it it's so funny when I when I saw the Montes sweat trade and I'm like what Chase young Montes sweat now it all knowing what we know now it all makes sense so yeah sweat I mean sweat was fantastic for Chicago that their defense is actually looking really really good they could have one of the best defenses in the NFC this year I think yeah I agree with that a little bit so we'll see jcg 1987 YouTube channel member shout out to jcg and all my YouTube channel members I really appreciate it please support the channel it's less than $3 a month you get membership badges you get custom emojis you get priority comment response please and thank you jcg says if Brian Thomas were to fall for whatever reason would you be mad if the 49ers grabbed him instead of offensive line or defensive back I wouldn't honestly like I want good players go back and look at the 49ers history of first round draft picks in this regime it's a little scary yeah yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't be mad um I can't get it through I I I feel like every time they get they they go an opposite direction I never like the pick I want them to do something with that first round pick and I don't like it I don't like and so it's like yeah the Brian Thomas thing would be great and and then you know fast forward a year or two down the road it's like uh they should have went lot oh they should have went CB so we'll see what they do 31's an interesting spot especially when you have 10 draft picks I there's so many directions they can go here they have it depends on who they fall in love with I mean d really thinks they like chop Robinson and he was he he impressed a lot of people in Indianapolis he impressed a lot of people out there so I don't know they have held true to their philosophy they have built the team inside out offensive line defensive line really defensive line right um I just wish that I don't know I feel like look if they're not gonna call holding in the Super Bowl maybe you can't build your team up like come on man maybe you gotta start with the secondary because if if everybody can hold it doesn't matter how good your defensive line is a team top top three in the regular season in holds doesn't have one hold in the entire playoffs another story for another day yes yes uh Lee Ving says outside corner a bigger need if they don't want to pay Ward and Lenor down the road that's the other part about this is three quarters of the secondary is a free agent after this season huanga whose price tag may have just gone up with the Patriots signing Kyle Dugger you got the damor Lenor who I think is his stock is clearly rising and charar Ward his stock is is already high it's at an alltime high Ward had an amazing season amazing season um yeah who's the big corner you got Kool-Aid mckinstry what is Kool-Aid about six feet 61 I believe so and then the Wiggins kid which Bucky the I don't remember how Big W I think Wiggins is six feet I hope I'm not wrong on that um those are the two that could entally be available at 31 you also have the guy who had his pro day today Koopa who everybody is you know drooling over right now because he ran a 443 again it's a it's a pro day so take the 40 numbers with a grain of salt because who's doing the timing but 44340 same vertical as Steve Smith same broad jump as Jaylen Johnson 10 feet4 inches more bench reps 16 than anell roll 15 I don't know anything about Cooper Dee but all I know is if you are a white defensive back specifically a corner you must be pretty damn good getting um Jason cord Vibes all over Adam archeleta gez I couldn't those are the two honestly in my life those are the two that I think I don't know how well you remember it but I remember what was it late 90s when Adam archeleta was coming out of Arizona State but you he was on TV because of how impressed because of stat you know numbers like these four I don't think he ran a 44340 but was very impressive in the gym combine all prod Day stuff but uh it's pretty funny I I can't remember who ran it but it was Dion was actually in the booth at the combine and there was a white guy that ran like a 443 and Dion was like oh he can run and they were like I remember that I don't remember who it was though yeah Rich was like what do you mean Dion he was like you know what I mean he could run run I can't remember who the player was though it was the other white DV it was literally from like a couple of years ago was it not yeah it was a few few years ago I don't remember who it was he he did run it was a crazy fast time but I can't remember who it was probably not probably shouldn't have told that story if I couldn't remember who it was but here we are uh I got this question from stovie 4X fouring says will the 49ers trade up in round one they certainly can you mentioned the 10 picks that they have we know they're not afraid to spend future first round picks I um I think it I mean all options are possible I depends on who they really want and who's available still if they see somebody at 20 that they didn't think was going to be there I mean yeah they could be making phone calls but if I were a betting man I would say they probably don't I wouldn't hate it but it has to be for the right person like if there's an offensive lineman that they love go get him man yeah and to me that JC leam might be might be that guy but is he gonna be available I don't think they're going to do something crazy I don't think they're G to jump at I don't they would trade up into like the top 15 nothing like that if they're going to trade up it might just be a few spots to make sure they get a guy that doesn't get snagged right before them yeah and that's really what you have to worry about when you're a 31 because you can't really you can plan some scenarios you know they're going to do their like practice drafts or whatever but all hell is GNA break loose at some point in the first round yeah and then you might have to just totally uh throw the battle plan out jcg says Kool-Aid mckinstry can fill the odd cool name spot left by jasi tart just catch a ball man in the NFC Championship just catch a ball that's all we need yeah uh Brett Davis YouTube channel member points out Shanahan and Lynch have not been afraid to move up for a player they like I remember Brandon iuk they moved back into the first round to get auk after taking Javon kinlaw in 2020 they moved up obviously for Tre Lance that was much earlier they wasn't on draft night of course they traded for Trent Williams I remember that they traded for D4 like they're willing to do it if there's a guy that they like that's just the window is now the window is now it really is so I think all options are uh are on the table um at the same time it doesn't matter what they do 49ers Twitter 49ers X everybody's gonna lose their mind whatever it is good or bad uh stovie points out also Ruben Foster they they he was the first round pick the same year that they first year with the organization oh man I will never forget the Peter King was embedded with them that year and all the praise they God for taking Solomon Thomas and how smart Solomon Thomas was and John Lynch took a class with him and they you know they loved each other and who was sitting there on the board when the 49ers picked Patrick freaking Mahomes and not only has Mahomes gone on to win two Super Bowl more than that but he's won two Super Bowls against specifically our 49ers it kills me and it will kill me forever yeah well that's how I felt about the week 16 game 17 game that before when Kaepernick came back to I was at the game when they beat the Rams they don't win that game they get the first pick and they end up getting miles Garrett I don't know the 2016 I didn't think about that yeah so if we're not in that situation of uh relying on Solomon Thomas we have the number one pick if we I have my dog barking next door sorry that's all right um yeah I mean if we don't win that last game of the season we're we probably have the number one pick and we get miles Garrett so that whole that 2017 draft was weird that's awesome thanks for uh thanks for bringing that up yeah so little reminder there uh stoie says let's be real would Mahomes have been great here in San Francisco with Kyle yes yes he would have been great even if Kyle would have tried to be more controlling once the ball is snapped there's nothing Shanahan can do and Mahomes is going to be Mahomes so I yes I think Patrick Mahomes would still be great in San Francisco uh yeah I mean I there's what more negative can you say about Mahomes you can't you he does everything so I wouldn't yeah I think he he would have been great uh one position that I was pretty confident the 49ers were going to take in the draft was tight end at some point I figured they're going to get one I think that they have realized pretty quickly that cam latti was not who they thought he was going to be Braden Willis did virtually nothing only thing I remember about his rookie year was the holding penalty he got in the Super Bowl because George KD was hurt um very costly one I thought that they were going to go tight end at some point in the draft but they did announce today that they have a new backup tight end that backup tight end is Eric sabert he was drafted by the Falcons in 2017 in the fifth round he's been on 10 teams since then he has bounced around he played 10 games with the Cowboys and Texans last year and he amassed a total of 12 receiving yards so we we know what he's going to to be yeah uh he's just going to be a guy that Kyle's going to just throw on the line and hopefully can block just like Warner or uh I don't know the Brock Wright thing kind of irks me still because I really liked that signing if if the Lions didn't match the offer I felt like that was like the number two guy and then that it all back I think Shanahan now is probably okay what am I gonna do because latu might not be the guy like you said but it's another third round pick invested in something that's not going to work out another one it's frightening how many how other than impatient and not give him a chance I mean there's not enough footage of him to I I mean what have we seen him done what what have we seen him do nothing nothing yeah it's it's really depressing when you start to look at so many third round picks um hopefully they can turn it around I mean you hit home run with Fred Warner so that's something but I think he's going to be a camp body I like the way Matt barrows put it on X he said think of him as an older cheaper Charlie Warner it's like okay I've got it but the Brock Wright thing like teams hate that teams don't like negotiating the contract for another team like the 49ers made that offer to Brock Wright they thought they were getting him they did not think Detroit was yeah sorry go ahead no that's all right I just they didn't think that Detroit was going to match it and that's got to tick them off a little bit because it's like if you want him offer him more money like make sure you get him and obviously they didn't and obviously Detroit thought he was important enough because they're paying him 12 million bucks yeah I don't know if I don't know if it was Mind Games there or what but I I think that was a guy that they really that they really wanted and unfortunately I don't think Kyle and John envisioned that they were GNA match it and if like you said if if there's a little bit of indication that you think they're going to match it bump it up an extra million two for 13 there yeah you got to figure out ways to I know that there's tampering and all that but let's be honest stuff gets said stuff gets talked about all the time I'm sure there are back channels you you if you really want this guy you got to figure it out I feel like that Niners lions like it's kind of becoming a thing you know obviously the NFC championship game went the way it went Ben Johnson stays in Detroit which I think is massive for them they're going to get another year that offense ners play the Lions again this year it's in Levis again I think be interesting with when they announc those week one matchups right after the draft I think that oh are you telling me something there without telling me something no I'm just saying that's when the that's when the schedules normally come out is after the draft sometime one of my favorite days of the entire year but I think that you know Niners Eagles I don't know if it's I guess it still has the juice because of the whole big Dom thing Niners Lions is is fast becoming thing too yeah yeah I think I think there's going to be some intriguing matches 49ers there's a lot of good Revenge games for San Francisco this year Kansas City Detroit Philly even though they don't need the revenge for Philly or Detroit but I mean they're technically Revenge games that's what we call them I think we did an article on it as well top revenge games people are looking forward to in 2024 yeah but I don't like when people say that about the Chiefs they said that in 20123 too oh it's a Revenge game no it's not if the 49ers beat the Chiefs 100 nothing this year they still get the Super Bowl ring like the ners when you look at it like that of course yeah so doesn't matter I don't get satisfaction or I won't get satisfaction if the Niners beat the Chiefs in the regular season this year I'm not going to be like yeah I'm gonna be like damn it why couldn't we do that in February yeah my best friend back home is a DieHard Boston Celtics fan about a couple weeks ago he was trolling me because they beat the Warriors by like 50 points I'm like we still have the ring in 2022 about a meaningless regular season game I completely agree with you jcg says the thing with the 49ers focusing on drafting players that eat sleep and breathe football is that you either get lucky and get a Fred Warner but more often you get a Rudy rudiger I don't know about that I I I just think that it's hard drafting guys is really hard um I think that some of their issues are not that people are eat sleep and breathe football I think sometimes they go traits over production and that you know potential can get you fired as they say yeah I I I I agree with that I they've gotten lucky on a few times they with guys that eat sleep breathe football but at the end of the day you want Kyle just wants somebody that's GNA know his system and not make mistakes he wants a football player Andre gbet YouTube channel member says that's the problem with our draft picks Kyle either hits a home run or drafts a complete dud that that is something that I've brought up like there's missing on a draft pick where it's like hey we thought this was going to be a superstar and he's just a solid starter like that kind of is missing if you spend a high draft pick on a guy but if you spend a quality pick on a guy and he can't even be active he can't even play or contribute in any way like a Danny gray or a Dante Pettis or an AJ Jenkins I'm old enough to remember poor AJ Jenkins like that is missing on a draft pick and the 49ers have had a lot of those like just complete Trey Surman Ty Davis price like literally contribute nothing kind of picks and all those guys at the time you were like oh my God that's a good pick oh well maybe not AJ Jenkins but you know that's what was that 2011 Harbaugh first year yep um but a lot of those guys I remember when you know TDP was there and tracerman I'm like oh these are good guys LSU Ohio State products you know they might work and never utilized never utilized and that's I've said if they just could draft more League average players yeah they Pro you know the roster would be so much deeper it does feel right now like it's kind of at a Tipping Point like you've got you know Bosa and Warner and CMC and Debo and kale that's that's the thing though they have so many good core superstars on the team it's like if you could just you don't have to necessarily get superstar superstar superstar just get the right pieces to be next to those guys I agree completely I mean that the you got the core pieces there we have enough Talent on the team you just got to get the you got to get linemen that can block and you got guys that need can put pressure on the quarterback at this point pH and I think that's what the 49ers have kind of tried to do this off season get guys that are going to be have a history of Health that are going to be consistent performers and sort of fill in the cracks so to speak because they're trying to make one more run at this thing I clicked the wrong button and accidentally threw up the quote board so uh I might as well get to sure Paris Campbell talking to the Philadelphia Inquirer he pretty excited about Sequon Barkley being in Philly he said I know there's a bunch of debate between him and Christian mcaffrey and don't get me wrong mcaffry is by far one of the best running backs in the league but being able to see saquin up close and personal being in the same locker room on the same team man he's a different guy when he's on the field honestly and running behind that offensive line that we have I think it's going to be pretty scary for defenses Clayton what do you want him to say it's his teammate I want him to say he's being he's saying the right thing but do I agree with him I'm a diard saquon fan I think saquan when healthy is phenomenal but Christian mcaffrey when healthy is a little bit more of an X Factor than saquan I think I mean just his pass what he can do in the passing game puts mcaffrey over almost everybody or anybody recently I should say this quote bugs the heck out of me because you saquin Barkley great can't wait to see him behind the offensive line I think he's really good I think we're going to have a lot of success you combine him with Jaylen herdz awesome but then you go you you don't stop you gotta just go that extra inch right and bring up Christian mcaffrey did a little digging just looking at the past two years of saquan he's played 30 Games almost 3,000 yards from scrimmage four and a half yards per touch and 20 touchdowns compare that to just Christian McCaffrey's time in San Francisco which is 27 games not counting playoffs yeah Christian mcaffrey has more than around 300 yards more from scrimmage he averages a yard and a half more per touch and he has 11 more touchdowns saquin is maybe good he's not Christian mcaffrey and it is not up for debate uh yeah I agree with what you're saying and obviously the numbers are telling as well but I think you got to add a little context to the numbers I'm never going to be anti Christian mcaffry he's my guy and he's the best but I feel like team matters how how many times were San Francisco running the ball compared to the Giants who are usually passing the ball because they're behind most situations um I think there's a little context that could probably be added there and you know San Francisco's just a better team overall I understand what you're saying look the Niners run the ball more than anybody they had the fewest passing attempts in the league but I've seen both of these guys play and Sequon Barkley has a lot of like two yard runs and I don't see a ton of those with Christian mcaffrey and I know Trent Williams is great but it's not like the rest of that 49ers offensive line is that much better than the Giants and if you get Paris Campbell in in like a room you able to have a conversation you you could say you can flip it on be like what would sequ or what would Christian do with that Philadelphia offensive line just flip the script on him you know because that's a really good offensive line that would be a fair question to ask Jay Cruz 49ers says Barkley on this offense is comparable Comm on stat that's a weak take let's see it with saquon Barkley all right I saw Christian mcaffrey dominate the league in Carolina like let's not forget this with saquon Barkley what's everybody saying oh well the team around him isn't good healthy I mean when saquon's good saquon when SE when saquon's healthy he's very good I like sequan but he's I agree with you he's not Christian mcaffrey but I don't mind the Paris Campbell take it doesn't bother me too much I know but you can praise him without trying to put him above Christian mcaffrey that that me look this is all I have we don't have Super Bowl rings okay this is 12 years old the last time I saw him win one so it's been a long time I was nine 1994 was a long time ago by the way happy 55th birthday to Ricky Waters who had three touchdowns 55 he turned 55 on Sunday wow Ricky was my guy man love really good like underrated three touchdowns in that Super Bowl only one of five G that have ever scored three touchdowns from scrimmage in a Super Bowl and I didn't know this he has the record for most touchdowns from scrimmage in a playoff game in 93 against the Giants he put up five touchdowns in the divisional game that is still the record to this day he's the only guy to ever do it yeah that's great that's great I love I mean that's those are good Ricky Waters was the man I remember ha I remember when Philly he signed with Philly after San Francisco I was devastated as a kid devastated Steve Young said he thinks that a big reason why the 49ers didn't win another Super Bowl is because they let Ricky go I believe it I absolutely believe it he Ricky and bar nun William Floyd back there yes William Floyd was picked in the first round I believe a fullback I don't remember that uh yes he was 28th overall in 94 the ners drafted him can you imagine you thought people lost their mind when Jake Moody got picked in the third can you imagine if if Roger Goodell gets up to the podium in a couple of weeks and says 49ers first pick number 31 overall is a fullback a little yeah a little trivia for you it's a a question a lot do you remember who the starting running back was after Ricky Waters without looking it up after Ricky Waters was it Derrick lvll it is Derrick lvll a lot of people don't know that let's go how dare you try and challenge I know I wasn't testing you just we're randomly talking about Ricky Waters and a lot of people don't remember that that little gap between waters and Garrison Hurst it was Derek lville was the guy I KNE I was gonna say Garrison Hurst but then you asked me and I was like if he's asking me it's not Garrison that's too obvious it was lvll then it was Garrison Hurst then it was Charlie Garner who was really Tennessee guy man I'm a Tennessee BS college football fan so uh yeah Andre says those days are done Kyle is the only coach who still values fullbacks I got into a whole thing about that with 49er fans but luckily juice took oh go ahead no no keep going I want you go ahead I'm just I'm happy that juice took a pay cut because he had to take a pay cut there was no reason to pay him that much money I don't care that he does other things I don't care but he did and to his credit he did and so good he was I mean ky's the man who am I to say what is considered overpaid and not over yeah the he the pay cut helps and I think that pay cut specifically him in that position says a lot more about Kyle's thinking with this team moving forward I think to me him keeping Kyle is more of a sign of he wants to keep this team team in intact which leads to me not thinking Debo is going anywhere that's I'm not trying to get off topic but I it's fine I I feel like Kyle has his guys keep you Ed check is is very telling to me but I think Debo's gonna be gone after 2024 I think this is Debo's last year with the 49ers because I don't think he's gonna take a pay cut yeah no I mean it also also depends on when iuk signs as well so what how how big that contract is you think he's definitely going to sign oh I know he's signing I mean could it changeed sure but yeah I mean everything we're hearing I mean Ian Ian discussed it at the draft or not the draft at the combine he said it before the league meeting a couple of weeks ago when John Lynch was making headlines saying oh yeah you know iuk is were were in talks with auk Ian said it like that he's their priority this offseason I don't think it's gonna play out as bad as long as it did with Debo um I definitely don't uh it'll probably play out but if the 49ers were smart they would sign him immediately I mean you have CD lamb and you have Justin Jefferson are both wanting it their new contract they're both gonna want to set the bar they're going to set that number get auk out of the way before that number gets like crazy and then the negotiation gets that much harder but they're all waiting for each other it was very similar to Debo and um AJ um AJ Brown a couple years ago they're all waiting for each other I think iuk will be the first of those three to sign it was Debo it was AJ Brown and there was one other guy that I can't remember yeah and they're all represented by the same agent that's hell of a year for that agent I think their agent is Troy Tor Tory something I forget his yes I can't remember the name but you're you're 100% right all right well that that makes me feel a little good you feel confident that ba is going to resign yeah I that's why I get such a kick like you know me working for the league you know I can only say so much on I can't get too crazy on X or on Twitter but 49ers Twitter makes me laugh a lot I just the there's such an echo chamber of really really bad takes and just OV exaggerations and everyone panicking at all at once it's we're not even at the draft yet and we're worried about Brandon auk's contract some of those takes are mine not gonna lie no you're fine I've seen much worse but um but like they don't have to wait until August to sign these guys like you you can sign them anytime it's a you know look I I used to panic a lot but now I seeing both sides of it being behind the scenes and then working with some of these guys who talk to the players and talk to the agents and talk to the GMS on a consistent b i I understand both sides it you know auk wants what he thinks is fair and the 49ers want to give him what they think is fair it's all a business bus but they know how valuable he is how valuable he is to their young quarterback Brock pie you're not going to move on from some you're still developing Brock you want Brock to be your future don't get rid of his go-to guy you got to look at it like that too you can't get rid of these guys he's building rapport with and I'm fine with all of that but I can't help but look at it and say there's pressure to get a deal done like you said because of the other guys that are going to reset the market you know you want this guy if you resign him you're going to lower his cap number why wait every every there's nothing but good reasons to resign this guy and it feels like they're waiting just in case at the draft somebody blows them away with an offer and then they would be willing to pull the trigger I I I it's so hard for me to imagine them trading Brandon iuk I don't think they're in love with anybody that much in the draft to replace some like that it took Kyle several years to finally get to this point where he loves everything he does on the field Joe Boyd says trading iuk would be a massive mistake absolutely agree Jason ornell says they must sign Brandon iuk or expect Brock to regress you gotta look at it like that you gotta you gotta think of it like that like losing auk affects Brock pie down the road Brock P Patrick Mahomes he's you can't just plug and play anybody like he he has guys that he he needs to be comfortable with well I hope they do it I hope they do it soon I hope it doesn't get contentious like we don't need to go like down to the wire he seem does he seem like that guy does he think I don't think he's the type to unfollow the 49ers on Instagram and Twitter and then re demand a trade I don't see Brandon iuk having that personality I I I don't know him I I could be wrong but I don't I just don't see that I don't see it being ugly or playing out too long dragging out too long I thought that but then I heard what he said at the end of the season when he was kind of the little emojis well and the whole they asked him like do you want to be back and he was like maybe if that's the right move and he like I think honestly part of it is he wants the ball he wants the ball and Medela time 1999 on Twitch shout out to the twitch fan by the way we love you says how can the ners justify paying iuk top wide receiver money if they don't feature him as one and they don't I think he had 105 targets last year which was like way less than the other top receivers but that's that I don't think imagine being Devonte Adams being as good as you are not to say Kyle wouldn't Force Devonte the ball but that's not Kyle's system right but ba doesn't care about just like one guy getting the most amount of targets it's a lot of sideline to sideline motion who's open PR reads one two three telling Brock if this isn't there go here it's not like directly forcing a guy the ball that's why I don't think there's ever going to be a true number one in San Francisco They auk to me is a one or a really good two on another team but he's gonna get paid it's not going to be Justin Jefferson money but somewhere what 24 a year annually 20 24 to 30 a year but that's the thing right so for iuk may be like I want those targets I know I agree with you I think auk would be like this is a great system but I don't care I want my 140 targets a year so that I can get topof the market money sure then go to Atlanta and play with Kurt Cousins and never see a Super Bowl right but I'm just saying if you're IU I could understand IU thinking that and I could also understand the 49ers saying look we're never going to give a number one guy 140 targets so why are we G to pay anybody top of the market money yeah he's gonna get paid Debo got paid he's gonna get paid it just let's let's let's pump the breaks at least through draft once we get through draft and see how you know let's see if a receiver that they like Falls to them and the second or third fourth round we'll see do you think because it looked like in the Super Bowl I mean especially if you just go by how it played out Debo had 11 Targets in the game uh Debo was and I love Debo and I'm saying this as person who loves Debo and respects Deo loves his game the lack of effort from dbo was very disappointing in the Super Bowl very disappointment in Super Bowl it was uh what did he have three drop passes I didn't think that there was three balls that he could have easily have caught that he just no effort there he got hurt and it just it was a very disappointing uh performance from Debo uh seeing it in person like that it was just like what is happening right now you were actually in the stands in the Super Bowl oh yeah I was the worst one of the worst days of my life I mean we saw each other when did you leave Vegas left Vegas Friday afternoon okay so you were there for what I got there Sunday night yeah and I got there Sunday night left on Friday yeah I was there the Saturday before the team flew in they flew in that Su I was Saturday through the following Monday I was there for eight nine days and the way I described the Super Bowl experience being born and raised in Vegas and being a DieHard 49er fan think of like one of your favorite movies favorite TV series that you absolutely loved but hated the ending that was my week it was a fantastic week I was on cloud I thought the I thought San Francisco was winning I covered the team we covered the team all week I was down at Lake Las Vegas I had no doubt that they were winning and then for it to end like that it was just gut-wrenching it was so gut-wrenching in my postgame assignment I had to be in the chief's locker room oh yeah so the 49ers lose and I'm I was assigned win pre before the game pregame uh winning team locker room that was my post and I was like cool San Francisco I'm gonna be in the locker room great and it was it was tough man watching Paul Rudd celebrate with h Mahomes and the guys drinking Ace of Spades cigars it was it was rough man I mean I thought it was rough having to come down and do shows day after day and it was like I said at the time like it was the only time in my life or I didn't want to do this job this is the only job I've ever wanted to have I've never worked a day in my life and I did not want to come to work those days it was just I had nothing so were you on the field watching the game no no so they have um media they had the media Ox bux so basically all the med the like the media row and then below it is a whole ax boox of like a whole section strictly dedicated to Media so me and several of my NFL colleagues were all right there and then once the game is about to end you make your way down and then we go into our little green room where like our NFL Talent is and that's where I was watching overtime it was in the green room because once it ended it's like I had to get onto the field and then go to the locker room so did you let out an audible swear when the Chiefs won in overtime dude I wanted to cry I just after they after after the it was third what was it third you know when iuk was wide open berford mixed the block we settled for a field goal I just knew it was it was over never should have settled for a field goal that was the most ridiculous thing in the world Kyle taking the ball first was ridiculous don't get me started on that but that is man I thought I had it tough you having to be in the Kansas City locker room immediately after send you some pictures after this oh man that's gotta sting that you are stronger man than I am it was tough all right that's going to do it for this edition of the show Clayton thank you so much for the time I was only going to go 20 minutes and we did 45 instead so so fast went by so fast you can follow Clayton on X Holloway nfln uh I'm sure we'll have you back again I want you gotta feed us the the the news man I need the inside scoop come on I mean if I give you what I know I how do I trust you not to go to the x world and tell everybody about it oh you can Mr Rapaport wouldn't be happy with me all of my colleagues wouldn't be happy with me you'd get some angry DM it's it's fun man and no when you get to know some big Scoops before they happen before we put it out and we're waiting it's it's pretty cool is there one not even 49ers related just one that you knew like way before everybody else and you were like I tell you one that's 49er related and I tell yeah oh okay tell us when the surprise of the world happened at the end of August of 2022 uh Ian gave us a heads up that Jimmy was going to resign and stay in San Francisco when we everybody thought he was gonna move on we knew about about a week before it happened a week a week before it happened that's part of the game like you you know they they don't want to burn their Bridge you know you don't burn bridges in in their what they do so you get fed information hey you know give you heads up on but I don't want you putting it out to the world yet I'll let you know when type of thing knew about that one when Aaron Donald signed his contract before he retire was when did he sign his contract two years ago knew about that like a week in advance and being a Niner guy I was like great great Aaron Donald's resigning awesome you know those are small examples but it's daily stuff you know random smaller contracts trades get but the ones where like that are really fun where you're sitting on for like a week and you can't tell any bu that's the one that just eats you up like I wanted to tell all of my Niner friends that Jimmy was staying because nobody was going to believe me did did you have to like double check when you get that text from me and are you like dude seriously are you just yeah and he knows I'm a Niner guy so anytime and he's like uh you're gonna be surprised I'm like I'm like [ __ ] and he's like yeah I know has he ever messed with you and been like oh yeah they're trading Debo for you know Brock Wright or whatever no no no no nothing like that uhuh oh well you know what what then stock down Ian that's bad I M with him though I tell him he's live on TV when he's not I'm like hey man we need you live up here and like 20 minutes he's like what why I'm like I'm just messing you know things like that you're G you're on that's it you're on your way he's gonna get you with something at some point yeah did you know about Trey Lance ahead of time yeah that how how far ahead of time did you know I don't think it was anything CRA like the Jimmy one was several days yeah several days I think Trey um I think it just came down a couple of it was the day of because it happened during the Cowboys it was the Cowboys preseason game right when it it was when did it happen no not the trade the that when they actually picked him oh I think you talking about the trade well now I want to know about both I think you talk about the trade because the trade happened the day of the preseason game right yes yep I think we found out about it that morning or we knew something was happening I always knew Trey was a guy never believed that M Jones was the guy there was no reason for them to do move from what what what was the original Pick 12 12 12 to three to make a lateral move from Jimmy to M Jones it what you're making that move it was for Tre Lance or Justin Fields but then we started to you know figure it out that it Tre Lance was who they wanted yeah but I I just knew it was never Mac but there was anything I was H there wasn't anything specific or special that I knew about that we just knew mat Jones wasn't the guy so do you know who all the picks are going to be already in this this draft in a couple weeks I can tell you Caleb Williams is going number one wow breaking news breaking news I old enough to remember when they would be signed before the draft even started those were the good old days Matt Stafford cashing in Sam Bradford did Sam Bradford a giant $ 49 million rookie contracts for being the number one overall pick man yeah I like it better this way to be honest with you like I do I it's better that the 49ers were able to move off of Trey land they don't do that if he has this Mega contract that there's no way they would have done that that can only happen on a rookie wage scale yeah yeah now yeah I think you're absolutely right on that and you know they're they're finally back to having normal draft picks again so people are kind of moving on from everything that they gave up to get them so I just realized the ners gave up the three firsts and a third to get Trey Lance Washington gave up three firsts a second to get RG3 so I feel a little bit like Washington gave up more than the 49ers gave up at least yeah yeah no you're right that that was an interesting conversation we had on our Total Access show um before I jumped on with you we had Tom peliso and Derek Carr talking about what the Vikings are gonna have to give up if they want JJ McCarthy because that seems some like a team that's really interested in him and they're it's like imagine giving up three first round draft picks to move up to get JJ McCarthy doesn't seem like it seems out of this world but it's a legit possibility they they would have to be in that ballpark though in the three three first because where are they sitting at right now Minnesota's at like 11 they would have to give up their first round pick and then possibly two their two first round picks this year because they have two in the first round they're two first round picks this year and next year's first to move up that far yeah they have 11 and they have 23 yeah but you know what if it's if it's only affecting two years of your draft that's different I feel like it's easier to swallow that yeah if you're a good team and you're making it to the Super Bowl it's easier to swallow but if you're like not making the playoffs I think the fans are G to come for you what do you mean they got Sam darnold there they're all set oh God I was so I'll never forget being on the field at opening night in Vegas and I'm talking with Levin and he Taps me on the shoulder and goes oh Sam darnold's over there do you want to go talk to him and I just went no and we never did like I'm so glad that Sam darnold is not on the team that he never had to play any amount of time I was so against that signing from the beginning yeah that's funny uh I uh before we hop off I have one question for you oh sure I think it's a it's it's it's it's something my buddy sent me we call it like explain explain your Tweet oh good oh boy here we go I need to know explain your tweet I don't remember who it was that tweeted it but you retweeted it and and you said something like um oh I know what this you would be losing you would be willing to lose any and all of them and it was like CMC it was all the big guys yes oh no we talked about this last Friday because oh sorry I didn't I didn't catch it so please no it's okay yes okay everybody went nuts on me and they were like coming for me in my mentions rip my mentions and I just wanted to point out I'm trying to pull it up here so people can see what I'm talking about I thought that was hilarious I wanted to write something to you when you tweeted that out I was like H hold up it started with Ryan Hensley he tweeted how many of these six 49ers will remain on the team past 2024 enjoy 2024 he said and it was Christian mcaffrey Mooney Ward Brandon iuk George KD Trent Williams and Debo Samuel and I said I'd be fine with losing any or all of them and it's because you can't get attached to guys the 49ers made a Super Bowl in 2019 without four of the six guys the picture right Trent Williams replaced Joe Staley Christian mcaffrey replaced Raheem moer charvarius Ward replaced Richard Sherman Brandon iuk replaced Emanuel sander like that's how it works guys come and go and the 49ers have shown that they're able to build this roster up so I I'm not saying I'm rooting for it I'm not saying I want it to happen but if it did I would be fine with it hold on can you um I don't can you move that down a little so I can see all the guys yes or is that the way it look hold on uh hang on let's see if I can just look at the significant upgrade though when you said that CMC to moer right you have Mooney Ward to a aging Richard Sherman then obviously one of the greatest left tackles of all time Trent Williams so I I get what you're saying with somebody like auk but it's hard for me to imagine replacing a CMC or a KD or a a Debo or a mo or a Trent Williams right but you don't who would have thought replacing Joe Staley that they would upgrade right like and I but they did it through trade they didn't do it through draft but that's allowed they can do that too but who would you replace Trent Williams who in the well you're right I see what you're saying you're not gonna upgrade because Trent Williams is the best in the league yeah but you don't have to upgrade at all the spots maybe they upgrade the rest of the offensive line so maybe their left tackle is not as good but they upgrade the rest of the offensive line obviously I don't want them to lose all those guys but I'm just saying I'm not going to sit there and be like oh my God there's no chance we can win now because we don't have these guys like no that's they can do it it's going to be hard it'll be incredibly difficult very hard this is goes back to what we were previously talking about it's like all you got to do is draft the right guy you got all the superstars in place right here you just got to put some pieces near them it' be I would be couldn't imagine this team without these all of these guys at once I mean they they only drafted half the guys in the picture right they drafted ba they drafted scored on getting the that they didn't draft yes got to look at it like that I mean CMC oh that was another one that was another one I knew about before it happened was CMC I knew that was gonna happen because Tim K Kami wrote a whole article about how much it made sense and I was like Tim's not writing this spending all this time writing this article if he doesn't know that a when did he put out that article was it days before or was it like it was like a day before it was about a week before you knew about it for a week five okay maybe I'm exact five days I think that yeah five days man that is crazy uh jcg says stats since you didn't wear the darnold Jersey on Friday I say you have to wear it every podcast next week I didn't have it to wear it so I lost a bet with Michelle majuk uh who works as a researcher you know what that's funny because I know that you had her on and I don't think I I think she's one of our researchers yep I don't know her personally but I know she gets all of my emails because I'm the one that sends out like all the breaking news email so she's probably familiar with my emails and stuff but yeah she's one of our researchers so I lost I lost a bet and I had to the BET was if if I predicted the 49ers wins better than she did that she had to buy a Sam darnold or a Jawan Jennings Jersey because for some reason she hates Jawan Jennings why Jawan is awesome I don't know but so I lost the bet so I had to buy the Sam darnold jersey oh my go that's funny it's you know it's April and he's off the team so I had a hard time finding one so the only one I could find without without like paying hundreds of dollarss for a custom Jersey is an extra large sand darnold Jersey so it's huge on me I'm going to be swimming in this thing but let it be known I do not Welch on a bet I am paying off the bet on Friday I will have the Jersey on and I will hate every minute of it I love that that's fun Sam darnold you're a man of your word good you good for you I never promise 100% accuracy I always promise 100% authenticity and from now until the time I'm done doing this you will get it Clayton thank you so much again I really appreciate it um we' love to have you back you can follow on Twitter as I said Holloway nfln and I'm sure we'll do this again soon and hopefully we've got more breaking news more good breaking news for the 49ers in the future I'll keep you in the loop on a few things yeah let's go everybody enjoy the rest of your night all right