VLe Radioactive Race 2 - Kansas "I'm the second coming of Kyle Larson!"

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:07:40 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: kyle larson
welcome everyone to Kansas Speedway thanks for coming out we got 87 laps here in front of us 130 miles around this one and a half mile racetrack uh let's keep it green keep it clean and uh have a good race thank you guys for coming out let's have some fun we got Henry Clapper here that means Henry cam gets to make a special appearance back in this league but uh yeah let's go out and have some fun I'm in danger I'm looking at La already do you have an actual gas pedal this week yes I'm trying something it's not going to work he's going to crash into a wall head on lap five I haven't played this game in over three months so qualified behind delete the game don't do buddy I was mainly inferring that to Henry because I imagine all of us like a tool bag right and Henry is like that one screwdriver that you like really really need and you go to use it and it just SP you have a bver hey man come on Ryan let me buy man stop fighting with me please maybe you should just get good I wish I could get good but got a guy next to me trying to be like yo give me the spot [Music] bro I'm the second coming of Kyle lawon ball look the hell out of my way I'm coming through [Music] [Music] I was wondering how long it would be until we saw the eight backwards on the racetrack not surprised I [ __ ] I [ __ ] lifted for Josh and I got ass back no I was actually I was lifted for game flat up and then PA got into me and then M got in the fall just chain reaction me so my instant reaction the same and hey Josh Patterson there's one call between me and you you better hope I don't know what my bum looks like you just say you better I better hope you don't know what your bumper looks like what are you going to hit me so hard it fli off [Music] yes all in the wall [Music] yeah Matt you weren't you weren't clear there no no I think he was it was pretty close you guys are four what why'd you touch man [Music] that was almost some m guys it was all fun good job Chris I don't know how you made it on fuel there I don't know how either of y'all made it on fuel oh yeah bud congratulations on the win that's awesome that was an awesome strategy by everybody thanks sir all right y'all thanks for showing up this week I really appreciate it uh J keeping it green there towards the end uh two costumes is not bad uh congrats Chris on the win um yeah next week we head to bristle or I think it's like3 150 I check but yeah see y all there uh thanks for coming out [Music] [Music] [Music]

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