Divert NS EPR Supply Adjustment Video Demo

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:20:17 Category: People & Blogs

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hi there in this video we will be walking through requesting an adjustment for a supply report that I have submitted myself as a producer and then later in the video we'll also demonstrate how to request an adjustment for a supply report that has been submitted by a pro on behalf of the producer so I've logged into the divert NS portal here into the packaging paper products packaging like products program and you can see on my Supply reports table here that I have one Supply Report with a status of submitted as we know if I press the view button I can go in and I can have a look at the details that were submitted as part of this report like so now should there be a change that I wish to make an adjustment that I wish to make to that I can begin a adjustment process by pressing this request adjustment Buton button here this button only exists on this table under the my Supply reports table when we were looking on the actual Supply report itself there is no request adjustment button on the page itself this is just a readon page so you have to request the adjustment here from the homepage so I'll go ahead and press request and adjustment at this point I'm actually taken into the adjusted report and I can tell this by several ways at the top here you can see that the report name has now gone from just the the period here it's got the adjustment version one at the end of the report name here if I go back to the homepage at this point you'll see that my original report here that I pressed the request adjustment button on has updated to a status of adjusted so this one is still a readon version there's nothing else I can do there but this next report here has a report type of Supply report adjustment as you see there the adjustment V1 here so that's the report that I'm immediately taken to so this one is going to a status of in progress I was already taken straight to that report so I can just continue that there so essentially what this has done is made a replica of the original Supply report so that I can go through and revise the information that has been entered you may not notice that on the left hand side here we do not talk about the obligation section or show anything about the obligation section which is where you would indicate if you are exempt from completing the supply report if you do need to make a change to that piece of information you would need to contact diver NS directly to make that change so you're taken to the supply the the report details tab here and we're brought to the supply data adjustment here you'll see the table has been updated slightly compared to what you would have seen when completing the the original report the values that had been previously reported are listed here under the previous weights and kilograms reported column so and in this column here this is working I can revise the amounts and put in what should actually have been reported so I can change these values and as I change those values the weight difference in kilograms is populated on the right hand side for me there so I'll go through and make a couple of changes here if I go down value you'll see that the weight kilogram and difference is shown in negative with a red and if the value is going up you can see that the weight difference is indicated in a green font like so the supply deduction section is still very similar to what we saw for the original uh report so I can change my answers here to these values as well and very similar to what we've seen above is that we will be prompted to only end values that are applicable so if I try to enter in a value here which is higher than the value in the supply data table above I will be shown an error message like so so this value here is showing an error is 250 because the imaginal revised weight that was reported for rigid plastic over here is a value of 50 so I cannot enter a value higher than 50 here if I change this value to 40 then that will be accepted okay when I'm happy with all of the values that I I've entered in here I can press next and I'm taken through to the brand list page on the brand list page here you see that I'm prompted to complete the brand list template once again to enter in my brand information and then upload the completed file once more the original file does exist here so if there are no changes to that brand list I can just continue on to the next page alternatively I can download a template again or upload a placement file here now as a reminder you can actually only upload one file at a time so if I do try to upload an additional file I am going to get a warning to say that you will be replacing the original file and I must press submit to confirm that that's the change I want to make so press cancel for now with the assumption that my brand list is remains unchanged for this particular adjustment and I'll press next a new attestation must be completed for every adjustment request that goes through as well so I can complete the attestation form by downloading it from the link here I'll download it as a PDF to my computer when that's completed and signed I can upload the file from my computer like so and then when that is uploaded successfully I can move forward to the next page the summary page here very similar to what what we saw for the original Supply report is just going to give me a summary of the data that I've entered the difference of course for an adjustment is it's going to show the summary of the adjustments that have been made here so I'm seeing the weights that were previously reported the revised weight and the difference same for the supply deductions and then my net Supply data table is going to do that calculation and show us what the revised total is going to be here and any difference between what was originally calculated and what has been revised I can see my brand list and my attestation and I can press edit to go back to any these sections should I need to make a change when I've read through the terms and conditions and the privacy policy I can check this box here to say that I confirm I've read and understood them and then press submit at this point the supply report adjustment is going to go to a status of under revie it goes to a status of under revie because this is now with internal divert NS staff to review the requested adjustment and they will make a decision to either approve or reject that particular request so I'll go back to the homepage here and you can see that this particular report is Now setting at a status of under review I can see the adjustment type was self initi iated because I myself initiated that particular report and I have access to view to see the information that I had previously entered for that adjustment request now until a decision is made by divert NS whether to approve or reject this Supply report adjustment there are no further changes that I can actually make at this point so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to uh approve this particular Supply report from the perspective of uh diver nsff and when diver NS have made that decision to approve or reject it if I refresh the page you'll see that of course the adjustment here has updated to a status of approved I also sent a notification here just to say that that adjustment request has been approved as well so from here it's very similar to what our original submitted report looks like I can press view to go in and see the details of that adjustment and should I need to make a further adjustment request I can click that request adjustment again and you'll see that we are now on adjustment version two so the system automatically creates a copy of that original adjustment to make adjustment version two and it's going to show you what was previously reported and you can go through the flow once more to submit a further adjustment request if I go back to the homepage here you can see here was our original Supply report which was adjusted which gave us version one and now that we've clicked on the request adjustment for version one we now only have the ability to make changes to adjustment version two which is sitting at a status of impr progress so I'm going to go through this very flow very quickly I'll make a minor change here so I'm making one change and I just want to demonstrate at this point what happens when divert NS rejects an adjustment request so of course we know I need to re-upload some files so I'll put that through here press next again review my changes as you know I only made one small change here we confirm they' read and understood the terms and once more this is going to go through to the status of um under review so go back to my homepage and we'll have a look at all of those together you see here was our original report that was adjusted this one here was the adjustment that request that we completed that was approved then we made a further adjustment request here and so this has gone back to diver NS this is with that team to review the adjustment request so what I'll do now is I'll go into the system and represent diver NS and I'll show what happens when an adjustment request is rejected so now that diver NS have made the decision to request this Supply report sorry uh reject this Supply report adjustment if I refresh the page here let's just point out what's happened here so essentially we now have a new version a version three that is sitting at a status of not started the adjustment version two that we had completed and was sitting as under review has gone to a status of reject so when a adjustment request is rejected by divert ands staff the system automatically creates the next Supply report adjustment in the sequence for the producer to complete you'll also notice at the top of the page here you can see that due to an adjustment request this particular report has been rejected if I press the view button on the notification I'm taken to the rejected report adjustment request re EST and you can see the rejection reason so the reason that was entered by dver NS staff as to why this particular adjustment request was rejected is listed below so we can see here that an incomplete attestation form was supplied so I go back to the homepage and show you the other way of navigating to that particular screen just do a quick refresh so if I go and press view on this page here on the rejected report you can see that's another way to access that roning version of the rejected report and I can see the rejection reason so as we know now a supply report adjustment has been created next one in the sequence we have a version three here I can press start to go in and complete that process so this concludes the demonstration of how a producer is able to request an adjustment to a supply report I also showed what it looks like when a divert NS staff rejects an adjustment request and when a deor NS staff has approved an adjustment request okay so I've now done a refresh of this and we're changing into a slightly different scenario here in this particular scenario I'm still the same producer uh you'll see the supply reports have been remed removed we just reset this and that we now have said under the produc a lead reporting Supply reporting no this will be completed by the pro and I have an active Pro relationship under my Pro delegated reporting tab with a delegation of yes for Supply reporting so we know that a supply report will be generated for my Pro to complete on my behalf so you'll see here that the Pro's reports is listed below and at this point the pro has not started that report here there's no actions for me to take on this particular report nothing has been started yet it's not in progress it's definitely not submitted yet so that's why there's there's nothing else for me to do at this point so what I'll do is just I'll quickly complete this report as a pro and then I'll show what this looks like when we refresh the page so now that my pro has started taking some steps on this Pro report of course I can't see this on this screen right now but let's say that circular materials or the pro has gone way and has completed a section of this report on my behalf I'll see this represented when I refresh my page and you'll see now that the status has progressed to in progress so it is in progress of being completed and then once the pro has completed all of the sections for the report and they have submitted it I refresh my page say come back the next day or so you can see now that my PR's reports is updated to a status of submitted so the pro has successfully submitted that report on my behalf so here you can see that now we have some options to be able to view the details of the report so I can press view here and very similar to what it looked like when I was looking at a report that had been assigned to me for completion I can flick through and I can see the answers as to everything that was submitted all the supply data here so I can see here no values were entered for Supply deductions but can see a brand list and an anation was completed and I can see the name of the user who' actually completed that report from the pro and the time stamp as well now let's say there was something missing from here for example the supply deduction data was missing or there was an error or something that needed to be changed here and I wish to request the pro complete an adjustment I can initiate that process very similar to what I would have done for my own supp reports by pressing the request adjustment button here and when I am about to request the adjustment I'm prompted to enter in comments so here I might say please complete the deduction data section two or for whatever guidance that I want to provide for the pro and I'll press save here this is now going to initiate that adjustment process for the pro and if I refresh this page oh it's doing it for me great just took a little second there but you can see that the original report has updated to a status of rejected that's because myself as the producer has rejected the pros submission I would like them to complete an adjustment you can see that one is now sitting at rejected the adjustment report has been automatically created uh with the version one you can see the status is not started again the pros obviously not yet taken any steps to do that and you can see under the adjustment type it's a producer initiated that's because myself as a producer has initiated that Supply report adjustment process of course should diver NS have initiated an adjustment request you would see that that one has been a compliance initiated um adjustment type there so for here if I click on view and this is exactly what the pro is going to see as well they'll see that that particular report was rejected and they'll see that rejection reason has been populated as such as well so now it's for the pro to go through and complete that uh Supply report adjustment request that will then get sent over to divert NS to review and they can approve or reject it so I'll just quickly recreate those steps okay so now that the pro has completed that if I refresh this page once more you'll see that as it was for myself as a producer when that adjustment request has been submitted it goes for status of under review for diver NS to make that decision to approve or reject so next I'll just represent divert NS and I'll go ahead and approve this particular um request perhaps I should say before that's actually approved is that as a status of under review I can still view the readon version of this particular one and I can see how it's been revised so as we said they were missing some Supply deduction data I can see that that has been revised here and I can see that the difference has been highlighted as such so and you see how that's impacted our net Supply data table as well okay so all of that still exists the ability for me to viiew that adjustment request while the sitting is at under review I can still go ahead and do okay so I'm just refreshing the page once more now that that particular adjustment request has been approved by diver NS you can see the status of the adjustment request here it's been updated to that status of approved and now because this is the latest in our sequence I can once more request an adjust M on this particular adjustment because that decision has been made to approve it and then that would continue that that hierarchy or that chain of adjustment requests similarly I can still press the view button to go in and view the readon version of that particular page so go here I can see that this was all approved and that concludes the demonstration portion of this where I demonstrated a Pro completing a supply report on behalf of a producer the producer went in and requested an adjustment to a report that was completed by the pro that adjustment was then completed by the pro and approved by divert NS

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