very Contra 5.5 million [Music] CL terms the third time wrong document crazy money into AR ver [Music] p [Music] Aral years lipo medent Manchester Dom I [Music] [Music] josu [Music] WI [Music] with result PR [Music] C between compens one option two a 45 minutes minut man of the match award a it was time it was time really happy really happy about the game the win it was a dream devil for me of course not I was I was confident on on the club I was I was ready physically preparing for for when I have the chance to to start playing uh today I could make it so I'm I'm really really happy how how it was it how it how it finish so it was really important for the team it was a it was a dream of course to to come back how it was it after after 10 years so I had no I had no doubt when Barcelona knock let's say on on my door so now I'm really happy to be here I live when I was 16 my quality I st when I when I came in to to control the game together with with pedri and Mark and in the middle I think we make a really really good game in in general and we deserve to win gu [Music] second G of years the of course on on Saturday is the next match of course of course when we make the the right decisions so now not say okay oh now we have nine points and everything is good so it is it's not like this so we will analyze everything and and uh then of course on on Saturday is the next match and then we have to play better much better than in the first half AC an Cru ligament play Financial fair play many very close to the match you know it's it's now um we have to think about all these things but but at the end we have we have many players so I think also after the break we have one match more after the break maybe one or two players coming back so it helps also we will see what happens but but also we can we can cover the number six no no not a problem one rule of as usual [Music] and V V coph Manuel ug it is me [Laughter] coming now fancy I some few days to the end of the transfer window stay with us now for some CLS at this stage of the transfer window two things are assured oneing and at the same time there's a reason why Italian clubs are very active getting to the end of the transfer window there is a reason why reason Italian clubs always there are different rules when it comes to balancing your books at every single league in the English Premier League up 30th July to 31st July players so the fin 30th July they were very active the books the likes of they were quick enough to also do one or two things including a sale of a hotel so English Prem League different more about the wage Bill rfer window Prague [Music] ins players ask yourself that question because English Premier League leag of alligation to 4 million which is million up front with 50 million Scott m to Liverpool personal terms agreement very close foure deal for [Music] FP deal there was a meeting any Juventus for executives plus the agent ramadani ramadani and the deal is going to be done join Liverpool after personal terms so close it's not confirmed but what much agreed the number of years four years salary know they are thinking between between £50,000 a week to 70,000 a week Liverpool there is nothing more nothing less than personal agreement that is so close they move on to the cl to CL between 12 million rising to 50 million Liverpool viela issues Victor Sim demanded 500,000 from Saudi Arabian Club Al that is what the agent is trying to demand from alali in terms of clap to clap talks there everything is side but is to get V to buy in into what they want to do in the project yeah because doesn't want to move according to what he saying luy player wants to understand Abra play into it now the ball is in Napoli court because they will need to sell at all cost when you're trying to balance the books at the end of the transfer window it you need to comply in as much as you want to comp you have to sell PSG is out of the race everything the reason why Chelsea wants to pressure Victor in decision making part of the rule when it comes to the transfer market main target by the moment it is true that alali and ivanon agree terms yes personal terms 60 million in the course of four years contract Al still negotiating with brenford first of all around August early august5 million Milli and the agent of VOR is not matters at all so the battle between Al and Chelsea will have to go down to the wire Arabia they will come to a conclusion and I know ianony and Victor one of them will move but Chelsea Victor to CL [Music] talks wants to be [Music] smart going to get it rememberer look at the amount of money they paid for these kids they also need to balance their books for PS the last few days as to who agrees personal terms with v ring J manchest United tactics just to put pressure on other people to work quick Manchester United already has an interest in but Juventus prepare bid loan bid not with an obligation to buy but with an option Manchester United Juventus in and around 12 million Juventus because Juventus 50% 50% un more money when it comes to loela you see the reason why Dan so much ined about ini the for England national worked for the Eng national team one different profile when it comes to different times team the number of timesing was getting collaps I'm not saying Monopoly [Music] put a word for in terms of getting into the national team for to Manchester United then J the opposite side the reason why Chelsea so so much ined about J Jo [Music] Jo and between St problem with loan with an option to buy to the end of the transfer window Juventus 12 million Lo with an option in terms of salary 5050 chela the decision will lie on whatever deal that will make sense for Manchester United to raise money Abraham [Music] different Striker to Tam Abraham or different Striker to AAR Morata the same thing happens to AAR Morata the same thing happens between the three of them now Sal he had a very good season with bolog but straight aim will have to add 10 million to salers and for now it is 95% that [Music] Abraham need a Midfield [Music] in the transf market I always say this the consequences of what you accept solely lies on you when the result doesn't come first person so if h f decides [Music] say result doesn't go for Barcelona sacrifice will be him [Music] is after International [Music] break fine play that Ro but I'm only saying say the consequences of that decision to make him stay but the pulling power of the Premier League one of the top scorers League eh Sano Herz should be playing for either Arsenal Chelsea Manchester United due to the numbers he [Music] has but you look at the money and the pool of the Premier League and Hing in the balance between Eda and Sano is moving to Crystal Palace Palace for 25 plus 5 and because toay and now you look at this deal between soubor any bage I think Liverpool and he raises a huge question about whatp on the bench buto of numbery graduate as a number six I believe Liverpool have something up their sleeves M Mike uh fany you see the transfer window don't always offer Solutions but and the theme for most of the discussions but I think in Dano basa found the solution yeah they found the solution in the transfer window Lama was not a transfer window solution to bass's problem couo was not a solution demell was not a solution I top player because of so in the case of demele it was to bring in a replacement for NE but the output the performance it will not measure up to your expectations so transfers are mostly pregnant with expectations but it doesn't always deliver the solution transfer Windows the only alternative the solution in the cas of it does because Financial issue the project for instance this his contract automatically renews and improves the number of matches of B last season the output a trigger an automatic extension of deal not signing he signed a 2-year deal with an option of another year now the final two years now he will get an increment in salary means last season 200,000 this second season perance 250,000 270,000 27,000 for years were going to pay more in they don't he will not earn closer to what G was going to earn and then enough time to spread payment so it gives basa the luxury of time to do their own Financial engineering then on the pitch any output gundan will experience he has everything that you need from a central midfielder and an attacking midfielder Dan yo gives you something different but quite similar he's an attacking midfielder and at best can also play as a second Striker even as a center forward or as a Winger so that versatility offer offers that but he gives you a young age with a lot more to do and enra the demonstration was clear the moment he came on obn the first game for the club they signing the number we go through frustration he ENT and like and check RAF was doing very well in the first half but when it looks like is the beauty of competition and playing with quality how you are able to synchronize your thought party easy blend so easily y RAF it was a very good lineup and a very good questioning for B leandi to rest on so I think that transfer window in as much as it does not always offer us a solution I think that in Dano basa have found a solution the only thing it needs to continue he can pass he has Vision wow he created one big chance gave several key passes he scored a goal clearly you can't ask for a better debut what with cl Barcelona and he gives another attacking weapon to coach fck the team but they are still finding out result and check it they are forming a certain character first game against Valencia they to come and score the winner then and check record last three visits [Music] to easy but they showed a tough mentality to bounce back and then get that it was like it was like everybody knew going to win it was because of how cross so so all these things clear demonstration say the early signs are positive but there's still work to be done because I still think B are life they have issues to deal with they are very good midfielders on their books injury ped recover sorry G recover di recover these are quality made Fiers but they are not available so B issue necessarily will not have to do with but it's about the availability of those on their books because situation does not mean the moment there is a vacuum you have to fill it with a signing now the moment there is a vacuum you have to look at how best we can solve that particular way and to me if they have not balanced their books in terms of availability he needs to be available to play G needs to be available to play and it will solve some of the issues within the team if they able to recover Christensen then they are able to deal with ar ISU returns and is fully fed I think it helps them to solve some of these issues long term so it is a progress and it's a process it is a progress because they have had a perfect start it is a process because so don't be overly enthusiastic yet but as it stands now rejoice in the moment because in Dano basa got a quality addition and will be crucial to [Music] ins memory what it takes to play for like Barcelona he has adapted to several environment so he wasn't a he cemented his place in the team so he's a player who adapts easily so it is not difficult the best and it's good news for you see I want to State something good suitability you are a top foreign presenter a top [Music] host exactly the point intoo that is maresa Pepa using Boo that is so the aspect of one manager dependent two the direction of the policy of a CL dependent you don't suit what we need now you need to be moved on is still a good left back injuries offensive he's good enough to contribute a lot so I came here yesterday and I made this statement Rah telling he will be an upgrade to the left wing position of Manchester United ready okay no problem anything come here to do it is purely agenda [Music] I'm only expressing my opinion pass no Now is better than everything they've got there so yeah when you come in and you you change what they have at the moment he delivering more than what Marcus is doing he he probably gives more of a leadership role to the likes of Gario and uh Amed as well who scored at the weekend so those guys will look at he is better than anything they have got left wing and he's doing better than the rashford a assistant now true or false true let's get away from sentiment and let's do statistics and facts shadra help us again kindest cesy matric comparison of of R Sterling and Mar rashford go stering is better than rashford for non penalty goals goals Inside the Box conversion rate assist chances created passing accuracy Crossing accuracy open Play crosses completed through balls tackles made interceptions touches any ball recoveries the only time rashford bring so take on success and a grand duel success but this is a period where rashford bore more matches than rahem stering rashford but the numbers he's producing currently stering has show that with little minute he can contribute more again Maya data MB the comparison of a two players Matrix that is around them where just for last season last it wasn't a good season for rashford beers based on sentiment they look at data they look at contributions and with [Laughter] [Applause] ready [Laughter] yes inde [Music] phy [Music] ph24 20 8496 toothpaste and to brush [Music] opportunity agriculture AG business Technical vocational GH grow the springboard Road Show Master foundation and Li house and between the ages of 15 35 years 03825 5775 [Music] of um certificates French physics um engineering electrical chemical enging mechan engineering certific [Music] [Music] students apply to go to school in the US in fact refus visas not because didn't mhm now what we are doing us USS okay so what we are doing to was not difficult so they fight difficulty with Vis so what we do is that we apply for you to go through the Netherlands then you take transfer and then go to the US which simple the same schol the same school for all of those people try to get directly to the US [Music] gradu us campus undergrad [Music] yes yes because what we've seen is that from you tell them if you're doing a master [Music] if you have any such problems just come to of offices know most people Netherlands umand sorry beautiful you can do it one year two years yes okay what we are doing is that it's not too difficult to get for some of the people you easily can apply to get a permanent residency Ireland it's easy moving to Canada fact office new office Railway Police Station kdom curs group for [Music] [Applause] [Music] people is serving all of the people now okay we have a new office [Music] there 0249 02490 448 448 0249 0249 0 0 448 448 0555 05 5 five five 5 five 5 five 0 0 0 0 67 67 0594 0594 580 580 1 183 183 and my last one 0256 0256 713 713 052 052 yes sir okay group real quick [Music] [Music] oh us Australia uky us Australia Kore if you also want to take International test like sat ILS toel gr jmat they can help you easily they can also help you secure a good job in the UK station 0555 67 and 0249 0448 as as toothbrush oh sweetheart ASF toothbrushes [Music] asford Prince Ashford princess Ashford friendly Ashford evidence Ashford executive ASF Galaxy toothbrushes 0241 545 646 02000 6934 Ashford toothbrushes [Music] liit m [Music] H cter [Music] medicine 0244 41 7669 0244 4176 69 time [Music] HH rise and shine with y toothpaste and yes toothbrush start today off right by grabbing your Yas toothbrush and squeeze a refreshing dab of Y toothpaste on it for the soft bracel the yed brush gently cleans your teeth and gums giving you a comfortable brushing experience as you brush feel the powerful formula of yes toothpaste working its magic removing every stain in the cavity and leaving your teeth sparkling and Fresh Plus yes toothpaste helps make your teeth whiter and protect your Gams keeping them healthy and strong choose from a three variant toothpaste Total Care hble and whed make yes toothpaste and yes toothbrush part of your morning routine and start your day with a confident smile yes toothpaste and tooth wash caring brand for caring families [Music] Central police station stationa 055 913 9582 [Music] anything OST mixure secrety [Applause] [Music] [Music] is to the friends who took the chance with no regrets invest to the health workers who diagnosed rels every move and then to the hard guy who couldn't hold his the passionate F who could contain his Joy To The sress Who turn her hard stitches into a bundle of joy and now here is to you your next big win is right here from 1st July 2024 star 712 tiet as a group individual to win in the community draw or the grand draw on the 30th of November 2024 unlock your luck with 712 by the nla on the caras platform not for persons below 18 years TNC Supply [Music] I the counter medicine sellers TV fridge freezer air conditioning gas cooker washing machine smartphone sound system water dispenser microwave blender rice cooker CLE more a high sense factory direct promo 28 a factory directo everyday prices for everyday people mil T Cell connecting energies tyes shapes rap ring [Music] Flor Flor ret 054 35 5 3750 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ass down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Music] [Applause] man everybody want to know what I would do if I didn't win I guess we'll never know everybody want to know what I would do if I didn't win I guess we'll never know everybody want to know what I would do if I didn't win I guess we'll never know everybody want to know what I would do if I didn't win I guess we'll never know everybody want to know what I would do if I didn't win I guess we'll never know everybody want to know what I would do if I didn't win I guess we'll never know everybody want to know what I would do if I didn't win I guess we'll never know B and CET fibid kidney and liver problem [Applause] 0599 311 311 KN Clinic we bring your smile back to [Music] [Applause] you yes St 5 win call short code 500 by the p sexual weakness 27 5429 fancy yes [Music] footb associ conary Congress football associ government supporter direct financial support grants to football clubs and I'm happy already that is in the public space just like it happens or it's happening in Togo in Benin in the IV Coast football clubs are directly supported with grants and Ghana should be considered as such concerning a clear policy of support for football clubs who represent Ghana in Cal organized competitions let me be quick to say that the ministry led by the sector Minister have been supportive of Clubs who participated in the C competitions overtime what we are asking is a clear policy youth football football association boss youth football we will also be happy grassroot football development that there's a clear policy that aims at compos introduction of football competitions at all School levels from the primary school to the universities and this must be funded by the government footb Association respect your your space you also have to respect the football space it is not okay for betting companies to continuously feed on our football it is also not okay for us who own the football products to be poor when others are feeding on our products it is time to say no to such companies and in saying no I am saying that we are also open to do it the legal way we will invite benting companies who are serious and being good partners with the football associate to come forward and to speak to us at the end they taking their odds on our games on your business at the moment football associ about taxes payment of 17.5% vat on football Revenue football clubs all of you here are charged 17.5% on vat whilst other Industries including conventional entertainment pay a flat rate of 3% it is our request our football and football clubs just like other entertainment providers are leved the flat rate of 3% to give our clubs opportunities to also build our capacities 1 something aot of is very good I think the president and his Executives on the back say they've done very well too you see it's literally a new look there's been some Innovations here and there some expansions and new facilities here and there but that is the essence of life life is about progress and moving forward so it doesn't matter who is there once you have the responsibility you also have to do your best to add up to what you came to meet since I think they are doing very well in that regard Council together with the fa boss former B [Music] last official Football Association vice president football we have a situation in our part of the world through the SE we can choose to have a deltion session the football structure where for example Ops people come up with very brilliant IDE as four years one year down the line the same things that we keep talking [Music] about I can tell you that there group of football owners who run the respons all going out of business when taking decision on of your CER of Excellence hel Methodist Church happy happy Birthday J nice happy happy birthday police station Department [Music] [Music] hillal School fin yes cosmetic dentistry scray cleaning and polishing 0538 8 2578 H 0244 41 7669 ventes bres Ashford Prince Ashford princess executive and friendly and Ashford Gala toothpast 0535 4522 63 yes um Francy um interesting discussions um surrounding Congress I the 30th Congress now I think dep the decision say football president supporters in C we are stakeholders but we don't V we don't vote and we don't take such decisions nobody can aggree with them whatever decision you take you bear the consequences with it so if the football people take their own decision and the consequences come they must bear it themselves decision but there are several things which are sers much more concerned about especially when it comes to league and betting issues there are times Prague the problem games on S that is not the problem the problem is players they will list it when it is the English Premier League Championship League one but the right system any measures put in place to know and prosecute involved the recently Sandro tonelli for Newcastle bet issues ianony issues number of games so the system the measures that has been put in place to make sure at the end of the day that is what is different from that is what is different and sometimes invol if you go deep into how some of these people fixed matches system broken and there are no proper measures in place to fully prosecute or even in this particular case when it comes to a issues is a different matter all together maybe you love to cut it once and for all that is how maybe one way or the other you might feel forms of of inconvenience sometimes result fch so most of these things serious issues around it yes the name of the game is what evidence implications the other side of it but the most important thing is system and measures to track it well get those who are involved and prosecute them that is all it's about how we fish it out the evidence we have and the system we've put in place to kep those things I don't have any problem with listing but the measures and the systems to make sure that the right things are done that is what is important but I'm so happy the Women's Premier [Music] League issu people felt a power one way or the other a influen [Music] players Prem League power Ghana Premier League matches GH Premier League games but Power doesn't list all Ghana Premier League games they don't a lot of things around the players but on the other hand side how much do these teams even pay the players in terms of winning bonus and winning bonus now I'm so happy because Women's Premier League terms Women's Premier League [Music] it is a positive thing and I'm really [Music] happy go long and it motivat football and most of them will be doing well for us exective producer ranking [Music] r [Music] [Music] well fancy um you see one let me clarify something the issue about listing G compies have to respect the football space it is not okay for betting companies to continuously feed on our footall it is also not okay for us who own the football products to be poor when others are feeding on our products it is time to say no to such companies and in saying no I am saying that we are also open to do the legal way we will invite betting companies who are serious and being good partners with the football associate to come forward and to speak to us at the end they taking the odds on our games on your business at the moment you see this is where Clarity needs to be brought to the issue companies fix matches what he's saying is Premier League Premier League matches platforms company a of lions two Ghan football teams in the sense that if you are listing the Ghana premier league list any Ghana Football product say division say fa C division then the division one league club should benefit something Premier League the Prem Club should benefit something and this is something right from more than two three years ago this is something I've always Hamed on sale I don't understand why Ghana football matches and then the GFA the clubs and then the football stakeholders and I even made a petition ver one they should with the gaming Commission of ghing commission because at the end of the day the gaming commission supervises the activities of the online book makers so they are earning something they are making something Financial benefit from listing Ghana Premier League matches but we don't get anything gaming commission can you come in and then because at the end of the day can have an idea and then pump money into your local League local football so as somebody who will come in and then be an intermediary and gaming commission GF companies football okay we want to pay something so that at the end of the day there will beity in agreement there will be something monary from these companies to the GFA simple they are feeding into our space meanwhile spend money even during thech they spend money they need to make something if you are listing the same for 90 minutes and that is what the GFA president is saying and it should have been done long time the secretary but I expected this the fa will take the action suggested one of many ways to go about this Engage The Gaming Commission let them act as intermediaries let them intervene in the situation call for a meeting sort of because second one the issue about government making a clear State policy to support claps and the support will even extend to claps or Africa good let me explain to you government set up an economic policy provide financial support logistical support and Technical Support small and medium Enterprises football clubs they not qualify as smmes so if I see even fellow colleagues now excuse me to say the idea government needs to invest in football times I sh because football club is Antion it goes beyond just a Football clubb Premier League 30 players technical team members other staff he has created employment for 40 ghanians the burden of government creating employment for them magaz these people qualify one point in time government will put together policies initiatives or project so if we preach entertainment if we preach various Industries VAR sectors why not football but I also think demand there should be things you put in place to make where the club licensing aspect comes in and makes it concrete statement docents let us also come together do our things right and put together a good Clinic the blood group doctor weak [Music] 099 311 311 [Music] chicken 0544 44 4453 conference Ed [Music] Min 283 811 931 931 0548 931 931 yes yes hello hello yes sir good morning

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