all righty everyone welcome back it is now September 5th of 2024 and given that there's been a lot of drama going on between different Studios different divisions if you will by the way over at the Walt Disney Company all because of Bob iger's lack of leadership skills his deliberate agenda his ongoing ideology that is just coming like the plague over all divisions over at the Walt Disney Company whether it's Lucas film or certain projects connected to Marvel Studios or even looking at the liveaction projects based on the animated Classics and that goes to Snow White there's a lot of drama still happening to this day between both Rachel zegler and galado do let's get into this shall we this is Mike zero subscribe if you're new and like this video to see future updates you can also follow me at Mike 01 I thank you also very much for the great kind support so one thing is for certain is that we know that of course Bob AER is the ultimate worst CEO of all time over at Disney I mean I think he definitely outperforms Bob Chek without question but when you look at what's been going on with this production in particular this movie has a budget of well over $300 million plus going into it with additional re- shoots now officially on the horizon well this is only the beginning of what's going wrong with with Snow White 25 as we have a lot of drama still going on to this day between both Rachel and gal that is only beginning to intensify and really get in the way of their scheduling for re-shoot now like I said earlier there are delays on the table they have the option to delay this film until June of 2025 if things get severe now let's get into this now on top of everything here with Bob Iger and the Disney Executives already going through endless setbacks and challenges due to iger's Cost Containment plan one significant development going on right now has more to do with zler and the ongoing drama with Snow White a crucial update to this scenario now involves gal where Rachel is making things extremely difficult for the cast and the crew of Snow White that are preparing to now do extended re-shoot with Disney's last ditch effort to save the film now it turns out that Ziggler is absolutely refusing to do a specific major scene now with gal after their grow kickstarted behind the scenes the specifics of this are that Disney is reportedly desperately attempting to re-shoot an entire sequence that is discarded to be very important for the introduction of the old hag AKA The Witch and Snow White's first appearance communicating with the character once she's transformed the main reason why Ziggler is now refusing to film this scene in particular with gal as it turns out is that there were many claims being made by Ziggler behind closed doors that she claimed Disney favored gal's role as the evil queen with her singing performance over hers the drama got so serious to a point where Ziggler even described gal as an actress that only makes her look bad on screen when providing her takes as Snow White and labeling gal as extremely difficult to work with when in reality it's quite the reverse now with of course on the scenes that require singing in the studio now recently during negotiations recently took place by the Disney Executives already Rachel is refusing to do any scenes with gal in the same room or Studio set now this behavior is described to be holding back the production of the film from doing proper additional re-shoot with ease and could delay the film in the process it even got to a point where Rachel had multiple heated arguments toward gal after a recent Gathering about the production of Snow White that gal is the one who will sabotage the film due to her subpar singing as Rachel claimed behind the scenes there is seemingly a confidence issue within zler after the five test screenings took place for the film another important scene that Rachel is refusing to shoot with gal involves another singing session in which the evil queen sings to Snow White in the very beginning of the film where Rachel sings as well this scene took place inside of a castle and featured a younger version of Snow White however still played by Ziggler and failed miserably in the test screenings where Ziggler blamed gal for the five failed test screenings especially with the additional crucial scene that was filmed months ago that now needs to be entirely redone now before I go on let me just say one thing about this quick is that this is typical behavior from a self-absorbed actress that really knows nothing better about the film industry knows nothing better about how when you have a cast and the crew you need to work as a team you need to work simultaneously you need to work together to get the production moving and to meet deadlines mind you now this movie already has a lot of funds going into it we talked about this a couple of days ago about how Disney basically lost tens of millions of dollars worth of footage because a lot of that footage is now no longer going to be a part of the Final Cut of the film as many scenes are to be redone with the upcoming re- shoots that they want to do right around the holiday season get things wrapped up as soon as possible and get that March of 2025 release date now again like I said don't be too shocked if this either gets delayed or even indefinitely delayed due to the drama and the ongoing challenges but what's really revealing here is the fact that zler does have this Grudge with gal for all the wrong reasons and gal is in the right to have issues with G with uh Rachel zler based on what she put on social media based on what she uh used as her own strategy to promote Snow White and let's not forget about the ongoing PR disaster surrounding Rachel zler and everything that happened on set of the film now this wasn't easy for director Mark web or anyone else connected to the cast and the crew and we know that Bob Iger this is a bad look for him as a CEO because he is trying to desperately create a legacy of his own for the remaining last 2 years serving as the CEO of Disney and I don't know if you guys knew this but he does plan to step down some point in 2026 we're not quite sure exactly when but he does want to make that his year of retirement now on top of this all right the drama between both Rachel and gal is only the beginning now and it's getting ready to intensify his deadlines are just around the corner for different parts of the production to obtain that late March 25 release date G is said to be deeply offended by Ziggler's Behavior with this project and is willing to film scenes with her only under certain circumstances which will be explained very much soon in the near future so here's another problem about this movie now look Disney has had uh some success points here and there there are exceptions we pointed this out right uh deool and Wolverine well because he had Ryan Reynolds and Shawn lovey who really took a stand against them inside out too that may have been a blip maybe it wasn't a blip you know but that was a success point for the Walt Disney Company so they had some in 2024 23 was just a complete failure consistently one after the other practically and it wasn't a good year for them because it fell on their 100th anniversary but looking ahead the 2025 it's not a good start you got this movie you got Captain America 4 which may seem appealing to you but the amount of funds that they poured into that movie are massive and it has to really do very well at the box office to even break even at this point so that's the other issue is that the starting point of 2025 seems to be very challenging right now now and with Fantastic 4 that could very well be their Saving Grace maybe it won't be their saving grace we'll have to wait and see but regardless it's not a good start for next year but overall this is a very complex production not just because of the grudge between these two actresses but the funds that went into this movie The amount of movie that they the amount of money that they lost for this movie and not only to of course you know forget about the fact that Bob AER and the Disney executives are engaged in a shakeup so overall guys I would like to hear what you all have to say about this Below in the comments and if you guys did enjoy the content for today make sure to drop a thumbs up on this video to support the channel and I will catch you guys later [Music]

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