Isaiah Hodgins Played a Great Game! (Madden 24)

Published: Apr 27, 2024 Duration: 00:07:54 Category: Gaming

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St opponent got the Lions man good team let's go the same situation every single time like we can't this game is already about to be done bro I swear to God boom okay ton you got to settle down you kind of is murdered this guy dude like what is going on obviously not a great way to start the game offense is struggling early may be having that my man oh my [Applause] God damn man come on offense we got to get something going it looks like we suffered an injury but the center whoa what I had no idea that we have pressure right [Applause] there yeah this is not a great team so far not a good first half can't be having that man can't be having halves like these what the [ __ ] y just it's going to be one of these games man I have a feeling I'm going to be playing defense a whole bunch you guys know on how I feel about playing defense this is why I hate this [ __ ] game so [ __ ] much I hate this game I can't wait to be done with [Applause] it do we even have a timeout did they even give us a timeout I need to improve the passing game right here I don't don't know what we need to set the focuses on I don't know it's going to help us we're clearly having nothing going right now passing it a whole bunch hardly running it let's see what the Run game is looking like right now great blocks holy [ __ ] there we go thank you sequan exactly what we needed for this offense we needed some juice great job by sequan ref finding the lane and ging us a touchdown we're already in the fourth quarter man we're already in the fourth quarter they take a field goal they take the lead so that's how embarrassing this game is there we go there we go only two yards I'll take it we s to the D plan here they want us to hit up this play We're going to run it we going to running there we go man hell yeah great stop come on come on boom boom Oh fourth and one it looks like they want to take their field goal let's see if they do ah so close to blocking it but they have the lead this is a boring game so far holy [ __ ] already in the fourth quarter low [Applause] scoring dude they only settled for a field goal what type of momentum do they have yeah they're not going to have it no more great job Hodgins great job deito for delivering the dime but yeah I mean this is just a lousy game right here lousy lazy we're not playing like we wanted we're not playing like we wanted come on defense pulls this G out for us get some stops I like that though can't allow them to move the ball like that come on boys come on [Applause] boys good drop is getting the tackle he's still in bounds roll down to the two-minute [Applause] warning oh here we go all right defense let's go let's go defense we need you right here right now let's go baby hell yeah got to work the clock man now we just got to work this clock make can use our timeouts work the clock let's go oh this is where we need you that was just weird there's no other lane for me but solid run though just solid run though H yeah baby this a first down and more do we come away points here but right now I just want to work their timeouts work the clock the Chiefs are absolutely dominating the Eagles right now I love to see that Bom Baby First down baby we could need the ball but I still want to continue to work this clock get it down to under a minute 14 for 99 in a touchdown for sequan sequin is having himself a somewhat slow start to the year by week three his touchdown numbers are low and I think the rushing numbers as well but all good man all is good third and three clock is getting worked right now which is great put up another run play here though exactly where I want it to be I want to try to get this block way well under a minute oh got sit Juan give me down thank you yeah tomyo 237 passing Earth two passing touchdowns not all that bad of the game improved more on the second half saquan 16 for 116 in a touchdown receiving wise Hodgins five for 128 in a touchdown Waller 3 for 39 in a touchdown onell three for 46 J SL one for 23 silon one for one you guys want you're watching like comment subscribe turn my best on channel for you guys you guys support as always and I'll see you guys in the next video

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