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with rumors of divorce swirling you wouldn't think now would be the best time to post a breakup song to Instagram but that's not stopping Jennifer Lopez this is the news that we all could see coming as you mentioned the speculation around Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck has been swirling for months but this morning the timing sending a real statement did you hear the latest about Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck it seems that one of the most talked about couples in Hollywood is Calling it Quits once more following months of rumors and conjecture surrounding their marriage JLo has formally filed for divorce from Affleck this year has been quite the roller coaster for JLo and this most recent development is just the icing on the cake the couple who famously rekindled their romance two decades after their initial engagement seemed to be living out a happily ever after story but now it seems that happily ever after wasn't in the cards for Ben 2.0 Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck after months of speculation the pair are calling it quits the singer filing for divorce after 2 years of marriage exactly let's take a look at the events that led up to this atic divorce filing the first hint that something wasn't quite right in Paradise started shortly after the Met Gala earlier this year for those who don't recall J llo co-chaired this year's Gayla it was a big deal right but guess who wasn't by her side yes Ben Affleck people noticed right away and started speculating as to why Ben wasn't there to support his wife on such a high-profile night one thing I can say about Jennifer Lopez is if nothing she's consistent this is who Jennifer is I feel like she stands in the woman that's a hopeless romantic that loves to share her love um I I feel like this is who she is and asking her to change is love is also different the second time around don't you think I would think but not her we tried we tried we tried because we had kids and then we said we both of us felt like we don't want this to be the model that our kids see of marriage then a few few weeks after the Met Gala JL was seen by Gayla Paparazzi house hunting alone she wasn't merely perusing she was actually seriously considering new properties this move caused everyone to wonder why Jay Lo would be out looking for a new home when she and the men had just recently purchased what they described as their dream home which increased rumors that something was wrong Brewing few insiders speculated that perhaps she was only looking at investment properties but the timing was dubious to say the least and there were other public appearances or rather a dir of them that added gasoline to the fire in the months that followed the Met Gala Ben and JLo were hardly ever seen together when they were they nearly always wore their wedding rings a small but noticeable attempt to elay the rumors there were a few attempts to present a united front such as a few trips to the farmers market and a few family gatherings but these looked more like damage controlled and sincere expressions of a affection there's a story that I'm surprised that I am as interested in as I as I am this is the rumor now monthlong rumors of a divorce between Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez we grew apart we had a marriage that didn't work this happens there's somebody I love and respect but to whom i w i shouldn't be married any longer in fact those in the no suggested that Ben had already moved out of their shared home by this point Paparazzi frequently caught him leaving a different property one that wasn't the mansion they had so lovingly purchased together yet JLo still posted a sweet Father's Day tribute to Ben in June calling him our hero it was a puzzling move given the circumstances but perhaps it was another attempt to keep the public in the dark about the true state of the relationship despite all these efforts it was becoming increasingly clear that the couple was headed for Splitsville sources close to the pair revealed that they were struggling to keep their marriage aflo according to Entertainment Tonight a source claimed that Ben and Jen don't want to get divorced but there relationship is simply not working at this point they aren't done yet and want to fix things because they love each other but they are also both unhappy it seemed like an uphill battle and unfortunately one they couldn't win fast forward to this week and the News broke that JLo had officially filed for divorce she chose August 20th as the date to file an oddly significant date as it marked the second anniversary of their lavished wedding ceremony in Georgia a deliberate Choice absolutely it's hard not to see it as a calculated move on her part perhaps sending a message that she was ready to close this chapter of her life on a day that was once filled with so much hope and promise that heartbreak set both of us on a course to figuring ourselves out and to being better people do you think you've forgiven me all the way yeah I think I've forgiven you all the way I think I need to forgive myself some things the drama doesn't end there oh no not by a long lot she listed the date of Separation as April 26th which coincides nicely with when those pesky divorce rumors first started to circulate talk about a woman who understands how to manage the narrative unexpectedly one of the most juicy details to emerge from this whole Affair is the Revelation that J llo and Ben never signed a prenuptial agreement before getting married if in fact Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck don't have a prenuptial agreement they've just created a lot of trouble for themselves they're going to need attorneys they're going to need accountants to comb through all the financial records and even though it's only two years they've each made a significant amount of money in these last two years given that this was JLo's and Ben's second marriage you would think they would have been more cautious especially given their reported combined net worth of $640 million however since there is no printup in place and all of their earnings and assets from their nearly 2-year marriage are considered community property things could ES escalate very quickly and it's interesting to note here JLo filed for divorce in LA County Superior Court Pro per or without an attorney so it will be really curious to see how this plays out legally without an attorney without an attorney and no prenup right and on their wedding anniversary and on their wedding anniversary wow perhaps more to come Eva there are already rumors circulating that Ben is enraged feeling duped and concerned about his Financial Security According to some people close to the Octor he worries that J llo would desert him especially because she makes more money than he does don't forget that Ben has an impressive net worth of $150 million his company Empire owned by JLo is far smaller than his with an estimated net worth of $400 million the actor's friends say he feels embarrassed especially because he was hopeful about things working out and never thought JLo would publicly pull the rug out from under him oh like this is going to solve everything and it doesn't it gives them a whole different set of issues that they have to work out and you know it's just about I just think that life is kind of beautiful that way and that it balances out for everybody and everybody has their struggles and everybody has their journey to walk and you think it's going to be one thing and it's another thing and it has twists and turns and all you can do is like love each other as if that weren't stressful enough there are Rumblings that the ongoing Financial negotiations have become more hostile according to TMZ the couple has been attempting to reach a settlement for months but things have gotten so bad that there have been times when they aren't even able to communicate it seems like there are constant rumors about who is getting what and neither side is willing to give in some insiders even speculate that J llo may be attempting to demand half of Ben's salary claiming she paid for the majority of their joint expenses both of them find it difficult to accept the idea of splitting everything evenly in half and it starting to become a contest to see who can outweight the other and so you just kind of have to come to terms with that and just feel like well you know we don't put anything out there it's not like we're out there as you say it's the first time we've ever been interviewed together and that's because we're in a movie together it's not like we want to kind of you know show and tell Martha Stewart and kind of like this is our sit relationship you know what I mean like well that we do like you but let's take a step back for a second could this divorce filing be more than just the end of the marriage some are suggesting that it could also be a calculated peer move on gelo's part after all she's had a difficult year in the spotlight her most recent album movie and even a documentary about her love story with Ben were not well received by the public some critics even went so far as to call them cringeworthy claiming that there wasn't much hype surrounding them could filing for divorce on their wedding anniversary be her way of taking back the narrative and changing public opinion I think you got to try to keep I there's things that we want obviously that we would keep Pride we want to keep the day about our family and about us and about what we're doing and the commitment we're making that's what it's about that day and everything else you know the details of the wedding and what gets out and what doesn't I I won't obsess over it you know because I just think it it'll it will take away from the specialness of what the day it wouldn't be the first time JLo has taken a risk to alter the subject recall her $4.5 million donation to Palestine Aid earlier this year which coincided with her facing a lot of criticism for being disconnected from her Heritage it seems like she knows how to play the game and this latest move could be part of a larger strategy to win back public favor Twitter went wild with some users jokingly saying things like I take it back girl you can sing the Amazon movie is screaming Oscar who needs a plot anyhow way or character development I would never ever Pride do yeah so so never would I pride right was it like the first night getting back together I mean I I can't imagine I mean it must be like oh my God we're back together after 18 years that's like [Laughter] right speaking of public opinion it's important to note that JLo's current predicament is being compared to that of Blake Lively another Hollywood star who has recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons Blake who was once considered America's sweetheart has been dubbed the new mean girl in Hollywood there are others who speculate that this could be JLo's chance to shine once more and return to her role as an adored celebrity after all there's always room for a comeback narrative in Hollywood especially when the alternative is more appealing fall from feeling so lucky it's not often you get a second chance at true love but here's the thing even though JLo may be attempting to control the narrative there are still many who believe that she acted coldly and strategically in filing for divorce on such a significant date complete with all the drama of a public Financial dispute and no prenuptial agreement which doesn't exactly scream Class Act to everyone some may view it as a smart move no doubt but Others May view it as just another instance of JLo acting a little too strategically for her own good I don't think he's very comfortable with with me doing all of this but he loves me he knows I'm an artist and he's going to support me in every way he can things that are private I had always felt are sacred and special because in part they're private so this was something of an adjustment for me and let's not forget about Ben in all of this the man has been through a lot this year with Paparazzi following him around and his every move from missing important events to moving out of their shared home it's obvious he's not taking the situation lately and there have been rumors that he feels more alone than ever and that his kids have been the only thing keeping him grounded during this turbulent time it has been reported that he's been spending a lot of time with his ex-wife Jennifer Garner and their three children in an effort to maintain some semblance of normal interestingly there has also been conjecture over the effects of this divorce on JLo's upcoming endeavors she had a ton of plans including appearances tours and possibly even more Ventures into the beauty and fashion Industries but who knows how much of that will actually happen with this divorce hanging over her there are already rumors that some of her upcoming projects may be put on hold while she deals with the Fallout and what about Ben he was supposed to star in and produce a number of high-profile films including a sequel to the accountant but now that he's in the middle of his own personal and public mess his involvement in some of these projects may be jeopardized it's also important to think about how this divorce might affect their blended family Ben has three children from his marriage to Jennifer Garner and JLo has twins named Max and Ian from her marriage to Mark was more surpris all accounts the children get along well and JLo has even been spotted spending time with Ben's children on several occasions however with the divorce proceedings now underway what will happen to this newly blended family will they be able to preserve their relationships or will they be caught in the crossfire time will tell but this adds another l level of complexity to an already complicated scenario wow so ladies JLo being open about gushing over B do you think she's making a mistake this time going so public or is she just in love she was like all right we got like our five kids me and Jen and it's it's like feels like hundreds of people and they're all screaming and my daughter just turns to me and goes JLo was my stepmother the couple's joint ventures present another problem they had a plethora of ideas Stand Out ranging from Fashion Partnerships to Film Production although JLo who is well known for her commercial Acumen would wanted to associate herself from everything related to Ben in order to protect her reputation Ben might end up having to pick up the pieces particularly because many of these Ventures were dependent on their influence investors and stakeholders in the couple status are probably holding their breath to see how the anguish of the divorce would affect their financial interests so stressful and a month before and I don't know if you guys know this but 20 years ago we were supposed to get married I'd heard I'd read that and and it and it kind of all fell apart back then and and this time it was like we still had a i AB absolutely did had a little PTSD and so I was just like what's is this happening is this really happening speaking of money let's not Overlook the unpleasant little detail that the couple who were both extremely wealthy in their own right did not have a pre nuptial agreement this may have led to some very messy asset disputes the question on everyone's mind is how much this divorce will cost them both the drama surrounding their split isn't just limited to finances and future projects there has also been a significant shift in how the public perceiv them both JLo has her expansive Empire which includes everything from her music and film career to her successful fragrance and clothing lines Ben on the other hand is Diversified in his venture and still has a solid film career and production company JLo has always been viewed as a strong independent woman who knows what she wants and isn't scared to go for it but some people are now wondering if she has grown too calculated or driven by ambition and in need to have complete control over her life and image what's happening to you two it's been a wild couple of months how how are you handling all the attention Ben that's come with not only you personally but but this relationship uh well it's a little crazy and it's a little bit more I think than I either of us anticipated but it's all um you know basically good and and and most of it seems pretty nice and we're very happy and she's doing great and the album is great and the movie's great and she's happy and so I'm happy and Ben on the other hand has always been the endearing Rogue the struggling artist trying to make his way but he may now be perceived as a victim of JLo's Whirlwind a guy left to pick up the pieces after getting swept up in it you know it's but that's what does get out there and so you can't control and so some people think like oh they're pedling their personal life or some people think oh how invasive this is and how this goes you know you can't control all that it's going to run the entire gamut I can't get crazy we're doing a movie together it's called jie that's right that's why we're here it's called each of these components the hearsay time will tell but one thing is for sure this story is far from over as divorce proceedings continue more details will undoubtedly emerge rumors will spread and the public will be glued to their screens eager for the next twist in this Hollywood drama the financial drama the lack of a prup the public perception and a fascinating narrative have captured the Public's attention however perhaps the most intriguing aspect of it all is the question of what comes next will JLo and Ben manage to settle their differences amicably or are we in for a lengthy and bitter legal battle will they continue to co-parent their blended family or will the kids be caught in the middle of their drama whether you like them or not Jay low and Ben Affleck have once again captivated The public's attention demonstrating that Hollywood drama never truly stops regarding the current events in the JLo and Ben affle Dan had a lot to say point one fan comment that seems to sum up the Public's obsession with the dramatic timing of Jaya act reads Saga and opinions are as divided as ever it's Petty to file for divorce on your anniversary so let me get the popcorn this feeling is a reflection of the increasing belief that JLo's actions are more premeditated than emotional and for some people it just adds more mystery to an already compelling tale then there's the Hot Topic of the prenuptial agreement or rather as one fan put it its lack which suggests that JLo knows exactly how to keep the audience involved whether they view her as shrewd or just plain histrionic this kind of timing has definitely sparked attention if you are wealthy and get married you should merely write a prenuptial agreement no matter how certain you are of Your Love or how strong you believe you are I will not sign a PR Nal agreement given their considerable net worths and Glow's history of many marriages this comment draws attention to what many see to be a blatant mistake in their marriage fans find it puzzling that the pair didn't Safeguard their assets it appears that many in the public I don't think that love alone is sufficient to excuse such a risky relationship money move last but not least there is a general lack of confidence in J's recent charitable Endeavors as evidenced by some fans cynical comments one fan asked why J's donations compared to her wealth suddenly made her a great relatable wonderful person that we all love good for her for making the donation a real person would have done it she is doing public relations and it is working it is absurd to be applauding her for the very minimum that she could have done this statement highlights a belief held by some fans that JLo's actions are less about genuine charity and more about maintaining her Public Image what do you think viewers is J's decision to fight and file for divorce on their anniversary a bold move to control her narrative or does it come off as a calculated tactic and do you believe the lack of a pre-nuptial agreement was a genuine oversight or could there be more to the story while her donation may have been well received by some Others May view it as a calculated move to deflect criticism and regain favor in the public eye thank you for watching and please share your thoughts in the comment section below stay tuned for further updates on this developing drama until the next time

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