The Walk - EP 135 - The Clowne Branch - Cresswell Junction To Seymour Junction - Derbyshire

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:18:31 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] [Music] the only chance we have is together Our Eyes Are Open Wide focused on the heat hello everyone welcome out on another explore I'm in crestwell which is in dark and I'm just walking down to meet the guys and grab the bikes and we're going to take a leisurely ride through the beautiful darash countryside on the former clown branch of the Midland railway from crestwell Junction all the way down to Seymour Junction which is just outside Bova [Music] [Applause] [Music] so here's the guys and they're elmton and crestwell Junction signal box still in place before we get on our bikes let's get Rail map on line up now so if you look at that map there there's loads of lines as they're always are around darash and Nottinghamshire that line on the right that goes from top to bottom that yellow line that's the active Robin Hood line now between Nottingham and worksop we're coming off there following the other yellow line as it kind of Arc up all the way down to Seymour Junction where there's an absolute mess of lines which are going to take some figuring out hey up Lads we got Phil we got Andy we got Nikita morning the Channel's called the walk but it's a it's a bike today it's the ride isn't it again the ride yeah but that's a great start pH look at that oh yeah yeah need Paint mate if you're up for it could do paint yeah but it's um it's still amazing that it's still there though which is great now the junction goes off here and as you can see there are some tracks still down but that soon ends so we're going to have to cycle around here and we're going to get on the track bed so we've literally cycled about 2 minutes and we're at the end of where the uh where the line came out um just see if there's any track remaining any tracks just Greenery M just Greenery okay so the signal box is there um so there's the fence obviously we can't go through there we're on it then aren't we just we are we're on the track bed here yeah now this becomes the clown Greenway in a second so the clown branch of the Midland Railway was opened in 1875 as a Goods only line cuz there's lots and lots of ceries around this way in fact we're going to pass the site of quite a few actually on our way today um so it was opened basically to serve them and and other Industries in the area and it was only in 1888 that they decided to to open it for passengers and then built stations on this line so we're at the edge of crestwell now and we're already on quite a quite a large embankment so I've come over the fence don't try this at home just so I can try and get a better view look at that it's quite a quite a serious structure that fil mate yeah yeah yeah okay back on the bike so we're going to make our way up now I'm going to keep looking out for different remains as we go obviously but the next sort of major port of call is clown the village of clown which is obviously of course why the uh why the branch is called the clown Branch but it used to be spelled without the e and then they changed the name British Railways changed the name so I'm wondering if that's cuz the locals got the um with it but apparently it's nothing to do with those people that dress up in makeup and are creepy as heck it's actually because clown comes from cloon which means River wow that's a beautiful little remain that looks a little bit like the one outside newstead on the line coming up from Lind on metal beautiful wow a nice mate area you don't tend to see that do you love it huh that's a nice little bruy bonus that one so we're in a deep cutting now now we're basically running parallel um with the lanir darash and East Coast Railway um bainton branch which I did a little bit of before out of killer Marsh and um when we get to clown we'll have a quick look it's not on this line but we'll jump off this line for 5 minutes and have a quick look at the clown station where they've done an amazing job of of basically trying to make it look like it did back in the day so here we go another bridge now if you go off that way you can get onto that other other railway line you can walk that and we're going to do that at another time but we're going to focus on the Midland line for now we're not too far out of clown so this line closed to scheduled passengers about 52 1952 it's quite an early one but it stayed open until 62 and they were running holiday trains as they did from this area a lot um off up to Blackpool and and places like that but this line remained open for a while after that didn't it guys for for goods and stuff yeah MGR traffic use it regularly to get over from shybrook over to the Midland line at stavy so what what year are we talking cuz at the end guys we're talking like 2000s but it's part of is early 90s late ' 80s early 90s here we go there's another one just a foot Crossing that one so Phil you're saying the Southgate cery was here yeah over 100 years ago though mate so it's long gone oh okay but you reckon these These are the houses for you could have been but an hous state were built over it so they may have actually wiped it out got you now when we get to clown station which is literally just around the corner uh parts of the platform is still there and they've done a really nice job on this line as well as the other line of kind of making the station you know have some respect really I guess for it but the actual station building was still there until 2000 and for the life of me I can't think why they would knock it down but they did unfortunately so that's gone which is a real sick now cuz when you look at photos of it it was a beautiful Victorian structure as as they all were and now it's gone forever so here we go clown station is literally just there but this is nice so we've got a repurpose 1950s sleeper so what what are we looking at here both stations look ah so there's the Midland station that's the one we're about to come up to that they've got rid of the beautiful building which is an absolute sickner yeah bottom left now there we go so that's the other station which we're going to go and have a look at in a second up there yeah and rather confusingly it makes out there was a bridge going over here and this was the vehicle have you seen how tracks there are so here we go so there's the two stations side by side then so that's the station they've reversed that photo of there yeah they do that a lot it's really that's an image revers so it's actually the other way around so that's quite confusing so that's the clown Branch through there that we've been cycling on we've just come off that and we're going to come up here and have a look at clown station on that Lanier darash East Coast Railway just because it's you know it would be a shame to be this close to it and not come have a little look at it so this has all been infield is it Phil but they've dug it out there look so this is the site of clown station or clown South was it clown South it was known as I think this one had a different a different name cuz the Midland line which became clown and bull brush station is literally there there they are you could chuck a stone between the two of them easily but that's lovely you got the booking booking office at the top and you had the two platforms either side but that's obviously been INF filled so that's lovely little bit of respect for the past it's great so what I'm going to do now is come down back onto that Midland Branch the clown branch and let's have a look what they've done here so there we go so that's I'm guessing that's a that's a throwback to the Southgate cery then is it yeah that's a little uh obviously mining wagon rather than a a rail wagon and here we go so that's what it was called originally just clown with no ear um coming from the Viking word of cloon I believe and then it ended its time as clown and balra there we go and that's a nice touch as well although it is in a a different location I think to what it was originally I'm pretty sure it was over on the other side when you look at photos there's a couple of beautiful bridges as well so we're cycling away now from clown and it's basically pretty much downhill all the way which I I'm not gued by we'll see a few remains on the way we'll see where the um laner darash and East Coast Railway came across us before going up towards bainton near Sheffield we'll also see a Spur off to oxcroft cury which I think remained quite late as well and then we get to see more Junction now when we get there is a bowl of spaghetti when it comes to the lines so that's on you fil mate thanks and Andy me and Nikita are just basically just going to be nodding along I think aren't we as to what what went off there back in the day we're on quite a high embankment now and I'm pretty sure the other line is coming in now and should be at any moment going across us hello morning here we go there it is so that's that other line going off the bainton Ranch off it goes up towards Sheffield it is mad to think a place as small as clown cuz it's not a big place now and obviously it would have been even smaller back then had two stations that were basically pretty much going to the same place so that I guess there's no surprise then why they cloth here's another one I've missed a couple to be honest there's quite a lot of bridges in place and there's quite a lot of stanions but that one just look cool so in a moment there's a Spur that went off into oxcroft cery I'm in a beautiful woods now actually um but that remained open for quite a while cleaning it was a what sorry cleaning oh a cleaning thing okay so that remained open for quite a while so in a moment we should be able to see a bit of ballast and stuff like that but also some sleepers and things that have just been basically discarded so here we go here's the M1 now this is a bit of a clue because the M1 didn't come up here until the ' 70s and so the fact that you know they've bridged over it just goes to show this was open quite late hey there we go hello Mate A pway up love it we're not far from Seymour Junction now and we're in the beautiful darbishire countryside at this point I me I can still hear the M1 behind me but the country side looks amazing um and we come around a tight Bend and I can just see that oxcroft cery Branch coming off now at that point we're basically going to have to jump off the bikes and walk them because it becomes ballast and I'm hoping there's quite a lot of remains at that point of of um well I'm hoping for old tracks being down but I'm I'm not sure there'll be that but I know there there are some old sleepers and things like that still lying around so here we go a Three Arch Bridge so is that a Viaduct technically maybe and there we go look there's a clue a sleeper graveyard look nearly came off my bike just lying there now I'm wondering if this was at one point a little triangle and the reason I say that is because the uh the branch off to the cery is right here but it only Spurs off in One Direction I'm wondering if if originally you know there was a little one so that the the the uh the goods could go in both directions maybe maybe not so there's basically the end of the line where we're going to have to get off our bikes but I've just seen this there that's the cery branch going off and up into oxcroft it's going to be an old map job to see if it was a triangle I'm not sure if it was or not but um but it's worth having a look at so at this point we're basically going to have to jump off the bikes and have a bit of a uh a walk through the foliage and see what we can't find in terms of old remains cuz these sidings were were active up until the 2000s so that's where the the the bike path goes the green way I'm track my bike down this this is the track bed so I'm going to kind of have a butcher look in here it's uh not quite so friendly I was just thinking like this was open late in terms of goods and stuff like that but um but went early in terms of passengers but then I was just thinking like as a line to connect places this this little spur the clown Branch basically connected Mansfield to Chesterfield that sounds like ballast um but there already plenty of lines connecting those two places anyway so here we go plenty of B no rail unfortunately I'm pretty sure there was probably rail down you know relatively recently but it's just ballast but it's not not you know particularly bike friendly and it's noisy what have we got here then look at that that's a beautiful Old Bridge wonderful love it okay now this is all uh still industry now massive massive Distribution Center there's the track bed you can't get on it at that point unfortunately but we're going to follow around until we get to the site of these huge sidings now we followed the yellow line in you know from Rail map on line that's the Midland line now when it gets here you add the Midland you add the uh lanir darbishire East Coast I think they had a line in here the Great Northern ad lines in here there was so much going off in fact you may have even had lines coming off the Great Central into here so it was just massive spaghetti spaghetti bowl of railway lines and at one point there were 20 lines 20 different tracks in these sidings we're going to try and find some remains of some of those but in terms of knowing what Railway company they were may flip a coin so there you go there's another another Bridge there's a track bed up there now a clue is just how how long that is um goes to show how many lines would have been on top I thought that was a sleeper then I thought it is a sleeper um now here's the track bed now it's all wildly overgrown but look at these sleepers they are everywhere loads going off up here mate this would have just been a vast vast sight look at these sleepers they're just discarded they're all wooden ones as well these are hella old what a bonus that was then so we're coming down to see more exchange signings which is what I was saying you know 20 lines and that now I'm pretty sure we'll probably find some stuff there but I wasn't expecting to find all those sleepers there so that's a little added bonus had a couple today actually so here we go as fil set in here this is fresh ballast still got wooden sleepers down here though still all in place so when did this go Phil well good question because it used to go into Cy that had gone so the last place it would have been going to must have been balls over coite works and I reckon that went in early 2000s and then when Junction 29a were built all this disappeared all right so the the M1 did it then basically uh 29a Redevelopment scheme did it plus but track was still down for a long time was it I mean to me this has been doing in fairly recent time you know last 10 years or so course oh yeah yeah well there Lo left yeah I mean there's a load piled here there's a load piled there there's more way ahead as well that I can see tons and tons of sleepers so what would they do with these thr through machine and rep some as hardore cuz you got to got that metal PL you that won to go through a uh you know what I mean that probably Knack of the blades if that goes through some kind of machine that'll turn that into tic Co you know what I mean I'm not sure what they do with with concrete no idea they wouldn't reuse them as on a railway would they you would have thought you wouldn't have thought so no for them yeah that's true yeah they might end up on a Heritage line you don't know jeez this is where people come for a beer yeah there you go look there's loads yeah that's fun that I'm not sure what that is but it'll be Railway related as everything is here oh it's starting to rain as well time this perfectly at the end of the end of the Rails there look wooden ones as well they're all still in place the wooden ones and there's another big pile here of of sleepers look at that rway graveyard so that'll be us then it's incredible isn't it when you come to places like this it's just a wasteland um but as I was saying earlier it was 20 lines at one point so there would have been so much going off here in terms of Industry so many people working and now I mean you can hear the M1 in the distance apart from that it's just silence so we had a bit of a cycle down the uh down the Midland Railway clown Branch I think the heavens are about to open so it's a perfect time to end as always thanks so much for watching we'll see you next time say goodbye to the guys ow just got stung guys yeah see you next time

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