Malika Andrews Marries Dave McMenamin | Now We Understand Why!!!

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:08:47 Category: Sports

Trending searches: dave mcmenamin
[Music] all right y'all girl Malik Andrews um got married to Dave McMan man uh I think he might be a columnist or a writer or whatever and what's so funny was I was kind of gonna speak on this and I'm glad that I waited sometimes it's best to wait or be patient now um for the brothers check out the real 101 playlist check out the pat y'all won't be uh disappointed um in the patreon right so I'mma tell y'all this man I was G to speak on this and I'm glad I waited a lot of times um our women in our community tell us that we got to be six foot we got to make six figures we got to be this tall we got to do this that and the third and I'm going tie this together real quick fast in a hurry right uh nine minutes or less probably not even that right and they tell us that we got to be a certain stature and all that type of stuff right and then they go around marry guys like this which they can do what they want right I just want to point y'all out to this so Dave McManaman is 5'9 41 years old all right all right um she married to this dude all right he's short he you know look nerdy but then she would ask a guy like you right she would ask a guy like like you to look a certain way to be tall to be a thug educated reformed Pooky Thug and RayRay and all that so they say who is Dave McManaman you know she 29 he 42 but then again you won't hear nobody calling him a predator will you you wouldn't hear anybody calling him a predator that's a lot that's that's that's that's a that's a large age Gap right 42 to 29 you wouldn't hear anybody saying oh that's nasty that's gross and they tell that to men all the time that's nasty that's gross right they tell us us all the time 10 years is just nasty five years just nasty why don't you date somebody your age right they tell us that right and so the like Andrews he covers the NBA for ESPN and host NBA Today NBA Countdown MC minan who works for worldwide leag of sports where he works the NBA beat he's not even the top he's not Stephen A he's not uh Pat MC he not even Dan rowski or lousy dog not even Dan Orlowski and that's saying a lot so she married this sixth rate 10th rate ESPN reporter right so you know they got married right and they tell you that you got to be this and you got to be that and you got to L look this type of way and all that type of stuff and that's cool that's their choice that's what that's who they should be that's who they should be rocking with right real talk that's who they should be rocking with that's who they should be kicking in like saki with no issue there you know you know no issue there that's cool they do what they want to do but then it becomes a problem when they sit here and they marry a guy like dve McManaman you know uh uh but and then they continue to try to destroy black men like Malik Andrews has you know what I'm saying and you notice that when a lot of the the the black women go out here and they go uh you know marry and go mix mix it up they sit here and they go out their way to destroy black men like she did Brandon Miller or the charlot harness like she did many others like if you over black men don't worry about us you don't really you rarely see uh black men black men marry out and still be talking about black women and and and harping on how they can't stand black women how they can't be with black women how they can't how they don't men don't do that they're happy in their situation but she goes out her way you know you know what I'm saying you know you know uh you know she goes out her way to destroy black men at every drop of the dime that she gets and it should be no secret that you know she part of the swirl Patrol it should be no secret that she part of the swirl Patrol because you notice that with a lot of the black women that divest right that divest and that mean that no longer want to you know a marry or date black men which we cheap we we don't spend no money we terrible fathers um you know we all thugs we all pookies um all we do is lie cheat and all that type of stuff right so you know she been one bad dude in her life and they attracted to bad guys they be say they be attracted to Pooky ray rays and stuff of that D or you know bad guys but then you have brothers that's you know that's like Dave McMan who make more money than Dave McMan that's clean cut like Dave McMan MCM whatever his name is that's young in a prime you know what I'm saying that's that's making money that's doing the right thing that's faithful and they dog him out they dog him out or they or they not attracted to him but then they'll go get attracted to a guy you know that's of other other ethnic group and they and they'll be submissive to him right they'll be submissive to him everything that a productive black man are you know he is but they just put up there they rather deal with him and that's fine nobody is tripping about that but if you really over black men then why do she have to drag Us in the dirt because she really not he gonna get the same kha that we get let me tell you that he going to get the same black woman that we get she not going to satisfy him and she probably already cheating on him how much you want to bet this ain't going to last forever telling you I'm telling you she's more successful than he is right she is she is the whole type thing she tried to pull with jayen rose she just because you had a bad experience with black man don't mean you got to take it out on every black man you know but let's see what the comments say I haven't read them maybe it's me you see not surpris F that you know congrats I don't know what that meant he said their oath contains commitment to LeBron I guarantee it so y'all don't see a problem Oh yeah this makes oh yeah this makes total sense now you know what I'm saying now you know got married and on Kobe day and still found a way to make it about them I don't know if this is birthday yesterday here so beautiful love I like care what she say whole bunch of Umar he said sorry Dave he said I'm not so I'm not happy for them I had no shot of her but it still hurts who cares congratulations to mikica so really want to wife that go ahead she look good looking didn't know bro had mixed women really marry white seven 97.3% of the time oh there you go not surprised who shocked by this he said now we know why you know I thought this was s not I'm almost crashed out see I didn't even know they were dating said he got gang he said that so you got a lot of sing too uh he winning in life she been colonized she married that rat face mother Timothy Johnson with the best comment so at the end of the day that's her prerogative let me know what your girls and guys think check out the music entertainment playlist hit the link tree find your ex Instagram Spotify anchor cash VMO PayPal Apple podcast check out the patreon guarantee you won't be disappointed peace

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