Nebraska Public Media Pitch Video

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:11:25 Category: Education

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[Music] hello my name is linging s I am the CTO at Nebraska public media Nebraska public media is a state network with television transmitter through out of the state and today we are so excited to share with you our project proposal k y NE TV ATS c3.0 virtual Channel and app development we will share with you our company overview and a team of advisory committee the project scope of work and the goals and the technology behind it Nebraska public media serves the citizens of Nebraska the nation and the world tune in for special programming from the PBS newsour nine station Statewide non-commercial public television network affiliated with PBS a NST Statewide non-commercial public radio network affiliated with NPR good morning and welcome to Friday live Cutting Edge digital media lab dealing with emerging media our Educational Services support K through2 curriculum School preparedness and professional development for educators Nebraska public media originates programming on numerous topics culture arts history through live remotes and Studio Productions strong and one opportunity long form documentaries and an extensive presence on digital platforms including virtual tours and educational resources for teachers and students and today we have advisory committees join you um to explore this project is Colin berky Steve axon El Krauss Cameron richer Carl ruse Aaron Shard lingling s and we also have Mike Schmid join us from the industry the project scope of work and the goals the initial scope of work for this project will be to evaluate the native user interfaces and capabilities of atsc 3.0 and the Rong 3 TV app based on these evaluations to expand to incorporate research and development of additional interactive features and functionalities focusing on developing a set of core interactive features aligned with public media content implementing basic data analytics capabilities to measure audience engagement and ensuring the platform meets accessibility standards the potential stretch goals including developing Advanced data analytics analytic features to inform content strategy and audience development exploring alternative Revenue models for public media and integrating the platform with social media platforms for increase the audience reach the atsc 3.0 ecosystem continues to sh take shape our ultimate goal is to Foster an environment where broadcaster services are enhanced with viewer experiences designed to better Engage The viewers next we will share with you the technology behind the atsc 3.0 the 3.0 virtual Channel and a run through TV app mik takeway thank you L uh a little overview about atfc 3 it is the next generation for television broadcast it's a dash backbone with multicast uh it also contains the ability to do better codecs and better modulation schemes to be more efficient and actually transmit more data this is a view of a broadcast app taken from a TV uh the program will load when somebody Tunes to your channel usually be a called the action button that will indicate what button on a remotor viewer can use and it is comprised of things like live streaming VOD content uh Advanced uh emergency alert data that could be radio stations uh next slide please this is an example of NBC Olympics using their VOD assets so every uh icon or thumbnail is a different program that you can watch you click on it the app will run it as it is a regular TV program next slide please there's also interactive weather maps so people can actually zoom into their local their own Street maybe uh to look at weather you can also do things like uh RSS feeds and other aggregation of emergency data that your app will render so people have a better idea of what's going on next slide please this is another example of the different weather data that you can put into the app just a a weekly forecast next slide please so a virtual channel is is one one method to broadcast an atsc3 the one that is normally used is just an overthe a broadcast but in most markets the bandwidth in the overthe a spectrum is already used and there's no room for new channels so a virtual Channel allows uh anybody that's not included to air their Channel by signaling the presence in over theair Stream So a TV viewer will tune and pick the channel up when they tune to it their TV's directed to go out the broadband connection to a CDN and download all the video audio and caption data all the high bandwidth data uh the viewer never really knows that they're not watching overthe a television next slide please here's a visual representation of the virtual channel on the left we see the encoders with Dash streams with a video audio and captions and a manifest file which is a file that describes what you're broadcasting that goes to a CDN on a single connection and the CDN will serve uh the same complement of files out to everybody that subscribes to the stream uh one piece of equipment at the atsc3 Lighthouse is going to ask for just the MPD file so they can make the channel That the viewers are going to tune to it's about 1 kilobyte of data only and then any viewers going to when they tune to the channel they'll be served that CDN output with the high bandwidth video audio and caption data that will then look just like a regular TV channel next slide please yeah so thank you very much Mike for giving a broad overview of the type of app that we're looking to create while also covering the uh technology stack to actually deliver content to the app uh my portion is going to be talking about some of our objectives around uh tv app analytic objectives and specifically what we are looking to do in regards to the collection of data from this app is we would first like to configure the app to send TV data to a pearl server and ensure that data is being populated via a provided dashboard from this service in addition to that we would like to also identify relevant data that we get from the app that can be potentially exported into some of our cloud services such as Google big query and some of our cloud storage we would also like to explore the export of this TV data into like I said our Google Cloud big query and cloud storage um services that we have we don't know of the feasibility of doing this but we would like to further explore if this is possible and then in addition to that we would like to explore the use of Google analytics as part of the app architecture again we don't know the feasibility of this but we would like to further explore it next slide lingling so here's just a basic visual representation of what we're looking to do in regards to the TV app analytics uh basically we're just looking at sending the TV data to the Pearl server having access through some type of provided dashboard that's available to us but we would also like to explore exporting that data to our cloud services such as Google big query um and cloud storage or potentially sending it to Google analytics and then going sending it to our cloud data warehouse and our cloud storage so I just basically kind of talked about some of the app analytics that we were looking to do now I'm going to pass it on to Steve to discuss some of the deliverables that we're looking from this project thanks Colin yeah the deliver uh deliverables we're looking for specifically are a functional visually appealing an accessible UI that is consistent with the run3 TV platform and atsc 3.0 standards we need to thoroughly test the UI components to ensure cross device compatibility and performance uh we need a seamless integration of interactive features and other capabilities along with a comprehensive user guide detailing the ui's functionality and usage for end users a detailed report outlining the development process challenges encountered and Solutions implemented during the project and also regular progress updates and communication to ensure the project aligns with goals and requirements of Nebraska public media um speaking for the entire entire advisory committee that uh we'd love to work with you guys so we appreciate your time today thank you so much well thank you everyone you know by partnering with Nebraska public media you are investing in a trusted respected organization with a proven track record of serving the Nebraska Community together we will create a platform that engages Nebraska audiences and Advance our shared Mission thank you everyone we look forward to working with you

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