Week 19 of my Zepbound Transformation! Dropping Pounds!

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:02:54 Category: People & Blogs

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happy Transformation Tuesday it's week 19 of Z bounds I am coming to you from a new location obviously it's not night it's day I'm trying something out new this week I'm going to try my injection in the morning I usually do it at night or like in the middle of the night depending on when I get around to doing it I was intending to do it last night or Sunday night but it just never happened so here we are Tuesday Morning ready to do the injection so my stats I am down to 208 lbs I've lost another pant pant size and basically everything in my closet is now laying on my floor or in bags to be donated or sold because Nothing fits at all it's just crazy how every week things that fit the week before just are like swimming on me now so with that being said today is the left side stomach all right here we go one two three no pain this time perfect well another week of zpp bound is down for those of you who have been on this journey longer than I have I have some questions for you at what point did you really ex start experiencing loose skin I am like really good about using oils lotions things that are firming for the skin but I noticed that the skin on my legs is looking really creepy my neck is like getting creepy too just loose skin kind of everywhere how do you deal with it what do you do I'd love to hear some suggestions I hope you all have a great week and you have a great Labor Day weekend and that you are safe if you're traveling out of town or going anywhere again thank you so much for following me on this journey and I will see you next week

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