Starbucks Raccoon Cake Pop Review

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:00:59 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: raccoon cake pop
[Music] raccoon cake pop from Starbucks and uh wow this one here looks amazing it has like this nice fun look to it kind of like I don't even want to eat it I just want to just keep it like a pet has a nice atmospheric look to it uh when you start biting into it and eating it it kind of has like a confusing uh flavor going on kind of like uh mixture of flavors and then as I keep eating uh I come to figure that I'm getting caramel flavor vanilla flavor and uh chocolate flavor you could get the caramel flavor coming the vanilla but in the chocolate it's like it's not really origin on chocolate flavor it's kind of like semi chocolate flavor going on the mixture of flavors in the chocolate uh with the caramel and uh vanilla nice uh raccoon cake pop from starbox and uh very sweet too

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