How To Fortify Your Marital Destiny | Dr Chris Williams | Camp 2024 | Day 3 | 9th August 2024
Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 01:10:39
Category: People & Blogs
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your marital Destiny whether you are yet to marry or you are already married how to fortified how to protect your marriage how to Pro how to protect your marital Destiny how to protect your your your future in the in the concept of marriage praise the Lord again what is fortification to protect to immunize to defend glory to God I said glory to God you know there are people who fail in marriage some of them okay let me put it this way there are some young persons teenagers who are already building up or positioning themselves right now as we are talking even at this age for a failed marriage are you still here many some are by the way they are living life the choices they making what they growing into they are already arranging themselves for either no marriage or very painful marriage and very failed marriage so some people who are struggling with marriage now they didn't prepare so this this afternoon I want us to talk about so forication for marital Destiny preparing for your marital Destiny because forication also means preparation am I communicating and we are still going to use the acronym FS F is for flushing okay this time around you are the one who be teaching me f is for what F is for what you need to begin to flush some things out of your life starting from now am I communicating am I communicating you need to begin to flush some things from your life starting from now things that will not make you that will make that will make it impossible or difficult for for for instance let's use let's use the example of a young girl growing up right now there are certain things that some persons are learning and and building into their attitudes right now that will make getting married very difficult for them or staying in marriage very difficult let's see if you can talk about 20 of those things quickly what are the things that a young person maybe she's 14 she's 15 she's 16 right now or maybe she's even 22 that she's into attitudes that will make getting married or staying in marriage very difficult for them quickly you know it every quickly just be calling it number one nagging number two anger number three laziness hey say it again stand up and say it one more time stand stand up and say it one more time mommy is in the kitchen cooking you are in the sitting room pressing phone and the woman is talking a she doesn't know that she should use whe 20 or 18 by the time you go there and give her a dirty slap because you are fighting for our future [Music] contention nagging Bible says that a contentious that it is better to to to dwell in the rooftop than with a contentious woman in a wild in a wild house the home is palal but there's no happy there happiness there when the man eventually comes home he will pass through the back and go and stay in the penth house are you still here because of lack of peace contentious woman never satisfi some young persons are growing up with it right now if they don't do something about it my not only women boys he he will see this is why some people are not enjoying their marriage now listen they keep going from prayer meeting to prayer meeting from [Music] to but she's a nagger she's contentious she's a fighter are you still here if husband say one she will say 20 you were going for n didn't you know that you have to at least prepare something or whatever for the children so you the devil that the devil has sent to me now to to collect my blessing my blessing that the man of God prayed on my head listen to me that prayer can never work growing up in attitudes is preparation for future sorry to say here everybody is laughing people are dancing people are standing what there are some just look well some people may do it because they are physically tired we've been here maybe since Monday or whatever Wednesday some people because they physically tired some people because maybe or some people because they are hry but there are some people is attitude they always connected there's nothing anybody can say that can move them only social media moves them are you still here that so that thing so all these things we are saying now are things that people need to detoxify from their lives his marriage must work some people is respect or disrespect they don't respect anybody whether you are as AG as aged as that's your some people is drinking greeting recently I was passing our estate and I saw a a a girl my son is 12 years old one of my sons 12 years old Victor and then the girl is in her class they were in same primary school together not that she doesn't know me she knows me as Victor's Daddy I know her parents I know everything this is their house and I'm pass this is their house this is the fence and I'm passing here and she SE looking at me like this so I was going I was even engrossing something then I looked and I saw her and I said how are you no yeah she was making somebody was making her hair so I said stop how are you why can't you greet I I greeted you and then I remembered what somebody had told me before that those girls in that family they don't greet even if you greet them they will not answer you Almighty formula for not getting married you don't greet your girl ah the first thing that that's how you charming when you say when they say somebody is charming it doesn't mean of her face it must it doesn't mean the pain she put there she's CH means she's fos she she she's friendly so you can't be a Charming person if you are not a smiling friendly welcoming person are you still here every time you be looking as if to say the word is against you you need to detoxify it he that will have friends must first show himself how stand up go and greet somebody since Wednesday that you have been here that you have not greeted before go and GRE the I'm you know as we are doing this now there are still some people standing there listen stop stop stop where you are stop where you are as as we are doing this right now there are some person standing there they are less concerned in this kind of attitude you cannot come out of your share in this kind of atmosphere to greet people and relate how will you do when you that young man standing me greet him he needs to be greeted help me greet the person my guy Anna if you can't people they'll be running from you hey are you doing you are blessed go back to your seat go back to your seat what did we just do we just detoxified are you still here it is not quietness oh it is not shyness oh that you can't greet people you be see another woman being like this you cannot you cannot greet listen listen listen stop hold on yes momm already told me I heard that this same word came yesterday some people are funny some guests particularly so long as the SI you that you cannot be their next bble maybe you are older than them or you are junior to them even if you greet them they will not greet you but they are waiting for the h the person they they think that can be their B that they will before two things are wrong with it one you can when you are trying to be who you are not you will be faking it and fake people always identify fake from genuine number two that person for instance that girl now for instance that girl I'm sorry if Victor ever grows up and say that girl that Daddy I'm love the kind of that we will fight family people so that's the problem the person you are not greeting may have a cousin or a brother a son that needs a wife you have missed that one young people are you hearing this you are not Charming if you are not friendly and greeting the one of the other reasons why people do it is some people have erly taught them that if as a woman you smile too much people will think that you are cheap that's not true that's not true you are not cheap somebody say I'm not cheap not you smile and somebody is trying to misunderstand it you put them in their place but to be looking ah I bind the spirit of depression I bind the spirit of Pride I bind the spirit of arrogance in the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of timidity in the name of Jesus you need to detoxify it all these other things they are telling you your parents are trying to tell you Pastor is preaching all these things can stop somebody from being married thank God one of my classmates I'm 54 years now wait am I 54 or 55 1969 March I'm 55 I'm always forgetting my age God should help me my classmate in medical school just got married last week no two weeks ago and she didn't want to share it on platform so it was somebody who got to know put it there then she started sharing why was she hiding it it's a testimony but it's it's almost no longer a testimony so I was now thinking why then I remembered when we were medical school this girl was a contentious person per Excellence contentious you in the lab working please give some of my classmates children are already getting married she's just getting married so when she was growing up they didn't take contention from her see where it landed at a doctor that is working in America I'm not talking about General Hospital doctor yes I'm helping you this morning see Human Being Human Being complete you don't greet the person the person greet you answer what are you carrying inside your head now are you carrying fire is somebody still here so many other things you need to detoxify flushing somebody say I need to flush being you're always struggling you're always suspicious you are some people is lying some people is H General lack General lack of character anky Panky some people some people manipulation some people anger it will either stop the person from getting married or it make them not to enjoy their a for atmosphere sit down a for atmosphere so we said I will talk about eting particularly when you that for health you need to remove your shoe sometimes and let your your leg do what touch the ground apply to Mex why are we applying it it's the same thing Bible says when two people are getting married they become one body is that correct so the principles you use to fortify your physical body you can use that principle to fortify your marital body am I communicating is somebody following me how do you apply that being down to earth stop floating some people have floating they just they in the air there Pride arrogance they're not in touch with reality and unfortunately some young young men or even young women that's that's the only thing that will be attracting them everything about our is fake our intonation our packaging herir her look her everything her behavior is fake she lives in I remember I was in I remember my was in If You observe listen to me for five minutes you will know I came from mushing I'm not ashamed of it are you still here R is a testimony God took me from the backside of mushing and took me to the world come on there is no place real place that makes sense where people gather that if I get there and I spend three days I will not meet somebody that says I know you one time they invited me to speak in South Africa in Som set that's when you get to Cape Town capwn airport you travel two and a half hours to get to Som Som set with still within the province of Cape Town like literally a village so I went to Holiday friend there so he said man of God you going to teach on Sunday so it was not planned so when he took the mic by time I was entering the service I saw people were greeting me familiarly I thought maybe they just being warm when he took the mic he said praise God today I'm not ministering my friend Dr Chris Willam is ministering and then church of about 100 people he said how many of us know him so I said this man must be a joker who will know me inside this bush when I look back at least about seven or eight ANS were up they have seen me before am I communicating what am I saying God took me from the back why are you pretending why are you pretending why are you pretending why are you pretending pretend at any level which we tend to cover up with the war packaging today for me pret at any level fully and people when they find out the truth you'll be disgusting to them are you still here it's a better testimony this girl if you see where she grew up from but look at how polish she has become and how educated she has become and how well prepared she has become that's a better testimony every to your neighbor say be down to say to another person stop Flying are you still here are you still here are you still here be in touch with reality stop faking glory to God I said glory to Jesus f for what a for what another element of the atmosphere is air don't allow yourself to choke people that you are in a relationship with whether you are married or not some people the reason people run some people some young men have tried to come around them within those few weeks of trying to relate with them come and see choking that's the fourth time today so and it is just 11: a.m. where are you now what are you doing you are at work how come I'm hearing the voice voice of a girl there is my partner does she not have work why is she talking to you now choking some people that's how they run their marriage their husband cannot be out of their sight they will use phone to be pursu up and down once he comes home and he drops his phone and he goes into the toilet they will carry it and start scrolling some people don't to get married they are still trying to know each other they have started Dowing it to their to the to the guys phone sometimes it is the guy that is doing that allow when you relate allow fresh air who was Jacob's preferred wife Rachel but Rachel was a choker so one day Rachel took Jacob and said give me children or I die Bible says I think in Genesis CH 31 and 32 Jacob pushed her aside and said am I in the place of God that has stopped you from bearing do you remember that another time the son of Leah went to to bring a mandri I think it was Reuben from the field and then Rachel saw and wanted to eat and I said no you can't eat you have taken my husband and you have also taken you want to have my son's mandre and then Rachel said if that's the case let the boy give me mandre when our husband come today I will allow him to come and sleep with you the meaning is that prior to that time she had color bead Jacob are you still here if she see Jacob going to the backyard towards where the tent of L is what are you going to do there over possessiveness if you don't stop it it will hinder you from getting married or it will claim the happiness of marriage from you are you still here some people they are they think that once I get married I will be happy can I shock you marriage doesn't make people happy you are shocked you must have being a happy person where you now get married it can make you happier but marriage cannot you that you are not a happy person by Nature marriage can't make you happy what did we say can make you happy is a choice am I communicating is somebody still here so some people when they get married they will take and wrap around their partner WRA around their partner some people if they in a relationship they will rap about their partner they'll be choking the person the person can't have fresh even if the boy goes to be with other boys now so do mon where are you where are you where are you he's not the only person there but his phone cannot stop ringing after that the gu feeling ashamed because if he just in a a trip of four hours going from here maybe to to Elia whatever your phone has ring four times am I communicating after some time when the phone comes in the guy will not answer it again keep it because all the other love love don't call you again are you still here why that girl or that man has used that relationship they have wed around it and it has become the center of their lives listen to me the only person that should be the center of your life is who Jesus I there's a song like that you are you know that song sir Jesus the cent of my joy and all of my joy from you come on you are the hope of my contentment all I do Jesus you are the don't ever forget this today if you can't make Jesus the center of your joy you are finished are you still here you can't find it in anybody because sir the person you are trying to make the center of your joy he too needs Joy yes now you are not trying to collect this SM that he has he can't gri for you that marriage will SC atmosphere am I communicating don't carry an atmosphere of a toxic atmosphere around you young people young men before you choose a girl I tell them Church don't look only on the face the front and the back look at the act the and the act the action this girl does she have friends longterm friends or she keeps making friends and working out on it how does she relate at home on their streets if you can do investigation man of God sir this generation does not believe in investigating a girl before they pick him or a man you are making a big massive mistake e e e e e e e e as BS on the law on the tongue of the whatever is the law of kindness in one of the places Bible says she she take care of our of our old household young people when you want to pick husband or wife look out for those things if she is stingy she will be stingy to your mommy she will be stingy to your family she will be sting to you are you still here ah I'm stepping on toes now this house is quiet man so what should you be feeding into yourself kindness kindness accommoda Hospitality learn them learn it it makes your marriage better it makes you a marriage marital Choice am I communicated we just settled something recently a couple of weeks ago in church some young people that I really love them they've been dating they said usually in our church marital con parental concent is key so said go and get key H Mar whatever the guy from his mom the woman said I am not signing when I heard that I told one of my pastor let's investigate this the long and short they've been going out for almost 3 years the woman said that she has seen the girl the woman stays in s they stay in Lagos only once in 3 years and it was December 24th and it was a flying visit she said besides seeing her only once in my life I have spoken to her only two times domination I think maybe C they are not compatible this one but long and short of what I'm saying is when I talk with her it it became clear to me that the woman and the woman this boy was 14 years old when their father died so literally firstborn lawyer he that is the the husband of that woman now you are coming to take the boy and you have never had quality fellowship with the woman any person will start seeing concerning you yes if Prophet didn't say she would say that she had a dream are you still here you have not gone there on a weekend two of you you buy food Mommy and you are not the one cooking today and then you cook and then you stay till evening and then you go you have not done that in 3 years then the woman said my husband's father mother had died when I met her when I met him and the father was in a Kitt we were we met in Lagos he said and my husband didn't want to care I kept telling him let's go let's go so one day I entered car I bought things and I traveled all the way to a kitty when I got there the man was surprised there was no phone and everything ah whatever and then I introduced myself he said that man didn't play with me me till he died I don't like the way your people are looking at me we over spiritualize things because you are reading Bible you'll be doing like somebody whose brain has gone on leave you want to come and marry a man a a woman's son and you are not a friend feed kindness in three years two of them are working a selling lawyer if she doesn't have money she collect money from the guy and then take it mommy or give driver mommy after some time Mommy if the mommy want to know something about the boy he not the boy they will ask he SC they will ask the woman's simple reason is she's afraid that this one will take my son forever are you still here so what are you feeding your life feed it with kindness feed it with genuine concern no no no no no mommy look at it now if the boy is your son and then he starts going out with this girl three years I've seen only about 30 minutes of fleeting fleeting visit even you to you start praying in t against her I'm saying this I'm belaboring this because of the our children that are here relationships is zero on [Music] phenoms AB PHS and for what feed kindness concern commitment into your spirit learn it you can learn it somebody say I can learn concern say I can learn commitment say one more time I can learn learn it say it one more time I can learn ITA please let me permit me to say the other side of that story before I leave it so we called the girl the two of them and we said guy does it mean also you have never gone to their house our parents Pastor Inu he said I've seen I've been there almost like five times and several occasions they do I have been there so the so the building relation ties with the extended families is one-sided there are some women here you cannot sit down with your mother-in-law and discuss listen to me he a sin if you are not careful he can take you to hell I'm not joking oh the woman is your Swan enemy every time you are praying D Ado for her every time you praying fall down and die prayer he's only one person but you have a a son as your husband something is wrong with you are you still here after now go and go and go and change that go and change it your your in-laws should be so excited that you are the in-law am I communicating for 5 years my mom has been in our house yes I am very extremely busy my wife has Fellowship in my house more than me and me and my wife my me and my mom they are friends friends mama she will even be making joke for her this your face don't Sagle when I watch that's very good I thank God glory to God not mama that's your food though where I'm treading now I am standing on some people's head not their toe it's not Christianity that taught you that when I wanted to come in they didn't want me to come in they preferred another person that's what you are still carrying seven years later and you a woman of God you're a man of God when will you ever be able to sit down and disciple that person and bring them into the kingdom they law of kindness is on our tongue law of kindness is on our tongue means every time she opens her mouth kind words come out oh you're looking very good today oh thank you my you know all those in-laws that talk like that they love them so much my de God bless you my dear thank you oh this is food is beautiful even if he a bit too salty he's oh very wonderful love of kindness is on our lips praise God say move on H so that I can leave here you are not enjoying this point at all the Haso inside it we are spelling FS what's the next one exercising yourself so you have buil this thing into your heart start exercising it start practicing kindness from today stop practicing giving St practicing tolerance St practicing acceptability are you still here are you still here St practicing humility what should I have to do with with with with with those people all those illiterate people but they are the parents of your of your spouse and if we look at it your your own parents are more illiterate than them or as illiterate as them are you still here stop practicing so exercising means exercise yourself inside it let me tell you can learn it say to another person you can learn it say you can learn you giving Ben showing Mercy showing kindness tolerance Hospitality you can learn it hallelujah praise God exercise yourself I'll drop the mic now what's the next one FM R is for what rest resting even physical resting physical stress sometimes stresses marriage so when you rest it also tells on your marriage am I communicating but the part of rest I want to tie it to particularly is learning to enter into your rest stop worrying praise God let's read some scriptures about entering into rest now now now that girl okay we know that this girl the one that acted we know she was a an agent from H but you know there are sometimes when the person is not necessarily an agent she's actually a child of God but she either pushes her husband to start doing evil or pushing her boyfriend to start doing evil I I hope you know that many men are changing figures at the place of work cutting Corners doing all those things because of pressures from home let let's see some scriptures let's see scriptures concerning that praise the Lord I said praise the Lord I said praise the Lord hallu glory to God in job chap 2:3 the Lord said to Satan God said to Satan have you considered my servant's hope that there's none like him in the earth a perfect and upright man one who fears God and and excuse evil and still he holdest fast his Integrity even though you move me against him so it was job's holding on to his Integrity he he stood out for God that is stood out for God it was that same Integrity in verse 9 that his wife wanted to snatch from him look at verse 9 so in in all God was thoroughly impressed with job's holding to Integrity verse n can we read it one to go then said his wife unto him do you still retain your integrity cause God and die now confession we go eat Bible we go chop look at Mr children are going to interational school they pay 300,000 our own is going to alakar alakar Primary School all those kind of of statements the man will get to the work and say to hell with not for with practice of Christianity he will change figur are you still here stop prizing your spouse and then young woman don't grow up somebody who Masters how to push others out of Faith look at it look at some what the Bible says sometimes okay are you still here Psalm 37:1 fret not yourself because of unbelievers of evildoers neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity quickly just follow follow me fret somebody say fret not yourself say it one more time my older brother he brought us into fith so one of the most solid Christians Under the Sun I've ever met one of the finest teachers under the sun he he worked he has worked several in the oil in the oil industry oil serviceing particularly he told us recently when he was preaching in church how that when he was working maybe in trans Oceanic or somewhere one of those places he said that he was in a particular position usually he would get positions of uh maybe uh facility manager or something he was in that position for three years and then due to pressure from atas they moved him away he said and then another person entered and in 8 months they sent um investigators from America to investigate that new person in 8 months sorry 9 months he had embezzled 150 million naira how many months how many years did my brother stay there so if he was an embezzler or his wife was somebody who could push him to Envy evil whatever just how see how much he would have made in 3 years you helping me to calculate it maybe close to 500 million 450 million are you still here he's not the richest man on Earth but he lives in the own house glory to Jesus his children his child is the first the first one I said got $64,000 to America is his first son chib is 23 years old now he's reading Masters in in engineering glory to God are you still here don't envy evil Sinners evil doers and don't be the one who is pushing people learn it praise the Lord I said praise the Lord and then I must really close by now let's close so what Have We spelled f flushing flush away things that are on to what atmosphere nutrition exercising enter into your rest this place I'm talking about enter into rest allow God praise the Lord I said praise the Lord huah and then lastly correct your mentality I will stop here I see that there's a lot of tness here are you blessed praise the Lord I pray for you that you will not mismar that amen is weak and then when you are married you will not mismanage your marriage in the the name of the Lord Jesus you not be Terror to your spouse in the name of Jesus your spouse will never be caught one day in the middle of the night shedding tears on one side of the bed and the reason is because they got married to you it will never happen every time your spouse thinks about you Joy will flow in their mouth in their lips in the name of Jesus are you blessed so you can listen listen you can fortify your health and you can also fortify your marital Destiny God bless you were you blessed I would like to take a few questions on this one and then we'll stop praise the Lord hallelujah sir I am married for the past 10 years congrats and I have two kids congrat and my husband has been away for the past 8 years what do you think I should do sir come for counseling come for counseling and I will stop it there Pastor counselings are increasing now praise God hallelujah come for counseling yes sir please if a man tells you that I will kill you and bury you thank God your family is not here I will run away and no one will see me can you still stick to that man even when he begs and tells you he said it out of anger and he will never say it again so I that would have been my next question did he mean it or he just said it out of number one to the man stop talking like that stop talking like that when you abuse a woman emotionally that woman becomes useless to you she can't really give you her best so stop talking stop using your wife and then now that she said it's a it's out of whatever that the person the person needs H um anger therapy she should go for therapy session with that lady on internet you didn't see that you didn't get that did you get that one lady that speak funny English go let you go to therapy session are you still here okay so either you go for therapy session or you begin to apply the word of God or you go for counseling but those kinds of I will kill you and bury you should never manifest in a home because your children are listening to it when they also get married they will start seeing the same thing man of God you understand they will start saying the same thing and there's no woman you say that to that will really be able to in a hurry forget it forgive you and move on because words are very heavy with women am I communicating the your words carry more whatever than your actions you say I will bury you and I will kill you and then when your you you st out and then when your anger comes and say what did I just do and then you go and buy one powerful skit and give her that SK you bought cannot erase the word you spoke are you still here it will take a long time and a lot of our discipline and working on herself before she forgets that yes sir please you are trying to make friends and at the end you get you get set up what will you do even to the extent of planning to kill yourself I don't understand that question you get set up how set up set up as in in a fornication or what Maybe rap okay they raped her what we said earlier about not killing yourself stands you can't kill yourself because you have been raped betrayer I think first Samuel chapter 13 somebody look for the story of Tam for me t either 1 Samuel 13 or 2 Samuel 13 e e e e e e e e e e e e born again Christian spiritual compatibility also is enhanced when they are from the same Christian background as you in other words they are are learning or have learned something similar to what you are learning am I communicating somebody's in four square whatever he can marry somebody who is from redeemed or who is from whatever you get what I'm saying am I communicating because if what you know as a child of God if there's a big disparity between what you know and what they know it will create tension in that home are you still here this is why Abraham told his servant put your hand under your whatever and go swear that you go to my father's house to pick a wife for Isaac are you still here pick a wife know that because I know the teachings there I know what they have been taught there I I know I know I know so those are recently in fact last Sunday I was teaching about lot do you know that lot's daughters had husbands yes lot's daughters had husbands when Noah escaped destruction it was Noah and his sons and their wives when lot escaped destruction he was put it up Genesis 19 I think verse 14 he was lot and only his daughters and his wife when lot went to his sons in-law to tell them about imminent destruction Bible said they seemed to him oh sorry he seemed to them as one that mocked let's say the guy's name is jedah jedah oh Mr jedah there's a destruction coming almighty God the god of of Heaven is coming It Will Rain fire and brimstone daddy is this play or or something is this a play what type of play is this give me more drink lot must have allowed daughters to marry from Sodom they don't know anything about Jehovah God about the God of heaven when was not tell about the God of Heaven this it seemed like joke so don't marry from people who believe essentially the things you believe if somebody say that's spiritual compatibility however this is what I believe I believe that if you are a child of God good Christian well raised you can marry from a pool of people this my personal belief some people believe that when God created sheu in heaven God went to work and created Mary and then he caused them to meet in igodo and then Mary must marry she what if Mary refuses will God go back and say Mery refuse mer refuse Mar Mary has refused let's create another one and then oh Mary and shagun get married and Mary dies sh is is done for no other person to marry for I don't believe that so by reason of your training by reason of what you want from Life by reason of where you are going there are a pool of persons that you can clarify with the Holy Ghost and then he says go with this one are you still here that's what I believe about spiritual compatibility so you can you you you you should pray about it because from that pool of persons the holy spirit will not say this specific person are you still here not that you are the bone of my bone when they were manufacturing my bone in heaven H 27 years ago before I came they were also in another lab manufacturing your bone nothing like that praise God you didn't like that but that's what I believe praise God hallelujah yes lastly I must get out of here yes sir this is the final one sir thank God have you been blessed praise God hallelujah sir I have a friend yes who is married and she closes her family matters to me as a trusted friend yes her husband denied her after she put to bed at the hospital and told her that she was not responsible for for the baby and continuously beat her to the extent that she ran away back to her family home but as it stands the man is calling her to return back but she is scared she should give him another chance let this is her marriage let's let her fight for it okay but if such occurrence continue threatening you physically and all that then you need to talk to your counselors and then sometimes such men can outgrow their sesses I'll tell you one story and I will stop one of my wife very close friends the man was a kill and go by Excellence anything in SK goes So eventually the lady just got angry after some one session and then she left she's was also practicing Pharmacy and then one day uh UNC un let's say uncle-in-law uncle of of uh husband that left that she didn't have plenty of contact with the child met and the woman the man said ah so and so I heard that you left my my my niece say yes I I did oh Old man he said you should not have left he said you see what your husband is doing I was doing worse than that he said but I thank God my wife didn't leave he said but now that in my old age I said after some time I realized what am I even doing what am I looking for why am I building wealth and scattering it on people who don't have what it should me he said the man talking is an allio he said I made up my mind I will change and since that time it looked like a miracle since that time myself and my wife are happily married now he said you should not have left if you you spoke to me that time I would have told you to stay a bit more are you still here don't rush to leave your husband's house are you blessed let's stand up to our feet pet and [Applause] pray are you blessed