They Are KILLING Facebook Marketplace

Published: Apr 27, 2023 Duration: 00:10:13 Category: Autos & Vehicles

Trending searches: rob pitts rabbit used cars
I highly doubt that uh Facebook's gonna be watching this video anyway [Music] what's going on guys and welcome to rabbits used cars you know it's a little bit of a PSA a little bit of a rant and I know it's easy to play armchair quarterback but probably the most popular place to sell cars right now is Facebook Marketplace and in a lot of ways it's a good thing but in a lot of ways leaves a little to be desired and I was talking to a really good friend of mine last night and we were just just shop talk just going back and forth we're both in the same biz and we were talking he's like you know Marketplace could be such a great tool for sales and it's not just for cars I mean obviously didn't sell anything on Marketplace but it's very popular you got to think you have dealerships that's all they do is sell a marketplace now and the internet has opened up this whole Realm of selling cars to the masses you know before it was all about location now you could be anywhere and sell cars because of the internet and transport um but that being said there's several pitfalls in Marketplace um several things that don't make sense and and starting with that the very first thing is is the scammers that they let on to Marketplace it's so crazy how hard it is to you ever try to have a duplicate Facebook page like you'd have a separate email separate phone number I mean you've got to do some pretty shady moves to do this but yet these scammers can do it easily on Marketplace and you get a lot of that you know people stealing identities and whatnot you know so as secure as the profile side is you think they would be looking out on the marketplace sales side I'll tell you something else you know you actually got a pay icon in Facebook you would think that they would make you put a credit card in to sell on Marketplace and by doing this that would eliminate so much fraud just one move it's instant verification you know and the thing is and I know I'm going to get a little flag for this How about if they charged for car ads yeah that's the thing you know Craigslist charge five bucks a pop for car ads I don't mind paying I mean you got to spend money to make money that's the deal in this business um I don't mind that if they could fine-tune Marketplace because between Marketplace itself and the groups it's a phenomenal place because virtually everybody's on Facebook now um and I know I'm gonna get that one guy I ain't on Facebook because I don't deal with that whatever you know you still go on Marketplace on your on your old lady's freaking Marketplace on her Facebook but that being said another thing that makes no sense to me on Marketplace why do you need to comment on an ad and we've all dealt with this on Marketplace you get the trolls and the little laughy faces why you didn't comment on Craigslist ads well and I mean and you get a lot of good comments you know you go like man good luck with sale or that's a great truck that's a great car that's a great price man that's beautiful and that's fun I mean everybody likes somebody bragging on your ride but do you really need someone to Pat you on the back for your vehicle no you're there to sell it so why not eliminate comments altogether I mean you don't even have to like it just eliminate all that if you're interested message about it instead of leaving dumb comments you know oh I remember when you could buy these for three thousand dollars well then and now or two totally different things or oh my God I hate those Wheels are you buying it no you're just coming giving your opinion that's not needed there and you know this is the thing I'll take it a step further oh man you know you're you're just getting bent out of shape over silly stuff well you gotta understand a lot of people make their living selling items on Marketplace not just cars all kinds of stuff but just let's we're using cars for the example so what if somebody came to your job yeah let's say someone came with the old 1099 Rave boy over here and said I could do what you do I can do that that's stupid why do you do this nobody would do that to you it's your job so why would you do it at mine or anyone else selling you know that it blows my mind the trolls on this stuff I remember when you could buy it for this well you couldn't afford it then probably and you sure as hell can afford it now so why comment like it makes no sense to me why you need a comment this isn't you know somebody's kid or a graduation pick or a first day of school pick you know or or or some thirsty ass chick looking for likes it's a for sale ad you know I mean if you want to comment on something comment on that crap but not someone's sale ad and I mean like the guy I was talking to last night sells over 600 cars a year on Marketplace 600 you do the math that's that's insane that's insane I mean that's damn near two cars a day seven days a week and I mean that is moving sheet metal but that being said he has the same frustration as we all do and I really think if Facebook get their head on their ass and stop worrying about silly [ __ ] and focus on something that could be a serious potential profit maker for them because I mean if you fine-tuned Marketplace to where it needs to be you could charge for this service because they already have the network of people so I wouldn't mind a bit throwing a little change in the pot if they could fine tune some things and really make it where they pushed your ad and I'm not talking about the Boost stuff oh that's crap that's junk but that to me it blows my mind you know being in business you see so many missed opportunities and this one's a serious one for me on Marketplace and I understand that you know social media is not exactly in the business of sales but they invented Marketplace for a reason so you think they'd want to see it you know prosper and do well and it does good but it could be so much better with just a little tweak I don't know and that's that's something you know I kind of got off on a little bit of a rant there with that you know but you got to think you know even we were talking about Facebook pay you know if you signed up for that that's going to eliminate like I said the scammers and the other thing is you got to think one stop shopping you can send pictures you could do videos you can do everything over Facebook Messenger you can FaceTime whatever but else another thing that's cool is is I mean you could even send a deposit the thing is they're going to cut of that so basically you know you were talking about Facebook pay and using Apple pay or whatever by putting a count on there you gotta think about gonna eliminate all the fraud it's going to eliminate so much of that but then you gotta think about it it's one click shopping at that point for anyone the selling on Marketplace so that way you can pay for an item leave a deposit on an item you know you can FaceTime send pictures videos it does everything like I mean just a few little tweaks and this could be a killer platform and that's my frustration with it you know Craigslist was kind of Ganky back in the day because it all worked through emails and things like that but you know Marketplace really is superior to it and with a few more tweaks they could damn near conquer internet sales in the world really um and that's my thing with it you know I just you hear so much stuff about Facebook's changing this or Facebook's changing that nothing gets said about changing Marketplace so I don't know I highly doubt that uh Facebook's gonna be watching this video anyway but a little food for thought and uh if you sell a working place you probably share my frustrations too I tell you what I'll give you another good one a little call to action tell me the things you hate about Marketplace guys we'll catch you next time at ravage used cars [Music] foreign [Music]

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