I'll miss you (JP's SONG) - LUCKY JACKSON

Published: Jul 16, 2024 Duration: 00:03:51 Category: Music

Trending searches: lucky jackson
[Music] things w't be the see now when you gone I've known your run W in love so long it's how to believe it's true that God has taken [Music] you I you ra only so much water heart can bear I bear it all though it seems not fair but I know you're not there alone you only went back home [Music] I miss you g is the price we paid for the love we [Music] share so don't waste what you have it's not [Music] fair let the grief is W the pain and [Music] despair I'll miss you I'll K you love you [Music] what do now that I'm no longer with you now that all I have has gone with you I know I'm only thinking of me but never F to see I I miss [Music] you I miss you I miss you she [Music]

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