#Cowboys Exclusive: Move Jake to IR? Dr. Chao on TE, Dak & Lamb - Fish @ 6

it's fish at 6 like live I'm Mike Fisher your trusty and trusty reporter uh 40 years covering the NFL 35 years as a be covering the Dallas Cowboys almost as long as Dr David Chia has been doing the NFL David Chow of course uh well known as the team doctor for years and years with the Chargers and now has created uh a lot of elgo room from himself in a very modern way of doing Medicine Dr Chia welcome to the show we really appreciate your work and your friendship as always thank you and I appreciate you and uh look we deal in Insider knowledge and you deal in Insider information I use what I learn in the NFL and apply it to what's publicly available but I don't call Dan Cooper the Cowboys I don't call the head athletic trainer who I know very well they wouldn't tell me anything because of HIPPA but you have the best little Insider sources there well so we follow what you do and we do what we do of course here on the fish report and at Cowboys country.com uh as you can see by uh slow those and Doc will plug away here on social media at Pro footall doc right and then go ahead doc I'm sorry Sports Injury Central siic score.com where we have field views of the Cowboys offense and defense against the opponent this last week obviously Cleveland and you can look position by position we have individual grades offense G grades Run game offense Run game defense pass defense run defense grades for health Etc and we're really the main place to do injury analysis which is way different than injury reporting and I'm sure we'll talk about it with Jake Ferguson injury analysis is what did we think off of the video and then now that it comes back MCL bone bruise what do we think of week to week in next Sunday that's injury analysis reporting is it's an MCL and now bone bruise right analysis is what does this mean there are uh there are a lot of entertainers out there doc but to to my knowledge you were the first uh to do what you do say Hey listen this happened at live time here's my livetime analysis and then we'll take it to a deeper level as we uh as we go deeper and and and and I fell into it because when I was in the NFL I would look at a player on the field on the sideline in the locker room and the next day after an MRI so on a jake Ferguson type play not that I examin him if he were on the Chargers at the time I would then have half an hour to kill before meeting with the GM the video guys would show me the video then I could go recreate I knew the answer what it was but then could look at the video so now I don't know the answer but looking at video and to use that information and Analysis and you know I have to still say what you have done in your career in D Dallas is way more special than what I've done I have the unfair advantage of being a former NFL team physician right as an orthopedic surgeon whatever and so there's a lot of guys out there who are trying to do it which is fine but I have that unfair advantage of having been there you and Dallas have this huge media Market there's everyone around you yet you're able to separate yourself so I think what you've done is harder than what I've done well I appreciate that you have the unfair advantage of being smart I have the unfair disadvantage of being dumb that's all that's really all the the difference between the two of us so let's let's get you Cowboys record a 33- 17 win uh they made it look awfully easy against a Cleveland team that thinks it's good thought it was good let's get in Jake Ferguson uh when you first saw what Happ with happened with Ferguson late in that game where things get a little twisted as he gets taken the field what's your what's your doctor first look at Fergie absolutely and I want to get to that but for the Cleveland game Cowboys look great okay and I hear all the rumors about deshun Watson is washed look I don't care who you put back there okay when you had the Cowboys Rush doing what it was doing M Parsons Demarcus lawence what and why were they able to do that if you look at the Field view you'd see left tackle Jed Willis out right tackle cin Jack cin out and you know when you have both tackles out starters and with the salary cap error the backups can't be as good it's one thing if one's out you direct the the protection one way but when you have both out and you have Demarcus Lawrence against ma Parsons DeShaun Watson's running for his life and and as great as the team play that was the huge difference maker and you could see it on the field views getting to point about Sean and and Micah Parsons obviously when you're a quarter you have to find Micah is he here is he here is he here but and I know you're you're a medical doctor not a psychiatrist or a psychologist but in your in your dealings with players you are in each other's heads and you do spend time with them it is it possible that Deshawn that it that it is it's just the shoulder and it's or is it is it uh more of a mental burden over what's going on with him for the last three years well I think it certainly could have me mental burden and not as many refs but certainly the injury as well and then after you got hit by the fourth time by mik Parsons you're looking for him so your internal clock now speeds up even even in an occasion when he's not there because the Browns defensive line somehow or offensive line somehow took care of him which was not that often you your clock is still sped up because you're looking downfield and you're looking to feel arson and Demarcus Lawrence and he wasn't the only guy so I can't say off of that one thing it's deshun Watson is walk that's way too oh and that's it's that's simplistic right wash first of all wash is not a medical term so sure that's out your B but I think he got hit 17 times in that game yeah and look look Patrick moles famously lost a Super Bowl to Tom Brady but it wasn't Patrick Mahomes losing the Super Bowl to Tom Brady it was Patrick Mahomes behind an offensive line that was in a shuffle because left tackle got hurt uh and then they slid the right tackle over to left tackle and the Right Guard went to right tackle so he had 60% of the offensive line new for that super bowl out of position and Patrick Mahomes the great Patrick Mahomes didn't score a touchdown and Tom Brady got him there so does that mean Patrick Mahomes is washed clearly not right I mean so there's a lot more to this game and difficulty so uh kudos to the Cowboys for doing it uh thanks to B us for being a part of what we do here on the P report now to Jake Ferguson so the your initial thought was what initial thought was that this was a significant knee injury and we posted video from the War Room Etc and we knew there was an MCL injury and we had some worry and hope that it wouldn't involve the ACL we only had one video angle from the TV copy that we had got from the war room and it was from behind usually we like more than that and that's why we posted article saying this is a significant knee injury we clearly believe the MCL is injured we are hoping that he can avoid ACL tear but that remained to be seen and I was very glad to hear from reporters that it seemed like the ACL was fine look the plane hadn't even touched down in Dallas and there were reports that his ACL was fine which is great news and clearly there was no MRI but you know what you rely on for that Dr Dan Cooper's hands right you can tell an ACL tear without an MRI always said that and uh teams often hide and say we're waiting for the MRI but they already know here word got out as ACL was okay that was based off exam and glad to see it and that's why I texted you saying great that the acl's find the worry next worry is bone Bruiser lateral miniscus in addition to the MCL and now we have bone brus okay bone brus now I'm going to take you back uh to to my first involvement with bone brus this this is uh 12 years ago Anthony Spencer I don't know if you remember him good and C boy uh linebacker defensive at and Bone bruise and they kept saying bone bruise and I kept saying a bone bruise isn't always just a bruise a bone bruise sounds like oh I got a bruise on my arm a bone bruise can be much more nasty than that can it Dr fiser you're stealing my lines here that's awesome I love it and and look there's actually a kind of studo famous book in the medical world uh from an Oakland Raiders part-time Fe team physician back in the day and and the book title was you're okay it's just a bruise okay so I get it but a bruise is a bone bruise is much different there's different types of Bone bruises in addition a bone bruise where you you get a helmet to your shin is a pain tolerance issue this bone bruise was not from a direct blow like someone punched toit your thigh or your quad this is an indirect injury in other words it was the force of the MCL that drove the outside and the bone bruise is going to be on the outside of his knee likely lateral tibial Plateau okay not to be all specific based on the MCL injury and it's two ends of the bone being jammed together now why is that important the big distinction is if it's a traditional bruise from a direct blow and does not involve articular cartilage or the knee joint you're okay just a bruise whatever your tolerance is this is one where they have to be careful why articulate cartilage is precious if articulate cartilage dies out then that's arthritis no one wants that and Jake Ferguson is a great young player nobody wants him to get hurt worse by coming back too early articular cartilage in your knee is here's here's let me give you a simple analogy for a bone bruise and I don't like to talk in big medical terms because no one understands are cular cartilage is like grass on a football field the bone underneath is like the dirt on a football field a bone bruise is the dirt got slightly impacted from what an elephant stomping on the grass so that the dirt impacted a little bit if you look at it with the microscope or MRI you see signal in the bone you could call it an insufficiency fracture of bone bruise but the worry is if an elephant Stomps on the grass does the grass die out does there is there long-term damage to the particular carage and what's the best way to let the grass heal keep off the grass this is why I think it is very very unlikely and I'd be happy to be wrong but I but no one wants to risk Jake Ferguson in his career he not playing on Sunday okay you got to let that recovery heel not only because of the MCL spraying because he plays a dynamic position but also because of the bone bruise you can't make this worse and you know I don't want to be the bear of bad news but as bad as it looked when he got hurt I think Cowboys fans should be happy if he goes on ir and misses four weeks and comes back and that I think is a more realistic Target of quote week to week than this Sunday I will bet money that he's more likely to hit IR than he is to play this Sunday the fish report thanks again to bet us for their support of the show don't forget to head on over to bet us.com and use the promo code YouTube 150 YouTube 150 for a nice 150% deposit bonus up to $2,000 tell them fish sent you thank you bet us teams like to say week to week and that always seems just kind of like a smoke screen that really doesn't tell well we we we do a lot of Coach speak right and week to week might mean month to month we hope it's not that long a week to me week might mean a month dayto day means at least a week right I mean that's that's just the way because players coaches the team they want to be optimistic and we get it they're not lying but there's something called coach speak right you're trying to mislead the other team your next opponent to prepare for Jake Ferguson and others Etc so I get it uh the our the Chargers did it when I was there I'm not calling anybody out um on the subject of the it's a minor frame let's call it a myor spring you can aggravate that and make it much worse if you play too soon too right yes and uh you know I'm quite sure that uh Jake doesn't want to play with a knee brace on and be hampered with that Etc and and look it may be the smartest thing for him to wait because you don't want to turn this into something more and he can want to all he wants but here's what I would imagine way he will right I mean I know he would will sure and and I don't know him personally but I'm sure he will but you gotta understand and fans need to understand this return to play is a three-headed monster in some ways and I'm not trying to be political right there's the president there's Congress and there's the Supreme Court right the president has veto power Congress is the first line and then the Supreme Court obviously has a vote in what's happening too in the checks and balances of life right and the of politics but in the player world return to play has to be a unanimous yes from the player the medical and the te the player the dad the agent the player himself can all vote Yes or No the collective vote if they say no go they don't feel like they're ready to go or play be it for contractual reasons or health reasons or Effectiveness reasons I don't care what the team doctor or the medical staff or the team says right same thing for the medical staff and they say it's not safe for him to play this bone bruise could get worse he can want to play all he wants the team can want to play him all he wants he's not going to play by the other hand if the doctor says okay and the player says okay if the team says opponent wise let's wait for another week or we have a buy coming up or strategically Etc so it has to be a three-way unanimous yes my guess is the team would love to have him Jake Ferguson is going to say let's go and medical is going to say yeah let's be smart here I think that's what's going to happen all right let's go to Dad preot who over the summer um went on vacation and there's the photo of him wearing a walking boot and then came it's for swelling it's for uh maintenance it's preventative why why is a guy who doesn't have an ankle problem wearing a walking boot for his ankle well well you know we didn't make a lot out of the walking boot there's a lot of reasons to put on a walking boot uh who knows maybe he slipped and turn his ankle uh tripping down some steps on vacation and just didn't want to talk who who knows but but we didn't see it as a big deal and obviously the boot came off pretty quickly and you know he got his big contract he played very well uh yesterday the whole deal you know not really worried about Dak Prescott the most impressive thing I can tell you about D Prescott you can go back and look at the video I know you remember it when he had that fracture dislocation of his ankles do you remember what he did Mike this was very impressive to me we made him the Beast of the week on our podcast his knee capap is pointing North his toes are pointing due east right out yeah and what does he do he doesn't wave for how whatever he picks up his angle leg slams it and try and St it and when it doesn't really go all the way then he turns to and said okay this isn't going to work I mean whole ankle that point he picks up slams it on the ground to try and straighten it I was like that is a beast he is a beast there's nothing wrong say more good things about Dak Prescott he's basically got his ankle bone sticking out of his skin here we are Furious there's everything right about him being precautionary and ding maintenance all that stuff that's all good yeah yeah absolutely um finally teams aren't going to like that what I think you're going to say if you're in agreement with me CD lamb just proved we don't need training camp maybe okay well first of all the NFL is going to like this because here's what they're gonna end up doing I believe they're gonna go to 18 games y with two by weeks yeah 20 Game season and what will that do that will open up Wednesday night football because you could pair two teams coming off a buy for Wednesday sure right just like they paired Christmas Wednesday with the teams playing on Saturday before okay NFL the NFL is so powerful Dr sha they're gonna create an eighth day of the week so we can football and and the new thing is they're gon to get rid of another preseason game then you're gonna have one home preseason game why you gotta work the studio mechanics the the stadium mechanics and the cords and make sure everything works a dry dress rehearsal one home preseason game so two preseason games the NFL is do more joint practices to take care of the practice time and they're going to start on Labor Day and do Super Bowl on President's Day weekend now so they they are good a shorten train C but as far as CD lamb is concerned I think it's great that he played well look but I don't know that it's proven yet because Jamar Chase did he do that well I mean there were other factors too yeah not really Brandon auk we'll see today how well he does put it this way do I need do I need to get hit players think they need to get hit I need to feel it do I really I'm this Mike I'm gonna say this so it doesn't come true okay the worry is there's a higher rate of a pre-season muscle acclamation injury if you're CMC for the 49ers playing tonight and you're in Camp and you tweak your Cal a little bit in week one or two of training camp you have time to get right for week what where he's playing if next week knock on wood hope it doesn't happen there's a small hamstring tweak for cidi lamb that could have happened in week two of training camp and he'd be fine for week one two three four five of the season but if it happens he's gonna miss some real time I hope it doesn't happen that's a risk for Jamar Chase Brandon auk cidi Lamb but there's no question he's a supreme Talent he did great yesterday but I don't know that he's out of the woods I would still keep my fingers crossed all right good there's Dr David Chow pro football doc on Twitter and social media on the subject of D Prescott and that Bo and CD lamb and that summer and then Jake Ferguson with some uh uh really Nobody Does it Better what what you just did with Jake Ferguson is as informative as anybody's going to get you all the land we appreciate that plug away again where do we find you the website and on Twitter Sports Injury Central sic score.com you get sick data we have a fantasy Optimizer there if you're a px guy there's pick stuff but the Twitter is pro football Doc and uh you know appreciate you I appreciate your friendship thanks also to B us thanks doc thank you fish

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