Ranking Superhero Origin Movies (WORST TO BEST)

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:06:28 Category: Film & Animation

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there's nothing better than a good superhero origin story so here's my ranking of superhero origin story movies from worst to best hear me out in last place I have Man of Steel I do not care for this movie at all I think it is just a fundamental misunderstanding of the character I don't like what Zack Snider does with pretty much any aspect of this film it looks pretty decent as all his films do but that's about it it is sad because I do think Henry caval as his character had incredible potential I think he just needed a different director in control of his story and we'd probably still be seeing Henry caval as Superman to this day I also like Lois Lane being chosen to be Amy Adams I thought that was also a good decision I'm sorry once you actually dive into the story of this movie it just does not work for me on any level at number 10 I have X-Men Origins Wolverine I know what you're thinking this movie is a complete disaster and I do agree with you in the second half of the movie I think it takes a one-way trip to stupidville we are just doing some of the dumbest plot twists and bringing characters it's like oh they weren't really dead and it's just so stupid for the entire last like hour of this movie but I might be alone on this I actually think the first hour is actually a really solid Wolverine movie just like him off in the woods just it's a really cool idea at least when things do start getting really bad in the second half of the movie it's almost so dumb that I can just have fun with it and just kind of laugh at how bad some of the moments are which is something I can't do with Man of Steel that I just hate my entire time watching mine is a definite step up we have Wonder Woman I am not the biggest fan of galag do in any way shape or form and I think in other movies that she performs as Wonder Woman Like the Justice League film and stuff she's actually pretty terrible in but in the Wonder Woman movie I think she is very good it's an interesting origin of this character I also definitely think her and Chris pton have some pretty solid chemistry and have some really funny moments together in this movie so while it's not the greatest film of all time it is definitely a very solid origin story movie he is The Amazing Spider-Man with Andrew Garfield and you know I'm not the biggest fan of these movies especially the second one but I do think the first one is a perfectly solid Spider-Man movie I like the origin aspect that we get in it of him in the lab I think that's a very cool scene I actually really like the lizard in this movie too and I think he's actually the perfect to have like Peter first fight when he first becomes Spider-Man it's just a good starter villain to get this universe started sadly things went off the rails in the second movie though but there's a lot of really good fight scenes between these two and obviously you know I do think everything with him and Gwen Stacy are absolutely incredible in all these movies at number seven I have Captain America the First Avenger easily the weakest of the Captain America trilogy but that's not really a knock on the movie cuz the trilog is just so incredible and this one's just a really good film overall and it works because Chris Evans is just so perfect as his character and makes Captain America just such a likable guy from the very beginning even before he has the serum you're on his side you feel like yes this is the guy that deserves to get these Powers he's going to do the right things with it and obviously he does cuz he is Captain America but it's just such a great story seeing him go from this scrawny guy getting picked on but never giving up and of course the stuff between him and Peggy and Bucky is also great in this movie and you get that amazing sacrifice at the end it's just a really good origin story movie at number six I have the first Deadpool movie rewatch this just a couple weeks ago preparing for Deadpool in Wolverine and yeah this thing is still an absolute blast of a movie it's got fun fun action all throughout it's just super funny obviously as most Deadpool movies are I love how the movie kind of is simultaneously going through him on this bridge going through this Massive Action sequence and bouncing back and forth between that and his origin story of becoming Deadpool I think it works really well and it's a good balance of seeing him and Vanessa and everything that happens yeah the actual plot itself is literally super simplistic you're basically just watching him become Deadpool and then it's like oh no my girlfriend got captured I got to go save her and that's essentially all that happens in this movie but the Vibes are so incredible I really don't care honestly at number number five I have Ant-Man I just absolutely adore this movie I think it's super Charming all around it's an amazing origin story for Scott Lang and seeing him get in the suit for the first time leads to so many funny moments him and his excon again super funny no pun intendant it's just a perfectly small scale essentially Heist movie that has very low stakes outside of the stakes for our characters involved and that's what makes it such a good origin story in my opinion just seeing this guy who never in a million years thought he would ever become like a superhero or have this suit that would give him these Powers now suddenly have them and make the decision he has to go save his daughter it's just a great movie overall and I have a ton of fun every time I rewatch this at number four we're getting into the real upper echelon of just really great superhero movies overall I'm going with Iron Man for my number four spot obviously we all know how incredible this movie is being an origin story for Tony Stark but not just him it was really an origin for the entire MCU making this an absolute classic to go back to Tony Stark obviously had an incredible Arc through the entirety of the MCU but in this movie he also had some really solid development going from just a very selfish pretty much at the very beginning to a actual guy trying to make a difference trying to write the wrongs of his company and what he's done I mean come on he literally built the first Iron Man suit in a cave with nothing but scraps it's so iconic that moment and just a great origin story overall before we get into the top three let me know in the comments what your favorite three superhero origin story movies are and hit the like button if you haven't already at number three I have Spider-Man the original Sam Ramy one with Toby Maguire this is just an absolutely classic film and the origin part of it is absolutely incredible as well I just love every single moment after it gets his powers crawling around for the first time making the first makeshift suit and going and fighting for money it's just so cool of course this movie is also helped by the fact that William defo just gives you one of the greatest superhero movie villain performances of all time he is incredible in this entire movie should be right up there in conversations with the joker honestly he is so great really just the perfect balance between that comic book cheesiness but also having some really good serious and endearing moments number two is Batman Begins I mean obviously when you have Christopher Nolan making your superhero origin story you're going to be very up on the list and the more I watch this movie the more I like it honestly I think it's just an absolute Masterpiece across the board this movie really spends a ton of time on all the different training and all the different stuff and getting the suit for the first time it really lets you see what made this Batman who he is why he operates the way he does and I love the movie for it you get incredible villains Liam niss is just so good in this movie kind of being behind the scenes just pulling the strings throughout the whole thing and then you got Killian Murphy as like the side villain but he absolutely steals the show with his performance in this I love the visual of this version of scarecrow just an incredible character overall my number one is easily Spider-Man into the spiderverse and absolute five out of five 10 out of 10 whatever rating sale you use it's maxed out on it I don't need to really Yap about the details of why I think this movie is incredible I've done it a million times and I think everybody out there can agree but I do want to say I actually think across the spiderverse somehow made this even better as an origin story now knowing what we do about miles and what was or wasn't supposed to happen absolute Peak make sure to like the video if you're still watching thank you so much

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