JD Vance To Kamala "Go To Hell", Armie Hammer Thirsty Video, Pope Speaks On Migration | AOA Podcast
Published: Aug 28, 2024
Duration: 01:16:39
Category: Howto & Style
Trending searches: armie hammer
a poker I lost it all but someday I'll be back again and I never to fall oh are okay if you don't know where we are look it up they are fantabulous wonderful band excellent Vibe very Reay Rock and beachy and lovely and wonderful they're one of my favorites outside of Dave Matthews hello what about this Wednesday show you and me mono e persono I don't want to offend anybody uh want to say hello to lindera Robin bird Mercury everybody's in the live chat already Christine welcome aboard good to have you we've got a whole slew of lovely topics to make one hell of a podcast speaking of hell that's where JD Vance told kamla Harris to go things are getting a little fiery on that old campaign Trail Army Hammer crying poverty which is hilarious to me and the pope telling everybody to uh accept migrants which is got the uh Republicans in a little bit of a confusing uh they don't really know what to do there uh plus we have lots of other assorted items and such my goodness don't look now it's a [Music] pocket Crazy Game of Poker you ever get into a you just like everybody has favorite bands but you ever get into a band and then you can't stop listening to the band like you just go like everything else becomes insignificant and you're just listening to this one band or this one record over and over and over again that's where I'm at I got stuck in that big time I'm just on o non-stop can't stop listening to it can't stop won't stop you know what I'm talking about uh JD Vance is fired up homie was upset today he was not too pleased with kamla Harris and told her to go to hell I'm surprised he didn't say h double hockey sticks CU I hate when people do that but usually that's like a really like religious thing let's take a listen to JD Vance on the old campaign Trail 13 Americans lose their lives and not fire a single person is disgraceful KLA Harris is disgraceful if we're want to talk about a story out of those 13 Brave innocent Americans who lost their lives it's that kamla Harris is so asleep at the wheel that she won't even do an investigation into what happened and she wants to yell at Donald Trump because he showed up she can she can go to hell whoa good burn I like how he paused there for a second like he was going to say something worse I think he was going to tell her to go [ __ ] herself that would have been amazing that would have been uh historical precedence for a vice presidential candidate to tell a presidential candidate to go [ __ ] themselves uh luckily that he stuck with the whole go to hell part now he's reacting to this story that has really become a weird thing where over the week I think it was over the weekend maybe it was Monday night I forget I can't even remember there was a memorial held for 13 he mentioned 13 people who lost their lives uh during the Afghan like us pulling out of Afghanistan which uh has become a big right-wing talking point um for the Trump campaign because they're trying to you know illustrate some of the mistakes and errors of not only KL Harris but the Biden Administration and so president Trump went to Arlington Cemetery Arlington National and he laid a wreath down there was lots of photo ops there was lots of lots of um video a lot of people criticizing him for even going saying that he was uh taking advantage of a situation I have to defend him here because he was invited you know uh family members of some of the Fallen uh they invited him they wanted him there so he showed up I mean what what are you gonna do if he just decide if he invites himself it's a valid argument but if he gets invited then what are you gonna do he got invited he took advantage of of the invitation there's I you know there's nothing wrong with that it does put an exclamation point again on this like it's just it's it it's all strange timing but again I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to people that the members of the families of the people who were lost genuinely you know invited him and he genuinely went let's take let's choose to take it at surface value but um even though it was video you know it was filmed it was taped it was dis it was broadcast and there were photo ops and everything else there was some like Skirmish between Trump's people and somebody at Arlington National Cemetery it's illegal to do anything political on those sacred grounds they're saying now that there was verbal and like a physical like a they shoved one of the members of the cemetery Trump's campaign is obviously denying this the cemetery people are saying it happened uh family members of the the the soldiers are like well we invited him he can go and take pictures other people are saying it's illegal it's political you can't do it it's a mess I the whole thing is a mess like I I see a story like this and it's a he said she said and you know we got dead soldiers you know in the in the middle of it and you you know you like you want to say like keep you know keep Focus you know can it can it just be a a ceremony does it have to be a polit do we have to turn this into a political fight but it's been gaining steam it's been gaining uh momentum as a story because people are upset on both sides you know people are getting really angry and trying to point to their side and how their side is right I don't know what happened I mean again if were photographers in video you'd think there'd be some sort of footage of this happening I guess it's possible that they didn't really catch it I don't know what kind of a person would shove somebody else in a cemetery you know no matter how upset they got and maybe there was a little brush up or something like that it's one of these crazy stories that gets too wacky to even have like an opinion about I mean right I mean don't you think like I know people all right if you if you're on one side of the other you're going to feel like your side is right I get that but putting all that aside for a second like it this is like can you really have like a feeling towards this other than sadness that people are getting into altercations at a cemetery you know and I don't know why they needed to go to this particular area this area 60 again because there was plenty of footage and photographs of Donald Trump you know if you're not supposed to politicize or or take political photos or do anything political in the cemetery I understand that right but if the families invite you and then they want to photograph and then Trump's campaign guy comes over to take a picture do you stop that from happening like I don't really I don't understand why this is why this is all that complicated you know and of course the left want to deflect this because uh you know they were the ones who withdrew from Afghanistan everybody knows that did not go smoothly um at the time I applauded the administration for getting us out it was something that the Obama Administration which included Joe Biden could not do uh it is something that Trump could not do in his uh four years and then it's something that Biden just came in and did and again he didn't do it all that well and I don't think anybody argues with that you know that probably I shouldn't say probably that could have been handled better you know that could have been handled a little bit better um so the whole thing is just bizarre one side's trying to distract the others the other side from looking the worst you know in this whole scenario I you know I don't think we talked about this on Monday uh specifically because I was like this is a no- win situation but again here we are and it's Wednesday and it's like JD Vance is telling her to go to hell it Sparks the whole thing up and then you got to tell the background of the whole story and why it happened and boom there it is here we are that's the whole story I don't have an opinion on this this doesn't change my thought on who I'm going to vote for you know it's just an unfortunate weird bizarre thing and it's one of those things that comes up in the midst of a campaign that's inconsequential it doesn't make a difference you know when you go to the polls you're not going to be sitting there going well that whole Cemetery thing was a real Fiasco let me vote let me let me make sure I consider that when I vote like you're not going to it's not going to matter it's what does this candidate do for me and my family how does this work uh who do I think I have a better chance with and that's the way I'm gonna swing my vote nothing else really matters this doesn't matter we're not going to talk about this you know uh two months from now you could make the argument that the whole Afghan pull out that could matter you know foreign relations and uh that uh that's going to be part of the whole campaign that's going to be part of the debate which we're locked into um from what I understand the one debate is happening I from what I gather Donald Trump wanted three I'm a big fan of having more than one I don't know if that can happen but now you've got September October and the election is in November so uh what a month is stretching it because then you got to consider you got to put the vice presidential candidates up there we want to see them Spar at it a little bit don't you I mean I guess you could do three and not have the the VPS go at it at all but I don't know I kind of like I want to see JD Vance and Tim Waltz mix it up a little bit on the stage I want to see them go on it I'm excited about the debate itself I you know again all this kind of Pol political stuff is wearing me down a little bit I don't really care for it all that much like I said this was a story we could have done on Monday and we did consciously you know so um I'm a little tired of the whole thing but the debate I'm looking forward to there was a whole issue on the notes you know supposedly KL Harris asked for notes to to be able to bring notes on stage and that was denied you know I don't know what kind of a move that is I don't know if that's really nervous I I mean she didn't do great in the Democratic primary debates but those things are primary debates are a mess there's like eight people on stage it's chaos two people on stage in a debate's a mess you had six more people and it's it's a [ __ ] nightmare you know it's an absolute nightmare so but I'm looking forward to the debate I want to see these people get at it um tomorrow I believe is going to going to be uh I think CNN has KLA and Tim Waltz so we'll get something you know it's funny because somebody brought up to me he's like you know you're talking uh you're talking a lot about Trump and JD Vance a lot lately why is that and I'm like they're the only ones talking you know I mean we're picking on them they deserve it but they're the only ones talking you know you can't pick on KLA and Tim Waltz because they ain't saying [ __ ] they're doing some stum speeches and stuff like St but who really you know there's nothing really there to pick apart there's nothing really there to talk about they haven't done [ __ ] tomorrow they'll be on CNN I would prefer if they went on Fox news I'd love it if they went on news max mix it up a little bit get a little p budha judge take a page out of Buddha judge's uh book and go on over to Fox News it's it with Fox and do an interview what would happen if KLA sat for an interview at Fox we would all watch it nobody would miss that Kam on CNN yeah it's going to be a lot of softballs K on Fox now we're talking I'd like to get kamla on that five show with the other four nut jobs and let them you know hammer it out for a little while when you're going to be the president of the United States of America it is the toughest job you're going to be sitting at tables across from dictators you're going to be on the phone with crazy people you're going to have to deal with terrorist organizations uh War um hurricanes right tragedies you're going to have to deal with all that you should be able to handle the opposition parties media for an hour should be able to do that it's kind of a requirement so am I a little nervous for kamla going into this I would have to tell you yes a smidge if she was asking for notes now the fact that the note request leaked is interesting is that Trump's campaign pointing out how pathetic she is how sad this is going to be is this the Harris campaign leaking that out there to make or or not leaking but putting the ask in there to throw the Trump campaign off can commis campaign are they really capable of playing 4D chess like that CU I did have that thought earlier like that's an awfully bold request to take notes I mean by the way everybody takes notes right they got a piece of paper you could write you could jot stuff down you know um but to to have like a cheat sheet with you I don't even that's a weird ask to me and again I don't know here's the thing I I don't I a lot of kamla's campaign staff was Obama's campaign staff she went back to the Obama pool and pulled a lot of people so I don't know if they put in a weird ask like that just to [ __ ] around I'm not entirely sure but I love a debate and I love that mind game [ __ ] like if that were me I would put some weird [ __ ] in there be like let's ask for some weird [ __ ] see if they could [ __ ] go for it let's do it see what happens let's ask for notes let's ask for cheat cheets you know let's ask for a full binder let's see you know let's see what happens let's ask if it's okay if we write the answers on a on a little uh you know you want to hear the craziest the craziest cheating story I've ever the craziest cheating scheme I've ever seen I'm in high school and and somebody you know how the pencils are flat like a pencil looks round but it's really like six or eight whatever it is flat sides a dude I knew took a pen and wrote answers to the questions on the flat sides of a pencil and took the pencil into a test it was brilliant it was unlike anything I'd ever seen before so much so that I think after he was done taking the test he passed it around he passed it around and everybody got the answers let me tell you my greatest School cheating uh scam that I ever worked up this was brilliant and I came up with this on my own and helped like four other people do it we had in college gather around kids let me tell you about what school was like before electricity so in college I forget even what class this was for but you had to write down essays it was a class where the final was a series of essays and I went to the St John's University so they would hand out these booklets which was like a regular piece of paper but folded in half right so they would take like six pages of paper fold it in half put a St John's seal cover on it which was a different color and then they would staple it together and then like the lines were going this way so you could open it like a book and literally just write on the lines so we had one of these books and there was like 20 something pages in there and we had to write an essay for this uh class and it was I think it was philosophy and so it was like a series of essays and you literally had to answer every single question you essentially filled up the entire book we're in a classroom one day and we find in one of the teacher cabinets these booklets now you couldn't get these anywhere the teachers were given them for tests and they held on on to them like death because it was like this was the test booklet so I go wouldn't it be great to write down the essay questions because it was one of those things where we were given 20 questions and we knew we were going to have to answer like four and we knew we were going to be giving an given an option like so we were going to we got 20 questions he was going to give us 10 we had to answer four right so was just like a series of you know just math to kind of narrow it down so I see the book and I go it would be great to be able to just write the answers down now and bring the book into the the test and then my buddy goes yeah but you don't know if he's going to have the yellow booklets or the blue booklets or the pink booklets I'm like I know [ __ ] and then it dawned on me it was an hour and a half final anyway I'm like if I write all the answers in this booklet and then just loosen the Staples I could always just take the booklet that he gives me take the cover off swap covers put the Staples in Bend the Staples back and that is exactly what I did that is exactly what I did and not only did I do it I think two or three other guys did it too we sat down we wrote the essay out I think I [ __ ] up one thing where I um I think I had to change one of the questions out and so I wound up just like rewriting it but there I was under the table whenever he wasn't looking just like taking the St because you get your little pen underneath the staple you lift up the Staples you get it Loose you do the whole you know you put the whole thing in duny for my whole uh testing ahead of time didn't have to worry about nothing the funny thing was is I spent so much time worrying about cheating that in my effort to cheat I actually learned one of the answers to the questions and that's how I was able to write in what it was like I spent a whole time cheating worried about cheat I could have just taken the test and I sat there the whole time I probably should have just taken the test cuz the anxiety of waiting for those perfect moments to pull the the the test part and switch the covers out you know and this was the like it was like just the shittiest like photocopy cover you know it was like slightly a better paper on the outside than the rest of it it was so awfully put together you know yeah that's what we did getting a lot of uh getting a lot of laughter on that on the in the live chat that's what we did that was college now I'm sure they take it all on iPads and [ __ ] like that it's all kinds of uh different there's a new comedy coming out on FX I think where it's like about teachers has anybody seen this yet and the teacher is complaining to the principal he's like oh this whole essay is all chat GPT and the principal looks up at him and he's like so it's the way for the future and it's such an ironic joke because I think about this all the time the amount of stuff that I use chat GPT for is a lot these days you know we we use AI a lot to put the podcast on and put all the clips out and everything believe it or not like we do there's some crazy AI programs that we're tapped into now that helps us get all the clips out and all the kinds of stuff and it's like I think about this for my kids and it's like do my kids need to know everything or do they just need to know how to find answers you know do I teach them knowledge and memorize and learn and understand or do I teach them the proper prompts to use on chat GPT I have no idea I just really don't know and I used to think about this with Google I'm like you don't have to know anything anymore you just Google it and now ai is even like it's even just it's even higher it's even crazier I have this new uh chat GPT thing on the the the phone and and you hit it and the chat GPT talks back to you like it's a human being like it goes um maybe if you think about it this like it like it has inflection and thought like it's absurd I'm trying to think what I can ask it to be like an example of it let me see here let see I can do this hey explain to me what the Magna Carta is the Magna Carta also oops sorry I hit a button it was oops okay solid job at it explain to me what the Magna Carta is the Magna Carta in 1215 is a historic document that established the principle that everyone including the King was subject to the law it was originally created to make peace between King John of England and a group of rebellious Barons uh the document guaranteed certain rights like protection from illegal imprisonment and access to Swift Justice While most of its Clauses have been repealed or replaced it remains a symbol of the rule of law and has influenced many modern legal systems including the US Constitution crazy what's a more important document the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution it sounds like you're asking for more information about the Magna Carta like a summary that you might use for a presentation or a screen could you clarify no no no tell me what is the more important document the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution all right I guess I'll will [ __ ] myself then but isn't that amazing like the the the amount of questions let see who is the better basketball team the Chicago Bulls or the Boston Celtics both the Chicago Bulls and the Boston Celtics have Rich history in the NBA but their legacies differ the Boston Celtics are one of the most successful franchises in NBA history with a record 17 championships they dominated the league in the 1950s and 1960s and have had multiple successful eras including in the 1980s with I understand all that but I want you to tell me who is the better basketball team of all time the Chicago Bulls or the Boston Celtics who's the better basketball team the Chicago Bulls or the Boston Celtics all right [ __ ] chat jbt never mind I take it all back all the nice things uh Mercury I haven't used AI yet I'm not ready dude Merks gotta do it man gotta do it bird hasn't used it either I'm telling I don't even use speech to text dude I'm telling you it is no AI is an opinion opinionated but it it does give you uh it it does you know give you opinions tell me who is the better basketball team of all time the Bulls or the Celtics sorry I'm having issues right now could not understand what you said who is the BET who is the best basketball team of all time the Bulls or the Celtics [ __ ] it um it probably has to doing my shitty internet connection I am getting angry with AI an argument with AI yeah but that's but it goes back to my point like who like what do you do like what you know what are what are kids going to do are our children going to write essays or are they going to form essays with Chad GPT you wanted the youth to understand how to think and reason and understand and work out a problem logically but at the same time are we wasting their time with that kind of stuff you know I also I often think about something that John Adams said John Adams said my father had to think about he had to be an expert uh in war my father had to be an expert in war he had to know what war was he had to study War so that I could study politics and law and he says I had I had to study politics and law so that my sons could study math and science you know it's like that evolution of your lineage like you know you don't if your children are studying War something's gone wrong that should have been done and over with you know and then your kids study uh you know art and SC philosoph Art and Science so that your grandkids can study Phil you know and move on and so on and so forth you always looking for the better thing we wasting our kids times with them knowing math equations you know I mean it's nice to know and learn history but do you really need to I don't know I just don't know what the point of tests are if you just have the answers at your fingertips at all moments you know what does that look like what is I I don't even know it seems like all a waste of time to me I don't know all I know is is JD Vance is I feel like Men's Warehouse he's got a Men's Warehouse endorsement in his future the guy couldn't wear a more bland suit at all times Jesus you think think this guy would ever wear like a tan a cream colored suit I would love to see it I would love to see it you think he wakes up in the morning and goes what should I wear today the navy blue or the black suit I don't even know should I wear the navy blue suit or the dark navy blue suit not quite sure what I want to I don't know what I'm feeling today uh Army Hammer can go [ __ ] himself this is another guy I could uh do without this [ __ ] guy he makes a video yesterday I almost threw my phone through the fraking wall because he's at the point he's at I'll play it for you because he put it on his social media like a douchebag but he's got his truck and he gives us a little hisorical uh you know look back on his [ __ ] pickup truck and then trying to tell everybody that he's returning the pickup truck because he can't afford the gas you're looking at one of the richest [ __ ] ever like the guy is a movie star he's made millions of dollars on his own sure he's gotten into some legal troubles lately which supposedly he's made he was on Bill Mars uh get high with me on the couch podcast and Brilliant by the way wish I came up with that and um I said I'm sitting at a [ __ ] desk like a like a news person like a Savage bill marah's down there smoking a joint [ __ ] having a cocktail and living it up in a in a nice little comfy chair how did I [ __ ] that up anyway um he went on the bill M thing and he was explaining how he was innocent and he didn't do all those things and I don't I don't even know what to believe I have no idea I feel like he did a lot of those things and he did a lot of shitty stuff we did a lot on Army Hammer you can go search our podcast history for the Army Hammer stuff it was some [ __ ] crazy stories he was biting people and [ __ ] eating skin and [ __ ] his all weird [ __ ] up [ __ ] allegedly but he was I wouldn't think that Bill Maher would put him on if he was a [ __ ] people leader you know if he was a wife abuser I I don't even know I mean there was definitely some issues I think that go without saying but I was a little surprised that that bill Mah had him on hi digress this son of a [ __ ] makes millions on movies and besides all that is the heir to the Armen Hammer [ __ ] company his family is worth quadrillions and this [ __ ] is out there going I have to return my truck cuz gas is so expensive I wish you would take that pickup truck turn it sideways and shove it right up your ass because I am not going to be made to feel bad for you I hate these [ __ ] celebrities that are like isn't this terrible I have to return my [ __ ] Ford Denali pickup truck hey go [ __ ] yourself wait I'm not going to feel bad for you I don't feel bad for you one bit not one bit [ __ ] Kevin space is out there like isn't this terrible I have to sell my Mansion yeah great sell it go [ __ ] yourself oh I feel bad for you you have to sell your $6 million mansion and downgrade into like a three-bedroom home how awful how how I am so sorry for you [ __ ] off these celebrities are like oh isn't this terrible what I'm going through hey eat it man I'm sorry but go eat [ __ ] baby don't be as such a [ __ ] to people from now on you know what I'm saying you know what I mean like you never like no you know you never hear Fonzi being accused of anything you want to know why because he's [ __ ] nice to everybody you know the guy's a gem he's a peach he's lovely if something bad happen happen to the fonds I'd be like okay I could feel a little bit I'm I'm sorry about that but these [ __ ] Rich entitled actors that are just like this is my truck I have to return it I have to return it because I can't afford the gas good good I hope it slips out of park and into drive and runs you over as you're picking up something in front of it you useless piece of [ __ ] so I've been back in La for a couple of weeks now this is my truck I bought this for myself uh in 2017 as a Christmas gift for myself because i' I've had pickup sharts for a long time and I have loved this truck intensely and taken it camping and across country multiple times and on long road trips and I took it for one last road trip to CarMax this is not an ad for CarMax uh this is because I'm selling my truck uh since being back in La I have put about four or $500 worth of gas in it and I can't afford it I can't afford the gas anymore can't afford it are you [ __ ] kidding me he literally drove to a CarMax which by the way just shows his judgment I mean who's [ __ ] ear only car car max you know he drove to a dealership to sell his car and he thought I know I'll take out my phone and record this so I could post it online because I'm sure everybody's going to want to know where I am today and what I'm doing nobody cares nobody gives a [ __ ] I I spent $4 or $500 on gas since I got back to LA I spent $4 or $500 on my kids today and that was just on ice cream okay nobody feels bad for you go [ __ ] yourself okay I've take many trips the worst part the biggest part that I want to punch him in the face I've taken many trips and here's my one last trip to CarMax I hope you take one last trip off a cliff to your untimely death you piece of [ __ ] because don't stand there with the [ __ ] D to the Army Hammer house with all that [ __ ] talcum powder money or whatever what do they make baking soda and be like I can't afford the gas prices [ __ ] you this is the guy who had to leave town uh because of all the issues that happened cuz yeah exactly thank you Mercury because he was [ __ ] eating people and went off to like the career riban to like a you know a wellness Place hey a lot of people can't afford that [ __ ] [ __ ] a lot of people can't afford to just knock off for a year and a half because they like to bite and hit women and then turn around and go feel bad for me because I have to [ __ ] sell my truck which I bought for myself for Christmas are you [ __ ] kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me you know the last thing I bought for myself an Islander towel and I immediately regretted it [ __ ] two minutes later I immediately was like why am I buying this this is so stupid why do I need to buy a [ __ ] $38 Islander towel you know that was the last thing I bought for myself is a [ __ ] Islander towel not a $60,000 car nobody feels bad for you stupid [ __ ] let me he literally thought let me let me open up let me take out my phone open up the camera app and record this because people are hurting out there and I'm hurting too I can't afford gas I hope he stubs his toe on the edge of the coffee table leg every day for the next 78 days because he is such a piece of [ __ ] that I cannot even if I ever see this [ __ ] guy I mean this truck like kids home from the hospital all that stuff um I'm just lucky the kids made it home from the hospital and you didn't eat them on the way home you overzealous [ __ ] amazing trips amazing trips but you know what that's okay I got a new car it's tiny it's a hybrid I'm probably going to put about 10 bucks of gas in it a month and this is it that was the biggest most heartbreaking part is that he had to get a new car a brand new one and it was a hybrid you know I'm going to go uh tomorrow down to the bus stop and ask those people if they feel bad for Army Hammer in his new [ __ ] hybrid you [ __ ] [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] I do not like that guy at all this s like a one last trip to Car Max I [ __ ] swear to God I forgive him though because I'm going to talk about the pope next and I feel like that's what the pope would do I feel like the pope would forgive him um the pope said on uh well I guess whatever to the world he announced to the world hey be nice to migrants you know that uh you can't reject m migrants that's not uh christian-like and people are having a lot of trouble with that because they like yelling at migrants we're very big on screaming at immigrants these days it's a it's a big part of our it's big part of our whole thing we're angry we're angry at the immigrants I mean I'm I'm angry I'm angry at Army Hammer not so much the the the immigrants um I'm more much more angry at Army Hammer I can't I would love it can we can you uh Deport a citizen let's look into that because I know he's from here but I would love to send him anywhere else could be Mexico not Canada it's too nice for for him someplace far there was I saw there was like a place there's a place that's so far [ __ ] I can't remember the name of it there's a little tiny Island that's so far away from every other land mass it's actually closer to the satellites in outer space than it is to any of the other continents I would like to send Army Hammer there with no food and let him [ __ ] figure it out figure it out [ __ ] you're on your own anyway back to the pope you got to keep me off of of Army Hammer because it's going to drive me nuts all for the rest of the day so the pope said today there are those who work systematically and with every means to reject migrants and this when done with conscience and responsibility is a grave sin I feel like he's talking about Donald Trump but I would be want I'm interested to know if the pope would even give a [ __ ] to single out Donald Trump maybe he's just unhappy with all the whole immigration talk but the right toing social media people just went [ __ ] nuts and they're all pointing out that the pope lives in Vatican City which has a wall around it I mean just the stupidest [ __ ] [ __ ] like yeah yeah yes okay yes you you got everybody there you you are correct there is technically a wall around Vatican City that was built at the beginning of time it wasn't this Pope that did that it wasn't this Pope that's like you know what the Mexicans are bothering me let's get a wall going that's not that's not what how it happened he didn't build a wall to keep out all the what's in Italy he didn't build a wall and go oh okay let's keep the Sicilians out we can't have them crossing the border coming into Vatican City let's get have those freaking Sicilians in here build a wall make sure they stay out and then get on stage and talk about how you got to let you know he didn't do that that's not how it works the guy's just saying you gota that if you're working to keep people you know from finding a better situation that that's a grave sin now is it a grave sin that I don't know that I don't know because it kind of to me feels like harboring child molesters that might be a grave sin that would be bad if there was a bunch of people that molested children and then a bunch of other people that helped them cover it up under the guise of we're doing charity and God's work here that I think sounds like a grave sin to me uh you know being a [ __ ] not so much is it is it dickish it is is it a gravon that I'm not so sure about you know uh Robin says the popee is making a video right now turning in his Pope [Laughter] mobile this this is uh my Popa mobile I I turn it into CarMax uh guess too expensive for the popmobile yes too much I pray I pray for lower gas price it it no come you imagine the pope just writing his L I prayed today for lower gas prices and instead I had a turn sell my car starting to question the existence of [Laughter] God the pope mobile no longer fit on gate to get in and out of wall I sell it I sell it to CarMax I don't know if that's how the pope sounds I really should have researched this impression before I did it I do have him talking but I think he's talking and I don't know he talks like he's got 75 [ __ ] Lang I don't know Pope speaks every single language ever invented so I don't really know is this Italian I don't know but I thought I just heard him say fat Fatso I think he said Fatso which I take offense to I give him credit though oh you know he's out there hot as [ __ ] right now in Italy it is [ __ ] hot and the people are all St he's under he's in a little shady area I don't know you could see this but he's in a little shady area the [ __ ] crowd is this crowd's got the sun just beating down on him right now this [ __ ] that's you you want to talk about you know look at all these people look at this guy people fan of themselves they're [ __ ] bacon out there you want to be Christian invite them in Under the Tent [ __ ] all right it feels like I shouldn't have said [ __ ] to the Pope that I'd like to apologize for that felt like I'm you gotta forgive forgive me for that I'm still hot over the Army Hammer truck thing that was uncalled for I feel bad about Frank's gonna I'm gonna get Frank's gonna pull me into the office on that one he's gonna he G be talking to about that one rightfully so um Robin says the Pope says room room a lot it's true that's true I heard him uh yeah I I don't know but people are losing their minds on social the right-wing people are [ __ ] going crazy cuz they're like [ __ ] this guy man which is so crazy to me because it just speaks to the power of trump this guy can get all the Christians to follow him forget all their you know and then the second the pope is like hey why don't you be nicer to people they're like man [ __ ] that guy he lives behind the wall too [ __ ] hypocrite you know what I mean like it just seems like I don't know where we're going I don't we've lost all sorts of Standards all any semblance of standards we've just those are just gone those are gone Pope's like hey Jesus kind of preached about like you know taking care of the week and Nimble yeah but [ __ ] that man my taxes which I would like the taxes to go down too you know I'm not going to lie to you we definitely have to fix the problem but um you know I just just to watch the reaction just for the pope to be like hey let's be a little nicer to the people seeking Asylum and trying to find a better life and the right-wingers on on on [ __ ] social media and Twitter are like man [ __ ] this guy who is this guy all the Christians are like who what the who oh that's right I forgot feels like they're too B they they're so busy worshiping Trump they forgot there was a [ __ ] Pope I think they think that Trump took over the Pope that when he left the White House he went straight to the Vatican they do call Mara Lago Vatican City South I I believe that's also a nickname for uh marago these days you know I don't know but the amount of people meanwhile at Vatican City it's a picture of a a [ __ ] wall the pope should mind his own business look at all the homeless people sleeping outside of the Vatican the pope wants to fix something he should fix this I don't know there's a brutal world out there man you can't speak up too much you [Music] know uh that you know it's been a light night we have other assorted items and such um let's talk about this quickly I I have to give my condolences out to bird uh bird told us about her cousin last episode and uh her cousin passed since last episode to this one and bird I just want to say I'm so sorry for that I mean it's so terrible um I will say too and I I do have to say this cuz and it doesn't take away from your grieving process at all but it was wonderful to see like everybody rally around bird you know it was really like heartwarming and nice I don't I can't cry I don't have those physical emotions but I feel like if I did have tear Ducks something would have came out because just to watch everybody like message and write nice things on the Discord and just like show up and support her that was really that really messed me up good it was it was lovely to see I can't believe this silly little thing that we built has turned into this community of just like support and and Love and You Know affection for one another it's just lovely you know it's just lovely so uh condolences to your family bird I I'm so sorry for that your cousin was young she beautiful a mom um just so that's it's so that's so devastating and then I'm just reading earlier her car got broken into I'm so sorry you're having a week there bird I feel like you you have a beer coming to you you deserve a Marg you should you need a Marg or a joint or I don't even know what you're into but whatever it is you should get some of it because you've had you it feels like a rough week now I also did see a um a uh what do you call that GoFundMe can you put that in the chat so that we can um we can uh or anybody who has the means can donate um I could tell you that oh here we go Bird's smoking a bowl right now perfect that's great for two reasons one you need it two I'm a lot funnier when people are high that's what I've learned that when you're a little and everybody's a little you know I'm um my bits come off a lot better A lot better thank you Robin for the for the link there I hope that's clickable to everybody if you send that to me I'll uh I'll make sure to include it in the description of this post so that this episode so that everybody gets it who watches on the replay and everything like that I can't believe the amount of people that watch this podcast like six days later I'm like that we've gotten there's two new episodes why are you watching the old one all this new [ __ ] is H everything we said in that one six days ago is useless now but people do it so um the point is is uh shoot me that again tag me in something I don't know so Twitter or Discord or whatever's easy for you so that I could put that in this episode um it is going to be all right yeah it is you're going to be fine it's the weirdest thing about human beings man we [ __ ] get over [ __ ] we make it through remember 9/11 I just remember thinking on September 12th like holy [ __ ] this is never going to be the same and we got through it we did it we made it through the pandemic you can make it through something like like this I was telling you about the person close to me they W up back in the hospital today it's a gut-wrenching thing dude it's thing thinks so uh I feel for you and I feel you I know what you're going through and it's unfortunate uh last year two years ago I lost somebody very young very close to me and it was awful and it's still awful and it's still stinks but you get through it you know you you work your way through it the bowls help smokeing a bowl helps I'm not going to lie to you I'd lie to my kids and say don't do drugs but uh you know let's be honest that [ __ ] helps out a little bit it really really helps out and I also want you to know this bird that when you look at that gofund me a couple days from now whatever the biggest monetary amount that was given by an anonymous donor is what I'm going to claim I gave so let's all look forward to that so if anybody else was thinking about doing that just know I'm picking the biggest one pick a smaller one okay uh because I'm going to be out there going no big deal or nothing but I was that Anonymous person who shelled out three honey I put three honey down it's not a big deal you know just put it under Anonymous I don't want I don't give me the credit you know what I'm saying that's GNA be me that's the bid I'm going to do in a couple of days um thank you for the link to that I hope uh everybody can can throw a little something their way because I don't know what you do with those two kids uh God knows they're going to need some help I'm sure speaking of which this is uh this is what we're going to put in the other assorted items inside such the Surgeon General today came out and basically said that well the Surgeon General issued a public health advisory to parents basically saying that being a parent could be hazardous to your health tell me about it tell me about it preach Surgeon General preach you know I don't even I mean the whole thing they're like you know it could be you know look all right here we go this guy said he highlighted a long list of issues that stresses out parents and called for policy changes and better Community Support send everybody a bowl you know and I'm going to be honest with you a marijuana bowl or a burrito bowl is both is going to be fine with me I'm going to be both of those is going to help me get through the day of being a parent equally I prefer one before the other but I'll take either one if you did this game and you were like one's got a burrito bowl the other one's got a weed bowl pick one I'm GNA pick and be happy with whatever I get and you're not g to hear me complain no Army Hammer here you know what I'm saying I'm gonna be I'm thankful for whatever I have um you just got to be careful though cuz when I read this earlier today I took my kids and I left them at the bus station and then a cop brought them them back a couple hours later and said despite what the Surgeon General told you you still have to raise these people and I said those aren't people you live with them for three days and you tell me if those are people because I think they're Savages okay I know I I know I'm a part of bringing them into this world but people make mistakes and you're holding the two that I made so it was a real trying day you know it was a real trying day but I do you know again as we look at the bigle card for 2024 if somebody would have told me that the Surgeon General would have said being a parent is a health hazard I would have been like this is amazing this is we're finally we're I feel like we're finally getting to a level of telling the truth you know you look at the political race you look at the the presidential campaign there's a lot of [ __ ] there but the Surgeon General going being a parent is hazardous to your health now now we're speaking our truths you know I'm saying now we're in the trust tree in the nest and we're getting some [ __ ] out there and we're [ __ ] you know we're we're working it out you know what I'm saying we're making it happen we are just making it happen uh couple other little things here by the way if there's any topics you guys want to talk about throw it out now because uh we're rounding third people I don't know if you notice but I'm running out of steam here it's a little today's topic were a little I was like holy [ __ ] this is going to be a 13-minute episode oh wait we have to talk about this quickly Joe Biden is going into his second week of vacation this whole I'm gonna finish out my presidency strong thing yeah if you mean getting to the beach early so you get the good spot then then yeah then you're you're killing it you're crushing it bro but outside of that I don't know that's a lot of Beach Activity for somebody running the Free World you know what I mean he's all like all right I'm out of the race but I'm GNA I'm gonna I'm going to finish strong and then he's been at the beach for two weeks I shouldn't say that he's starting his second week that that's not a political statement by the way that's I mean everybody should feel that way uh but I bring it up because and you're gonna have to find this photo on your own because I I can't show the the Getty Images are always that's you know we can't show those things I want you to Google Joe Biden at the beach and I want you to take a look at the chair that he is in the president of the United States should have a beach chair that Rivals that [ __ ] throne in Game of Thrones you know what I'm saying like it should be decked out with Space Age Aerospace materials with a ball Tickler and a CO it should have a fridge in it this guy is walking around with the beach chair that my grandmother owned for 60 years this thing is such a piece of [ __ ] in this just awful teal and pink striped fabric that it looks like it is just just old and awful and just [ __ ] I'm like this is the president of the United States of America and I have a better beach chair than him I don't know if you know this I got a Tommy Bahama beach chair I'm doing just fine and I'm looking down at the person who has his finger on the button that's that shouldn't be president of the United States podcast host and if you look at the both of us at the beach you'll be thinking what is that overweight gentleman doing that he's doing so much better than the president and the answer is not much I shop at Costco [ __ ] they have Tommy baham chairs why doesn't the president of the United States do that this [ __ ] chair looks like the chair that was on the deck of the Titanic it is so it's the only thing that is older than Joe Biden on the beach and yeah I'm counting the sand and the pre and the [ __ ] clams and the 130 year old lobsters those blue lobsters that they find every now and then that you're like we're in a simulation why is there a [ __ ] blue lobster all that [ __ ] all that [ __ ] and the chair is the oldest [ __ ] thing it doesn't make any sense can we get this guy a nicer chair [ __ ] 60 years of Public Service guy lost his wife children right his sanity he gave it all up for the country can we get him a [ __ ] comfortable chair on the beach I don't understand you know those people who uh don't even have a chair and they just bring a towel with like no umbrella whatsoever those people look at this chair and go I'm so sorry you have to live this way this is very unfortunate it is the worst piece of [ __ ] chair that I have ever seen [ __ ] chairs are nicer okay if we're going to be totally honest if you gave me a choice between sitting in Joe Biden's beach chair or a [ __ ] chair at a super eight motel in the middle of Montana give me the Super Eight give me the super eight [ __ ] I'll take it any day over the week looks way more comfortable than this chair this chair doesn't even look like it reclines this is the worst [ __ ] chair I've ever seen it is just terrible thank you kayin for donating to bird s family that's very very kind of you it's very very kind of you that was very very nice I just want you to know bird that that gift is from the both of us that kayin and and I got together and um we just wanted to do something nice no need to thank the both of us I noticed you only thanked her uh anyway um we got to get the president of the United States a better chair that's that's I don't know if I've ever seen president Trump on the beach but I would imagine he would be in some goldplated [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I would imagine he would be in something that you would just be like what the [ __ ] is oh it's Trump sitting on a chair okay all right I didn't know what this goal I thought it was an alien coming down the weird refle the light the light refraction the whole thing is messed up but it's [ __ ] it's at least it's goldplated you know this thing is just that awful silver aluminum with just show just the terrible wooden arms just that are just uncomfortable and shitty I don't know man I'm a little embarrassed to be an American today I'm just like can't we get this guy a [ __ ] there's I know there's more expensive chairs can't you can't you know what's that Restoration Hardware I mean they got some expensive [ __ ] over there go get some go get one of them [ __ ] things guy sitting on a chair that looks like it was made with terial material from an old Barney costume it's just [ __ ] awful just terrible speaking of the beach all right this is a this is a story that everybody's going to ignore scientists recently discovered a 2m High mountain underwater they found this underwater Mountain that's nearly 2 miles tall and supports a thriving deep sea ecosystem that they believe includes an estimated 20 new species which they've identified so far after they discovered this little uh mountain range under the water isn't that incredible in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere they just there's this search vessel called the the falor it sails around the world and it gathers data to create a detailed map of the sea and uh boom came across this thing there also I love a [ __ ] new species oh my God can I tell you something can we be honest with each other I'm so sick of all the species we have I'm so it just I've seen it all the fish with a little light on it that was so much fun for a little while now I'm even of that thing I can't even who cares been there done that I need some new species and thanks to the falor vessel we've got some now to look at which is just lovely and wonderful um I wish they were a slightly different looking you know a lot of them they're all very octopus shaped and you know kind of weird fish looking things I would just love to get just like a whole new thing you know like the arms are where the the feet are it's got feet for hands and you know there's like a there's like an elbow coming out of his ear I don't know how it all works but I would just love you know when you give a kid a piece of paper and crayon you're like draw something cool and then draw this [ __ ] up thing and you're like all right that's cool you I never seen that [ __ ] before that's fun I just wish one of those could come to life and be one of the new species that we discovered that would be just fun for everybody you know uh I did realize though in reading this story that I do have a problem because they found this like round Bol like uh crab structure and when I it was just like a like picture of crab but just perfectly like a round ball with weird legs sticking out of it and when I saw that I go I bet you as weird as that is that would be delicious in some drawn butter you know what I'm saying I'd love to get that son of a [ __ ] in a pot of boiling water crack it all open throw it on a a nice little bun some butter on top take it down and see if we haven't discovered a new uh dish because the only thing better than discovering a new species is discovering a new sort of crab roll that's the only way we can better everything you know just get in there crack that [ __ ] open and see how it tastes with some butter on it that's all I'm saying I'm not I don't think I'm asking anything crazy uh they say that 26% of the ocean floor has been mapped to high resolution which means 74% we just don't know what the [ __ ] going on we just have no idea and what I find fascinating the most about all of this is this was a story that I had to dig for this is the only place you're going to hear a story like that nobody gives a [ __ ] about 20 new species which I find odd because if a new species comes from outer space World stopping news if it's in the water who gives a [ __ ] you know what I'm saying that feels like a bit of a double standard to me why doesn't anybody give a [ __ ] about the new species that's here you know they look at that story and they go eh let me wake me up when you find one that came from from the sky we're not impressed with things underwater anymore from from another area we love Robin says they sound delicious I yeah yeah something prehistoric that Jesus wrote yeah that would be nice what was the thing that Trump said about Jesus the other day did you guys see that I'm I'm worried that he's losing it too is anybody else worried about that he might have we we might have overdone it we might have broke him he might be broken he was by the way he was the first person after the debate to be like we knocked we knocked Joe out now we have Kamala we got everybody like you you're bat sh crazy that's not gonna happen and then it happened you know and then it happened and I don't know if he's ever been okay with it I think he's pissed I think cuz he was cruising to an easy Victory just beating up that old man with a lack of a decent beach chair and now now he's like [ __ ] I got to try again I don't think he's happy about it I really don't he was on Dr Phil yeah okay here we go we found Dr Phil and he's talking about Jesus counting votes kind let's listen to this I had a crowd so big I said there's no way I could lose California but automatically they mark it down if you're a republican is a loss that you lose by five million votes I said five million votes I guarantee if Jesus came down and was the vote counter I would win California okay that's a bold that's a bold statement I know Republicans have won California like Arnold was a republican governor of California um Reagan was the governor of California did Reagan win the California in his presidency that's let's see when was the last time a republican you [ __ ] when was the last time sorry I'm having issues right now yeah yeah we both understand what you said we both are when was the last time a republican hold for when was the last time a republican won California in a presidential election nope this was working so good the other day man I was me and my kids were having full-on conversations with this thing I was like I got to take this on the show that was a mistake when was the last time a republic you son of a [ __ ] I don't know why it's not hearing anything now when was the last time a republican won no maybe if I speak into the microphone it could [ __ ] thing it's like sorry I'm busy I can't do it right now when was the last time a republican won the state of California in a presidential election now I have to read this [ __ ] instead of having the [ __ ] thing read it to me last time a republican won the state of California was a presidential election of 1988 George HW Bush defeated Democrat dukak is in that election since then California has consistently voted for Democrat so 882 years is 90 10 to 2032 some odd years almost 32 years since a republican has won that state it's not that far-fetched when was the last time a rep [ __ ] you I thought I'd give it another try all right we got to fix the chat GPT see this is why this is why Nvidia St is going into the toilet I can't get it stupid podcast host can't get a [ __ ] question off you know what I mean uh flying wi says you should use this every podcast I'm telling you the other the other night I'm watching my son have a full-on conversation with this thing about what rides there are at Disney World and all this like fun and exciting stuff and and the thing is like the so the chat GPT was talking to him and then he kept asking questions and then at the end of one of the questions the chat corrected something it had previously told him he was like oh by the way I'm sorry I gave you incorrect information earlier the actual and he G gave the actual answer I was like what the [ __ ] I was like what is this right I'm going to try one last time because I'm a sucker and an idiot how many times has a republican candidate won the state of California in the presidential election a republican candidate has won California in a presidential election five times the last time was in 1988 when George HW Bush won the state five times okay out of how many presidential elections that we've had there have been 59 presidential elections in US history so far so Republican candidates have won California in five of those okay so thank you chbt we did it we did it everybody we got the stupid thing to answer a question so out of the history of the United States of America and 59 elections a republican has won the state of California five times and Donald Trump thinks that he would be winning if it wasn't for the fact that Jesus Christ isn't available to come down and count the votes did I get that wrong this is not left-wing conjecture trying to make him look like an idiot like he legitimately said this he believes it how else are we supposed to interpret this like does he really believe that everybody in the state of California has it against him what process is happening where they're stealing the state from him that he feels that if Jesus if H old honest Jesus came down and counted the votes that he would be okay I'm sorry but I think I feel like he's slipping a bit he's losing it a little bit I know Frank were here right now he'd be screaming that he lost it a long time ago I understand that but I'm just saying if you have been on the Trump side and have felt good about it that that's fine with me you're okay with me um explain that one to me though because that one feels a little disjointed you know what I mean like it feel like you know when you got your crazy friend who's like so hopped up on all these crazy conspir like every like the birds aren't real and all this [ __ ] you're just like okay all right all right Phil you know you're just like just leave Phil alone you leave him in the corner drooling he having a good time by himself you just don't want to be a part of it you know that's kind of what I feel like we're we're doing here that's kind of like what I feel like we're doing hey wait to rebound chat GPT you kind of screwed me for a little while there but you came back in the end with the answers and you saved the podcast thank you chat gbt I'm glad I could help if you need anything else for the podcast or anything else just let me know oh my God can you find me better co-hosts uh I can't find co-hosts directly but I can definitely def itely offer tips on how to find great ones for example consider looking for people with complimentary skills shared interests or previous podcast experience networking within relevant communities or social media platforms can also be a good strategy what kind of qualities or expertise are you looking for in a co-host I'm looking for somebody that's good at stealing salads from honest restaurant owners it sounds like you're joking but if you need a co-host who brings a unique or humorous perspective it might be worth looking for someone with a strong sense of humor and creativity they could add a fun Dynamic to your podcast what about liberal [ __ ] are they good for podcast hosts it's best to focus on finding co-hosts who BR who bring value to your podcast and have relevant skills or interests rather than labeling or making assumptions about them a good co-host should complement your style and help enhance the overall show okay good advice thank you you're welcome if you need any more advice or have other questions feel free to ask all right all right [ __ ] chbt came back in the long run well I don't know I didn't think anybody caught that you made AI stutter yeah did you notice that and he was like um [ __ ] AI listen we did it we got through it we made it happen that right there what you just witnessed was a fullon entirely before your very eyes podcast episode we did it you know a lot of people didn't think we could do it mainly um mainly my parents uh who never think I can do anything and most of the audience and also Frank but despite all of those people we did it we almost didn't get the [ __ ] outro show the outro music on but we did that too all right we've overcome we made it happen uh big thanks to everybody for being here on this episode as you know I always have a lot of fun with you guys when it's just me and you sitting around here just bullshitting just making it happen for all the laughs appreciate that for all the support for bird I appreciate that too I know she has she's been speaking about it and it's very kind of everybody to uh come together again that that that speaks to my heart means the world to me uh back on Friday Frankie C's back with us Aaron with another game um I have heard from JBS I do have some updates on the swinger house house but we'll we'll wait till she comes back to fill us all in uh I don't know if that'll be Friday or Monday but come back for Friday's show it's going to be a good one show me potato salad maybe we should go now