FULL REACTION: Real Madrid win Champions League Final over Borussia Dortmund πŸ† | ESPN FC

a two-nil win then doesn't quite tell the whole story of La Liga Champions but of course we know Real Madrid have won 15 champions league and European cups eclipsing AC Milan by eight now it is of course a trophy that very much belongs to Real Madrid uh for more on this outside Wembley gab is with us as is jles Frank L buff joins us as well but overall Stevie you just felt after what happened in the first half where brucia dortman had those chances you just knew that Real Madrid weren't going to be the same team as they were in the opening 45 minutes yeah it would have been a shock had they come out and and delivered the the rubbish that they gave us in the first half and you had to you had to think the longer this game went on we all sat there and thought Oh this has got this has got a 1 nil written over it never mind 2-0 and pretty much that's the way it worked out not a good performance from Real Madrid whatsoever uh it couldn't other than the finishing it couldn't have gone any better for what 75 minutes for Bia Dortmund but you know what Cup finals are not about playing well playing lovely passes silky soccer it's about winning that's the only thing that matters and unfortunately for Dortmund Real Madrid know how to win and they did that today it was a similar pattern to what we saw in the FA Cup Final last week but of course Manchester United took those chances if dortman had I think we'd be having a different conversation they didn't the rest is history B dormund joins an ever growing list of teams that go back into the locker room after having played Real Madrid and they ask themselves the question how did we lose that match how did we let this get away and so some people may frame this as a moral victory for bad Dorman that they should be proud of themselves no that's not how it works as a professional player in this sort of moment in this sort of opportunity knowing that Real Madrid were vulnerable knowing that you had the opportunities this is indeed a wasted glorious chance for Bia dormund to win this title it was there Real Madrid were hanging on they were wobbly they didn't quite know how to address some of the Tactical Decisions by Aiden turich and physically Real Madrid seemed second best to every challenge in the first half they didn't quite know how to address the the movement from Mami they didn't quite know how to figure out Jayden Sancho they didn't quite know how to address Marcel savit you go into halftime carelot makes some adjustment forces ven Jr to get a little deeper and then that made it more difficult more complicated for Bia Dortmund to create opportunities of their own and eventually Real Madrid in a final of Champions League they're just automatic they're automatic they're Invincible they know that you know who else knows that borua dormund and they would have known we've given up too many opportunities here too many chances we didn't take advantage of that now at some point we're going to get punished and they did Frank what is it that you always say about finals that's what it is H As Stevie said you know you don't have to play well you don't have to create chances you just have to win it and borisa do oh my God I don't want to be in there addressing right now that's the worst of the worst you know as as Ali said you know if you lose four nil nothing to say Real Madrid is better yeah you you can be angry and sad but you don't have regrets they are full of regrets and I hope the young Matson won't be uh um hammered by the fans because of the the pass that he made at the second goal but come Oni he has to do better he's a he's a fantastic player he has to finish the action especially the first one on this um pass I mean that was a golden pass you have to finish that's the different you give the ball one time to ven junor even with the the worst of the worst shot because there is a BN before I mean is course at has two chances and he didn't and as we all agree it was we felt it half time you know I bet with my wife a bottle of champagne that Real Madrid will win because Dortmund wasted their chances it's what happened it's history after they know exactly Real Madrid they know exactly what they have to do they have the history of the club on their shoulder it's heavy but it helps them to fly and it's what happened and they want it and it's the lack of the champion so well done to them we could sense it obviously watching on TV Gavin Jes when kba House scored you just about the whole tone of the game change yeah no question about it there was a momentum shift I think actually for me it was before that just a few minutes before that if you remember that there was this run by venicius where he takes on homo sends the ball one way he goes around him the other way then he kind of does this uh sort of back heel nutmeg on on Reon and and I kind of felt at that point and maybe even before that even with the the miss Bellingham chance where you know he kind of runs back with a r smile I I I sort of felt the momentum kind of shift there and look this first half Jo this reminded me I'm going to date myself you if you remember Pulp Fiction the Samuel Jackson character he stumbles into kind of the the drug den and the guy unloads the the entire gun at him and somehow he doesn't hit him and he's unscathed and so from that moment on he's like look I have a chance to live again I have a chance to make things right and I kind of felt that's what it was for for Real Madrid after that that that first half and you know I thought angelotti moved Bellingham inside I think that certainly helped from sort of that that that weird outside position he was playing certainly out of possession in the first half and and and I think they had that confidence and it felt like they got this yeah it certainly looked that way Jules and obviously Dortmund with those chances early on in that first half the fans were fantastic throughout the Dortmund supporters but but as Alli said as much as you want to like label it pride or Brave in the end it was a real missed opportunity from the German side ah incredible and now half time I think we were all in agreement everybody wherever you were sat in the stadium even the dman fan you could feel they had that great choreography with the flairs straight at the start of the second half but they knew that their chance had passed really and this is it if you don't punish this Real Madrid team they would come back and punish you and it's inevitable and we knew as soon as that kaval went in especially but even before that I agree with gab you could feel in the stadium that there's a full cre header at nil nil as well that c makes a save it's not a difficult save but that's another shot another shot on Target and by then ra M had nothing they didn't create anything the lack of creativity for a team like that with Cruz with venicius with Rodrigo with Bellingham there was no creativity at all for an hour easily and then after that once that first goal went in it was over but he felt just inevitable that at some point ban will be punished for the the chances that they missed and that Real Madrid inevitably at some point would score would get half a chance and we get a goal and if you look at that first goal matsen consider the corner he should have never considered a corner that shot goes wide he should know that the go the ball goes wide instead of that bad reflex it's another Corner he's the one marking caraval initially and then it's it's just those little mistakes that you make against Real Madrid against this team you end up you end up really being punished for them take me into the players heads from a dortman perspective Stevie do we make too much of the fact that this is Real Madrid no not at all no the reason I say not at all is because they've done it so many times but from a Dortmund perspective they will not be thinking about the stuff that we're talking about how Real Madrid always come back this this this this way they have of winning games because when you're when when you're playing the game and things are going for you the way they were going for Dortmund all they're thinking about is can we do this again can we get admy through again can we get Sancho through you know can we get the ball to fil cig so they're not running around thinking oh we're going to have to score here cuz Real Madrid always come back that's not what they're thinking Real Madrid just took took one chance that they made and it's not even a chance let's let's be honest it's not even a chance it's it's a it's a a corner kick that's thrown in the box to the near post and then it's hope let's hope one of us gets on the end of it that's all this is and Carval does that and that completely changes the again but up until then Dortmund are thinking about how do we create another chance how do we get up the other end and get another opportunity they're not thinking about Real Madrid being Real Madrid that that's not what they're thinking why were they so poor I really think that structurally Real Madrid did not address some of the things things that we thought vusa dormund were going to do in this game I think our anticipation was that perhaps vusa dormund we going to have a difficulty getting ADI out in the attack and Jayden Sancho out in the attack because they were going to be so busy defending Rodrigo and Vinnie Jr and the truth of the matter is that it was actually rierson getting forward adami getting forward Jan Sancho getting forward Matson getting forward and it's actually Real Madrid having to address dormund being aggressive on the attack being on the front foot instead of being conservative and I think Real Madrid were surprised by that that only happened because the quality of The Possession by Real Madrid was not good enough in the first half too many turnovers and in fact uh Carlo angelot in a postgame interviews refer to the performance in the first half too many losses of the ball too many too many turnovers but also describe his team as BOS bagos means lazy lazy in the first half lazy in their possession lazy in their defending no recovery runs happening from from the white guys venio wasn't recovering that's why you saw him at the beginning of the second actually in a deeper defensive position Rodrigo wasn't recovering Jude Bellingham out of position as well he was sort of drifting into open areas but not really helping out defensively you saw from Carlo ancelotti adjustment and he sensed it he he knew they were in trouble he knew that their possession wasn't good that structurally they weren't good that discipline wasn't quite there and because you're allowing all these things to happen for rador now they felt confident like they could play against Real Madrid but I I I do think while while I agree with you Stevie that that yeah borusa D players are not thinking oh my goodness this is Real Madrid I do think that there is something to be said about if you keep missing opportunities something builds within you that a it's it's a it's a seat of doubt it's I don't I don't think it's so much confidence as it is man we're letting these opportunities go we're letting these opportunities go and eventually this is going to hurt us we've been in enough games to know that you miss a lot of chances against against a team of the quality of Real Madrid eventually they're going to hurt you and they did and there was no response from bcia D I think one of the problems or certainly one of the big problems Madrid had for the majority of the game was Tony Cruz was way too deep M Tony Cruz yes played some some balls from one half to the other way out to the right hand side to Carvajal getting forward but when he wasn't doing that he was getting he picking balls up from the center backs and just rolling three and four yard balls and so why don't you let the center backs do that Tony Cruz should and could have been 10 yards further forward and because he's not when they cough the ball up there're a man down in the middle of the park and so that means that Dortmund can get after them and Tony Crow is not catching anybody in a Race So I think a huge part of the problem was Tony Cross was far too deep Real Madrid won the game yes I did of course they won it Frank because that goal from kajal just changed things defensively how frustrating is it because as we showed in the Highlight there was a warning shot before they tried it before with caraja at the near post yet no one was picking up for the goal yeah and you don't expect caraval to do a header like that I think in I don't know how much Champions League games he played I think he scored only twice in out of 80 something games and uh he not um known as a Big Time header kind of guy and uh and it's why they put maybe Matson was not that tall because cavar is not tall and you you have other targets Bellingham rigar and some others and um the the corner kick is perfect is Cruz we know is a is um is's an expert in that matter and uh and the run from Cav is good it's the right spot at the right time and um I don't know who said that but it's it's it's just a free kick it's just a Conor kick I think Gabby so we say that it's just a c kick and you don't expect something good out of it and uh we know that b not me they quite good defensively because of the the the height of the the most the most players but it wasn't enough and the header is perfect after all and even humer tried to save it with his hand but it wasn't wasn't enough can I just come back on the penalty I know H said it's not a penalty it's not a penalty Frank don't start we haven't got that we not time to excuse me I know I know it's a light it's a light push it's not shorter against shorter it's a light push but it would have been in the middle of the park the referee would have given a free kick so explain to me why you give a free kick in the middle of the park for example on Billingham when sabitzer barely touch him and why you don't give a penalty because it's a foul on a 16 yard book from a deliberate deliberate push from meni on the back of of adami well if think it's not a penalty if it's not a push if it's a push there is a foul if there is a foul there is a penalty light or not light I know that's my my I just I so nice we've had a big game we don't have to go about V referees or officials and then you throw that in Frank is there penalties are enough there for you Stevie no I think I think the best way to put it Frank is there are anomalies in football where we all know some fouls are given in the in the middle of the field that are not given in the penalty ball that it's just one of those little anomalies but I'm happy enough that it wasn't a penalty uh yes indeed let's go back to wemy guys how surprised were you with that first half performance that we saw from Madrid I I I I genuinely was surprised I was surprised that I was surprised that that you know Jules and I often talk about um substitutions to change games to turn things around it really felt to me here like ancelotti said look I'm just going to challenge my guy you guys can't be this bad you guys got yourself into this you guys get yourself out of it that surprised me that that he waited so long uh he was obviously Vindicated uh in that uh but uh but yeah I go back to my point about Bellingham you know out of possession moving him into a wide area especially on on the Reon side to me uh it didn't make sense I left that channel for for sabitzer and and I think there's also a stat about how in in the first half I'm not big on those running stats but um the fact that uh brussa Dortmund I think they ran something like 4 and a half kilometers more than uh Real Madrid in in the first half that makes a big difference that tells you that you know they were breaking in numbers they were outworking them and and it showed and chelot is's right when he says his team was a little lazy in the first half it was a bit too predictable from a real Madrid point of view Emir Chan was on Bellingham it was pretty easy then Rodrigo and venicius were picked by the the four Defenders that had and then brand and and sabit to be fair did a really good job on Val and Cruz and then F KR was in between the two center backs and kamav vingan and this this DM team we said it all along they they are in the final they were in the final because they were very very good in the Champions League not so much in the league but very but also the the most physical team they they win the most jewels in the in the Champions League this season they've had the most tackles they recovered the most balls this is what they do and like Gabby just said they outrun everybody phsd Atletico Madrid PSB doen Newcastle any everybody they work just harder than everybody else and I think in the first half especially with the lack of creativity that Real Madrid had because there was just not enough from all those big names that we've just mentioned already plus the fact that you don't win the the Jews you don't win the second balls you're you're just not there it's a bit too much and that's why dman was so Superior which was again we said in the second half it was never going to be the same Real Madrid were going to come back much better much stronger they went more to to a 433 with Bellingham as a force9 and Rodrigo on the right and VIN on the left and that worked better the balance of the team was much better but also they were stronger in all those DRS in all the the balls that they didn't win in the first half that they won in the second half you can you can talk about angelot maybe making a mistake with Bingham I'll tell you what he got completely 100% correct goalkeeper right absolutely you know everybody question how he's only had four games he's been out all season is he going to be staring off is he going to be ready but L was sick wasn't it that kind of forced his hand would he was playing him regardless that okay Absol that just happened to fall into his lap and it made it it made everybody do exactly what he just did there uh one more thing on angelotti gab brought it up he didn't make his first substitution till the 85th minute yeah as a manager how easy is it to sit on your hands or not get desperate not make changes well it's it depends where your mindset is if you're a manager who wants to go and win the game then you start figuring out how to I make changes to win the game angelot is going well you know what right now they don't look as though they're going to score on us and I'm not going to go and make changes to try and win the game that might end up making us lose the game so you know what we're not at our best but we're actually sort of comfortable so I'll just let it play out right now and I won't make any changes until maybe I have to that's exactly how that's called experience that's that's why angelot in particular is different to other managers because he just knows when to make the right decision at the right time and the right decision was do nothing let it play out so less is more correct and and it's one thing for us to say it from afar but him being there and his son every 5 10 minutes getting in his face and he see her telling hey man hey we're struggling hey I think I think something we got to make a change how about this how about that and the calmness in anelo and just just go sit down over there okay I'll make the decisions I know what we're doing this team is trending it seems like they're getting better it seems like we're getting stronger and they're getting weaker let's see how it plays out and he played out in favor of of Real Madrid but I think we take it for granted how difficult it is to not make a decision when everybody thinks that you should make a decision and you're the only one saying eh calm down everybody relax it's only Champions League final uh Frank who was Man of the match and don't say the referee uh I'm I think I would say CTO uh because because what he did in the first half um saved Real Madrid and after and after co cobal could have been there as well you know but he made one mistake on Bellingham and CA didn't make any mistake I don't see anybody on the field um I'm talking about the players uh putting outside the goalkeepers um being better than anybody else so yeah you can put one of the scorer and maybe Vinnie tried hard it was hard for him because it was like mbappe against Paris s um let's say marked by three guys almost and Ron had a very very good uh game as well um but I don't see anybody doing something very special so it's why I go for ctoa and for me the man of the match is angelotti uh ctoa boys do you agree at Wembley I yeah look I mean if you want to go back and you look at it that way without quis um then they're two-nil down and they don't come back into this game because you know then you just adami balls over the top defended numbers we've seen uh we've seen tur do that before to go and defend a lead so in that sense you can certainly go and and make that case um I thought Vala did a lot of running um and and in the first half uh I I thought that was that was a bit of a difference I thought he linked up very well with with Danny Carvajal um I think those two maybe stood out but in the end if you're going to pick a if you're going to pick a Madrid player I think you got to go with CIS yeah I agree mean that first half is the same that we saw in Paris against Liverpool it's the similar like C had same first half against Liverpool two years ago that he had here tonight against Dortmund and just on Real Madrid imagine that you win the champions league tonight it's your six the sixth Champions League in the last 10 years right and in two days time you will announce the signing of the best player in the world in killan mbappe this team already it's just and you you won a Liga by the way before it's just it's just man and that's real Madrid for you but just just realize that you won the Champions League tonight and in two days time you'll have a new player you know Manchester City won the champion last season did Mato kovic was the next signing that they had Real Madrid win the Champions League again like I said six in 10 years and then kilan mbappe arrived in two days and and you know just just to add to that Jules let's not let's never forget let's never forget that this was a season that was supposed to be a transition season for R Madrid because this was a season in which Benzema left in which mbappe was a noow the season in which K gets injured misses most of the Year David Alaba misses most of the Year ader mil misses most of the year uh Tony Cross and Luca modri were going to do their last dance thing Tony Cross is obviously this was his last game Modric maybe's last game we don't know yet um so this was not supposed to be the season you know that's going to be next year when the Cavalry shows up so I to me this makes it all the more remarkable and if I can just say kelot has seven of these trophies uh at home uh three with Real Madrid two with mean as a coach two with mean as a player yeah some of his celebrations were absolutely for and no one's got resume like this no and and I don't think a manager of this stature is as beloved and respected by his players as Carlo ancelotti is certainly you you think of the way that the players react to angelotti when he shows up for the celebration there is there is care there is love there is appreciation there is respect but it's also reverence to gelotti he's one of the guys but not really he's in a different level entirely and I I just think that this players they they're now at the point to where they blindly trust Carlo ancelotti whatever he says and it's difficult when we're talking about players of the caliber and and the talent of Real Madrid and the sort of money and attention that this players command that they don't just go I'll do what I'm gonna do because I am who I am caran celotti I think somehow is able to connect with everybody on a personal level and and players are different players some will listen some won't but they all seem to listen to carelot they all seem to buy in and so it's not a coincidence it's not this doesn't happen by accident it's that experience that Stevie was talking about but it's also the personal touch that carelot has with his players if if you pull players that have played for car andelot over the years the common threat would be how much appreciation and respect they have for him as a manager and as a person and the thing that's always striking is that there's nothing disingenuous about it it all seems organic from angelotti I mean is there anybody that's close to him as far as being the goat I don't think there is really I don't think so I've been sitting here trying to think who who would be above them so obviously this generation people would throw pep at you well Champions League League titles I mean Champions League straight off the bat sorry pep straight back I mean again I can't think of anybody and I'm and I'm thinking I'm thinking about fary I'm thinking further back I as farther back as I can go I don't see anybody that beats this guy for being the goat absolutely no and doing it in the manner in which he's doing it not a look at me sort of thing not I'm going to be in front of the C camera sort of guy no the players are doing this focus on them if somebody said to you what kind of Coach do you want to be and you would come up with well I want to be great tactically I want to be able to connect with the players I want to I want to be I want to be strong when it matters I want to make good decisions when it matters most I want to win I mean he ticks every single box he he he's at the top of the tree in every single category it's weird when you say the goat it doesn't quite sound right coming out your mouth you're in funny it's a bit like the gram yes youth is on your side sorry let me do it differently the greatest of all time there we go that's yeah that's that feels nicer Frank where do you stand on angelotti uh for me he the best of the best you know of course you you can say that pep is is the best manager of the world but there is a real Jewel and uh and uh and today angelot proved that he really knows how to deal with a with a a Bad season in terms of injury that they had and and people leaving just before the season and you know what I want to add also the the the staff that he has I know Antonio pinus I work under him when he was at Chelsea and he said during an interview this week that uh um I think it was I don't know where they had a super Cup Final against Barcelona this season and they had to repr prepare re redo a preseason training some preseason training session to rebuild uh the physical aspect of the of the squad and you you only have one coach able to do that to say to play you know what we have to rebuild our our physic because we are not strong enough and it's only un chelotti and um and the players don't complain about that that's that's AB absolutely crazy how he can handle you know the pressure how he can love the the player the way he love them how he can be a father and the same time um a professor he's a he's a Myer is's a real Myster they say it in in Italy uh it's a real Madrid side as gav mentioned that was supposed to be in transition it's only it's a real Madrid side that's only lost twice in the whole season in all competitions both of them were against their City Rivals Atletico Madrid on paper Gavin JS when you take a look at this you think wow this has got to be in the conversation being one of the best teams ever but you don't feel it quite is because is their style of play maybe as an eye-catching as some of the other teams that we've seen over the years is that fair well I I I would agree it's not as eye-catching but also I think a lot of it is this is a team where you've got some great players who are a little bit older maybe a little bit past their best and cros and Modric but then you look at some other guys who The Best Is Yet To Come schwam manyi wasn't even there we haven't even mentioned right the the Hub of the Midfield um kavinga 20 years old playing in this game uh Rodrigo still very young venicius is going to get better Jude freaking bellingham's gonna be a lot better than he is now so I I think you know you balance those guys with the nachos the kads the M it's it's a team that's really caught between two generations so I I I think the reason we wouldn't say this is one of the greatest team ever for me is is that we expect these players to become even better as individuals yeah I agree I mean this is this is maybe not the greatest but in terms of winning mentality and how these team wins even when they're not the best like tonight even if you look even against leic in the last 16 they struggle at times in those two games and they they needed Ibrahim ja won the goal in the first leg for example but in terms of winning mentality and having that DNA within them this is the greatest team that we've ever seen who who wins six in 10 who win six Champions League in 10 years caral tonight is his sixth Champions League in the last 10 years six times he started and and every time he brings something to that team it's just an incredible winning team and and you can look at dynasties and Legacies and the Boston Celtics or the Yankees in different sports all of that of course and they right up there and yes it might not be the most sexy football in our times it might not have been the most convincing wins of course we mentioned the Liverpool game two weeks ago two years ago soorry the final tonight again but it's all about winning right this is this is what the game is about and there's not there has never been a greatest winning team than this one because of the individual talent that you have at Real Madrid sometimes I think we make the mistake of thinking that this is a a team just in name and that really what makes him outstanding is that individual Talent a Venus moment of brilliant a Bellingham moment of Brilliance Rodrigo moment of Brilliance and I have to tell you this team has been successful this season because they've actually been a team a team that has relied on players that weren't supposed to be First Choice starters because of the injuries that Gab just had just alluded to not too long ago we're talking about rudiger becoming a dominant Center back was always a good Center back but became a dominant Center back this season because of the need of Real Madrid he wasn't supposed to be starting he was supposed to be mil and ala you have a guy in Andre loing who wasn't second choice he was third choice goalkeeper and ended up making big saes for this team in this running Champions League joselu who knows where joselu came from and yet he scores the big goals that puts this team through to the final and so you can talk about Brahim Diaz Jules just mentioned there the game against lii it took an individual effort from Brahim Diaz to win that game away from home and how good he was to close out this season he didn't even play today so while while there is inividual Talent this team has been successful because many different parts have actually played a role that I don't think they thought they would play and yet it has been critical to their success they the best team in the world steevie Real Madrid no I still think man city is a better safe what if I was to get some sort of French International say used to play for PSG over and Chuck him in the team well it's interesting that you say that because as soon as Ali said this was a team the first thing that came into my head was doesn't happy help or hinder the fact that this is a team that's the first thing that came into my head so the fact that you're talking about that I think is huge and I don't think there's one of us can can honestly hand on heart say no question there'll still be a team even with mbappe in it because if you've got one and one as big as him and one is as influential as him both off the field and on it not carrying his weight that can cause some dissension in the dressing room and so who knows the answer to that well it's that's our French contingent so with Frank will he help or hinder Frank I think he's a he's he's a smart guy in know that he will have to u to um to go into it and to accept uh the way it works and you have for the first time and maybe for a long time we'll have a coach who who leads the dring room who decides for everything and he will tell him you know what you do what I want otherwise you're going to be on the bench because we don't need you we won the Champions League in La Lia last year we won ex six time in 10 years so we don't need mbappe it's it's more mbappe we need Real Madrid to win the Champions League so it's more mbappe to work and to change the way it thinks football is to run after the ball when he loses it that would be compulsory for him in order to be accepted by the other and U no doubt no doubt that it will follow the path ven Jr was a little bit uh um I would say [Music] um wasn't really Keen to to do that as well but he worked on that I'm not sure Bingham was ready to to do the work that he does he was uh at some point you know working differently when he was working for playing for Dortmund but they cope with the situation because they want there is one guy in land is a masterpiece is Mr angelotti and he says it is what it is and you do that otherwise you don't play Joe yeah I think I he's too smart he's too excited he watched the game tonight I CL font with some of the players and he was just watching he just he's just so excited to be there with them next season and I think he's too intelligent to play the big star here I am look at me I'm the highest Turner in this dressing room because he will be the highest Turner that Real Madrid I've ever had he will earn more money than anybody in the history of that club but he won't arrive like that he won't arrive he knows he will have to make the effort he will make the effort to adapt to to the new dressing room to a new country new culture everything I just I just don't believe knowing him well and Frank and I know him really well that he will arrive there and saying look at me I'm the big ego here I'm the big star everybody will have to work for me and I'm not going to do anything it won't be like that he will work for everybody because he knows it's in in his interest like Frank said he knows that for him to reach the Balor Heights the Champions League Heights and everything else he needs to be part of this team and he will be who knows him better you're Frank who's the best friend both of us oh yeah yeah yeah most definitely um boys just before we let you go just a quick reflection on Dortmund I I I think it's just been tremendous what they achieved again in the Champions League obviously the Bundesliga a different season it's easy you know I I call this team kind of like the collection of like the the The Unwanteds the the waves and Strays and I think it's worth reminding ourselves and here we have to give credit to tiuch who's not perfect who's made mistakes but you have Jaden Sancho and Ian Matson unwanted by Manchester United and by Chelsea coming over on loan Nicholas fkr unwanted by everybody until what 18 months ago uh Marcel sabitzer unwanted by Bayern Matt homo unwanted by Bayern Julian Reon coming from Union Berlin imagine that and and yet this group they all come together and they say you know what we done screwed it up in the league but here we are Paris SG man we're going to go out there and we're going to make them suffer and they did and they made Real Madrid suffer in the final and it just wasn't enough so I I think in that way I think tiuch has a lot to be proud of and so do the players I don't want to be too negative right but a year ago almost to this day just a bit earlier they lost the Bundesliga title that a title they should have never lost right it was their they bottled it completely and we said I don't know how you come back from that if fich and some of those players in the league they've been really average in the Champions League okay is different but tonight they lose a final not really until the hour let's say they were the better team by far and again I'm not sure how you come back from that Mourinho was here tonight and he went to see ter at the end and he said I mean in Mourinho style he said oh you can be proud of yourself but you will never recover from tonight and this is Mourinho being Mourinho okay but also being being truthful thank yeah I know it was not but but you do wonder you you lost the Bundesliga title last SE when it was yours really I mean how it was harder to lose it than to win it and then tonight again you were so close and yet so far and it's not yours I'm not sure if your tell right now how you must feel and I think it's Frank who said I don't want to I would not want to be in that dressing room tonight and I think he's right and I would not want to be a in th tonight because even if there's a lot of positive you can take from this Champions League campaign and only this Champions League campaign nothing from the Bundesliga is two huge failure back to back a year on from the Bundesliga title last season and the champions league tonight uh of course we got everyone's predictions didn't we uh ahead of the game the majority went for Real Madrid the likes of Jurgen of course and Yan went for D Arie went for da basically anyone who's got any connection with Germany uh uh no I didn't no but you yeah but congratulations Ali Craig got it right Shaka Robo and oh gab marot got it right as well congratulations gab um the one good thing though with Dortmund not winning R you're winning is we don't have to have Yan boasting that he got it right uh just tell us your Yan Story please Jules because it's fantastic before we let you go yeah cuz I saw him tonight I hadn't told gab yet I saw him at the stadium tonight yeah he was his studio uh was just above where I was sat as an observer seat and then he saw me said je je and then he started talking to me in German and I was like well that's weird anyway I didn't say anything and then I saw him at half time again and he went he doubled up on the German so I went along and went like yeah yeah I don't know what he was saying but he kept talking to me in German so I don't know what happened if you know he clearly recognized me because he called me by my name but there was a yeah something in his head maybe it was just too much German or something I don't know it was just in German mode that was it he can't he can't switch it off uh yeah exactly that's it [Music]

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