A Boy and His Dog (1975) Starring Don Johnson and Jason Robards. Diredted by Justus McQueen

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 01:30:44 Category: Film & Animation

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for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh World War III Hot and Cold lasting for hold female Rover pack has her 125 yards solo waiting to move in 75 [Applause] [Music] Ys your s keep [Music] help me help [Music] me say it again [ __ ] [Applause] you see your jerk when I cut her hold one more you're still constantly overreacting I have absolutely no idea idea I've managed to keep you alive so long and I wouldn't bother going down in there unless your taste has changed radically they left an ugly mess I said they left a mess I heard you Pearls Before Swine all my directives go completely unregarded sometimes you're just as ignorant as any other common Rover one indication of a female Al all caution to the wind the eyes glaze the glands swell and the brain freezes can't see a thing in there smell it I thought you were doing all the scouting today Vic damn it blood don't give me a hard time smell it it's clean [Music] a that a shame hell I didn't have to cut her she could have been used two or three more times ah War as hell all right run it again you're so funny when you're sexually frustrated I'm funny enough to kick you upside the butt I said find and I ain't kidding one does not say ain't Albert simply say I'm not kidding fine dog meat and stop calling me Albert oh you would Stone a poor defenseless animal wouldn't you yes I can tell that you would I can tell by your short breath and your disgusting aggressive behavior that you would and that's because you're not a nice person Albert you're not a nice person at all do I gawk at you when you're working I'll locate a female if there is one you go look for food [Applause] [Music] [Music] I detect no living female person within my reign sir I have sniffed and I have cast and I have a negative reading however I'd be be delighted to tell you a suggestive story if you think that would help pass fuzzy butt a cautious young fellow named large had seat belts installed in his Dodge when his date was strapped in he committed a sin without even leaving the garage that's clever isn't [Music] it let's see from March 1953 to June no Albert you have all the cranial capacity of a canary now I'm going to recount these events of historical significance once again now please please try to assimilate them this time World War III Hot and Cold lasted from June 1950 to March 1983 when the Vatican Armistice was signed between the eastern and western blocks a total of 33 years uh is this too fast for you no I'm right with you oh good now World War I lasted 5 days just long enough for the final missiles to leave their silos on both sides and what's left here where once were homes and families and warm hears come on te you get off my back you mad dog now only desolation civilization lies smothered and decaying under an ocean of mud belonging to anyone who's strong enough to dig and fight and take it for his own God that's dramatic I like that so spread about us the City of Phoenix Arizona where in 2006 18 odd years ago you managed to come into the world and we became Associates now let's hear that back [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's run through the modern presidents what Good's all this history crap going to do me just do the presidents oh God Eisenhower Truman Truman Eisenhower Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson Nixon for Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy [Applause] [Music] your continued narrow-minded refusal to believe in over the hills possibly costing us a better life you know over the hill my ass when do we start looking for it again soon as I get my heart started I mean let's stop I what you mean over the hill where the deer and the antelope play and it's warm and clean and we can relax and have fun then they grow food right out of the ground how do you like that pipe dream it's called farming oh I believe you and they also have a great crop of clothes and guns and gorgeous chicks and now tell me how you saw the whole wonderful thing with your baby blues never said I saw it I said I heard about it and from who from whom and you know from whom and whom the hell's going to believe a police dog I'm sorry blood I believe you about over the hill hell I believe anything you tell me and even if we don't know for sure it's worth checking on right right whatever you say and we will go just like I promised right now I'm hungry and I want to get laid so find me abroad and we'll go to the promised land that's what you always say I know I know but I mean it this time find me a chick and we'll go I'm hungry so am I I'll tell you what you go find a chick and I'll hustle us up some food I'm hungry you already said that God damn it and I just said I can't do good work when I'm hungry you ain't pulling that crap on me again and you can shove that part about how you lost the ability to hunt for food when you learned how to talk a hell all you're good for is finding hard stringy scumbags that are just liable to cut off my goddamn no food no females okay you just sit there on your fuzzy butt while I do all the goddamn work but I'll tell you one goddamn thing you better do some practic it's been 6 weeks since I've been late and it's sure as hell ain't been that long since you ate but got damn well maybe if you don't start [Applause] [Music] producing right [Music] [Music] P get out of there hey take you suckers get that out of there must be something special they got the whole bunch you get up getting that hole get up yeah you get yourself up here well you ain't never going to get up lady know that' be wonder why they hang around him probably just charisma stay there go there foot if you don't want to maybe a hurt D hey clean [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] winds were soft rains were wet Mountain were high God I wish he' doing that well I don't know checked out Cracker Jack to here think he just might do maybe get that out of there look at that get up here get your hands off and now get away from there how do I know some help me open these look at all that food I'll knock your stupid head who that's me you are I need shoes anybody some shoes B you pigs get down in there and dig this place ought to be loaded get it out of there might work we'll wait like we always do do hell with waiting come back here behind help help help help help holy damn dumb head up there out of the hole get back down in here you idiots get back in here wait didn't know we got him we oh shut up keep running he he's got some guts now dig in there get out of there and guard that wag run boy come back anytime [Music] though did you second that's our boy put out the [Music] cheese what do you want to do tonight oh it doesn't really matter to me whatever you like to do Al um [Music] Vick well now that we're loaded I guess we could hit the turf yes we could do that well if you'd rather not no no no no no no that'd be fine we could probably even afford a little popcorn Max good for the rifle put it in the water water there they're getting wet there move them over goes to R fast move on along told you move my stuff over move his heat we don't want no trouble [Applause] tonight Pi up one rough spot you're going to wake up with a crowd around you [Applause] [Music] sardines what about the mut he ain't no mut you want to see the movies or don't you [Applause] [Applause] peaches how the hell am I supposed to know that you can read can't [Applause] you beaches for the dog beats are better for him [Applause] anyway scre Mile s around find out I want popcorn you said we' get some you said come on Albert buy me some popcorn I'm T you can live without it are you just being an ass oh you remember that next time you want to call me Albert I hope the next time you play with yourself you go blind he's only a man [Music] come on let's sit down in [Music] front sit [Music] down get your ass over there I want to sit there how can enjoy a show with a popcorn not again not you can't have a we maybe [Applause] the all right tight blad watch the master at work she sure is charity is the thing of the past hey Mark you got a greas rag handy my brother we all know that my brother he just got he right over there we can't have that lunatic loose I tell you no about that [Applause] maner doesn't come I don't know what do there's a female in here you're a nuts I tell you she's in [Music] here [Applause] where where is she wait a minute come on out here I want to talk to you [Applause] High egg sucker out to kick your tail up around your ears you expect me to believe that you can whiffer and there ain't no other dog in the whole joint that's caught her yet oh you forget my infallibility Albert that's foolish no I didn't forget I just don't believe it where is she knock get off how the hell can I see the picture get him out of here take that up [Applause] the okay all right I was dumb you taught me all I know I believe everything you say the [Applause] [Applause] mus that wasn't her was it come on she might get away I'll buy you the popcorn [Music] [Applause] bottom line you're a brain with an educated nose and there's no other canine in your class she dressed like a solo wearing a knit cap [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's the kid he's spending the night with Johnny Lambert [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh please H me get [Applause] up not yet [Applause] joh Dam it Johnny look what I found okay which way did she go to the right come [Applause] on that's it for tonight shut her down [Applause] that stupid broad she's in there where the screamers hold up they're not in there now she's alone screamers damn it when the hell am I going to nail her in there simple stop shaking like a leaf and go do it you sure it's clean Albert have I ever lied to you for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going to go over there and I'm going to get one of them mats you make one move off there and I'll shoot your leg right out from under you and you'll still get it except you'll be without a leg well what are you looking at what's your name Vic Vic what just Vic well then what are your mother's and father's names boy are you a dumb bro I told you to stop looking at me like that or I'll bust your teeth that now get that stuff off what's your name Quilla June Holmes it's a weird name it's not my mother says it's not that unusual back in Oklahoma know where your folks come from before the war they must be pretty old by now they are but they're okay I guess gu this one better now what Rover pack 23 strong they got the building surrounded great some other mut must have smelled her in the theater who you talking to him the dog give him the girl we dig in and stand them off They don't know about us just give them a girl let's get out of here we stay now you got any helpful suggestions yes pull up your pants Romeo now would you listen to reason there's too many of them for us you're going to get us all shut up damn fool one way out of here boxed in there no good out there in the big room that's the place what oh Jesus they'll probably come down the ladder good clear shut up will you I can see you're going to be a great help now if we can get one one down take his heat that to give him up a little shut up keep eye [Music] the lovely odds were up against aren't they you were right let's set up for him and I'm right about this simpering female forget that now how do you figure the fight you do if you figure to stir screamers go on we'll back you I can't pay your money [Music] [Music] she's moving again get Al son please that please now [Music] where' she go good or bad first bad all right they didn't come down the ladder as I anticipated and since they found other ways in we've lost the element of surprise there's no way we can handle them and good let the seven dwars have Snow White and we can get out of here with all our parts Over My Dead Body they're working on that right now screamers where I don't hear them oh what would everyone do if they heard one right now run like a son of a [ __ ] uhhuh it's worth a try [Music] you hear that Screamers [Music] [Music] let's go out you my way demon [Music] D get out of the [Applause] way make certain and gone Vick don't stick your empty head a bit hey easy well you shut her up I can't hear myself think get get something green get her skirt wrap it around a stick and wave it up of there shine a flashlight up to it have they gone what do you see they are win wo we did it I didn't give a whole sack full of potatoes to see the look on their faces when they ran hey what we did it we did it come on let's get the hell out of here they might still be out there just pull back a little wait till daylight and then we'll see okay well I'll take the chicken she's right below us you stupid Nick you want to run into one of them you think I'm bad well you wait till you see one of them what do I think I don't know I just know you stay away from me CU if one of them touches you you're dead green dead [Music] the realle P [Music] [Music] [Music] move come on where are you by the boiler the insulation might help where are we going Vick what is it what are we run shut up and hang on to me hurry it up help me up there yeah this will do [Music] clumsy know why mattress is in here screamer certainly wouldn't want to be confined Albert tell us to keep its hands to itself maybe somebody else he in here get you oh well somewhat of a windfall I'd say did you catch anything yet yeah we're all right so far you be able to tell when they leave yes I'll be able to tell if they leave just take it easy everything's going to be all right it is if we don't get choked off in here can you handle it oh yes MC I can handle it what what for [Music] [Music] breeding is an ugly thing just long enough for final missiles to leave their silos on both sides let's see that was in 2006 2007 uh 2007 that only lasted 5 days you're awfully smart to not all that history well blood helps a little haven't you ever been down under nope why it's very nice I heard how nice from a solo rated one well it's very nice and youd like it [ __ ] that's very crude I'm very crude not all the time listen ass I grabbed you and i' Drug you down here so what's so good about me I didn't mind I liked it you want to do it again I've never seen no no chick like you before hey I'm the I'm the one that's supposed to want to do it once more into the breach dear friend capula something that connects culate from the Latin copulus to engage in F it's good to just watch you where your waist Falls in your hips out have your right in my hands just want to talk I'm not going to keep pretending I am asleep Albert oh boy you're a bloody mess well you're not exactly a Rose Garden yourself can we get out of here yet seems clear I better go have a look you think you can you think you can handle it in your condition can I handle it in my condition I could handle several hours on the rack to extricate myself from this disgusting display blood No sacrifice is too great no I throw myself gladly into the very jaws of a scream GRE death I don't think he likes me very much blood yeah oh he he just feels bad he likes you a lot told me so you did really mhm that's nice cuz I I think he's cute how do you do it what talk to him I don't know we never thought about it let's talk well how come I can't hear him oh he said something one time thought we had a feeling for each other or something what do you mean like love I guess I don't know said we thought Al like I don't know well anyway we'll get a nice little place and we'll spend a lot of time together alone and we'll do whatever we feel like doing and when blood comes to visit he can have his own room what are you talking about well I don't exactly think he's going to fit in down under no way I know that's what I said no I mean no way I'm going down there why I'm going to be there no you're not we'll make it up here the three of us VI now I live there if you love me I don't care come out of here right now Vic we need to [Music] talk what the hell's lumbering you your headlong plunge into stupidity last night was inexcusable leaving her for the pack that would have been an intelligent thing to do I wanted her yeah I know you wanted her about a half a hundred times so why are we still hanging around I wanted her some more well listen my friend I want to get rid of this pain in my side and I want to get away from here the screamers could come back anytime you know oh what the hell you worried about that for we can handle all that that don't mean she can't go with us go with us are you out of your small mind what good is she it's all we can do to feed ourselves as it is you know you're starting to sound like a goddamn poodle you're starting to sound sound like a jackass sorry Blood come on hey you'll still be 50/50 with you and me mean hell I owe you don't try that hacky ruse on me oh come on I I just meant like that time that that old screamer made a grab for me you know that righteous don't green he was too all glowing like a fungus and oozing and eyelashes Boy made a grab for me and you went for him could have been burned bad too that and died that have been all of it for you right I'll get the dramatic catch out of your voice and tell me how she's going to carry her share of the load up here tell me how we're going to fight all right okay okay just don't Harang not hanger I don't care whatever the hell it is you just knock off the crap and we can forget the whole stinking well maybe we should you simple dumb pts the hell's a putt what's a putt is that something bad I bet it is it's something bad you Bo I'll tell you better watch your stink of mouth or I'm going to kick you in the butt definitely a putts don't mean she can't go with us I told you she was no good okay okay I just don't like being made to feel guilty I'm going to do right by you I'd hardly recommend that considering there's several very knowledgeable solos around town who'll be delighted to work with an accomplished female provider like myself I also don't like being threatened that's not a threat that's a fact no that's a good way to get that other leg broke don't take your petty frustrations out of me Albert I locate females I don't guarantee their behavior the hell's that how should I know well smell it probably ID of some kind she used to get out of the Down Under oh now we're in a big hurry huh how you you listen to me last night instead of wait a minute you're not thinking of following that you you listen to me [Music] Albert you you'll get killed out there Albert Albert you come back here you idiot you can't go down there you listen to me just because some Sneezy female not you in the hi and Bruise Your Ego there's no reason to become a jealous juvenile you stop this instant Albert dick egg sucker oh all right dick please that please stop a minute please I don't know what to say I how to make you understanding you're not you're not thinking clearly you can't go down there and and and ever hope to come back and she knows it down under hate solos enough Rover packs have raided down there and raped their women and stolen Their Food they'll have the defenses up and they'll catch you the K what the hell do you care you're always saying you'd be better off without me anyway oh for forget about her vict let her go let's let's look for over the hill or you're tired of me find it find another partner somewhere but whatever you do don't follow her down there I got to blood I got to hasn't it occurred to you how convenient this whole operation has been how easy she was to spot and follow and how she cooperated just think about it Vic instead of walking right into their hands God knows what they'll do with you we've been together a long time good and bad but this could be the worst I'm scared I'm scared you won't come back and I'll have to find some Rover to take me on and you know most rovers are in packs now and I'm not that young anymore and I'll miss you [Music] big I'll really miss you [Music] well try to get back as quick as I can will you wait for a while then over the [Music] hill take care of yourself do my best I'll catch up with you sure [Music] [Music] so long partner [Music] that's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] [Applause] time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and with these terrifying sounds of primeval savagery we close the committee presentation of Sound tours into the past Today Chapter 3 Africa continent tomorrow [Music] alas Micha yellow reference a malfunction level 10 section six repeat yellow [Music] R we often despise what is most us another helpful hint from [Music] [Applause] the town is the teacher of the used [Music] it is exactly 10 a.m. on this Wednesday June 29th year of Our Lord 13 thee has decided WEA beir and warmer section g is today [Music] Workforce may I have a chicken salad please [Music] excuse [Music] Mee sitting in Awards and punishments s committee attendance discretionary 1 hour repeat hour be resolved therefore that Mrs Eunice long has been declared the Blue Ribbon winner of the annual Topeka canning festival and that throughout the year of Our Lord one three all preserved peaches be their cans and or jars shall bear her likeness and the inscription to Pika Queen [Applause] Michael Green reference hydroponic laboratory number 173 indicates saturation of nutrient solution repeat Green reference this is the best The Architects could do pel why are they here lacker respect wrong attitude failure to oby Authority lectures three cut and Dred then I say so that'll do it Fanny and J and mag brette any reason to be easy now when we uh put this in see then we'll add [Music] that we find it almost impossible to believe that you have ignored several warnings by us to conform to the rules that are vital to the continued growth and well-being of our beloved toeka but you did Defiance of this committee duly elected and ordained by the people will not be tolerated the farm both of them now how' the last Farms go m h cancer I think no no no let me see I have it down here let's see oh no it was an accent with farm machinery that's what it was Larry and Linda Lacy March 17th of this year let's make these uh heart attacks yeah wreath from the committee doc will do the eulogy Services of Lakeside Methodist usual and may God have mercy on you Your Soul Outside show way to build another helpful well you honey come Papa sure is pleasing to see you back home again didn't have any trouble huh everything went all right didn't have any trouble huh no sir a that's fine fine sure did yourself proud Missy committee won't forget it no sir re then I'll be put on the committee right away like we talked about don't you worry about it little girl soon as there's an open Mr kok I would prefer not to wait after all I did bring Vic down here exactly like you told me to now you just be patient quill June have fun with young folks your own age think about getting married making a home your time will come I'd rather be just like like you miss m and not wait n don't you worry little girl I don't see why you just that'll be all that'll be that young lady is going to be trouble always has been any reason for a change maybe you should have gone to three little uh childish plotting doesn't bother me n long as it's stays little MZ uh see that she's one of the recipients then marry her off to hire manna's boy what's his name Charles Charlie yeah that don't cool her Ambitions Farm her out horse manure they knew I wanted on that committee stupid stinking old roer l a liar will not I am bristling [Music] that is the only reason I went along with their dumb [Music] plan America the land of money was the world's greatest agricultural promised capable not only of feeding it own they hinted then they tried to shoot me off without a body least I pushed well you shouldn't have I mean they're going to be watching us now Gary I don't care I am so sick and tired the forign who accepted our Christian desire to Aid our brothers across the seas you're right undeserved I do care okay I'm going to smile and I'm going to a curtsy the right time to all the right people cuz it ain't going to be much longer the song of David will not wait even for you qu Jun holes that is your class uh yes Mrs kamik oh pit and fear uh I'm sorry I'll be right there [Music] ma'am see you later [Music] he and Vic were on the park together I I turned my back for [Music] justice what' you and Vic talk about come on we want to know well h [Music] confused now how about it boy I mean we're going to find out anyway so why don't you just tell us and it'll make it easier on all of us huh what do you say huh how about it boy the f immediately grandfather Conrad's recipe for rarb marmalade let me go and lemon enel well usual cold virus little high blood pressure to be expected under these conditions no infection he's uh welld developed reasonably well nourished intelligent average emotional response is simplistic most Mark finding is his overtly aggressive behavior in other words he's extremely physical as you may have noticed well s suck wind wet brain better be nice boy I hope all you stinking kids are hair lit Michael along with many other organisms somehow managed to stay alive up above you have been studied observed unobtrusively of course a living habits Common Sense tenacity physical prowess out of the many you have been chosen leted down here by quill June to be the recipient of an honor you know she's a scum bag you watch your foul mouth boy When anybody on a committee speaks you just keep still listening hey how' you like to have a rifle rammed up your butt Michael all right all right you show respect boy I was saying be the recipient of an honor that occurs but once in several decades uh M uh let me have the original Elders Proclamation will you fruit of your LS will enable the productive citizenry of TOA to overcome metabolic changes resulting from lengthy Subterranean living allow it to keep its leadership and the drive to remake this sinful World in God's Own image see we've been underground too long our women can't get pregnant every once in a while we need new blood we need a new man we are are never so happy nor so unhappy as we imagine another helpful hint for living from the committee's special kind of [Laughter] man you mean you want me to knock up your [Laughter] broad you talked me in do it line them up you first honey take your hands off Me Guide them together we beseech thee in the way of righteousness and peace that loving and serving thee with one heart and mind all the days of their life they may be abundantly enriched with the tokens of thy Everlasting favor amen by authority vested in Me by the committee I hereby pronounce you husband and wife according to the ordinances and the laws in the state of toeka what God has joined together let no man put a son amen a man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong which is but saying that he is wiser today than he was yesterday another helpful hint for living from the committee's alac you would have a little something to help a welled Thro and be sure to get both parents to sign right here now let's see brother haris Michael Amber reference air intake fan number 12 shaft 177b indicates heat buildup repeat Amber [Music] [Music] reference chapter 1 ver 22 mayor God blessed them and said to be fruitful and multiply God bless them that's the key you almost ask yourself out of this honor young lady sir the committee oh well I'm sure the committee knows best where are your parents uh Miss Miss H said it would be all right uh they must have come down with something cuz they're sure not feeling well shall we keep the schedule dearly beloved brother dearly beloved we are gathered here in the I'm so sorry are you all right they made me do it you got to understand they made for do it I'm sorry don't you give me that I'm sorry [ __ ] you're as crazy as AR rest these damn nuts keep your voice down maybe stupid but they're not dumb like you oh no they bring me down here to make babies and H me up to the stupid that's real smart population controls it in case you haven't heard of it 35 girls are impregnant and then you're killed you understand you're idiots like you running around the place so you wiggled your little butt and tease me down here to their big well I have to they said they kill me if I listen next next please now ladies I want you to be sure to put your name here his name goes here and there's another thing I want you to make very sure Rob on this most solemn and joyous I'm going to run to Pika you and me maybe some others we'll be the committee do anything we want anytime we want have them bow and scrap for a change just by springing me yeah I'm getting rid the committee okay where's my heat what my guns where's my guns in the committee [Applause] office how you got it figured okay right out this door to the right is Michael there's a crowd there if we run through the crowd but come on glue all right to the right again big doors through the doors we have help [Applause] outside pause dear friend as your are Don't Panic am [Applause] out God damn it another helpful hint for living [Music] from the guns are to the right what happened how' it come out like I said they would Hey listen Michael's got to be first and and dead not wounded or we're all in trouble and then the faint Thunder became an uproar the winds changed to a great vibration of air then dock but kill L first cuz he's the important one where you going the church is this way hey we got to get the wom together where are you going I'm getting the hell out of here I want to see bloody again I want to get in a good straightforward fight with some son of a [ __ ] over a can of beans I got to get back in the dirt so I Feel clean wait a minute help you just put us out into the open you got to help us good luck please you dirty FY scking rotten animal you stupid animal you think I let you slobber all over me and PAW me so you can walk out now I didn't bring you down here so they could use you I brought you down here so I could use you and you better kill them then I don't care what you do please no no please darling please I love you I love you I least said that because you believe me please 10 or 12 in Skillet preferably of the nonstick variety fry the bacon until brown but not too crisp then set it aside to tr pour off all the two tables I don't understand you all you can think about is going back up there about your dog it's like all the time we SP didn't me anything to you but don't I don't see what's wrong with staying down here and running the committee add the corn there they are res and everything down two tablesp of Cho and mix together plenty of food FS to kick around we can do whatever we and add salt and freshly ground pepper taste kill him dick now red refence ref repeat R reference for us the committeee do it the committee sitting an extraordinary session 11:37 a.m year of Our Lord one three all presento upon the committee thy Servants of the seal thine approval and thy fatherly benediction Grant onto them Grace to fulfill with pure and steadfast affection the ordinance law amen amen you have ignored several warnings by us to conform to the rules that are vital to the continued growth and wellbeing of our beloved eled and ordained by the people cannot be tolerated Quilla June quill June home number 2,644 honey lack of respect wrong attitude failly to obey Authority how say you when and all hi hi hi the farm immediately Gary Gary Leroy Franklin number 2598 lack of respect wrong attitude failure to Authority I'll say you one and all fine all farm immediately Richard Richard number 20061 VI I'll show you the way out let's get out out of here Vick Farm immediately I'll show you the way out all right I'll show you the way out Kenneth just get out of here I'll take care of you in blood I'll do anything you want to do Vic remember in the Boiler Room wrong first thing that boy's ever done a shame please let's get out of here save Farm immediately and may God have mercy on your soul eat the bacon fat reserved in the skillet add the hash and with a spatula in pan down UNC minutes CH to prevent the hash from STI as it looks remove any excess B from top size with the smallest all K him [Music] k61 number 261 and let's get on with it of the 35 proposed recipients 10 have been serviced we need another donor [Music] course I don't you kill him put the search program back in [Music] effect the boy's name concentrate on the rest of the list whichever one we pick make sure we have better security then place a large round platter over the skillet and gripping platter and skillet firmly together the hash if any of the hash it out now I've been talking talking serir deserve for [Music] come on come on come on let's uh get another Michael out of the warehouse this time make sure the engineering department wipes that smile off his face more teds finally Cho fresh par one4 cup heavy cream salt and freshly Dr black pepper [Applause] blood blood you kept me down there too long come on please let's go over the hill that's where he went and we need him well let's catch up with him I don't know where it is let blood nose why didn't he tell you blood Vick BL [Applause] [Applause] blood hello partner blood we made it back who's your new Taylor [Music] Albert how long's it been since you ate I grabbed a lizard yesterday maybe it's the day before i k Rememberance funny well we got to L it into town and get you something to eat fast no fen's taking everything over slaughtered Every Soul who wouldn't join him The Whole Town's under their control and you can't get any food there you can't even go back at all okay just take it easy I can't take it any other way I'm almost gone you better just leave find somewh you can stay alive how about over the hill tiger they can't make it to him now but you might be able to he needs food and he needs medicine we got to get it fast cuz we can't make it without him we're too late darling there's nothing we can do about it [Applause] now th we've got to get out of here [Applause] we're going to be together he'd want us to be [Music] together I love [Music] you if you love me you'll come on too [Music] [Applause] you haven't eaten a bite I'm not hungry I I really appreciate this well let's press on now where were you oh yes in the hospital oh Blood come on you know if they just let you have your own way with a Blushing Bride instead of hooking you up to a machine you'd probably never come back up you sure you had enough to eat oh yeah I'm say [ __ ] what nothing I said I'm full but after we walk all day you'll probably have to cook up what's left she said she loved me well it was my fault she picked me to get all wet brain over well I'd say she certainly had marvelous judgment out if not particularly good taste yes [Laughter] [Music] I a boy in his dog can go [Music] walk a boy in his dog sometimes talk to each other a boy and a dog can be happy sitting now in the woods on a long but a dog knows his boy can go [Music] wrong a boy and his dog can go [Music] fishing a boy can teach a dog to bring her dish when he's hungry a boy and a dog can be happy sitting down in the woods on a l but a dog knows his boy can go wrong [Music] you

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