Is there a clear cut best NFL team? If so who is it? | IBTE Sports Podcast

Published: Nov 08, 2023 Duration: 00:54:58 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] he [Music] yo yo yo we are back another episode man I podcast you got your boy Lawrence Neil anfield Kenny is working on that job you know you know he missing him again this week hope he's back next week I wanted I wanted him to be here under 500 Kenny where you at Atlanta where you at I need to know where you at but it's all good I'm G wait I'm wait where you at TM listen I'm I'm G wait until he's back because it's feels good because he every two seconds when we were tired when they went up one game one little cute game you feel me not even getting your your best player of the ball right now you talking about lead come on man I uh once again I've once again stopped watching football so I don't really know much about what's going on basketb season isn't [Music] Neil come on BR rip you y we got uh uh we're working with uh Carson Wentz so so so this goes into how you're feeling right now you're not feeling too good it's all right it's whatever I mean we got we had five picks five first round draft picks for 2016 draft on our team at some point all right but cam Thomas though he's hooping right hooping how does it feel Y how does it feel though that you you went from Jared go right just he had a he was really really really good during that time he was really good yeah then you went to then last year you tried you tried to get us on the the uh the Mayfield train off a game in the half and now you got Carson Wentz Carson Wentz is on the Rams wait that's actually he's on the team that destroyed his career yep yep that's funny you said that because I was watching I was watching uh uh what was I watching I was watching the LA radio show the other day because I nobody ever covers the Rams so I was watching that and that's what they said they're like it's fitting that Carson Wentz has come back to the to the team that destroyed that you know kind of destroyed his career and now maybe he'll revive his career with the team that destroyed it maybe he goes on a little run maybe Matthew Stafford has a little couple weeks off gets healthy for a playoff push you know Lawrence you know anything is possible how you gonna do that what you mean Seattle you got Seattle you got 49ers spping I miss smoke I miss smoke right now is the third what is it the third seed right now for the NFC is a five-way tire some [ __ ] like that with five wins yeah we don't have five wins we got three but Carson Carson here it's obtainable but you gonna have to play good football I think we could do it I think I don't know I feel okay about Carson Wentz I don't think he's gonna be that bad I mean he won't be worse than Brett rippan that's for sure n that's yeah I didn't even get to watch the game all I know is that I checked the the box score um and I was in severe pain once I saw that I had Mari Cooper um I had T Higgins also for 100 yards then I go and check I put Cooper Cup on there yeah a Cooper cup You Gotta Have It gota have 100 two catches yeah two catches for like 28 yards so that under for that score got smashed immediately so that's start re doesn't even know how to play football like it was bad where's he where's he from I don't know he played for Denver for a little bit I think I don't know who knows where riban get your [ __ ] together he's out he's off they cut him today though damn damn he got cut cut it I Ain G beat it I ain't GNA beat out see you they got his ass oh my gosh but all right let's let's let's uh this dude is crazy let's hop into the let's hop into the the the Thursday night game um the Titans man and the Steelers well Lis is looking well Levis is making some great throws on the field I do want to give him some props because I think I think we all kind of were like f will Lis the coming out of coming out of the draft not knowing what he's going to be but he's making some plays um and it looks like he's gonna be the full-time starter going forward now I think that's what it is I think so yeah listen he's got he's got a quarterback's you know a young quarterback's best thing he could have he's got DeAndre Hopkins so and Derrick Henry and a Derrick Henry exactly so I mean that he even got Derrick Henry out there trying to catch passes he's trying to it look it looks real bad but hey man gotta do what you got to do but yeah now we're recapping uh week week nine going into week 10 um what do you guys think about the Steelers you think the Ste has got a chance to to actually make a push they keep finding they keep finding ways of win games uh with Mike Tomlin you always do I mean he's been one of the most consistent coaches of all time especially the last couple years they'll always be in the fight no matter what the the last two three weeks will they make it it's a lot because you know the Browns defense is up there the whole division is up there Bengals are getting back in form the Ravens are are really good right now with Lamar Jackson the offense and the defense is on fire too so I think they'll barely Miss if we're if we're giv predictions but I wantan to I want to say something real quick man Eric man how dare you what you say how dare you you shitty ass coach you to sit there and sit sit there and fix your mouth and say Mar Jackson isn't doing nothing or isn't contributing to the success of the Ravens when did he say this he said he basically was saying it was the defense what did he say this like recently yes oh right after Sunday in in other words is the defense then Lamar is not really doing too much interesting interesting very interesting didn't he throw didn't he have like a 158 passer rating like the two weeks ago against I don't I don't at the end of the day I don't think it matters what he does there's always going to be critics hey that's how you know you've made it when you have critics like that yeah it won't ever matter for it won't even matter for for Lamar ever just because he's you know he came into the league with that he came Le he breaks everything everything it stands for so he's always gonna have that chip on his shoulder trust the reason why um going from there man we had in Germany had the Chiefs and the Dolphins did you guys get a chance to watch that game I didn't to watch it I thought yeah what what was your what was your take on it uh the Chiefs are [ __ ] good and the Dolphins are good against mediocre teams 0 and three I believe right you against it's yeah they're well since like they they haven't won the last time they beat a team with like a winning record was a while ago yeah I mean they started off slow too I mean the chiefs were like up what 210 20 like like I think it might have been a shut out but then the Dolphins came back but yeah the Dolphins did come back I will give him credit for that um I think if they had a healthy Jil healthy waddle the whole time I think it would have been different um because he did you know he did get hurt but they I don't know they they definitely they definitely can do [ __ ] I mean they're I they're better than the bill they're better than the bills I think they bottle Tyreek up that game the Chiefs yeah the Chiefs knew how to play Tyreek um well the chief's defense is good too the chief's defense let up don't you know they don't they don't let anything deep and that's what that team thrives off of they Thrive off that deep path so uh you know it was like a recipe for disaster for the Dolphins um Mich M Danel didn't really change up his game plan at all um as like he should have like a good coach would have went into that and was like yeah so we were getting beat at our own game we got to change it up uh so he didn't do anything with that um which I expect he'll learn from going down the line but that team I think that team's better than the bills um I think they're the third best team in the the AFC uh Chiefs for sure and then I think the B I think the Ravens are the best second best team in the AFC to be honest with you like got Odell just caught Odell just caught a touchdown pass in last game I think he's gonna catch fire I think he's gonna start to get going yeah if he can stay healthy yeah [ __ ] RAV te just can't stay healthy ever right so it looks like I was say it looks like everything is going well for them you got Marlin humre he's come back in the last couple weeks too so cuz he he was out for I think the first I want to say like four weeks of the Season he was out so I do like I do like the Ravens as second second best team in the AFC to be honest don't they have um that corner that's lad in League interceptions stone youo stone or he's a safety safety oh Le interceptions like seven I think six or seven oh he's balling he's balling out there absolutely um [ __ ] what else do we have Packers Rams that's not not much to talk about not much to talk about besides the Packers stink and the Rams stink Brown Browns brown I Browns Cardinals was trash in tune a and then and then the Raven the Ravens definitely rode off Gino 37 to three that was a the ra Lamar's like never Lamar's never lost against NFC team what's his record against NFC 17 and one yeah he's lost one game against the NFC team like embarrassed them back to back weeks backto back weeks of embarrassments for the NFC against AFC not in the NFC is [ __ ] garbage straight up garbage there's two good teams in the NFC right they really bagged the back week 70 to six yeah they really they're really dog walking they're really dog walking the NFC I don't know if it's exactly 70 but I think it's close to it both games are 30 both games are 30 plus and the Lions only scored six points didn't they yeah yeah so and Gus Edward is having a field day with these vulture touchdowns just as one one yard line line we know who's going to it's only two options Lamar or Gus four four touchdowns eight carries eight yards and some some stupid stat that he always has every game he's crazy um going from there you had CJ St man CJ I honestly I don't even want to talk about anything else besides CJ St the rest of the show CJ St 470 five TDS bro is unreal like he's actually unreal super calm and cool and he's just acting like he's been in that situation a 100 thousand times already so it's his award to lose now Rookie of the Year and probably offensive record the year at this point yeah he's I don't know we got puka too puka puk's broken records so but you know you know this is a quarterback leag yeah he he just had the most passing yards and touchdowns it was a rough from The Rook in their in their opening season yeah but that's one game pukas had a whole season right so I think it'll come down to those two um but I mean if puka ends up with you know a thousand yards this year which he's going to he's got 850 if he ends up with like 1300 yards this year I mean who how are you going to tell me he's not offensive Rookie of the Year well the same people that said Cooper cup can't win MVP I think I think it's it's a couple is a combination though if if CJ St they're at four and four right now they only won three games last year he's already got them past what they did last year already right the Rams only won three games last year too I say I think Neil said like the Texans were like five or six games this year as well I told you the Texans were going to go off this year I said the Texans can what was their what was their um the over under for the season four and a half maybe yeah it was like and a half it was like four games yeah wow and I said to smash that because they I told you they were going to win nine games this year and get into the playoffs and everybody said no way they laughed at me they wrote you off bro they wrote me off they wrote you off oh man you play that you should have played that on your own I wasn't I wasn't a Gambling Man at that time well fast forward to now he's back now he's back he said It Ain't Easy Being [Music] Cheesy cheeseburger Hy oh my God n i I gotta watch that [ __ ] again we were just talking we were talking about that um on the the trip this weekend about the that movie Longest Yard yeah Longest Yard hilarious it's a good one oh man he say can of can of and I'll be all right oh man bro my nose broke my nose oh man Giants Daniel Jones see you later adios Come On Son crazy but I'm a hater though I'm the biggest hat I mean there's nothing you can do about T's ACL yeah that old line is terrible as well Christ yeah that's a bad that's a bad Old Line Tyrod and Daniel Jones are both hurt because of that o line most likely good Lord like you can only take so many hits as a quarterback before your body just says no more y now they got um Danny DeVito's cousin or t t Tatum 14 rebounds Lord holy Mama he's gonna have play he's gonna have 20 oh my gosh I don't know how many times I got say it a thousand times the rebounds and assists for Tatum most likely gonna hit a thousand times he said it he said it again and again and again um but man I I don't know I just Giants just need a lot do you think um Dao his his jobs in Jeopardy I don't know I think I don't think so because they went to the playoffs last year if they didn't go to the playoffs last year I think he's fired yeah I think they didn't Mak some more moves before that it's like what it's like how much what else can he really do he's not working with anything he's at the DM right or do they have a separate GM yeah they have a separate GM he's not the GM yeah I forget who I forget who they got it's not that gatlan guy that was destroying the team inside out I forgot I know John mentions it a lot I forgot who what his name is but give give Daniel Jo a decent line at least before we make any sudden moves because who can survive behind that line but you got a that's a thing too like to build a good line you have to have the money you got to be able to maintain and be able to keep them you saw remember the I don't know if you remember Raiders spent the most money in the league on an offensive line and they were cooking and then and then what happened they left and then Derek Carr started getting suplexed on his head and Josh Jacob's numbers drastically dropped well he he had a good he had a good season last year but yeah but he had a good season the year before too yeah he had even better I was about to say even better for sure but that that old line that old line was something special but it it takes it takes a lot of money to maintain a line especially Five Five Guys across the board and it's always it's always gonna be a weak a weak link you can look at the Cowboys too when the Cowboys had Zeke in them like they had they they try to maintain that line did for a long time too Travis Frederick them and you can kind of see it now they were able to they got their homegrown talent that the guys they drafted now they can put that money where you can kind of see it filter through the team now they have a sort of a complete team so the o line really builds to the draft you got to have a great draft with o line it's tough because you gotta go on that road and Scout well right find find the gems right you got to do that and you also have to have a good o line coach as well like you can Coach Line go find like a you can go find two or three Ali marpet from [ __ ] Hobart crazy go go and find him it's gonna be it's gonna be di there's Diamonds in the Rough out there they they just got to find them and give them opportunity literally and it's also at the same time it's difficult to block these dudes in the NFL now too they're they're super talented yeah you got you got defense you got defense tackles that are 320 that are doing somersault back flips like there's not much you could really you guys got block four four four D tackles now like like it's crazy oh man go be run a 44 as a d tackle and I'm supposed to guard you and I can't hold you either like I can't do anything Phil what Happ what happened in the game this weekend man I was checking the the score y was up it's tank Bowl I don't know what we're talking about here it's your Tank season yeah I mean rer had what's Bill what's Bill tanking for he gonna go draft somebody from North uh North Dakota fromo University he gonna draft a backup quarterback he going to drive he going to draft the backup quarterback of Washington or he's going to go draft the lacrosse player and then and convert him to a punt returner oh my goodness when they that Chris Hogan [ __ ] was so crazy crazy that was so wild he he he was he was actually decent he was he was good but it was just like they was dragging that lacrosse [ __ ] like killing talking about lacrosse right you also got Tom Brady throwing the ball to you so relax yeah I've been uh you guys think Ron Rivera is going that team's got to do something something different I don't know I think Ron Rivera's got to go like they I think he's got to go I think the culture that he just brings him is just not good I just feel I I don't know if it's just me but I just feel like he's never been like I he had Cam Newton MVP and didn't [ __ ] yeah like they had that one that other than that they was getting dog walked in that division yeah it looked like Commander fire sell so far off the the tread dead line who knows what they're gonna do in the offseason this no they're what they're they're they're clearing up money they're getting like Magic Johnson and them they're gon they're gonna make something happen they're in the nation's capital too they're G that team is going to be back on the map yeah they're TI they're tired of it and it's it's a perfect time with the Giants figuring out what they want to do and it's only a matter of time before you don't know what the Cowboys gonna do oh we got a question uh you got jar yo Jared off topic what's y'all thoughts on Zack Wilson yeah we were gonna get that because we're that's definitely that's a good thing you brought I we can just talk about it now I think I mean Zack Wilson we we've seen we've seen a lot of so far and we see that he's not great but it's hard to do anything behind an offensive line like that that off line terrible that off L run running for your life every play every snap like you can't even like you can't even take a shotgun snap without having people in your face like like you that I counted I counted one play where I think I counted the play that Joey Bosa slapped the ball out of his head he had close to four seconds to throw the ball so it's like one two three four and he was the ball was hit out his hand and the receivers are kind of getting locked up too so it's it's kind of tough it's tough it's tough to do anything with an offensive line like that to be honest like even I mean even Aaron Rogers as great as he is would struggle with this offensive line and I think Aaron Rogers is pretty glad that he's on the sideline right now watching this offensive line proba be running even more because that he ain't everybody's saying everybody's saying that that he's going to probably come back last week of December if the jets are in a he ain't coming back with that offensive line not with the Tor ailles I don't think he can run speaking of toriles can't make our TS Achilles again I mean the wide receivers are they can't give like running for his life every time say so offense is good enough to save him give him some time to throw maybe he can but the offense me the offense is good but it's not that it's not great like who the Jets J yeah I think I think they got Lazard they got um like lazard's just a guy really like he's he's a Jag he ain't really you know he ain't nothing crazy Wilson Wilson's out there saucing people up by himself yeah like Wilson show the T Wilson's definitely talented um his arm Talent is not crazy but it's good enough to do something with that defense right like as long as you don't [ __ ] up it's he's like in a brock py situation as long as you don't [ __ ] up you can do something their defense is crazy top their defense is top five their defense is crazy like their defense is crazy like there's just all the way around their defense is going to win you games their defense is crazy oh man like their defense is really like is really crazy you're GNA need like prime prime Patrick Mahomes probably jar to say that what can save the Jets with that o line Patrick mahes what quarterback um uh Lamar n don't put Lamar Mike Vic Lamar Lamar be out there I Lamar is on another level right now man I don't know if yall really watch him is like he drops back and he's just out there just chilling it's like seven on seven yeah his offensive line is crazy yeah what he say oh there's no one there there's no one off the off the street you can sign you ain't getting no that's that that's that's who you're rolling with that's my thing too is like when people have these struggles with these quarterbacks they're screaming for another quarterback who who like who is out there unless you want to go play it for the like there there's Giants fans that be like they want Daniel Jones gone but or you want to draft the rookie the rookie is gonna do the same thing is doing fig out you're not really gonna go out like the the only other option I would have said at the time would have been like Carson Wentz that would probably be the only other option but yeah Zack Wilson I think is a better option he knows the offense better um and he can move you know I he's showing and he's showing flashes yeah he he's definitely got something he just can't it's really hard he's seeing ghosts out there oh man budy I'm seeing ghost I'm seeing ghost he literally said that in a game it's I think it's amazing I mean honestly the jets are in a great position I think um they just need an offensive line they they know what now I think they know what they need right like you go out in a draft or you go out and in a trade obviously they can't trade now but you go out in a trade in a couple years or down the line or whatever next year and you go get offensive line now you you just focus offensive line right now because you know what you got you got a you have a a great running back you have a good core wide receiver core you got some good tight ends um your defense is top five and your coach is good and you got I mean you got a Hall of Fame quarter and maai Makai is good left tackle is good he's playing really well back yes he held he held his own um I don't know if you guys follow Baldi yeah he breaks it down he do he does really good breakdowns yeah he's always showing people love minute minute and 30 second video he shows about six to eight Clips yep he slows down the clips for you let you he shows you what he sees and yeah you know what I'm saying listen Saint's been out there a few times T him hell PA Paul shout out to paulon the Debo too because I I'm I'm tough on him because he he's definitely the weakest link on this as far as the DBS go for the Saints he had a hell of a game two interceptions I think like seven tackles three or four pass deflections got the force fumble Force fumble recovery all of that he was NFL um NFC player of the week for defense I believe how about how about Josh dos Josh dos man Baker Baker incredible incredible man he R for like he rushed for like 60 too yeah bro he's he's just out there like you can tell just playing you can yeah that like you can tell he's just playing he's just having fun right like bro you just got moved from Arizona to Minnesota he's on the sideline and and the thing is he did the he did the press conference after and he was just talking about how um he had to learn the whole playbook in like a day and a half or two days or whatever it is and he had everything ready to go like yeah this shows you the mentor that that dude got quarterbacks are smart as [ __ ] they have to be smart like being a journey tough as hell too plus also but yeah like he's I mean he really is he really a journeyman he only was on Pittsburgh and Arizona is he been like five teams already he been he was on the Browns too oh he was Browns he got drafted I think I believe he got drafted by the Browns I thought he got drafted by Pittsburgh and then they sent it to the Browns is either one of the two either got nah he didn't get drafted by Cleveland thought he I thought he got drafted by Pittsburgh oh no what yeah Pittsburgh 27 to 2019 then he went to the Jags wait what is it on it didn't even update uh Steelers Jags Steelers Cleveland Detroit Tennessee Cleveland Arizona Minnesota okay a lot of teams five teams that's a good amount of Team more five one two three four five six seven about seven yeah so that doing that type of [ __ ] you know helps you learn playlist playlists uh play playbooks pretty fast because you know you're you're already familiar with a lot of different teams playbooks and [ __ ] and you know a lot of coaches it's a copycat league so yeah so a lot of a lot of stuff is the same as just different formations different verbage right so yeah plus I mean that Vikings I mean that Vikings offense I mean that Vikings offense was good with Kurt Cousins so and they and he didn't have Justice Jefferson either who supposed to they opened up his 21 day window to come back now so yeah so he'll definitely be back Falcon side the whole press conference with of the coach and everything I love it I get them the [ __ ] out of here don't I don't understand it but it is it is they didn't they did the same thing with they did the same thing with Julio they like why aren't you getting your best the best player that you have on offense the ball in the Red Zone The Objective is to score touchdowns not to look cute coach said I think uh he him doing a lot of off ball stuff can help us in the long run or something I'll never I'll never forget I'll never forget in the Saints game Julio got like a 60 yard catch got to like the seven yard line bro and he he they called them off the field Personnel switch they had two fullbacks lined up as wide receivers and Julio was on the sideline and and the and the Saints sports of field goal and I just sit there and laugh because it's just like who you trying to outsmart sometimes coaches get you know sometimes coaches it's got to be it's got to be an ego thing it has to be like it I don't know but there's certain [ __ ] where it doesn't make sense is do they have a problem I think I think they just I don't know I mean it doesn't really make sense I think I think you're right I think it's like especially if you're especially if you're not successful matter of fact let me go check let's go check I think the the whole reason why they do that [ __ ] is like bjon was probably walking around the you know the facility thinking he's all that and the coach is like all right well you're ain't getting the ball and we'll see if we can you know we we'll show you we can win without you well clearly you can't yeah but and but my thing to that don't look over here asking when [ __ ] asking what went wrong don't don't come to me looking for answers don't do it right wait let me see Atlanta is 19th right now in the Red Zone Red Red Zone uh scoring percentage TD only so the 19th but whatever whatever works for them I guess but it doesn't I would I would get The Playmakers the ball that's just common sense to me I'll always believe that in any sport because there's nothing worse than losing in a game and then people come to you and ask why you didn't get the ball right like what the [ __ ] am I what do you want me to I don't call the plays I'm the type I don't play quarterback I I right at that you go as the coach that's I'm just here I'm just existing I'm Lally sitting here I'm just a player on the team like oh man uh going from there man very very very good game um I got to watch it down the road when I was heading back Eagles Cowboys in the link in Philly 28 to 23 Cowboys had numerous times the score in the red zone and the Eagles defense held it down even though they light up 200 the CD lamb alone what y'all think about that game what you think about the division what do you think about the Eagles what do you think about the Cowboys personally I mean I the Cowboys stink Cowboys stink yeah like the Cowboys stink they they aren't good Dak Prescott's not good he play he played pretty he Prescott has an All-Star team and he's not good so I don't I mean I don't really know I don't really know what more what more there is to say about it right like you got you got one of the best defenses in the league Michael Parson's one of the best defensive players in leue what do you want from me like what like what more do you need you have one of the best offensive lines in the league you have you have you know Cay lamb you got Ferguson tight end like you got guys all around you you got Tony Pard like you got all these guys like what like what more do you need to to win a game like what more do you want playing and then some some of the fan uh I don't know if you seen uh Irvin and uh skip were saying that it's a it's a game to see how we play for film so we'll s in the playoffs eventually or yeah I was like I was oh yeah that they sorry yeah they're not gonna be they not gonna beat Philly Philly gonna come to Philly gonna come to Dallas and warp them come to Dallas yeah Philly ain't going nowhere no I'm talking about next play the second Oh I thought you play no hell no I mean it's pretty much the Eagles division right now until something changes because the other three teams hasn't been performing so it's more than the Eagles division it's the Eagles [ __ ] conference they got the whole NFC like that sh's locked nobody can stop that [ __ ] tush push bro like that you don't y'all don't understand like that play in general like that play in general can get you is going to win the division for them like I already I already said what the the resolution was isn't one yeah there is what you gota you got to call somebody that's deep on the charts and you take you you send old you send herts out of the game stop running that [ __ ] you gonna pay that's what I would do that's the only way Corner that's the only that's the only way send them to the blue tent they won't run it no more true they did run a quarterback seak with Mahomes and they they never ran one after he got hurt yeah so I'm just saying like you people may not like me for saying that but that's the only way I see or you don't let them get to Fourth and short or third and short or whatever the [ __ ] it is it doesn't they can get four yards on that [ __ ] yeah but my resolution is still there you want to run that [ __ ] you gonna pay every time you gonna have a headache you g learn to that's just that's just what it is cuz you because there's really nothing you could do but I'm not complaining about the play because if if my my team could do it I [ __ ] run it run it keep running over and over again a lot of teams don't even understand what they're doing anyway the quarterbacks are half scared when they run it too Jaylen Herz is not scared that's the thing you can see every other quarterback when they run it they're they're petrified yeah so I mean there there's not much I mean everybody's like oh the League's gonna change the league gonna no the league ain't gonna change nothing I mean it's a legal play they should change it because it's I think it's just bad for the game like it makes makes the game boring and stupid but what are you going to do you know yeah it's just like if like like if I was the commissioner I'd be like oh here they go again like boy what are you gonna do about it it's it's trash but what are you gonna do you know as a fan of football if I'm a Eagles fan I love it right as a fan of football I hate it it's like say trademark and all they about to make mad merch off that [ __ ] in Philly like and of course of course it's a Philly team right like of course it's the Philadelphia Eagles have to that have to be doing this [ __ ] he said we'll give you reason hit us more right you SGA 23 SGA 23 and half time he bro come on and kma stop scoring kma stop scoring I I [ __ ] Ron Robin that play and was done I don't even know if K was playing Phil call you Phil call your boy KP up the cash yeah we need we need KP to get a bucket couple call call him up real quick bro it's a close they need they need the six points let him let them let them work yeah we need we need them a couple you know let the let that thing I need I need more yeah we need two more more what is he like one he's like one for seven right now or some [ __ ] one for three I have to have more he's shooting for 14 hold all right so let's get to the let's get to the the big game before before we talk about that game I have a question for you for for us if if Jaylen Herz wins the Super Bowl this year where does he rank amongst quarterbacks in the league personally I think he's better than I think he's better than burow and Allen if he wins the Super Bowl this year is that going off of like Legacy we're getting real spicyy we're getting real spicy because hold on hold on hold on hold on that's real interesting that you said that because old boy is healthy now and he's dicing [ __ ] up like y'all must have forgot I'm just saying Joe B he's reminded he was hurt severely the first couple games severely hurt like his calf was hanging off his leg and now he's back and he's he's running he's getting he's he's in the game 20 to 30 yards rushing he he didn't even need Jamar chase that Sunday yeah thanks know out to T Higgins man yeah yeah don't don't mention that again I needed two more catches man yeah we literally needed I needed [ __ ] five more yards I want to hear it oh yeah Mr October Mr Derek G over here Lawrence it's it's because he what's the name he took uh he took that nasty fall on that one catch that changed the whole [ __ ] for him it's it's a question that has to be asked okay so where carewise quarterback [ __ ] is never ending it's never ending like I think think I personally think me this is just me if burrow get goes out and gets a goes out and goes out and gets a not burrow if her hers goes out and gets a ring this year he's better he's better right now he's better than burrow and Allen I think he's the second best quarterback in the league I mean so I mean would be because he let's not let's not get it twisted for one second he's cooking not even that not even that hold on a second let's not get a twisted for one second if he didn't miss those games last year he's the MVP last year like let's not forget about that for a second two three games he missed three games last year with injury and he was going to win the MVP like he was a shoe in he was a lock for the MVP last year so I mean I'm not saying anything but I'm all I'm saying is now pretend let's go back to last year he doesn't get hurt and he has an MVP and now he goes this year and wins the Super Bowl after already going to a Super Bowl Hey listen listen listen I I feel I feel where you're coming from I I love listen that's the thing with people that on they don't understand when I I like watch the game for the game I love watching the good players Jaylen the Herz is doing some crazy [ __ ] right now he's he's proven a lot of people wrong with the passes he's got AJ Brown to help him out too uh to make him look 10 times 10 times better but I think I think it goes I think you can say if he wins a bowl you can sit there and say okay Alan I feel like he'd be immediately better than Allen oh yeah 100% but I think I think when it comes to burrow too like Burrow's been to well he last year he went there last year too he went there last year he's already at so that's why that's why I'm saying once he gets that acclamation of the Super Bowl ring I think he automatically goes right underneath right underneath Mahomes so technically he's already passed Josh Allen then right I mean no but this is the thing this is what we this is what the football World does they hold those certain guys up there they're not gonna let it go no matter what Herz does the overall consensus will be that he stinks or whatever not that he stinks but he's gonna be behind those guys yeah like if he wins a bowl that conversation is completely different I think but like as of right now they're not going to let him bounce ahead of those guys because they love him so much yeah I mean I I personally I think it's a I mean I think it's a great conversation to be had and I haven't heard anybody talk about it yet but I think if if he does win the Super Bowl this year which obviously we're getting a r way ahead of ourselves right like it's only week 10 but if he goes to Super he has a phenomenal he has a phenomenal team around him he has a great team great defense the best offensive line in the league and it's not close he's got a great coach he he he went to the Super Bowl last year so he already knows what it's like to be there so the lights aren't too bright now as opposed to you know last year plus he was playing against Mahomes last year like all that right now let's say he gets into the Super Bowl this year and he let's say it's against burrow right and he outd duels burrow who already's been to Super Bowl and lost I Jaylen herdz is the second best quarterback in the league at that point I think personally I think he's but I mean I think already if he goes back to the NFC Championship again this year if he goes back to the NFC Championship this year he's better than Allen personally I listen I'm not I'm not I'm not fighting you on it I'm just it's just that's just how it goes you know how football's been forever no I understand I'm I'm just you know I'm just trying to Big Ben you had Big Ben you had Drew Brees you had Payton Manning you had Tom Brady right and they no matter what the other dudes did they were not letting those guys break through that list right and they just kept it but it's a different day and age too A lot of the quarterbacks are different now too so but I I I love Jaylen herz's game I love what he does I love like his his Aura as a person he's super humble yep and he he backs his he he's he's definitely a humble Beast because he he definitely presents humble but then you can tell that he like like I do this [ __ ] for real yeah no he's he's good he's very good he's very he's very good I also I just would like to another thing I'd like to point out is that I said the bills were coming last place this year in theion well about New England man listen let me let me let me just let me just say man I'm I'm g go first on this I'm we're talking about we're talking about the bills and the Bengals game man like okay shout toin how many times are we gonna see that interception and him throw that interception like that it happens every game like like it's almost it's almost on like I would know I would know not to throw that bro it's like clockwork he does it every single game it's almost every single time they bait him into that [ __ ] and he just does it every single time dude kman has 31 points that's crazy Lawrence did you play the did you play the round robin or no no I didn't play The Round Rob oh I didn't play the round robin I did not should have took [ __ ] wmy off of that [ __ ] he sucks it's real small in here yeah all right [ __ ] play score [ __ ] 10 points then [ __ ] 0 for seven is nasty work in the garden he's got two points kills every single ticket that I have him on the humble sauce yeah have a little bit of this Robinson what's up damn eight and 11 good Lord Julius Rand double double hey this said not in my house not Julius Randle got 15 13 and 11 and four okay oh oh I did um I don't know if you did that ticket um n um lamelo double double did lamelo get a double double they're still playing six minutes left they're down by 24 damn 34 and six damn got [ __ ] por hit a three no three oh my God all right let's let's wrap this up let's go let's get this going here I got money I got money money knocking at the door I'm like who is uh Kenny not here today so in the building man you know this one of the hottest they're knocking at the door I'm like who is it so uh K you Benji I tell my young nephew go and get it running the pickham uh first one uh Thursday Night Football uh Panthers at Chicago give me the Panthers give me the Panthers Bryce young is Gonna Come have a showing out party this weekend and start tomorrow he's going to I'm taking man I'm taking the D2 kid man you're taking Tyson listen I'm taking it listen if it ain't the saint every week V2 P set we riding man let's go he has the most he has the most touchdowns in Collegiate football history as a player you know put some respect on his name I'm taking I'm taking the Bears man I'm gonna go Carolina I think they need uh they need another win just because you know the terrible last season but you know not a very you know good opponent so might as well Ste steal one why not this is this is gonna be a sweat bro I need I need Jo I need Joker for a triple double I know for big big money next one uh they are they are two and a half Point favorites Saints Vikings we got no man at Minnesota Lawrence I don't have to ask you so come on man I know where this going come on man uh I it's it's it's got to be the Vikings for me Josh dos it's got to be the Vikings for me you know this you know what you know where I'm you know I'm rocking let me see it let me see it put it on put that [ __ ] on what I'm rocking and listen and and the gumbo man you know you see it now come through have a nice piece of gumbo with your boy hey I'm going to New Orleans in a month you know um you know I'm going to go New Orleans as well I think the Saints put a lot of defensive pressure on Saints is Saints is rolling right now they look real good they're playing they're playing much better um in the past two weeks so I'm really happy about it let's see uh next one um D not a lot of good ones on the Slate but let's go li no Lions Chargers we got I'm Tak I'm taking the lions taking the Lions me too and Ne in that game man I might have to might have to go with you on the this the sack ticket five to six sack yo that's a that's a good that's a good bet I I wish I see I wish I seen that because like it hit it hit on U Monday night too even who's who's playing tomorrow night is the Panthers and panars I take the Panthers take the Panthers I might take that I might check that out and take the Panthers and we got the last two we got the Prime Time games Jets Raiders at Las Vegas Jets Raiders at Las Vegas huh yes yep Aiden okon versus Zack Wilson I'm gonna go ahead and take I'm gonna take the Jets yeah I'm gonna take the Jets too I can see the Jets winning this game I think um da but ant Antonio Pierce got them inspired over there too so don't sleep right and the Jets are only half a point favorites point five yep wow right and um the last one the Mond football game Denver versus Buffalo at Buffalo taking Buffalo Ro Denver wait what was the game Sorry Denver at Buffalo Denver at Buffalo yes uh I'm taking Buffalo as well I think that Buffalo has to bounce back right yeah at least two in a row and plus the Buffalo and Plus Denver sucks bad football they just I mean Denver blows straight up I mean they got the Super Bowl win of the Year already Kan city so yeah true true and I'm hoping my boys bounce back because we're on a by week so you already know we can't lose so we go 0 and one we go one and0 this week easy what's the next game that's it I think that's it that it yeah just still those five see what let's see what other notables are uh this week is kind of trash yeah got got 49 whoa whoa whoa I misspoke we got some heat one o'clock slate is a lot of lot of motion you got the Browns going to Baltimore you got the Texans going to ciny you got the 49ers going to Jackson I like that that's going to be a good game that's gonna be a good game both coming off a bye that's going to be a good game y Trevor Lawrence is healthy six and two to Jags quiet over there yeah Brock P's gota come out and do something quiet over there Brock P's gotta come out and do something because if I see another interception from Brock pie he just waiting like this get him out of here take him out of here uh any last words fellas before we get up out here um for me uh slight basketball thing but you know it's NBA season when we already have people criticizing LeBron James it's it's that time of the year again uh it was I think it was like Lakers Heat LeBron drives to the basket double team pass it out ter T Prince Miss wide open three wide it wasn't tan Prince it was cam reddish it was a wide open three wide open three I'm hitting that shot yeah I mean I'm hitting that shot he he should have made he should have made it cuz he was open but uh comment saying oh MJ and Kobe would have took it SK bals etc etc but you know it's basketball season when we got the you know the LeBron slander coming out and the always comparing y y y it's the right basketball play what do you expect him to do make it over two three people if someone's open that's the right shot the [ __ ] are you supposed to do there yeah and then some some people were saying why he has a guy on the left of him bam is coming up that he should have went up put his left hand around to to Christian Wood also another another [ __ ] thing what people would people would have said oh MJ or Kobe would have drawn a foul the person was white open i' rather have open shot over a foul anytime bro there was like three seconds left first off second LeBron does that [ __ ] better than anybody ever he's the only person I've ever seen draw four guys to a rim and pass it out for a guy to hit open shot and they never [ __ ] hit it so if I would love to go back and see every single time LeBron has done that if the person that hit that shot they would have won the game I would love to see what people talk after that but they just don't the right basketball play at the end of the game doesn't always mean that's our best player has to score the ball it's whoever's open yeah for me man I I don't know if I I don't have any last words but I do want to just say that Tiger Woods has been working all right Tiger Woods has been working he just walked 70 he just walked 72 holes with his son caded for his son carried the bag for 72 holes apparently these this is a doctor's observation they're saying he's walking better they're saying his his pain in his ankle is gone he's still having calf pain but that ankle pain is gone they're saying he's hitting every single Club in the bag including driver with speed now driver like Club head speed is crazy in golf you got to have it in order to hit the ball good right and they're saying that he is a shoot he is a lock in for the hero tournament and PNC is almost a lock as well we could see I don't want to get ahead of ourselves here but we could see a comeback of the ages by Tiger Woods this year question hang it up when should he hang it up officially when T tiger will hang it up when tiger thinks he can't actually go out into a field and beat 50 guys if he can't when he thinks he can't make the cut anymore he'll hang it up because he ain't gonna but he ain't going to do that because he can easily come out and beat 50 guys he's still the best golfer in the world he just can't walk if he would just shut the [ __ ] up and take a golf cart he would be fine but he won't do it he won't do it no cuz he actually could take a golf cart but he won't except the Masters you can't the Masters then won't let you have to walk it but this year man I'm telling you tiger might be coming back for something crazy we gotta keep an eye out for Tiger Woods this year Tiger Woods he's chasing he's still chasing those Majors for me man um [ __ ] for another week man IBT Sports podcast we definitely I want to definitely invite some more people up get some different perspectives and [ __ ] too I think that'd be fun to live it up the show a little bit more Miss Kenny this week again but he's hopefully he'll be back next week um and [ __ ] it's who that Nation man we sitting at five and four man we we got a chance we got a chance and I listen I shared it I shared it on Facebook but the play we go we gotta play Seattle and then and then I get the I get the dream of all dreams get the see Philly again I will [ __ ] I don't listen all even all cards against us it would be a lops side I don't know what the spread will be the spread will probably be crazy but they haven't beat us the LA the last three times they played us and I love to [ __ ] see that just so if they beat them I can just laugh in their faces once again it would it would make my life yeah I I would just stop living life at that point it would feel so [ __ ] God that's not of dark I'm gonna stop living life if that ever happen well we want in the link sent them home no but let me stop oh man but another episode man we appreciate y'all for tuning in we're gonna be back next week week 10 is on the way hacktic NBA is here college football is here it's getting is getting hectic um oh basketball just tuning up as well Ohio Ohio state is number one in the country I don't know when the last time they've been that I think the last time was probably when Zeke was here um but yeah College basketball's here uh Angel Ree and them got packed up night one I don't I don't know what they were doing um in the off season but they got packed up man by uh Colorado Women's Basketball backed up wrapped up clapped up and if you batting out there man listen keep stacking that bread keep pushing you feel me said pushing crazy CA Tonight Tonight is a good night man it's Wednesday the Pod happened and we about to make some money yes sir we up out of here man we appreciate y'all [Music] peace he

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