#TalknDatWalk ep.13: Scarface vs Kool G Rap debate that led to a Shot in NewYork's Coxsackie Prison

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 00:36:09 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: scarface rapper
making it hard trying to figure who's out to trap me got all kind of under covers coming at me perhaps he won't be happy till they snatch me and place me where half sitting in yeah as y'all can see talking that walk series is starting to [ __ ] pop facts know what I mean salute salute salute welcome to the 13th episode of that talking that walk series let me start off by saying this is probably the first time and I'm putting out two talking that walk series episodes in one week I just put one out a couple of days ago about a CO they got his head blown off you know what I mean this one right here is about another prisoner that I unfortunately had to take care of in that regard you know what I mean um I'mma get into that tell that story you know what I mean as y'all can see in the title over Coogi rap versus Scarface debate taking it back to 1995 in kakaki Correctional Facility where a lot of stupid [ __ ] happen and this story right here is one of them stupid [ __ ] kind of stories you know what I mean um but 1995 is literally 29 years ago when [ __ ] was younger you know what I mean me personally when this happened I was 20 years old I'm in my 40s now late 40s but anyway um before I get into that story let first say this you know what I mean um I have uh a podcast called the bar clay series um basically it's presented by the Bro King price you know what I mean um the bar clay Series this is for all you rappers you know what I mean you'll see it playing behind me as I'm speak in this story right here you'll see it playing behind me but um basically if you're a rapper you want to get your [ __ ] off you know what I mean be on YouTube get a video um holl at me you know what I'm saying my Instagram page T-Bone blast 2020 holl at me I get you connected to this platform called the bar clay series go on YouTube type in millionaire minded music group and then go to the playlist bar clay series and you gonna see videos featuring different rappers spitting freestyles if you want to be a part of that like I said holl at at me T-Bone blast 2020 on Instagram and I'mma get you connected salute to the boy King price you know what I mean that's something that you know he came up with and um going to assist him in accumulating rappers to be on that platform because I think it's dope really dope so tap in and um see for yourself um but anyway let's get to the story this story you know hip hip hop debates go on forever um people debate all the time about Tupac versus biggie Jay-Z vers versus Nas in this day and age Kendrick Lamar versus um Drake um and people be real passionate about their argument whatever rapper they decide to argue on behalf of um that [ __ ] did not just start like I said I'm taking you back to 1995 to kakaki Correctional Facility where an argument of such than led to Bloodshed you know what I mean but I wouldn't exactly say that that Bloodshed directly came from this argument or this debate you know what I mean so I'mma tell a story and then I'mma let y'all decide and I'm going also tell y'all the reason why I titled it what I titled it um but anyway going back to 1995 I'm in kakaki prison kakaki is mostly comprised of adolescence um it's a maximum correctional facility and you know it's a lot of young dudes that got a lot of time me personally when I was there I didn't have a lot of time but I was there because I was getting in all kinds of [ __ ] in prison you know what I mean couple of slashes here and there so I found myself in the m Maximum Security Prison but I was an adolescent myself and I was with the shits you know what I mean so it didn't bother me not one bit but anyway 1995 kakaki if you know you know Brooklyn was [ __ ] deep Brooklyn was deep I mean um it's probably like one of the deepest jails in regards to Brooklyn that I've been to in all my years in prison Not only was dudes deep but dudes kind of [ __ ] with each other you know I mean normally in the Brooklyn Cruise the Brooklyn clicks it's always a Brooklyn click wherever jail you go to you know what I mean Bronx clicks that's dead Harlem clicks that's dead Staten Allen Queens that's dead majority of them turn gang members so they kind of like demolish themselves you know what I mean um Brooklyn is the one geographical click that kind of still exist you know what I mean in the state because while you do got a lot of Brooklyn dudes that went to the Gams it's a lot of Brooklyn dudes that nah we ain't doing that like we some cocky [ __ ] boy like real [ __ ] like a lot of dudes in Brooklyn frown upon that [ __ ] like you join the gang like really but anyway kataki 1995 I was there had the boy fangs Rob bills I just saw Rob bills today from out of Brownsville um you had um lightskin Miz and black seed stayed on the pullup bar you had um who else you had see I should have never start naming names because now [ __ ] around and got to probably name everybody because I don't want nobody to feel slighted but Brooklyn was in a building you at for green K Bor you had sha Boogie from Brownsville you had um who else was there SME slave from out of how um damn damn damn it was like Brooklyn was so you had the back in the days born son you know I mean the Bro H came through there but he kind of came through there as I was leaving like after this incident that I'm about to tell y'all about um Brooklyn was just so deep you know what I mean but it was layers in that [ __ ] you know what I mean like yeah we for the most part we [ __ ] with each other but in the way we didn't as far as like within that Brooklyn team you got individual clicks like you from Brooklyn we gonna ride together but I you know this my guy right here he from Brooklyn too but me and him know each other from the street you know what I'm saying so [ __ ] be broken off like that damn I'm missing so many names because Brooklyn you had Edo from out of ory projects like it was Brooklyn was just so deep 1995 Kat Sagi was a different [ __ ] hit you know what I mean straight jacket you know what I mean so but even though we was all one sometimes you know minor disputes occur you know what I mean such as this one and it kind of got out of hand I deem it a a shooting that [ __ ] shouldn't to happen you know what I mean I fired a shot on another Brooklyn dude you know I mean but like I said it's layest to the [ __ ] because you got immediate peoples and you got peoples you know he was a Brooklyn dude but he wasn't a dude that he was you know Brooklyn but like I said earlier everybody got their own little individual team within the Brooklyn clip and he wasn't on my team um this guy right here throughout the story I'm gonna call him are you know what I mean but it's a lot of people that knows the story he might even get wind to this story and listen to it and everything but um I'm not g to call his name because this like I said it's damn near 30 years ago and you know I don't know what type of life he living I don't want to disrupt it with no you know just trying to belittle him or nothing like that you know what I mean but I'm telling a story you know what I mean and it's going to be it's a story that's just going to be real all the way real you know what I mean but I will admit that it's a shooting one of my shootings that you know that could have went a different way if I had the Mind state that I have now you know what I mean um you see the title it says you know over a debate in regards to Coogi rap versus Scarface koogi rap was a hardcore rapper but he put fnn boyant in his [ __ ] Scarface a hardcore rapper but he put a lot of horror in his [ __ ] me I prefer the koogi rap kind of Hardcore he talked about getting money you know I mean that been my guy in 1995 Coogi rap had a tape called um what his name with his tape 456 that was the name of the tape like CEO 456 and I couldn't stop listening to that [ __ ] that was my [ __ ] you know what I mean um koogi rap is probably one of the most underrated rappers in regards to Main in the mainstream world in the hist be a rat you know what I mean to me he was the best Storyteller you know what I mean he get his props as far as the underground circuit how many rappers from Styles P on and you can just name him Nas they always mention Gat Gat was my guy too but Scarface wasn't no slouch either you know what I mean Scarface got baross scarf got a song with um beanie seagull you know what I mean where they just going back and forth and Scarface was going crazy you know what I mean um so Scarface is definitely not no SLS but G out of those two was my guy you know what I mean um the name of the tit the name of this story is what it is I see the title but I'm still not sure if I I named it that because you know that's what everybody say that this shooting was over but really it wasn't but I'mma tell a story and let y'all determine if it was or wasn't over that Coogi rap scarf feaster be here's how I went now the kid are like I said I'm gonna call him a um he was a dude that I knew from dfy I met him through this kid from around his way named Hassan rest in peace Hassan Hassan was my little man and spait and [ __ ] and so when I went up to Upstate to the juvenile joint a joint called K brece Hassan was there and I remember he introduced me to this kid oh he knew him from the town you know um he was from Coney Island and you know me from Brownsville so like I said but I met H spfit he my little man and um rest in peace I saw him but anyway see him Embrace he introduced me to this guy whatever um um but we we was in different unit so I a really see much of all but I knew he was CU them two used to stick together cuz they was cool from the street um so years later when I seen R and Spar I mean on rikus Allen in a four building already knew who he was we was we wasn't peoples we was cordial we was all right salute what's up that's it pretty much um so from ragers Allen we end up and kakaki together and we end up on the same gallery now like I said kakaki was flooded with Brooklyn dues how can I forget my boy Kareem won half of the Batman Robin Duo you know that Infamous Duo shooting up [ __ ] that duo from Brownsville yeah my boy Robin you know what I mean he was in the building spoony was in the building we always was in the same Gallery spoon from Up the hill um Brooklyn was deep as I tell the story probably more names going to come in my head or whatever the case you know what I mean but we was deep you know what I mean um but we was on this Gallery I think it was C1 you know kakaki is comprised of it's It's a Block B Block it's from a block all the way to F block I don't know how it is now but AB b c d block was regular population e block was ke block F block was long-term ke block you know what I mean that's how they had it back then so I was in C block when this incident that I'm about to tell y'all about occurred and um the kid R was in C block Not only was we in the same block but we was on the same Gallery we was only like three sales away from each other and we was cool you know I mean Brooklyn boy you know I mean I take that Brooklyn [ __ ] very seriously you know I mean and um some was good money um never heard no bad [ __ ] about no [ __ ] up [ __ ] about him or nothing like that you know what I mean so but anyway it really this what's going to [ __ ] a lot of people up because the scar face versus koogi rap story The N like people saying this over that went out so crazy as that that what I'm about to say is going to [ __ ] those people up because those people don't know that this kind of started Brewing before that me and the kid r r was a decent basketball player I was decent a decent basketball player but he I guess he felt he was not I I said he was in dfy with me it was certain things he could do that I can't do you know what I mean so he felt like he could [ __ ] with me on the basketball court this is where this [ __ ] really you know what I mean me and him played like we was in the yard one day I don't remember how the conversation came up but we started betting for like five soaps a game you know what I mean five literally bars of soap a game we in prison so tone soap Irish Spring all that [ __ ] you know that's money [ __ ] it so but it was supposed to be a friendly game game was five I do remember that and I must have beat him and beat him and beat him and beat him and beat him to the point where he was ow me like 30 something bars of soap 30 35 bars of soap um the last game he was winning before they call the yard to go back um so he was trying to when we got back he was like no I was gambling my money back yo bro where my soaps at [ __ ] all that we ain't finished that game you was winning but you was winning some of the other games too and I came back and bust your ass like I'm not an elite player neither as he but I hold my own on that Court you know what I mean I will bust your ass if you if you slack I'm going to bust your ass like I you know I got the fundamentals all that even back then you know what I'm saying you know what I mean but um he thought it was something sweet and we went back inside with him owing me like 30 bars of soap you know what I mean and we playing like game fives and [ __ ] [ __ ] people [ __ ] at least that's what I thought it was so he trying to argue about that last game to the point where I was like you know what don't even worry about that five balls of so I'm gonna give you that game what about the rest still was like 30 bars you know what I mean I don't remember the exact number but I know I had him up there and um the real reason why he was arguing about that one [ __ ] game is because he only had like about I don't know what he had but he gave me nine bars of soaps that's all he had really you was the main one talking all this [ __ ] about you I bust my ass on the court because you thought it was something sweet and you only got so you was as been you was trying to win your money back but like I said Brooklyn Brooklyn he from Brooklyn you know what I'm saying and even though he wasn't in the same Circle within Brooklyn he's from Brooklyn and I know him from juvenile from the juvenile days so all right commentary come I you know when you get commentary you get the rest of my [ __ ] cuz I want my [ __ ] but anyway I felt some kind of way because he ass better than me he knew he I was able to cover whatever I would have lost you know what I'm saying you know you ain't have that but you were so fixed St on beat me in ball that you just kept going and going and going and going but I really felt some way about that [ __ ] but it wasn't enough to shoot I wasn't thinking about clapping him I wasn't thinking about that you know what I'm saying it was just like oh he just got he had me tight a little bit you know what I'm saying not even a weak pass now you got my boy Robin Kareem his cell is literally directly in front of my cell I don't know when this argument Spar from I don't know how it started but all I know is I found myself engaged [Music] in uh Scarface versus koogi rap debate couple of people that that's in our section you know where the sales is at because we locked in you know I heard kakaki they keep them on quiet time now but back then we you know we was able to get crazy on G so you know we all young we talking about who you think is better Scarface or koogi rap who you think is better so you know kooi rap is my guy I'm G rapping it let's get it you know what I'm saying um you know a couple people I'm not I don't remember what my boy Robin said but that's not even the importance of this story um but we I'm debating with somebody explaining why Gap is better and all of a sudden the dud all come out of nowhere calls that person and say Scarface is better I don't mind him having an opinion about Scarface being better this is why I say I'm G let y'all determine if it was over Scarface or G rat if it the shooting was really over that from the outside looking in that's how it looks but really I really don't mind this is what happened I'm still feeling away about the mother like you really cuz we outside we playing that game every game I'm like yo bro you got my soaps right you got them right you know what I mean but it wasn't enough to clap him I just wasn't [ __ ] with him at that moment I was feeling away so it was kind of too soon for you to just be like it's a couple of people talking about this [ __ ] the debate but for the most part it seemed like he zeroed in on M on me because I'm talking about I'm talking to somebody he called that person and was like yo Scar Face is better so I was like yo bro who the [ __ ] talking to you nobody even nobody talking to you oh Scarface is better like I said Scarface is better so now I'm feeling like you really trying to [ __ ] with me now you know what I'm saying so I'm like yo oh who the [ __ ] you think you talking to I'm talking to you bro really I'm really feeling way I when I think back on it now I shouldn't have been feeling away it wasn't that cious but back then I was feeling way and now that already said who the [ __ ] you think you talking to I kind of opened the doors for him to say this [ __ ] he talking to you [ __ ] you mean who you think I'm talking to and that's how [ __ ] started going back and forth to the point where I was like you going to the yard cuz they had just I left this part out they had just it was a a we and C block the co it was a female named Mrs C crazy Mrs C and we in C block but that was her name Mrs C literally um she had already took the yard list they always do child withw and I'm one of them type of people where even if I don't think I'm growing a child even if I don't think I'm going to yard for the most part I always put it down when they walk by just in case I change my mind at the last minute this is one of them days I did that because it was raining outside that day so a lot of people probably wasn't going to the yard so but I shot that at him y you going to the yard you know what I'm saying but anyway Robin his said was in front of me he see when it was going he was like son chill son chill you know I mean but I already felt like son tried to show me up on the gate so he Robin kind of was talking me down mind you I asked him to be going to the yard the C had already took the list I put down he must have not put down but he didn't really respond so ra was like you leave that [ __ ] alone that [ __ ] ain't about nothing man ah so he was kind of talking me down I wasn't thinking about it all of a sudden all comes out yo Miss C Miss C yo can you put me down for the yard he don't know that I'm Rob talking me that I wasn't really I was trying to you know what I mean but he just had to say that Rob looked at me I looked at him I think Rob knew what it was but he still but it wasn't nothing he could tell me at that point so what really made it crazy Miss C you know she talking [ __ ] I already took the list if you ain't put down when I but miss C was cool so it's a chance you some cos you whatever you put down that's what it is if you don't put down that's you ain't going you ain't going but miss C was all right so you can get her to change the list but she's still going to talk her [ __ ] you know what I mean she was like yo you ain't put down you ain't put down when when I said you know what I mean when I took the list that's a rap you know pretty much that's what she was saying he like please miss she put me down for yard I'm like oh man and everybody that heard that little exchange before that when we was talking about the Gap and Scarface was hearing this I wasn't feeling that [ __ ] I'm going to knock your top off when this [ __ ] said you better hope she don't put you down for w but she never said she was she never said she wasn't little bit L later maybe like a you an hour later or whatever they called the yard opening up the sales I come out ratchet in hand I'm ready for action he comes out when he come out he kind of [ __ ] me up because he was like yo so you be on some [ __ ] [Music] son you be on some [ __ ] son like tap me on my shoulder he have nothing in his hand because I you know I zeroed in on it I had something your so you be on some [ __ ] and I almost went for that [ __ ] I ain't even gonna lie I was like cause Robin came out too for wck I'm looking at this [ __ ] like all that for this but as we start walking down the hallway it hit me like hold up you trying to do that on the low after you just tried to style on Me on the gate Rob thought it was over and I'm thinking about this [ __ ] on the way to yard so it was another house in front of us so we had to wait in the hallway until they got search cuz kakaki you got to show your ID card everybody got to walk through the metal detector cuz kakaki was crazy you know mean so while we waiting for the other house this [ __ ] is like re the whole [ __ ] is like replaying in my mind and I'm like I can let this [ __ ] go but nah n he tried to stab on me man [ __ ] all that like he should have said that on the gate the same thing he said when we came out that's what he should have said when we was in ourselves like you just Tred to just [Music] and I blazed him we was on the line waiting right in the hallway I was going to wait till we got to the yard I figured I can get away with this [ __ ] cuz police was all the way down there the police that had our house he was all the way in the front they was asking dudes that the house that was for us for the ID card and and I ain't gonna lie I saw that he must have thought that because he was like y son you was some [ __ ] like that [ __ ] was over and it was but that [ __ ] kept replaying in my mind yo man I was like man [ __ ] that [ __ ] man I wasn't even Rob I wasn't trying to let him to he probably thought that [ __ ] was over with too man but I was like it was a dude in front of me I reached around bam a whole L he turned around he was like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] police is asking for ID cards because you got to show your ID card before you go to the yard so he wasn't busting a move but when police started getting close ass dudes was showing it he tried to throw a k at me I threw the ratchet I'm thinking my son Rob picked it up Rob ain't never pick that [ __ ] up son word I ended up at F block F block was longterm keep block e block was just regular keep block back then I went to the hearing I end up getting a year in the Box for that [ __ ] word but even before that I went down there I got into an incident with police where they jump me kakaki box kak saki box was different you know what I'm saying like like you got to walk with your hands clas behind your back and lean on the wall on they was [ __ ] dudes up in there and I and I got jumped down there word they [ __ ] me up down there man word man I end up getting end up uh s on police charge and everything and they jumped me but they was doing a lot of pull [ __ ] down there word man they they they they they they they caught wck on my [ __ ] when I was down there but anyway I got a year in the Box I remember calling son to the hearing you know to say that I didn't do it and you know you got to tell a hearon officer what you want to ask him and then the hearon officer relay it to him but you can hear everything he's saying over the phone did I cut you no um did I cut you no it wasn't like no he what you got to say nothing but he didn't cut me and I'm like like you know you got to say something you got to talk like convincingly the hear officer ask me you got anything else you want to ask him I said the same thing no come on man this [ __ ] is over with they gave me a year in the Box I end up going to Southport I was next door to blue boy dead on RAD was a couple of sales down um that's back when C that's back when Southport used to have [ __ ] um kadis and rice once a month that [ __ ] people used to be looking forward to that [ __ ] I know I was but yeah I did a year to box for that [ __ ] man but that's a shooting that that's one of the shootings that I deem as one of that [ __ ] in the happen like I wouldn't here do that [ __ ] different in this day and time it wouldn't even went that far to be honest with you you know what I mean um but you know we live to grow everybody [Music] don't but I do I you know I you know I grow even to this day I grow and I could tell you like a lot of shootings can happen in kakaki or period lot of shootings that I did personally I can literally admit right here that 90% of them shits is about silly silly [ __ ] just caught in his own and this was one of them this was indeed one of them you know what I mean because you know you know it didn't have to go that far the Soaps wasn't about nothing we was all right you know what I mean um even him injected himself into the conversation that [ __ ] wasn't really about nothing you know what I mean but it went there that was the Mind State back then like you violate you get shot simple you know what I mean that was it it it was no great area it was you violate shot that's it and I literally took that extremely serious you know what I mean and um that's why when I recount them stories now like who who knew that them stories would be content now like YouTube wasn't even a thought back then you know what I mean I a somebody would told me you know you g be talking about this on TV I like get the [ __ ] out of here um but this is 2024 that was 1995 um D 30 years ago um I really sincerely you know I don't know what it came of homie you know what I'm saying but I hope he's living a good life man because um he wasn't a bad guy I wasn't either but we was all caught up into this mind state where we just had to react on [ __ ] you know what I mean same way how he reacted you know when I said what I said and he like Yo Miss C yo please put me down for the yard she end up putting him down too that's crazy that's how you got out of sale but that was a reaction a decision that he should have did because like at that time Rob was talking me down and I wasn't saying nothing at that time but you know I mean and the way I reacted after that I could have that [ __ ] especially when he came out and was like but I was more concerned like hold up you trying to do that on the low when you just Tred to style on me in the gate in front heavy body you know what I mean and me being caught up in that mind state was like hold up nah nah oh [ __ ] that's me back there right now bar clay series oh yeah like I was saying rappers ta into the B clay series go to million manm minded music group on YouTube tap into the bar clay series get you one of these videos dead ass right now my [ __ ] got the highest views got the most views I want somebody to outdo that real [ __ ] because I had the highest views for a minute you know what I mean and you got some official rappers up there but I'm blad so but anyway I'mma end this story talking that walk episode 13 is now concluded be on point for episode 14 like I told y'all I'mma stay off Rikers Allen for a second I'm just focusing on up north stories and I got a lot of them shits you know what I'm saying I'mma focus on up north stories because the first eight nine no 10 episodes with the exception of episode nine is about Reich is Allen you know what I mean episode 11 12 and now 13 is about up north you know what I mean so if you want to hear mostly Rik is Allen [ __ ] which is crazy go to the first 10 episodes but right now I'm focusing on some up north [ __ ] so episode 14 I'm gonna come up with another up north story you know I mean I ain't going to forget about rers we going to still talk about that you know what I mean but right now I'm just going to stack up some up north joints before I go back to the Rikers Allen joints either way around you gonna get the business talking that what this series about to be the new wave for jail stories because I'm GNA start getting guests you know what I'm saying and all that so [ __ ] about to get crazy on this channel so subscribe to this channel hit that notification button that way you be the first to hear [ __ ] as I drop it you know what I mean tell a friend to tell a friend Che on blast Brooklyn approve tell a [ __ ] to tap in and hear the real [ __ ] not this fugazy other [ __ ] that you be hearing on YouTube real [ __ ] you know what I mean a [ __ ] that talk about his wins and his losses though the losses is very few but you got to keep it up that's what I do that's the difference between me and them salute

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