Category: Sports
What was college recruitment like for you coming out of high school you had offers i had like i think i had like 28 and you decided to go to georgia tech yeah cuz my running back coach to sh choice you had 28 offers and decided to go to georgia tech oho chill that is crazy so why'd you leave cuz we... Read more
Category: Sports
You played with j right one year played with j bro why didn't they throw him the ball bro they were playing with j mo i'm not going to cap they was playing with j he went to h state yeah he he played at o state j would be like the first read on really mostly runoff routes like a post where you gotta... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The associated press college football poll saw major changes this week with florida state falling out of the rankings after a disappointing 0-2 start georgia remained at number one while texas moved up to number three and alabama to number four notre jumped to number five after a win over texas a&m... Read more
Category: Sports
Well some people would call it hoodie weather i call it football weather 60 degrees this morning in beautiful augusta georgia uh probably my favorite time of the year weather uh weatherwise here and it doesn't last long either we get a few weeks of this but anyway uh nobody cares about that what they... Read more
Category: Sports
One yards and just under 3 minutes warren takes the first four snaps orgy takes the final and throws the touchdown to donovan edwards going to go back to the interception the first possession now the two interior defensive linemen mason graham right here kenneth grant two of the best if not the best... Read more
Category: Sports
Yeah i was giving mark a hard time i told mark you know he can come stay in the guest house we could do a little fishing a little hunting you must ain't seen me on big new and i was i was the ghetto fabulous musketeer i mean the mountaineer i'll come out there with my musket hama give me one of them... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Oh yeah what's up dummies it's uncle lou here that's right it is me uncle lou live on lbe for you thanks for watching i really appreciate it i want to know which rank teams are losing this weekend now some ranked teams are guaranteed to lose because we have uh rank verse rank like yesterday i did a... Read more
Category: Sports
Alabama football practice starts on wednesday and here we are right at the end of jimmy stein's world famous roster [music] countdown you are locked on bama your daily podcast on the alabama crimson tide part of the locked on podcast network your team every day hey everybody and welcome back into lockone... Read more
Category: Sports
Ushering into the sec tonight brock will throw on first down a little too hot in complete camp won the job and they feel confident in his abilities to lead this [applause] team brock will keep and runs into a nimbus cloud of crimson only a gain of two impact players are brought to you by home depot... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Welcome to the brett boon podcast i'm your host brett boone today i'm joined by another friend of the show uh and you know when he comes on football is in the are is the host of college game day ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the podcast rees davis reese thanks for joining me today always a pleasure... Read more
Category: Sports
I got to know are you still a vegan i'm not i'm pescatarian uh you know i eat fish um but yeah i'm not fully vegan i couldn't do it going out to eating going out eating at restaurants and stuff like that like you know not all restaurants have the best vegan menu so like i just stopped that and then... Read more
Category: Sports
That the huskys are so high on is adam muhammad but deon williams a guy who threw for over 10,000 pass uh 10,000 passing yards 93 touchdowns only had 12 picks but he is a freak of an athlete and he was committed to jed fish to go to arizona part of a a larger class that jed was jed was able to flip... Read more