Sol Bamba chats about Cardiff, his cancer battle and his bromance with Neil Warnock!

Intro welcome back to my YouTube channel um as it's the international break we've uh we've got a very special guest with us here today we've got a all around good guy efl Legend former Cardiff leads and most of all most importantly middlesbor Legend uh soul bber with us here today so how are you doing Saul I'm very well thank you that's a very nice introdution thank you for that I've been working on that I've been working on that um yeah so so this interview we're going to be splitting it into into two parts we're going to talk a little bit about s's Soul's wider career before delving into uh into his middlesburg career specifically in in part two but Sol if we go back to the to the very start of your career so obviously you you started early life at PSG out at uh psgs so just tell us a little bit about how you actually got started in in professional football yeah it's typical to be Fairfield you follow you you you all the brother uh I've got three brothers and my oldest one used to play football uh playing in the street playing with friends and um before you know it people said you're good enough you should go to clubs and um that's what I did went to an Amato Club train twice a week and from that I've been I've been ped by by P J and I never look back yeah so um Early inspirations and looking up to George Weah obviously coming through at PSG was a a great place to um to kind of like make your first strides in professional football so who who were the players that you sort of looked up to as as a young player but then also coming into life at PSG yeah obviously going up in born in Paris and um huge fan of Paris San used to watch their games and go to the to to watch their games as well in the stadium and the one I was looking up to was George we the striker the number nine um obviously everyone know about him Bor in 95 play for AC Milan played for Chelsea won the Champions League I was a huge fan of him and the reason why I play football was because of him because I used to watch him play pretend I was him scoring goals and all that massive fun brilliant yeah he was a great player to look up to he was such a legend in the 90s wasn't he oh yeah yeah very good player absolutely and obviously so you came through at PSG and then you got you got your big break in uh in Britain so um it was it was done firland where you Big break at Dunfermline and tackling John Hartson you went on trial and and got your your first sort of break and I understand it was a running with with John Hartson in a in a trial match which got you got you up and going yeah that's why I mean to be fair I think like every big club and Academy in in Europe is very very difficult to break through and um a par this unfortunately I only play like a couple games um one League game and two Cup games and I wanted to play first in football so that's why I went to I went I came to Scotland because they gave me that opportunity and obviously had a sort of try game against hson and it's a big fell everyone know how big and strong he was um and I've been back pocket really you know and after that they they signed me and uh and I never look back yeah that's what you need to do someone like John harson get him in your back pocket and then you're shown that you can pretty much con all of all of English football at that point haven't you exactly absolutely so so how did you find it adapting to life um as a professional footballer obviously play playing in Scotland the demands of going from I guess a sort of like Academy level Transition into life as a pro in Britain football to to Prof the professional game how did Define that transition yeah that that was the hardest one to be fair for because being away is not a problem because I been from a very young age I used to because I was at Academy of Paris the whole week I wasn't at home and I was coming just for the weekend so going to Scotland didn't affect me that much because I was used to it but to get used to the professional football where you know you you play you play games every weekend where it's stough games and important games training is a different level as well um it was a different country different language though it was um it was tough at the start you know um but to make me um so welcome like the players the club looked after me um I learned the English there so it was um it was it was a good learning curve but it was difficult at the start because I moved there I was 22 um and it was it was tough but you know looking back I'm I'm happy I did it his experience but uh at the beginning it was very very difficult if I'm honest absolutely what one person who The influence of Sven Goran Eriksen at Ivory Coast and Leicester played a a big role in in helping your career uh was sengor and Erikson um so he was obviously manager of the the Ivory Coast national team and he later gave you an opportunity with with Leicester as well so how big an impact did he have on the I guess the trajectory of your career huge absolutely huge and uh every time I speak to anybody about my career um he's one of the first name I mentioned because he has a Hu huge impire and he's not only football I speak to him in a regular basic about everything and um he's been a huge help for me um even when I was in Scotland because I start playing the national team back in 20078 and I was in Scotland at the time and um our national team was full of international players with playing for the best club in Europe and I was full due respect playing at that time for HS and um you know playing with kou we used to play for Arsenal and people was like why why saw are playing he got play player play for Barcelona and he's then not playing and so playing Scotland he playing because when none of it he was he was confident he wanted me to play we call he thought we had the best partnership and he always support me and obviously when he left the national team went to Leicester he brought me with him as well um he has a huge impact in my career I can't take him enough you know he's he's been big for me so what kind of specifically did he do to it to sort of obviously he kept the faith with you in the in the Ivory Coast national team and and that sort of thing but was he was he kind of like an arm around the shoulder type of manager or was it just kind of giving you the the confidence and belief to to show that you exactly that feel he never he never shout and you know sometime we were we had bad games even when I was at Leicester we had bad games and um I remember used to come back in a dress room and said he's G he's gonna have a go but never he never shout he never speak loud he's always calm um and I think that's his strength and he command respect people listen to him because of that and with me was always this he used to come to my to my room and have a chat with me always have a around me um and that help because that give you confidence when you go someone like this you know ready to to let you make mistake and um always there for you to support you he give you the license for you to go and and and perform and um you know him and um and and um Neil waro is definitely the two best manager I walk on that because them two they very good at that absolutely you mentioned there about um about playing alongside coo teror as well so obviously he was um Pressure of playing alongside an Invincible that time he was um with with Arsenal he was one of the invincibles and one of the I guess one of the best defenders in the Premier League so what what was it like to play alongside him and learn from him yeah I mean and that's where it was difficult for because you know I was looking at at where we all we all football player and we we we can all do a job and we all have the respect for each other but when you look back you know um you play in Scotland and you got K playing in in in Arsenal winning titles and playing champ league and the rest of the team as well it was the same for all the team and you you question yourself you know um are you are you good enough you should you be here or no and obviously losing game in Africa as well is everything is bigger um you know it's not just football it's politic there a lot of things involved and when you lose game there is big and people question and you know so it was tough at time very very difficult but I just I just enjoy being there and learning um next to the best you know was there Dr was there you know we had a very very very good team and they good people and that's why it's important because before being football player we all human being and they good they good people and they they were here to help me and the rest of the lads and we're still in contact all of us and I think that's the most important thing just just going back to Spen gor and Erikson as well so I hear that he he compared you to Fran beckh and bow at Franz Beckenbauer comparisons?! some point that's that's how's that for a compliment yeah no I I don't know you had to drink that day when he said that but I think it was it was too nice yeah no I mean I think the way I've been learning the game and in Paris s that's that's how they want you to play from when you when you're a Defender you have to play from the back so they want you to take risk and um I always been comfortable on the ball I used to be I used to play in fun like like every player anyway wear in front um so when Z asked me to play from the back I would take some rest to pass the ball but obviously England you're not used to that and now that problem nearly um because they were like you know so take too many risk but I play the way the manager want me to play and Zen wanted me to play that way um but at time it's sure he said to me you know you're a Defender where you have to clear you clear you can't always dribble or try to to do the right thing and uh one or twice I dribble and uh he when he work and one or twice he didn't so that's why he he compared me to Beckham but that was he had too much to drink that there maybe it was the maybe it was a reputation of comparing you to Beckham Bal which is what earned you the the move to Leicester when he took you there so um I'm I'm sure it's not that so how how how did you find it at Leicester playing under Erton obviously it was him that brought you in I know that um he left and obviously Nigel Pearson um took over and and that sort of thing but how how did you find the challenge of playing at a club like leester City yeah it was great to be How his Leicester move came about fair you know mat a were always to play in England so um long long story short we were with a national team and in the World Cup 2010 he didn't play me for yeah he didn't play one minute I was on a squad I was on a team we did all of the preas friendly games and saw uh he dropped me and he put um Zak Cent Midfield in in Center half and another Midfield him and only player was no happy and came to me and said let's go and's V and this and this and I said no you know just leave it's his decision I'm not happy it's a World Cup I want to play but you know it's his decision you know we we I don't want to go and see him so I left it we played the World Cup U got knocked out and on the way to the airport he came to me and he said to me um what I did to you wasn't good uh but you didn't complain you didn't come to see me to compl you were training good smiling on your face so I'm going to take a club because I'm leaving the national team I'm telling you and I'm going to take club and I'm going to sign you and I'm like oh he said that be nice you know we in the airport we just leave and try to be nice and he did he sign for Leicester and the first the first first thing he did is to call me and he asked me to come with Leicester do you think it was a bit of a test do you think it was kind of a test of character or I think so because he did he did mention that after he said to me um at the end of that season we had to um play War things you know and he had he had a speech and he said someone asked him the question and said well youan St was your first player you sign but you had him at the world and he didn't play him he said that story he said like um the national team or very course is tough very big play ego it's hard to manage and uh so never CA me any problem I didn't play him he was in the squad for the last two years I changed the team and he didn't say the words so start telling me everything about him that's why I wanted to sign him and I think he's a good player and that's why he said to me he said the fact you didn't you know come and complain or do anything that's telling me anything about you that's why I sign you so I mean I did well because I was upset but you know if I didn't if I had react I wouldn't I wouldn't sign for l so I think I did well absolutely and obviously it was it was Fen who who brought you to Leicester it was him kind of showed the faith and gave you the opportunity but not long Falling out of favour with Nigel Pearson after you'd arrived it ended up being nidel Pearson who took over and things kind of went a little bit off the boil a little bit there so what what happened there from from your perspective yeah to be to be completely honest what you feel I think because I'm still in contact with um njo and is top manager top man um and we talked about that I was so disappointed Zen left so any manager was coming after that he he wouldn't work with me because Al of then you know he brought me to the club he was good with me I think the way he left wasn't good uh the way the own treat him as well um so I was upset and and that didn't help but Nel pearon was great and I was I was there at a long-term contract um I was an important player for the club so um it was it was no problem in term of me and leester but it's just because I was upset and um Nel came in and he said to me listen I know you event player if you like um nothing's going to change if you train good and you play good you're going to play um I'm happy for you to stay um so it was no problem but because I was very very upset at the end of that season I I decided to to leave and I went to Turkey but um me and Nel we we in good time and we we never had any problem absolutely and I read that ter that you actually I think I think in an interview that you've done previously um about leaving Lester I think you've said that you regretted the decision to leave Lester and head to Turkey why why was that yeah because I think you know when you find because leester is a very very good club when you find good family club and I was lucky to play for two very Leicester City regret? good family Club I would say MV and uh and Leicester um it's rare because football as you know the industry is all about like you know winning games and you know money this this when you got good club looking after you and care about the player and your family is very R and Lester MB do that and I think I left too early he's a very good club um good people um we well look after you know um I should have you know if I was older I would have stayed but I was young I was obset then left I just wanted to go you know and that's that's definitely one of our one of my regret because I would have I would have definitely St Lester if I could absolutely but as you said you went to trab on SP then you went to uh The Leeds United experience to palmo in in Italy and and then the opportunity came to to come back to England with with Leeds United so you came back on on an initial loan deal before it became a permanent deal um so what what was the experience like playing for a club the size of Leeds United because I guess compared to the clubs that you played for before that maybe excluding PSG where you were only a young lad the expectation is off the charts yeah I mean first of all turkey in Italy was very good experience as well for myself and family um you know like I said I've got regret living Leicester but as a as a lot experience I think turkey and Italy was very good you know different culture uh seeing learning the languages and all that my family being a b as well to see those country so he was very very good and come back in leads uh at that time that was a mess though the club was a big mess you know he a big Club but you know it was a lot of problem with the Italian H melino the players as well he was all the players were divided you know it was very very difficult but and at that time I didn't I knew about leads you know everyone know about the size of the club but you know when I play for the club I don't feel the expectation of Club you know history you know I'm here I'm here to do a job I come and play and that's said and I think unfortunately sometimes leads and players feel that because you know the leads is heavy and the hisory is heavy but you shouldn't worry about that you need to do a job you play the best of the ability and um and that's the best you can do by the time you know it was very very very difficult because the owner was getting involved with with the teams he was coming to training ground complaining and coming to meetings and at the same time we were fighting in the league you know it was very very difficult but I enjoy it it was a defin experience and what what was the owner Working under Massimo Cellino like to work under chelino you don't want to know oh I do was he was he difficult yeah very very difficult but to be fair I think um because I play in Italy before I was used to it because in Italy they get involved they are they are getting involved and I think that's where um the English culture is not used to it and people were complaining about it but for him it was normal to come in an a addressing room meetings and you know decided the team because that's what they do in Italy and because I played there it didn't shock me but obviously you need you need to know where you are and you know you know different countries different culture you have to accept that and respect it but he didn't care you know used to come in meetings and changing teams and turn up to your house when he's not happy with something you know it was it was difficult let's put it this way so how how how big an impact did that have on the um I guess like the dynamic around that I guess the players but also the management because like you said if he's coming into coming into meetings and kind of taking over there's an element of being a manager being undermined and that sort of thing so what what kind of impact did that have on the The Wider I guess the football side of the operation oh huge on the players as well you use that as an excuse because at the time we were in good as well were fighting to stay up and obviously as you know player they don't need more to look for excuses so they going to said like you know I remember in the meeting we said you know why is he coming we we got a game we need to concentr on the game he doesn't need to come to do the speech the manager can do that but as a manager point of view I think it was NE Neil wford at the time and um he was feeling in charge basino and for him that was an opportunity so he wasn't complain he wouldn't complain you know he was just doing what the owner would ask him to do so it was tough for him but he was very good very very good and he used to look after the academy so he was good with the kids coming through um you know he allowed us the experience player to deal with the dress room and credit to him to be fair because dealing with celino at that time was difficult but Neil redin did very well but it's never good because you know in England you never see the owner you never come to the J you know um we're not used to that but we we knew that's what he wanted to do and he wanted to get involved so we we just deal with it really absolutely but not long after you Escaping to Cardiff City uh I guess you had your Escape Route from the from the mad house let's say um you offered the uh offered the chance to move to to Cardiff City I believe was it Neil waru who took you to Cardiff yeah that's right yeah yeah so how how how did that move come about well to be fair we me and the gaatha were supposed to work together for 10 years and we never really managed to do it um so we were in touch and um we were both looking for clubs when un left leads and um this time we decide to you know wait for each other so I remember he used to call me every two days and S to be are we going to Aon Villa and after he called me said oh no we're going to notam Forest and he said no we're going to Darby I does sound like new war yeah exactly yeah and uh because he had meeting with all those clubs and he thought he would had the job and at the end he didn't and um one day called me he said like okay drive to Cardiff now we going to Cardiff and I said you sure he said yeah because I'm already there so um I drove down there and uh and U and I sign and uh we had a good time together absolutely so what what was um what was Neil waro like to work under from your perspective how long we Playing under Neil Warnock got I mean for me he's the best I keep saying it because first of all why he does with his team because people always said you know the way the way you played or 442 or long ball or whatever for me is is is that good because he he knows how to adapt with his team whatever team you give him is going to be successful with it and he's going to be he's going to find a way to play with our team I'm sure if you give him Man City squad this is going to play the same way Pep's playing but because obviously he never managed to die caliber player he just adapt to the player you've got um and his man management that second to none for me is is is too good very very good he knows what you said to anybody when um when you need you know turning off or when you need you know oneu um is is for me got I always said is the best manager I work on definitely H obviously Neil waru's renowned for being a little bit of a character let's say I think everyone everyone in football knows that he's he's one of the the bigger characters in the in the put it that way so from obviously you worked with him so many times you well you work with him at Cardiff and then you worked with him at Middlesboro so what's your favorite Neil Great Neil Warnock story from time at Cardiff waro story from uh from your time working with him oh uh well I could tell you that one I remember we played fled away our Newcastle when we were in the Prem and um we we were getting absolutely hmed like I think it was three and a half time um but I was doing okay you know funny enough even if it's I consider three goals but I was doing okay and um before we go to the tunnel uh halftime he came to me and he said listen you do well by the way um but I'm gonna have a go you and I don't want you to say a word because you've been the best player on the page but the player need to react we no good blah blah blah and if I have a go you the ladge will react because you've been the best player on the pitch I'm like okay but said no no no leave please do that I said okay so we go to room and he came to me first you know what he's like when he come to you this and swear stop absolutely like going crazy and I knew though because he told me so I still this but he keep going and keep going and keep going and at some point I'm like come on that's that's very much and I look at him and he knew that was too much so he he left and um we left the we we we went outside and we lost 3-2 and we still lost the game but it was better and he he said that the end of the game and he said like you know that was the plan so was a best player on the pitch blah blah blah but you know you guys needed to react and that's him is is that good you know uh he knows like what to do when to recogize what to do and um I always said you know for him to know that and to do it this way I always ask him how do you do it and he always said to me I don't know I just I just know you know he said a gift I just I just I just do it like that you know so but I had he told me a lot a lot telling off like um to my face and I have to take care for the team or sometime I was bad as well and I have to take it for myself but you know he's he's he's been so good and I I love the man you know he's just just it's great that that's just a big show of your relationship with him isn't it the fact that if if you two are kind of like that that close he knows that you can take it and he knows that you're s such a model Pro that you can you can shoulder that responsibility of I guess performing in front of your teammates to to get the wider point across to your teammates exact exactly that feel and and and that's that's exactly it we we we go a special relationship and it goes beyond you know we you know he knows my misses the kids you know he talk to them um he's he's a special man I always said but that's exactly it is the relationship we got um you know even before when when before training when he's not happy with something he asked me to to speak to the lads or to do this or do that you know he it's it's very good at it and the relationship we have like I never had that with any any other manager so you know he um it's it's very good to have him around me definitely absolutely and obviously he's he's 74 years old at the moment or 74 years young as he he just seems to seems Neil Warnock’s future plans amid Sheffield Wednesday links keep going um he he left Huddersfield um at the back end of last month currently without a work as you'd expect his name has been linked with every job under the sun because that's what tends to happen uh one of the reports coming out at the moment is about the Sheffield weding day job about how he might actually be tempted to to take that even despite his his Sheffield United route so from your point of view does he still have something to does he have something to offer and would he would he be a good appointment for someone like Che 100% pH 100% And I think does kind of job before due respect he he knows what I mean by that he loved them he loved the challenge when you know Jeffy W having won a game bot him of the league he's going to go there and Galvin G is them if he if he goes there you know that's that's perfect for him and he's still got the drive he loves it he just that's him he he messed it when he when he's not on the page or at the training page or in a game he messed it and um you know it's credit to him like you said he 74 years young so you know he he just he he just love it too much and I think that'd be a perfect appointment and even if he no shefield Wednesday he will come back he will get a job he will hung G job absolutely and obviously he spent so many years with with Sheffield United um and obviously that's kind of is is one of the clubs that he's most renowned for managing so would that be an obstacle for him do you think do you think that's the sort of thing that would stop him taking a job like Sheffield Wednesday he won't stop him I think he will obviously the big rivaly between two clubs some of the fan I'm sure won't be happy but the predicament they in Chef Wednesday trust me I think the fan I don't think he's any better manager than he want up to come in and get you out of trouble so I'm sure the fans would understand that uh you got a hard I fan they w't have it because you know the GAA is she shei United but him that won't bother him he love the challenge um he he would want to go and do a job um I don't think that would bother him and I think actually that would be a very good appointment you know absolutely and uh I just want to in in in the final questions of I guess of this this sort of section um I want to talk a little bit about your your time at Cardiff because obviously during your time at Cardiff you were you were diagnosed with cancer during your time there um you had a spell off from from Cardiff City and wider football support through cancer battle playing um I'm not going to go into the uh the personal aspect of it because I want to like respect your privacy and your family's privacy from what was undoubtedly a a horrific time but from cardiff's point of view how what were they like I guess in terms of in terms of supporting you through that through that difficult period oh no they were good feel they were very very good I've got to say you know and I think it was a shock everybody um you know when you when you're a sport person um you like to think you're healthy um you know so when when when somebody said to you you got cancer obviously it's going to be a big shock um so you know the it was it was when that passed the shop from for me and the family and the club they were very supportive you know even uh had had the treatment over there and the NHS was very very good every single one of them you know looked after me and the family um I couldn't ask for anymore you know it was a difficult time um but I've got to say you know every single one a Cardiff and it's not just a Cardiff I think he was um I was I was overwhelmed by the support I had all around the world really and especially in England you know messages from strangers um and I help you know that help massively because that give you the strength to to to try to to buid this you know and um it was very very good for me and the family to to receive all those support from from everyone around the world absolutely so who were who were the kind of key people that kind of stood out to you as kind of going the extra mile to support you through that time frame whether it's from Cardiff or from I guess like your previous clubs and that sort of thing because as you said the the support that you got was Universal really yeah no clubs clubs wi to be fair feel they were all very good um even even the club I didn't play for but the club I played for was checking in regularly sending messages and um calling me texting me and everything and even through the clubs had referee can you believe it and uh we always fight referee and texted me and um check in as well you know that was nice um you know so I was like I said it was I was shocked because um I didn't I didn't realize you know um the football world can do that you know um I was just thinking you know I'm I'm a football player like others and I just kick the ball and um when when when that when people found out I was sick you know the support I had was crazy and uh you know that definitely helped me massively but I've got to say the the the the men the men support is your family you know the the misses the mom and dad the kids you know it's stuff on them um but they were very very good and strong for me and that helped me going through that definitely and I I want you I want to take you to to one day in particular so it's the final day of the the 2021 An emotional final day return to football season uh CER for playing rotheram in the championship um and you get told by um is it m McCarthy who's manager at this point yeah yeah you get told that um after after obviously everything that you've been through in the in the months previously you've you've made the match day Squad so just um for the people that don't know this story just tell everyone what happened on that day and why it was so memorable for you to be fair I think that was my plan all along I think and I think um you know me being like I am uh I had that plan all the way where I done um all the treatment and the chemo I was meant to do and I wanted to come back before the end of the season obviously sometimes it doesn't the plan doesn't always work but that's that's that's that's what I wanted to do so you know he wasn't it wasn't a shock for me because he was prepared um so obviously obiously when it happened and I came on for a minute or two obviously is is you're just so happy because you managed to I man managed to done it um and at that time because he so much overwhelmed like I didn't realize it's more after you know after the game and after after a week or two when you realize everything you went through and you managed you managed to play it uh before the end of the season um and it's like you know big big relief and you're happy uh but that day even on the normal day match match day and everything you just it's just normal you know I wasn't I wasn't thinking off FL you know I was sick and he's unbelievable I'm back here it was just a normal day I turn up with the lads laughing and everything dressing with him banter like always and um play a couple minute and but after it I realized with the family like you know what we' done was was was very good and special absolutely no it was um it was I guess the the happy ending I guess that you were looking for to that that particular horrific chapter I I I imagine and it was um obviously I was not not a card fan I was I'm a middleb fan and um it was I remember everyone was just so delighted to see you back in action in that game because I know you're one of you one of football's good characters you're one of the good guys I guess and it's it's great great to see you back and that's what um that's what everyone kind of wanted to see and um obviously after that we we'll get on to this in just just a moment but um after that you you became an even bigger favorite for me because you ended up joining my club so um yeah we'll come on to that in um in part two though and um yes but for now Soul thank you very much for uh for your time and we'll we'll come back and we'll chat about middlesbor in in just a little bit pleasure

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Category: Sports

Want to be a fo for you just another player in you came for too you may hate me but it ain't baby Read more

Leeds United 2 - 0 Hull City MATCH REACTION | Leeds Maul The Tigers At Elland Road thumbnail
Leeds United 2 - 0 Hull City MATCH REACTION | Leeds Maul The Tigers At Elland Road

Category: Sports

A very successful day at ellm road as we lead united beat hall city 2-nil felt like a pretty rounded performance today the first half wasn't too great but we stopped whole from creating many chances and that led on to an amazing second half but the first player i want to talk about is one of the new... Read more

Breaking News: Charlie Cresswell Signing + Leeds Transfers thumbnail
Breaking News: Charlie Cresswell Signing + Leeds Transfers

Category: Gaming

[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] now then people good morning and welcome back to the just your football show i hope you're all doing well this morning i am all right i'm a little bit tired i didn't sleep great last night but hey we move hope hope you're all doing well please smash a like on... Read more

THE DEN DAILY #96 - THE CHARLIE CRESSWELL INCIDENT!! #millwall #millwallfc #leedsunited #efl thumbnail
THE DEN DAILY #96 - THE CHARLIE CRESSWELL INCIDENT!! #millwall #millwallfc #leedsunited #efl

Category: Sports

No us care lions tv this is the den daily bringing you all the latest gossip views and transfer news from in and around the den last week i posted a video i'll put it down there and it was called center back needed i feel that we all feel we needed a center back when joe edward took over i said that... Read more

Leeds United: 5-Day Blitz – Goals, Drama, and Triumph! thumbnail
Leeds United: 5-Day Blitz – Goals, Drama, and Triumph!

Category: Entertainment

[music] [music] [music] i don't care 1th in the championship take happened as i said it would people will be oh when when have we got leads now then people now then people welcome back to the just your football show it's been a minute i've missed can't even lie i have genuinely missed you use just ufc... Read more

Leeds United CONFIRMED Return For Alex Cairns! | Charlie Cresswell LEAVES! - Leeds United News! thumbnail
Leeds United CONFIRMED Return For Alex Cairns! | Charlie Cresswell LEAVES! - Leeds United News!

Category: Entertainment

Intro it looks like another signing is coming through the door from le united find out who on the latest le united transfer news and rumors all right guys what's going on my name is olle ward welcome back to the ole w channel happy monday start of a new week and the start of silly season again with... Read more

Montpellier vs. Nantes Ligue 1 Free Picks 8/31/2024: Kirk's Soccer Picks | Ligue 1 Football Picks thumbnail
Montpellier vs. Nantes Ligue 1 Free Picks 8/31/2024: Kirk's Soccer Picks | Ligue 1 Football Picks

Category: Sports

Hey everyone you're here with kirk from pck dogs for his match day three prediction between m and non in league one on saturday august 31st m they're coming off a tough tough 6-0 loss to psg psg they look like they've taken a step forward honestly after losing mbappe where at real madrid they haven't... Read more