Episode 48: Is Harris a Centrist? Meta apologies for censorship. Woman rages on man in the gym.

Is Harris a Centrest-Moderate? so comrade kamla is having a Rebrand moment let's talk about it on asouth podcast I'm Barrett McNab and with me is Kimberly McNab so we're going to go ahead and look at some analysis that was done post kamla Harris's DNC speech in which people are saying that she sounds like a republican let's go ahead and watch as as I look at who this speech was aimed at last night I think of a lot of mws moderates middle class Middle America Donald Trump has tried to Define her you know they talk about her the Republicans the Trump Republicans as a San Francisco liberal as a radical they call her comrade kamla but she gave a speech George that if you take out that section on abortion rights much of this speech could have been delivered at a republican convention a republican convention before Trump she talked tough on Iran she promised that as commander in Chief America would have the most lethal and strongest fighting force in the world very interesting move and quite a contrast from the way she ran for president the first time when she tried to get the nomination four years ago this is a a a KLA Harris that sounded a little bit more like Maggie Thatcher or or Ronald Reagan especially on National Security than like Bernie Sanders well I tell you what I've I've never heard anybody refer to Margaret Thatcher who's the Prime Minister of England in the 80s that was you know best buds with Ronald Reagan uh as Maggie Thatcher yeah she's not the baby from The Simpsons I mean just to infant fantzee a very powerful and Brilliant woman is yeah I mean even even a movie that was a you know that was a you know talking about her life called her The Iron Lady right The Iron Lady is not Maggie no I mean I've never seen an interview or a runin with Cala har where she sounded like The Iron Lady yeah no so so here here's the thing is is we have ABC CNN just the Legacy mainstream media are all trying to Rebrand and reboot this series of Camala Harris uh who is is is a progressive she is a far-left politician and she is having the media I think you said provide top cover yeah they're they're running cover for her and remember up until what a month ago everyone everyone even CNN everyone would say she was far left right and let's not forget the um the government tracker that raided her left of Bernie Sanders that is who she is believe people by their actions and up until a month ago all of her actions said far leftist this is not like someone who's a Republican and they're interviewed and they're like well when you were in college 20 years ago you were pro-abortion what Chang and you know it's like well you know now I have grandchildren and and you know it just touches my heart and I can't stand to see a baby die like it's pretty difference between 20 years and a month ago yeah I Kimberly I couldn't agree more I mean here she is she is a progressive politician she's from California that has Progressive polic the um the legislature in California is a super majority of Democrats right so anything goes they pass all kinds of far-left um you know legislation uh she was the um you know in San Francisco which is a Bastion of liberalism and for her to come out on that Spa that stage and give a speech that clearly she did not write uh I mean she did not write it it was done by a professional speech writer and what they're trying to do is give her her sheep's clothing for that wolf that she is uh in order to appeal to moderates and independents and some even some uh never Trump Republicans to say look just kidding I'm really a Centrist moderate and everything's going to be okay yeah ignore all those comments from like a week before where she was basically saying she's going to control grocery store prices so hell not a month ago a week ago ago a week ago really H you've had that big of Awakening in a week huh I mean that that's that's exactly right I mean to to price control uh groceries and food and and things like that that is literally socialism that is not a Centrist policy that's not a Centrist policy it just it just is not and it's very disingenuous for the media to to do this covering for her and to and to try and and say that look she is a moderate and a Centrist I mean Michael Moore in a recent article is beyond estatic that she is going to be the most Progressive president ever he knows who she is yeah progressives know who's going to progress yeah I mean he know they recognize the game he knows who she is and what she stands for and he cannot wait for more Progressive ideologies to just keep pushing um the uh the country to the left I mean you know when we talk about words matter and precise words matter this speech was was it was good it was a good speech it really was a good I I watched it I enjoyed it it was a good speech but the whole time I kept telling myself this is not who you are this is not who she is that great speech but that's not who she is she lied the entire time every other word Li lie like like I could barely stomach it I mean you know she and she threaded you know she's a politician first of all so let's let's the person who wrote the speech is a politician yeah exactly she's a politician but she she threaded this needle in between Israel and um Palestine I mean even Joe Biden at the beginning of the week said the the Palestinian protesters have a point but still you know she's trying to thread that needle because she needs those those particular votes but again this was an entire production and a lie uh in order to get your votes because the media won't keep her accountable it's been now we're at 37 days 37 days I think it's 38 but 38 okay yeah I mean the the the news needs to stop presenting itself as as news like are you news or you opinion piece right and and like I think you said earlier MSNBC is really more like 80 90% opinion than but but the thing is people they just have this label as a news station right and so people turn it on and just assume it's it's news and you know I I looked up some stuff about journalism and um you know according to Career Builder journalists must adhere to ethical standards and journalistic principles such as wait for it accuracy fairness objectivity and balance and one of the objectives of Journalism is the public trust one of the components of which is preventing the public from being misled by some statement or action of an individual or organization per Sanford doedu you so all this covering for her when you're covering for some someone you're basically on their team you basically an in-kind contribution to their campaign where's that going to be on the financial statements yeah I mean that's that's the you know the the problem that I have is when when you have editorial shows which are opinion shows and then you have journalism I mean so again when you look at uh you know MSNBC The the very fact that they have all of these editorial shows where people give a new snippet and then give their opinion and uh on it and try and convince you that their opinion is correct and and they usually do uh you know partial truths um in order to uh to cherry-pick um you know words that people say I mean Donald Trump uh is has done an interview with Dr Phil and and it hasn't been released yet it's going to be released uh later this week on the Dr Phil show but uh Dr Phil has has put out some snippets on on X and it talks about how uh a lot of Trump's words are taken out of context in order to to demonize him and vilify him right and it's not Fox News That's demonizing and vilifying him on some of those things that he said uh for example one of the most famous one there were fine people on both sides and so what what the mainstream media captured that on is that uh saying that the counter protesters and the clue clux Clan white supremacists um you know were fine people he was talking about what was going on and it was a protest and a counter-protest on the removal of Confederate statues yeah and he meant each side has a point for removing the statues and against right removing the stat it wasn't the the white supremacist and then the counter-protester who was a um a liberal that got hit by the car and and died that's not the part he was talking about but but that's what they focused on oh a woman was was killed there were fine people on both sides they missed they they took all of that out of context and so that's one of the things that this show is going to uh to discuss is Donald Trump Dr Phil I guess is going to ask him about certain comments that he made and uh Donald Trump's like look here is the com context of what I was what I was saying there so in in this instance we have the mainstream media uh doing these opinion pieces and and vilifying Trump but then they're they're trying to Rebrand and reboot kamla Harris even though she hasn't given any interviews yeah they're trying to glorify her and and just I feel like we're being bombarded by by articles that are just glorifying her and and her husband Doug mhof so ridiculous to the point point of just character uh for instance a DNC delegate on ABC says she hasn't really gotten specific we would really like to hear specifics from the number two in the current Administration VP Harris has been brave to roll out an economic agenda the more you like this meaning not having one uh the more you share the more your policies will be picked apart well that's kind of the point of Journalism is to ask questions well what do you mean by that what do you mean by that so that you can present and disate information to the public and the less you do of that the more you are obviously covering for someone the less public trust you have right I mean so Quinton Tarantino was on uh Bill Myers's um podcast not a show was it was a podcast they were sitting down next to each other drinking some kind of tequila or something like that and Quenton Tarantino was challenging uh bill Mayer for um you know for saying that she should be doing interviews Quinton tartino said no absolutely not she shouldn't be doing interviews because we want to win meaning the Democrats and she'll just [ __ ] [ __ ] up and that that's that's what he said that's very true I mean if you're head in the polls why would you change your strategy yeah exactly that's just that's idiotic um but also the DNC uh delegate on ABC uh said what she is saying is I trust the American people and I trust J journalist to explain the policies that's not the journalist's job the journalist job is not to explain the policies it's to present them it's not to assume what they would be I mean if you trusted the American public you would present the facts and let them decide for themselves not tell them what to think right I mean this is this is exactly to the point that we're trying to make is that uh the Legacy media is rebranding her as a moderate inoc Centrist so it's obviously not true but to the uninformed casual voter that just happens hey it's getting close to the election so I think maybe I'll uh get a snippet of news uh I'll turn on one of these uh one of these things and and you have the media saying that she's a moderate and she goes God you know so the voter says well I'm a moderate so maybe I maybe maybe that's the person I want to vote for the second kamla win she will rip off that sheep's clothing and she will be revealed for the true Progressive that she is and that she showed us to be in her 2019 uh campaign of of Medicare for all Single Payer system um and she could be herself then because she you know she was pulling it nothing so I mean yes talk talk get people to pay attention to you when you were at nothing but you know we need to hold the leg Legacy Media accountable not give them our trust I mean another example of just how biased they are they I saw a Washington Post article saying that Doug mhof VP Harris uh husband is modern day sexiest man alive move over Ryan Gosley yes yes I I see I see it I totally see it um you know he's he's bringing dad bod back um he has like four cheeks I mean he has so many cheeks it's like our our kids when they stuff their mouths and just I want to eat quickly but I don't want to spit it out right that that that's crazy I mean so I mean they're so they're trying to Rebrand uh you know the husband I'm Elizabeth Hurley yeah yeah exactly so you know we this this can't stand you have got to challenge um everything uh challenge Us in the comments if you think that she is is a moderate Centrist we want to hear from you we want to hear from you and I'd love to have the dialogue because um you know we would we would completely argue with you but if you agree with us also leave a comment hit that like And subscribe button because this election it it it every election is this is the the once in a generation but this is this is truly this is the most insulting it truly is this is so wild um you know that that Cala Harris has not um received a single vote from a uh human being uh in in a Democrat primary yet she is the the the the Democrat candidate for president this this election matters it really really does and so please stay tuned for greater information on asouth podcast as we continue to move through this election cycle and uh please stay tuned after these comments hi everyone thank you for listening if you enjoy our show with all the stories we share we would love your support and it's as easy as clicking that subscribe or follow button this will ensure you never miss an episode and keeps us bringing you these important stories your support makes a huge difference thank you so much for being part of our podcast family thanks and keep tuning in so Mark Zuckerberg of Mark Zuckerberg apologizes Facebook Fame as well as meta has written a letter to Jim Jordan and and really it takes ownership of Facebooks and Instagram's election meddling let's talk about it on asouth podcast I'm Barett McNab and with me is Kimberly McNab so I have the letter here we're going to link it in our Twitter handle um uh as a post so you guys can can look at it so I'm not going to read the whole thing I'll put some of it up uh as a as a photograph but it probably won't be able to read it but I it just I'm just going to paraphrase some of it I am going to read two specific paragraphs uh just because I want to make sure that uh that gets U uh fully conveyed But ultimately it he is accepting responsibility ility for Facebook and for Instagram to um downplay and listen to the Harris Biden administration's requests to eliminate any misinformation or disinformation supposed uh concerning covid-19 now what um what that included was humor anything that was humorous anything that was satire uh anything that was a meme all of that was pushed down and labeled as misinformation disinformation and push down in the algorithm so this this is from Mark's uh uh own own hand so in 2021 senior officials from the Biden Administration including the White House repeatedly pressured our teams for months to censor certain covid-19 content including humor and satire and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams if we didn't agree ultimately it was our decision whether or not not to take the content down and we own our decisions including the covid-19 related changes we made to our enforcement in Wake of this pressure I believe the government pressure was wrong and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it now he goes on to say including the hunter Biden laptop controversy in which 50 some OD intelligence operatives including Leon Panetta former director of the CIA um Brennan former director of the CIA James clap er um dni um you know all signed saying that this was clearly a Russian misinformation campaign and it turned out all of those intelligence analysts uh were lying they they lied and published this letter it was not Russian misinformation but at the request of um these people Facebook also censored and push down uh this information as well and then we're going to go on to the last paragraph and it talks about um what commonly is called Zucker bucks and I and I'll get into that so he he goes to say apart from content moderation I want to address the contributions I made during the last presidential cycle to support electoral infrastructure the idea here was to make sure local election jurisdictions across the country had the resources they needed to help people vote safely during the global pandemic I made these contributions through the Chan Zuckerberg initiative they were designed to be nonpartisan spread across Urban Rural and Suburban communities and it goes to say I know some people believe this work benefited one party over the other and my goal was to be neutral and not play a role one way or the other or even to appear playing a role so I don't make plan on making a similar contribution this cycle so what was commonly referred to as Zucker bucks he was uh had his nonprofit that were giving money and the appearance was or at least some of the reporting that I've seen is that it was primarily going to Democrat and liberal campaigns at the expense of conservative and Republican campaigns now he says he he didn't mean for that to happen he wanted to be neutral but the dollars were not allocated that way as far as the the reporting uh that I have seen so he's pledged to just get out of it all together which I think is a smart move okay well I didn't want to interrupt you on first of all uh you censor anything that could be satire or hum or humor during 2020 when we're were locked up with what a two and a four-year-old how dare you how dare you I needed every bit of humor I could get and wine and beer oh yes and then okay demoted content related to a hunter Biden labtop reported by the New York Post after pressure by the FBI warning of poten Russian disinformation now anytime someone says Russia Russia Russia guess what I tune out Russia got Trump elected in 2016 they interfered with the campaign oh covid stuff is Russia dis disinformation even uh we were talking about the transgender people whatever you want to call them the men pretending to be women in in the in the Olympic boxing even you said something about Russia I just tuned out I was like and guess what I think I'm pretty uh symbolic of most of America now like we just hear Russia but okay whatever I mean it's the little boy that cried wolf right you get desensitized to it and then the next pandemic pandemic comes around guess what we're not believing you again we're not we don't believe you and you know I'm sorry doesn't plan to contribute to any other electoral infrastructure I believe it when I see it because you caved you folded the last time guess what be like Rumble when they wanted uh Russell Brand shut down on that platform and they said go stick it where the sun doesn't shine right I mean let's talk about fre you're going to you're going to Cave again and what other platforms are going to Cave well I mean that that's that's the so let's talk about the freedom of speech in these tech companies that's the reason why Elon Musk purchased Twitter was to get rid of all of that government interference and and pushing down uh you know information uh that that who who gets to cherry pick and say misinformation is misinformation or disinformation I mean it's just a subjective term it's code for stuff you don't like you're throwing your teddy bear out of the crib I mean but but you're in the position of power so we have to play that game unfortunately until you go to bed well I mean that's that's one of the things where um the founder and CEO of telegram the the name escapes right now off or something yes yeah yes um he uh um is a Russian national he doesn't live in Russia anymore UMC I think he's based out of Dubai at least uh uh Telegraph um is or tegam telegram is it's based out of Dubai um so you know it is uh a endtoend encrypted messaging system and he landed in France and was promptly arrested because the French government didn't like the fact that uh according to them that he doesn't have enough content moderation on his on his platform and and really if something is to be a a Public Square or a town square then you know of course there doesn't need to be moderation if it's Free Speech but but just just to be clear just because a uh European union or a nation that's a democracy um in claim to be a democracy claims to be a democracy just because they claim to be a democracy does not mean that they have freedoms that we do in the United States uh freedom of speech is different in France than it is in the United States freedom of speech is different than uh in England that it is in the in the United States not existent in England now well I mean yeah I mean so but like the but you know these these democ these European Democracies of which out most of our um uhw and traditions and everything come from the European continent but for for example in France you're guilty until you're proven innocent right I mean that that's just that's their that's their legal system not saying it's America is the racist country yeah but America is the but but at least in the United States you're innocent until proven guilty right so the the presumption is that that you're innocent and it's an important legal um you know differentiation between the the two countries so just because countries are democracy doesn't don't doesn't mean that they operate the same and and and with this technology you have telegram you've got uh Snapchat you've got um Instagram and and Twitter X um you know all of these companies are are vying for advertising dollars that's how they how they they operate but um but there are all these platforms for freedom of speech and when the government comes in and curtails it that's a problem yeah well um you know a lot of conservative commentators uh refer to YouTube screw tube and uh we have asked um some friends and family about you know ways we can improve our podcast and get more subscribers and one of them even commented sounds like you guys are being a little bit blackballed yeah yeah there's there's um you know so definitely let us know what you think in the comments yeah exactly I mean do you want more of this content um because we're not we're not scared of Google and and YouTube I mean you know we'll keep making this content so let us know in the comments if you want to see more of this content where we're just telling the truth um hit that like And subscribe button and share um and and get the word out because you know we feel as though us being truthful and being our our our honest selves and bringing you the information and the opinion as we see it yeah because we're not sponsored we're speaking on our own behalf no one else's behalf yeah exactly and so with this uh with this election season coming up things like this uh you know freedom of of speech and and various freedoms it's important and it just you know it's it's interesting I find it very ironic that that the Democrat Party louds the um the free free speech and and say says that the Republicans are going to Tamp down on Free Speech when that is the exact opposite it's it's literally the exact opposite it's the Democrats that want to crack down on free speech um you know the same thing you know with kamla Harris not having an interview I mean they're they're uh in the last segment we talked about how she is uh getting the speech we get to here yeah exactly she's getting a free pass so I I actually when I read this open letter I think Mark Zuckerberg is sincere I think he he is sincere I know we just we disagree on that but he didn't have to write this letter and say um we did get pressure from the Harris Biden Administration and we regret not standing up to the government I mean well I I just love how people get away with stuff four years later I mean what are you going to do about it four years later yeah the damage was done the damage was done you got what you wanted now you get to say oops sorry but you know I don't know if I should take this as a positive or dire warning like okay well we don't really need Mark Zuckerberg anymore because we have other ways right to lie cheat and steal well I mean I just we saw this letter and again we'll we'll we'll post it on our um X account uh and I'll uh maybe I'll copy and paste um the words and put them in the description I don't think you can put pictures in in the description but but I'll I'll figure out how to get this out so you can see it word for word but um you know this is this stuff is important and as technology moves faster and faster the ability for AI you know to censor things oh so here yeah here's a perfect example here's a perfect example so I um signed up for grammarly um and I did their their free account and I did their their paid account and I wanted help writing a a script um that that we were going to use and I couldn't do it grammarly so I started typing this is what I want to have have happen and it was a pro- republican uh script that I was writing and grammarly immediately came in and said I cannot help you with this same for chat gbt yeah I cannot help you with this because this is conservative politics and I'm not authorized to do that and I I was if you spin it the other way happy yeah exactly so so I was like well I only wanted you grammarly to help me with this this thing and the one thing that I wanted you to help me with you can't I would I would say that that is is uh you know uh you know deleting freedom of speech from allowing me to uh to have ai assistance in writing a conservative dialogue well same thing with Google if you try to find some statistics that will back up a something you know is out there but you can't find it either doesn't find it messes up the wording or if you try to Google a search story it's going to be CNN first and you might get Fox on the third page right but this this affects you and so that's why we want you to keep tuning in to asouth podcast and uh contributing to the dialogue that we're all having so thank you so much for tuning in and please stay tuned after these mess hi everyone thank you for listening if you enjoy our show with all the stories we share we would love your support and it's as easy as clicking that subscribe or follow button this will ensure you never miss an episode and keeps us bringing you these important stories your support makes a huge difference thank you so much for being part of our podcast family thanks and keep tuning in GymRat woman rages on man is one comment worthy of a rampage let's talk about it on asmith podcast I'm Kimberly McNab and with me is my husband Barrett McNab so a girl got one little comment at the gym and she went off on him and so let's see if it's Justified let's watch so an auttaa police officer just sexually harassed me at the gym as one does of course he was doing chest lies I was standing in front of him and I was respecting him in his [ __ ] space and wanted him to be able to see his form so I kept moving out of the way so that he could see himself in the mirror and after I did this twice he stops me and he's like it's okay I may just be a dirty old man here it comes but I almost don't mind if you're standing in front of me while I do this and I did what we all do as women when we get comments like that I just went ha turned around and I was like [ __ ] I hate and then I was really pissed and went to turn around to tell him like this is not okay and here is why and he was gone I got a good life associate told her and she wanted to see where it happened so that she could find it on camera cuz I was like [ __ ] I don't want to come back here with this dude like I'm uncomfortable as [ __ ] right now h okay well um I do agree that I may be a dirty old man it's a weird way to put it right but basically to me he was saying hey you're better looking than I am in the in the mirror I mean that's how I interpret it I'd rather look at you than me because I need I'm working out here and there's a reason why I'm here right exactly but just another case of someone who clearly did not grow up with a brother or stepdad just and has no other problems just needs a reason to be upset right well I mean you know here here here we we say you know I'm a dirty old man again that's a horrible preface right but the the the phrase i' I'd rather I don't really mind you standing in front of me because I'd rather you know look at you um than than myself in in the mirror I if it went on it might be it might might be harassment but I think saying one comment and then he got up and left and it's not like yeah he didn't just stare at her the whole time or follow her to the locker room I mean that would definitely be a clear-cut case of harassment yeah so so she goes on um to say uh you know in her interaction she she points out the guy again so let's let's continue on where we where we left off he was there I was like oh this is him confronted him and then when I told him that was not okay you made me feel uncomfortable he was like I'm sorry and I was like no like you this is not cool it's not okay then he tells me I actually resend my apology anyway here's the video and I kept moving out of the way oh that's him e I'm so [ __ ] off no no no no no I don't give a [ __ ] it's inappropriate I don't appreciate it and it made me feel [ __ ] uncomfortable this is a place where I come to feel [ __ ] safe I'm oh I should be yes I know and you made me feel unsafe I don't [ __ ] appreciate that and for me to have to go ha no it's okay no it's not okay I'm [ __ ] autistic this is my [ __ ] safe space I come here to [ __ ] lift and you're [ __ ] disgusting as I'm moving out of the way you can see yourself in the [ __ ] mirror [ __ ] you wow wow what I take I resend my apologies you're nuts good for I send my apology you're [ __ ] nuts yeah I have nothing to be sorry for nope nope nope I I mean first of all she you're gonna have a harder time making your point with all the F bombs I am definitely not opposed to the f bomb for sure but uh it's just you're in public okay you want to be believable as a supposed victim how about you drop it okay and I feel sorry for the person that works at the gym because you have one person complaining someone did something it probably feels to them like when our children fight over something that others said and I just have God forbid step out of the room for a second I'm like what on Earth you want me to do okay how about both of you try being nice to nicer to each other neither one of you are the enemy right well one of the one of the issues that I have is um you know she talked about how she felt as though she needed to to giggle at his comment and that that made it e even all the worse but yet she turns Billy badass um when she's got her camera on and um she's with an employee and she's dropping all these these uh um these F bombs now to this he apologized he goes I'm sorry and she and she's like she could have moved on she could have moved on I I I apologize and and I would I would say if you apologize that means you've learned the lesson and he sounded sincere when he said I apologize I'm sorry and and she kept saying e you're disgusting I moved out of the way so you could see yourself in the mirror and that's probably why he made the comment cuz again more than likely and this men do this a lot uh but we depreciate ourselves um we do the self-depreciation of uh you know you know we're um you know kind of like oh I'm I'm fat or you know whatever i' you know I'd rather look at you because looking at me I'm fat and and so we kind of put ourselves down as as humor um you know if you if you ever have been out uh drinking with a bunch of guys we're putting each other down all the time we're I love being that fly on the wall we're friends but that's just the way guys talk to each other so sometimes we also put ourselves down a little bit in the form of humor and and that is exactly she took it uh at the first part we're listening to her side of the story she took it as he was hitting on her or whatever I'm I'm at the position now after she says that you're disgusting maybe he is maybe he's not but uh but if he is that that he was like I know I'm disgusting and I'd rather look at you than me in the mirror I mean that's that's even be able to he may not even been calling himself disgusting just hey you're better to looking than I am right you know you're you're better to look at I mean that's that's the that's the compliment if he had left out the dirty old man part yeah yeah exact it probably would have come off a little bit better that's like saying not to be rude but you know no offense but but but is it worth this response is it is it wor very unhinged um I think she needs some real problems and then to drop the autis thing I mean one of the some of the symptoms of I'm not I'm not an expert but some of the symptoms of autism is you have a hard time making eye contact clearly she was able to make eye contact with with the employee and him uh hard time to listen with one is uh communicating with them he he you know said you should be safe and she was able to have that interaction without any hesitation so that doesn't she um she's able to do that back and forth that a typical autistic person is not able able to do so either she's full of it some friend decid you know chose that word to use to describe her and she ran with it or she's so light on the scale it's not worth her using well I want to I want to focus on the this is my safe space and I would say that a public gym and it's probably not a when I say the word public gym I mean it is an open area where multiple people are congregating right I'm I it's probably you have to pay a membership I'm sure and so it's not it's a it's a private business but when you when you say a public area I don't mean that it's owned by the city or the state or in this in instance um The Province because in Canada um I don't mean public land I I mean you know it's a public public space where everybody congregates and for her to to claim it as her entire safe space um I think you know it's a communal space yeah it's a communal space and and so for her to say that and and again I just want to go to the point that um the pickup line right the pickup line every once in a while before the um social media and the and the uh dating apps men and women would have to interact live and in order to break the ice men would have this thing called a pickup line and and it was you know some of them could be could be stupid but it's it's obviously it's designed to to try and and um you know elicit a reaction usually a laugh or whatever I mean I i' I saw one when I was in college and a guy had a glass of water and he uh dipped his fingers and splashed the water on the girl and then dipped the fingers and splashed the water on him and said let's get out of these wet clothes I mean and and the girl laughed her ass off uh at it because it was absurd but the thing is is it broke the ice and and so um you know it just it that pickup line that that interaction that somebody has to make the first move and a lot of uh you know women I've seen videos on that's that are that are where are all the conservative men that are making the first move I have to make all the moves and I wish the man would make the move that's because too much of this exists we've lost the ability to interact with each other I mean if you look at her her age she's she's looks like she's in her upper 20s early 30s if he's a dirty old man then he probably existed uh like me uh you know in in an era where you had to make the first move I mean being in a grocery store and and and somebody you know a girl you like is picking up a candle nice melons I mean you know I mean definitely don't say that say that but but but it's it becomes the absurdity that you that gets you a laugh like what and and and hey you know at least gauged a sense of humor days yeah exactly so I mean I see this as it was a you know if if he is a dirty old man like he says he is he it was probably his his attempt at a pickup line um I don't see a ring ring on her finger I mean well also I don't I hate to be approved but she's pretty scantily clad right I mean that top is pretty small for her chest size and then she has you know for the listening audience a lot of tattoos on on her arms and even her neck so I I don't know you're kind of calling for attention there right that whole get up is calling for attention well I think you know this just as goes along with this this trend of being able to uh publicly shame men um you know I I can't tell you how many I mean I don't subscribe to any of these people they just come across my feeds um but uh it seems to be all these videos where women are wearing next form fitting you know uh clothing and they put their cameras up to see if they can catch men looking at them right and they'll put little counters like ding ding one look ding one look ding another look and is that like entrapment for for social media glorification I mean it just it just seem it seems like that that they're posting up like oh and it's the same weird female robot voice that's in that does the uh the over the voiceovers uh for him so I was in the gym working out hard and a guy looked at me five times let's count and you know the camera is not pointed at her she's in the camera but it's pointed set up deliberately uh you know at a guy uh it'd be one thing if it if she was Center framed and um and there was you know somebody walking by but but often times it's pointed at the guy and she just happens to be in the side of the frame and you know she's doing some weird uh exercise and the guy is looking at her in fact I I saw one where there was a woman that had a medicine ball between her legs and she was doing some kind of weird thing and I uh the gym manager came over and she immediately you know was recording herself and like can I help you can I help you and he's like uh what are you doing that's not an exercise I'm familiar with and I have a degree in sports medicine yeah so I mean you know a lot of this is is just absurd and and you know I don't know what are your final thoughts on on her no Ju Just social media glorification that's all she wants yeah I mean that that's what it looked like shaming of men to be able to get on the trend I think well we saw this and we wanted to bring it to you and uh thank you so much for tuning in to asouth podcast please hit that like And subscribe button so we can get our voice out there uh all over the uh interwebs and uh have a great day hi everyone thank you for listening if you enjoy our show with all the stories we share we would love your support and it's as easy as click cck that subscribe or follow button this will ensure you never miss an episode and keeps us bringing you these 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