MARK TUAN ft KISS OF LIFE "2024 VALORANT Champions Opening Ceremony" REACTION!!

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:15:03 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: valorant champions 2024
hello hello hello and welcome back to my channel and today well um I know I haven't actually reacted to the song yet and I haven't heard it but I saw that there is a live performance of the song for valorent again I only know this is a game don't know what it's about I've never played um but but it's got my boy Mark Twan obviously featuring Kiss of Life which is another group that I really really enjoy um so I'm really curious to see this whole collab there's also other people that I do not know um but anyway I forgot what the name of the song actually is um but oh superpower super power my bad okay superpower so I'm excited to see Mark mostly let's I mean let's be serious uh but yeah anyway I'm excited to check this out so without any further Ado let's do this uh superpower by Maran case of life for valerant let's do this and this is the Champions opening ceremony which is very exciting once again I know nothing of this game except for a few visuals that I see sometimes on Twitter but that's it I'm guessing this is sort of like games like OverWatch and uh other games like that like Apex or thing something you know those types of games maybe I don't know looks like it anyway this is exciting though I mean if you're a player like that must be so exciting [Music] [Music] see like I don't know who she is I'm guessing these are the streamers [Music] probably I'm guessing you have multiple performances by multiple people and I'm just being like I'm just stupid I was I guess I'm just going to enjoy the show while the people that I actually know already I do like this though [Music] o cool that's really cool oo is it oh wow my God that's insane when you think about it like this is an opening ceremony for a game Championship once again I have no idea who this is so I'm so sorry for the volume I have to like put it like really high are they dressed like characters probably hi if there is anyone playing the game watching this I am so sorry for my ignorance I'm so [Music] sorry no distractions it's you and me wow she is gorgeous [Music] yeah that reminds me of OverWatch it's like those first person shooter types of [Music] games damn okay wow that stage is crazy enem [Music] en wow I guess it's dressed like this character [Music] [Applause] wow that sounds really eerie like the run I like it when you hide like it's like you can hide but I'm still going to get you and I'm going to yeah I'm just going to find you but sure this is really like high budget wow like even if I don't know the game at all and the characters I still think this is really really [ __ ] cool oh my God I was not prepared hold on okay I was not ready oh my God he looks so good I I know I saw him like for two seconds and I I okay okay oh my God [Music] oh my God hi oh my God look at them [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oo that sounds great [Music] actually is it Julie and Natty I don't know kid of life that well like I really like their music like I really love what they do I have a playlist but I because I didn't dive deep into them I just know like the members like really vaguely so forgive me if I'm wrong oh my God I love her voice [Music] sorry I'm [Music] fine like not to be biased but this is the best song so far why is Mark looking so freaking amazing I'm sorry I this was a lot this was a lot wow this song was great [Applause] I'm just looking like Jesus okay okay so now they're introducing the teams and I just wanted to see the performances because again I do not know the streamers I do not know the game I was just oh wait you can see them a little here at the end there oh hold on sorry listen I'm a simple K-pop fan I am here for my K-pop people [Applause] [Music] W oh that's cute how they're doing the [Music] Coro w oh my God that was crazy like that stage is insane like again this is an opening ceremony for like an online game like I feel like I'm watching the opening ceremony for the olymp Olympic Games and that actually looks even better so wow the scale on this was crazy okay first of all first of all like I said I am a simple okay about F so I was mostly here to see Mark and of course the girls of Kiss of Life um and I I want to say like the Julie and Natty please let me know if I'm right but I think I remember seeing it was them um when they announced this collab so yeah oh look at that the first comment is Mark had a great time thanks for having me my God he is just the sweetest boy it is Natty and Julie okay okay greato they have amazing stage pres let me say that like keys of Life seriously I know like but especially those two like I see them all the time like doing challenges on Tik Tok and stuff like that and they my God their stage presence is incredible my my boy Mark also like he was fully like rapper Mark um mode which I love seeing and I've missed him so much yes I am still very sad that we didn't get us Europeans that we didn't get the tour and I'm so sorry that he was sick and I know I know he tried everything but the fact that it was not even postpone like he was it was officially cancelled breaks my heart because again I had a VIP ticket I was about to meet him finally I was about to have my picture with him it was a oneon-one picture none of these like groups of 10 like 5 10 people which again I'm like I'm not like I want to pay for a picture with a bunch of strangers I don't understand that like but this one was a one onone picture and I had it it's fine it's fine fine I get over it eventually um but yeah even the song itself was really really great like again not to be biased but it was the best one um and honestly this was a collab that I was not expecting at all to have like Kiss of Life and Mark like not expecting that at all and I just love seeing that and I love seeing him he looks so freaking good my God God okay but seriously I am very excited for the people playing the game I'm sure you're going to have a blast watching your favorite streamers play the game uh and this is the championship so it's a big deal but yeah anyway I guess that is it for me thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and if you did don't forget to comment like maybe subscribe to the chall the challenge what the channel the channel uh and you can also follow me here on Twitter um and I love you guys guys and I will see you in the next one bye

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