Published: Jul 13, 2024
Duration: 00:51:15
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: josh homme
n [Music] hey here's the quick healing for uh president uh Trump in his assassination attempt yeah crazy no I'm not a trump guy I'm not a Democrat either I'm an independent we don't do Politics on this show but this has to be addressed this is absolutely [ __ ] ridiculous yeah crazy I mean the bottom line is the people who hate Trump you guys totally handed the next election to him because you couldn't Let It Go narcissist you turn the oxygen off and uh now with this there's no way he's not gonna be president and people are like oh he tried to you know already the conspiracy theories that he planned this and yeah okay said they're saying he he oh what what here's okay you know I was I was raised to respect the office of the presidency you don't have to like the person who's in it yeah and the fact that people cheering on that he should died right you know I don't get it no you know and they don't and the people cheering on that he should have died don't think that they're fascist because that's what they do in fascist countries they take out the political opposition but any way yeah moving on yep so Josh H homy H hom I've never known how to say his last name when I read it yeah I always thought it was H myself but again I don't know yeah the coolest cat and rock uh he had to have emergency surgery and he uh Queens of the Stone Age had to cancel their last eight shows of the year so uh any word on what type of surgery um no and this is what I really like about him uh he's like yeah pretty much I gotta have emergency surgery that's all you need to know talk to you later you know and uh people are becoming more um you know more present in their uh their health you know what I mean like back in the older days ah tough it out you only got eight more shows then you can get your no right you know and that's been happening uh frequently in music right in the past uh well yeah I mean you don't you don't handle your business you don't have any business you know so oh totally yeah so yeah so all the prep that I was going to do kind of went out the window because of uh the Sho crazy man I was uh on I was asleep on the couch to be honest and I woke up and then you know the TV was on and I was so he gets up and he and he puts his fists up to the [ __ ] crowd and the crowd go was wild wow like okay you just reelected them idiots yeah like you know four more years of screeching I don't I don't know I don't get it man people are way too emotionally involved and oh for yeah they don't care about none of the politicians care about you guys yeah and all politicians lie constantly yeah but uh anyway um yeah so uh oh Richard Simmons died I saw that yeah and Dr Ruth westeimer yeah Dr Ruth man she's grab the penis anybody our age um you know you know Dr Ruth right yeah that's when the downhill escalate that's when that's when it all will start going downhills to Dr Ruth oh Dr Ruth well yeah I mean those are two icons from the 80s man you couldn't be bigger than those two in the 80s right you know and Richard Simmons you know Richard Simmons he was the best Letterman guest yeah dude David Letterman used to just [ __ ] with the you know relentlessly he was really good on Howard Stern as well tons of content from Howard right um uh well you know there was that whole always just a good dude he was always helping people you know what I mean yeah I I don't know much about him but I remember him he was always around on TV you know back in the day and there was that whole that time man in the 80s you know when the whole aerobics thing and you know that was a it's a big deal man remember leg warmers you know there was like uh oh for sure you know yeah that was uh yeah that spurned a lot of stars you know what I mean the whole Fitness movement jond got huge again and I actually worked for the company that made it big because of the Jane founda work workout tape oh wow yeah up eventually doing a um Who Wants To Be A Millionaire H but I worked on shop to a drop and all kinds of freaking shows on yeah game shows are interesting you shoot five of them in a day and it's a four- day work week and you do that well four day shoot day shoot week and that's all you do the entire month's show shows but uh Anyway Richard Simmons said when he had uh blown out his knee in 2015 or 16 he's like don't feel sorry for Richard Simmons he's like I'm one of the most loved people on the planet I'm good yeah it's like that's just the kind of dude he was you know I soon as I saw him on TV I'd put the clicker the clicker the remote down you know because he entertaining you know what I mean something's always gonna be good you know right right the clicker absolutely yeah I remember watching the Richard Simmons show to watch you know back in the day when I was a kid I'm like oh oh girls are wearing those Olivia Newton John outfits yeah yeah remember Let's Get Physical right that was her big hit physic my goodness oh yeah but uh yeah I just you know that's oh and I ran into Fred yesterday at the uh Taste of waste M oh really yeah he's like s how many bears do you think Jason's at right now I said oh that would be tomorrow yeah I had uh quite a few today um right yeah I forgot my books at work oh well [ __ ] uh a taste of waste month yep so you guys do good at the booth you did you get a l lot of action it was all right and I mean here's the thing with with when you're like uh marketing marijuana right so we were only the people who were in The Beer tent could approach us because they have to be 21 right so it's not we weren't selling anything we're just handing out you know coupons and signing people up for a Rewards program you know but uh yeah so it's kind of a weird place to be in the uh right but uh hey there's band Yes we are banade fan ATL what's going on and uh yeah so we're gonna talk about a bunch of stuff one of the things we're gonna get to today by the way if you guys haven't checked out Gibson TV channel on YouTube check it out it's really good uh loudwire picks the 75 best hard rocking metal guitarists of all time H we have a list right right that in a little bit but uh yeah very strange um I still don't understand how that shooter going back to Trump how the shooter got within 200 yards of the president especially when people were pointing that there was a guy climbing up the roof the right with the rifle I thought that was you know that was like um 101 you know Elementary like you know like the the right there's no way should be SC rooftops secret there's no way that should have happened yeah but uh you know see uh uh Steve just I am it says I I saw the map the location how the hell did a shooter get to that Vantage Point like that one incompetent security or something else and and if the sound recording isre he got about five shots off with the pause at three had time who adjust his angle no SS sniper watching from a high vantage point it doesn't pass the initial smell test I just watched an interview with a witness who had friends who are watching leg shooter shimmy and crawl up a building with the rifle on his back wow poting out him to the cops and Secret Service that's what SS means by the way smell test fail I mean that's a good opinion you know it just seems odd you know yeah like or just it's not a good yeah it's not a good thing yeah you know band Maids fan ATL says what up oh so I was kind of hammered a couple weeks ago and uh it it happens I said the wrong name it was very close to your name and the guy got all upset and we had to apologize on there yeah they're like um those lists hey I gotta ban you guys need to check out if you haven't yet brand new aling Mill Japanese band with the Misa level almost basis yeah yeah right we'll check it out uh interesting we got a new song from The Who that's going to be on tunage next week that's the who an hu oh right on yeah okay yeah these guys are fantastic yeah well actually speaking of the who was funny I was just uh you know me with bass playing stuff um I was just listening to an interview with the the who the wh's base player um John uh button button I think his name is yeah no and twistle passed some years ago of course so so yeah but uh oh the guy's playing with him now yeah gotcha yeah he's a hard gun but uh good player man he's grew up in Alaska you know a great story you know he's like like no concerts came when to you know Alaska when he was kid I mean like nobody goes there he's like but he said uh had a really good library and he would go they had records you know and he would be able to check vinyl out and uh at a young age man started listening to like you know Miles Davis records you know with you know a very young Marcus Miller playing with him and um just a lot of good jazz stuff you know Joo and weather report and all that stuff so that's how he uh he got started so nice sometimes seclusion can can work uh in someone's favor right you know what I mean oh for sure especially when it's a basement yeah forming uh your musical Foundation you know or that yeah yeah but the basis for neck was a finalist for the love bite spot that uh family one and she's really only about 18 I think right now out so the following not next week because those are already we do these those right after the show so next week we'll uh get those check them out yeah uhhuh uhhuh where's our boy Raj yeah where's Roger at I know I hear him cracking a beer somewhere somewhere right all right bandm made fan ATL you ready for this list we're going to go through this list all all right these lists suck because there's really you know how are they basing the list is it you know like is it best players is it bet you know you know what style are they you within you know subgroups blah blah blah blah blah yeah all right so those 75 Hard Rock and metal guitars all time this is from loudwire number 75 Vivan Campbell yeah you should should be on the list for Viv viv's a legit uh 74 Chris Deo absolutely should be and we're not saying we agreed with the number they're ranked at yeah 73 Jake E Lee oh yeah Jake's badass he's a good player always enjoyed him Buckethead number 72 don't know much about him I yeah yeah me neither number 71 Carrie King yeah you know obviously leg legendary riffs from that band yeah no doubt number 70 Miss Lita Ford right on number absolutely number 69 Terren Hobs Terren Hobs uh Suffocation suff from Suffocation Suffocation okay yeah that's right all right Mike mccre at number 68 Pearl Jim dude now I don't know that I would call them hard rock though you know what I mean I mean MC is a great player but you know yeah I mean may I mean when they came out they were considered alternative yeah before it was grunge you know that's what I'm saying like these lists are so weird right um all right number 67 Paul waganer uh Between the Buried and Me is I'm familiar yeah I'm familiar with yeah the name yeah number 66 Brett Hines from Mastadon yeah number 65 Luke Luke L Luke lame from gorguts I love that name gorguts not familiar with the band me neither 64 Jeff Lumis yeah badass number 63 Matt Pike Matt Pike from high on fire right on right on number 62 Kurt Cobain again Rock I wouldn't I wouldn't hey there's Roger ah what's happening there you go Roger Dodger okay we're going through the 75 greatest Hard Rock guitarists according to loud wires uh whatever they did over there so 61 Paul Mass mass mass Videl from cynic not familiar it's a a death metal I guess H okay I hope this isn't in order because if it is this next one is a travesty ladies and gents and all in between number 60 Malcolm Young dude he should be up in the top you know what I mean like as far as Rhythm player he is the rhythm of all time right yeah because he comes after Johnny [ __ ] rone no offense but on oh yeah you know what I mean right if Randy if Randy rhs isn't number one I am protest protesting Kurt copain isn't to 100 yeah all right number 58 Michael AER oh from uh opth yeah great great player great band uh Andy L Rock from King Diamond yeah yeah he's awesome I got a one of his picks here from uh probably like 1988 nice you sure your playing his guitar with it he was actually I I about had a stroke I'm like I got like about 2,000 guitar picks Ling around there and he like found that one in the secret wooden box over there you know right yeah absolutely okay going back number 56 KK Downing from priest number 55 Trey Zago from Morbid Angel okay I'm familiar with the band I I I've heard of the band name but I'm not familiar number 54 Nancy Wilson from Hart yeah Hard Rock again yeah some weird genre jumping they got going on here yeah number 53 Daron malakan Malak system of down yeah sorry if I mispronounce any of these names I'm just lexican don't care um number 52 Dave Murray yeah Maiden [ __ ] from Iron Maiden number 51 Mr Michael Shanker oh right another one that should be way up higher on the list I think you know I really want to know what the hell went between him and his brother I would like to you know there there's got to be some oh yeah you know yeah he he was a little vocal about it a few years ago and stuff yeah something about not getting paid for the album he was on or songwriting right yeah I think his brother scumbagged him on some credit for something or royalties or but uh totally yeah all right number 50 MC Mars Mick Mick should on the list uh number 49 Billy Gibbons absolutely see you know what I mean I wouldn't consider zzy top Hard Rock no not at all not even close but great influential player for sure AB yeah for sure yeah the Reverend number 48 Ron bumblefoot thou yeah number 47 Chuck schinger yeah from Death yeah John frisan at number 46 ch Peppers guy uh one of the most overrated bands ever in the history of f I'm not a huge fan in my opinion yeah yeah 45 Mr George Lynch ohh my boy yeah 44 Mr Vernon Reed from great band man there's dude they still will melt your face number 43 Joan Jet number 42 Nita Strauss yeah 41 Mr inve malmstein he's just annoying number 40 J I love in yeah dude I can listen to about five minutes of his music before you know I love it man number 39 Adam Jones yeah tool number 38 Kim thel from Sand good fa fa yeah yeah from sound garden uh number 37 Ace fry right now right now come on it's a no brainer do I look like a plumber oh no brain number 36 from Leonard skinnard I'm gonna go see August 3D at Ravinia with ZZ Top nice number 36 Gary rossington oh yeah and uh also on Monday I will be seeing Steve Miller Band de leopard leopard and journey nice number 35 the Maestro Paul Gilbert awesome guitar player number 34 Glenn Tipton from Jewish priests right number 33 Joe Perry number 32 Sinister gates from Avenge Sevenfold yeah number 31 Mr Alec livon from Rush number 30 James hfield see if they're doing just Rhythm players Hatfield would be up there but you know be in front of them it would be mustain uh yeah so 30 number 29 Keith Richards Keith number 28 Adrien Smith 20 of Iron Maiden 27 Mr Marty fredman MH number 26 Gary Holt plays with Slayer and Records plays with Lita and was from Exodus number 25 our buddy Rob shoots this guy all the time with his uh camera live performance that's Long Island sounds Rob Armstrong photography shout out uh Alex skullnick is number 25 right Testament yep number 24 Alexi Leo yeah children of bodm passed away a couple years ago oh really yeah that's yeah he went pretty young yeah he's pretty young guy number 23 John five number 22 Mr Joe Satriani s and 21 his student Steve I number 20 Tom Morell from Rage Against the Machine number 19 Jeff Hannah from Slayer number 18 Mr Angus Young 17 Kirk Hammet 16 Randy rhods Raj 16 what do you think about that that's [ __ ] Raj 16 it's a yoshu fuk is really kick in yeah okay let's see where is Rick neelson true maybe he might be up there yet this is uh why isn't it showing ah saki huki Hala and kamam deserve to be in the top [Music] 10 you guys listen to Maximum the Hormone yet let me write that down alrighty where are we at we are at number 15 Mr John petruci from Dream Theater and the band oh speaking of uh John Puchi I saw that uh I assume it's Reena put uh the girls in Mean Streak are going to uh be playing the whiskey I guess to going to the West Coast oh right they got a show out there our friends in Mean Streak m pickles yeah yeah she's great yeah they were awesome I we have to have them back on at some point all right number 14 Mr Zack wild number 13 David Gilmore 12 Pete Townson 11 slash all right we're getting into the top 10 what do you boo uh okay you guys ready for the top 10 here we go number 10 Brian May from Queen number nine Mr Dave mustain eight Jeff Beck seven Eric Clapton Clapton for hard dve yeah yeah six Richie black more five dime Dimebag Daryl yeah number four Mr Jimmy pige Tony iomi at number three all right let's go okay number two Mr Edward Van Halen and number one is Jimmy Hendrick so interesting I don't know I don't know if those were all you know didn't really belong on that list yeah but yeah you'll always have that with those types of lists right they're trying to keep up with rolling stone I think uh with their yeah I figured that'd give us 25 minutes yeah right obviously not all righty uhhuh so what else is going on man ah nothing man just uh SLE sble you know yeah I was uh rocking rolling today me and my brother yeah like oh we're they GNA growing our beards for four years yeah yeah no we still may do that you know but uh we may just let it rip you know hey yeah we uh yeah we work stupid hours so we got off this morning and uh like hey breakfast beer when I woke up this morning beer was on my mind yeah I didn't even think I didn't know if I was going to be here at one hilarious your texts just get like [ __ ] like yeah I was like oh but I don't know want to make it but I had a good little nap and that uh refreshed me and here I am uhhuh hold on I to uh okay are you ning off what's the what's going on with you no you said show show it on the show here's Jason with the [ __ ] beard yeah that was look at that I didn't know bumbles bounce yeah that was about a year I think it was about a year that I didn't shave that one or close to 11 months something like that yeah and there's the hillbillies from upstate New York me and my brother yeah yeah his like how dark his was then nice probably a little grayer [Music] now yeah and that's how the idiots look today me myself being one as well right that was funny last week we really didn't have a show so I called you and we like had beers over the [ __ ] yeah that was funny yeah they said I'd grow out of this [ __ ] but uh not yet nice let say list Roger Roger that and quit calling me surely y'all really dig asterism mostly an instrumental band threepiece but the guitarist is probably like best Japanese guitarist I've seen when the bass player plays a 12 string bass and eats slaps wow checked that out for sure asterism asterism yeah so coming up was that do you have asteroids no but my dad does sometimes he can hardly sit on the toilet what was that uh vac National L's vacation was it yeah yeah so uh uh um this Tuesday on Blues day we have Anthony Gomes with the whiskey made me do it all right on let's hide that guy then after that we go into a new video by Anthony now Anthony Gomes his album was on the top 10 blues charts for 58 straight weeks in a row wow debuting at number one we're going to do the new white trash princess video which is done by fans and it's pretty funny and then we have whiskey Meyers with d rocking great band that's for Jason and then of course we have the who with baso ha [ __ ] these guys are fantastic if you haven't heard this band they are really good yeah so kind interesting week coming up the beer made Roger do it most likely you know beer is the gateway drug right yep I mean come on alcohol makes people like put their penises in KN holes not you ever WIP your ass to court cob J oh my God can't say that I have but uh we like what oh yeah at least we we know in a pinch that it can be done you know yeah thanks for our buddy Jilly uh hilly engineering right oh my God that was funny oh it makes sense guess if you live near a cornfield there's plenty yeah maybe that well maybe that why it makes sense because the corn comes out ho and maybe it's thinking it's going to be reunited and people stop wiping their ass with corn cobs yeah and they've broken the circle right I know that's my story circle of corn the circle of life the circle of you need alcohol to do that no but it helps it it numbs it a wee bit right oh there you go got the glasses on oh yeah those your new ones hot to wear the hat yeah these are my new ones it's too hot to wear the hat I want to check out and see what this looks like hey look at that God damn look how big your head is it's little scary nice what what what what what but uh uhhuh let's see what else is going on yeah what was I watching uh oh Gibson went through and they went through Paul Stanley's collection oh really yeah it's a great series The Collection series oh totally yeah it's right up my alley I love looking ATN yeah that's some really good [ __ ] so Paul still got some stuff oh yeah for sure yeah dude Rick neel's collection was like Jo oh yeah yeah it was amazing well they had the museum piece here with the just you know but uh here in Illinois so did you see the uh royalty did you see the thing with Rick biato and Joe bamasa did you see that thing the other day yeah why don't you tell everyone about that yeah that was rad so um uh Rick bat's Uncle you know he uh had a a picture of his uncle back in the the uh early 50s was a touring musician yeah and if you don't know who Rick biato is he's one of the biggest music podcaster uh producer producer Studio owner educator I mean he's uh really filled with I mean he's one of the best brilliant guy you know music theory wise I mean he's brilliant you know yeah if you if you want to keep learning and in an easy way because he's you know he's the way he explains things is really you know not everyone can explain how to do things especially when it gets to technical I mean but he's really good sorry Jason B yeah he's awesome but anyway his U his uncle had like a I think it was a 51 right P base um there was a picture that the family had well anyway the the uncle tragically died young at 38 and um his daughter um I guess had the base and somehow or another they didn't specify but they said it went missing from her house a lot of years decades ago yeah um and uh she had been you know really really wanting to track it down if they could well right long story short um for many years at the house of guitars which is a uh a guitar shop very famous guitar shop in Rochester New York I I bought a well Vince you remember back in college my my Les Paul yeah I bought that at House of guitars um and uh but anyway they had uh this this old P Bas in the in the you know plexiglass case when you first walked in and um she had sent Rick a picture and said you know this looks like Dad's guitar and you he had been there going to that shop for years too and he was like you know well anyway one thing led to another they he went there and they he asked about the base and I said no you know somebody bought it well it turns out he was watching a video his brother sent him a message um and somebody did a video with bamasa and bamasa had this this base you know it was talking about house guitars he had bought the base and uh lo and behold they're pretty sure that that was her father's base and uh because they like her house was like two blocks away yeah they showed a map there's liter it's literally like a square yeah um so I don't know if somebody stole the base and just sold it pwned it to the shop or what I don't know you know they were a little vague on the story but right anyway U bamasa was cool and he uh offered to uh let them have it for you know for what he paid for it so that was was that was pretty cool yeah so that's Rick and there's Joe with the base yeah yeah so it was uh so the pretty cool that the the base found its way home you know what I mean after oh for sure yeah and then here's a picture right uncle back in the day yeah so cool yeah but Rick's got a lot of good stuff for sure oh no doubt yeah but yeah that was pretty cool story I love guitar stories like that you know like of course the famous one is Frampton's Phoenix you know I thought what's that one oh you don't remember that have you ever heard that about you know his famous Les Paul theck I may have probably but forgot because marijuana right yeah years ago um they were in h was it South America I think anyway the the plane crashed that had all the gear on it um and oh [ __ ] yeah they just obviously assumed that you know I mean everything burned up and you know that the guitar was gone 30 years go by or something like that and uh you know I'm condensing the story but Frampton gets a call from this like luier in like uh I I forget the the some Island somewhere you know down there let's just say I I don't even remember actually the country you know but it was a foreign country small little uh you know place and the guy knew the story and he he knew the guitar and he was like I think I have your guitar in my shop and they were like what you know like I mean like can't be you know sure enough man after they proved uh the Providence of it and uh it was in fact his guitar somehow or another the plane crash you know the that's crazy the guitar didn't didn't burn up like all the other gear did you know it was thrown maybe it was thrown away from the well you know some villager or something like that found it and it God knows how many hands it changed over the you know 30 some odd years oh for sure and uh luckily that uh that Tech you know that was doing a setup on it you know just good eye you know what I mean he goes oh wait a minute right and uh and so it it went home to Frampton and uh it had damage you know um so he sent it to to uh to Gibson and they they gave her an overhaul and you know he's been playing it again ever since so but that's crazy crazy story right totally yeah and Rick Nelson didn't even show up on that list yeah that sucks man I mean they got Mike MCC but no neelon come on right John fante and no Rick that all about that's crazy even yeah unbelievable unbelievable but what are you going to do yeah hey what you gonna do uhuh yeah just want to put a plug out to our buddies in Los Psychonauts to go buy that album absolutely what a great band yeah go check out their uh YouTube channel a lot of fun to hang out with too I I typically get a little trunk one there around I don't know I don't it's their fault or mine but you know did you know I went on a little vacation did you yeah I got a picture want see yeah ah there you go and they were serving beef on like many other instances in my life I don't remember that they were serving beef on your flight nice hey I thought of you the other day I was in traffic and I and I was at a red light and I looked across like caddy corner you know there was a big old Ford truck waiting there and it had a tag on the front bumper that said beef beef it's what's for dinner nice yeah I thought man I wish I had like a had time to like zoom in and get a picture you know right some farmer had his beef tag on the front of the truck totally absolutely but uh you know that's what we are washed up Geniuses we [Music] ishm oh look at that it got you right in the eye look at that you know speaking of Rudy man back in the in the 80s Washburn had a I don't know if you remember it um he played it in a lot of The Quiet Riot early Quiet Riot videos um they did a Rudy signature base you know it was the uh they had a black and white one and they called it the Rising Sun it was sort of like Japanese you know right right yeah yeah and it it's been like a a bucket list thing for me you know forever um but they've got kind of hard to find over the years like you know I would look for them and uh just you know they weren't around I'm like you know somebody bought them you know you know they're out there but people are holding on to them or whatever well damn it the other day I'm on Reaver but I go through there and I just H let me let me see if there's any in the market available [ __ ] there was a couple on there man and like you know I mean price is not bad I think one was like 1,450 bucks yeah I was like [ __ ] man always it's always when you like you're broke and you and you can't buy that you find the thing you've been like lusting after for years so yeah that sucks poor little baby couldn't get a 65th guitar yeah I know you know there's never enough right can never have too many hold on that one didn't download I'm trying to so let's see oh here yeah this one's like $1,400 on eBay yeah yeah they were pretty pretty cool I see Rudy's actually got some shirts out you can get that's got a picture of the base on it and it says Rudy behind it pretty nice I might have to get some swag nice so here you go you can find this on eBay right now there yeah that's the one that's it nice yeah it was a cool shape Rudy was cool yeah he definitely changed uh he made people better on stage just by being who he is you know what I mean right hey I just thought I had a thought I should just make my own there you go duh right I'd have to uh sort of yeah I mean I have to get some pictures and make a template and stuff or you know well yeah get close get in the neighborhood anyway absolutely yeah yourself a knuckle dragger yeah so I put the other fretless conversion thing back together I got to do some tweaking you know get the action just right and everything like that but yeah that one that I pulled the Frets on it came out pretty good yeah you're the fretless base yeah yeah yeah yeah let me me go grab pictures of it all right so start telling stories about this base as I grab pictures oh I just you know I I had a fretless years ago and then I had to you know money got tight same old story I had to sell a bunch of sadly I had some really good bases but uh yeah they had to go I kept the Getty Lee um signature I had a you know that first year uh Getty base and um but I want you know I've been wanting another fretless and uh as I said right now in this current economic climate I've had no extra money for stuff so right I uh who does right everybody's toughing it out so anyway I I found this cheap Yamaha man it was you know played good sounded good you know 250 bucks and uh I said man I'll just do a jackco did I just pull the Frets and uh you know just turn it into a fret list so that's what I did so yeah it was um I didn't I didn't do the I I was going back and forth yeah that's it so that's it as he bought it yeah and then yeah so I yanked Frets and then uh I filled in the uh fret slots I about a fret slot you know give or take is yeah there it is about 23,000 of an inch so I went to the place that I get wood or one of the places anyway and got some padal oh padal padal veneer and it was like just the right thickness so I just you know cut strips right laid them in the Fret slots and then you know sanded and that whole thing some people will coat the necks there's different things you I mean some people will do like superglue you know do layers of superg glue I didn't do that yet I I was going to do some epoxy and I couldn't find my epoxy so um I'm just going to play it like like it is for a while and see right I can always go back later and do that so are you're familiar with the uh lawsuit that Dean guitar that Gibson has against Dean guitars or I think I think yeah I had heard that they sued him about some shapes or something like that right yeah Dean guitars granted appeal and Gibson lwuit basically it's been totally reversed yeah it's the flying vshape and the destroy shape and Dean's been making that guitar since 77 oh right yeah and it's 2024 now you decide to sue only them when everyone else makes those same shapes right what yeah Gibson was on a suing Terror for a while they yeah I think it's gonna be a a Kleenex case yeah you know where it's not it's part of the it's part of the Lexicon basically yeah I mean like for guys like me in the garage just messing around I mean it's like you know they their lawyers will call you you know you no no Builder too small you know what I mean it's like right right right real big on their licensing and I'm not sure what's involved and you know they licensed some people to um you know to use their shapes U but I don't know what's involved in that obviously for somebody like me it wouldn't be worth it you know unless I was selling a lot of guitars you know but right um yeah now Fender's pretty cool I I think Fender doesn't really care as long as you kind of I think they're more wored about their headstock shape I've I've read you know yeah they don't seem to you know mess with the boutique guys you know right I mean what are you gonna sue people make drums and they're around right you know you know what I mean like there's certain things that make a certain guitar unique to whatever but yeah well it's kind of tough too man because it's like coming up with a an original shape that doesn't look like a damn bastardization right right tricky you know yeah I'm always impressed when I see some Builders you know that that do it I'm like oh there you go you know it's because you know you try to do something different but sometimes just looks you know right that's why I always liked the Flying V when I was you know teenager because it didn't have horns yeah you know one horn two horn come on you know like right but you know or could go Bo didley and just do the square guitar yeah hey you know not for nothing I was thinking the other day you remember when Steinberger came out you know they had the little square guitars and bases I mean there's something you know back in the day we were kind of like but there's something kind of cool about those now they're you know they' gotten kind of retro yeah you're still not a fan no Eddie played one remember he had one that was all striped up I didn't like that guitar you didn't well fine no I there's something that bugs me of a head stockless or you know oh you don't like the Headless deal oh it's actually like the the greatest design though yeah but it it just looks looks like you know looks like you're like on a when you're playing it looks like you're playing on a cur ship in space and you're part of like the band and you know see I'm goingon to build one one of these days I I kind of like them especially I like them better on bases than I do guitars I think right yeah but uh actually for guitars I mean it's um you know you have no weird string pull angles through the like you will with a headstock you know through the dot that's where a lot of tuning issues come from right and um so when you have a a headless guitar it's just a straight pole it's actually the most stable tuning wise uh setup that there is you know oh for sure Vince would be like [ __ ] it I don't care if I'm in I don't it I don't yeah unbelievable man unbelievable like John Lee Hooker was never in tune right how how how how hey boogie chilling oh Boogie chilling uhhuh which we covered last week on tunich we did but yeah so speaking of which we got to go do those now so we're gonna wrap up this week's episode and we will see you guys on uh Monday with Monday metal with Metalhead Fred and I and then Tuesday Jason is in for blues day and then of course Jason and I are in tunage Wednesday Thursday Friday and here on viage viage Let There Be talk I don't know why I just started talking like that Jason Casey KAS uhuh hi this is Casey casm on America's top 40 that's funny it was also uh Shaggy and Robin in the Justice League oh really super friends yeah wow yeah see the things you learn mhm all right we'll see you guys next time later