Published: Aug 26, 2024
Duration: 00:07:57
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: incoming movie
well is it okay if I liked this am I allowed Rotten Tomato verse why am I getting a voice sorry I'm getting a [ __ ] voice I don't know why I'm getting voice 15 seconds who cares hi everyone it's me Grant the yeah come on work yourself out it's me Grant the movie and TV guy welcome to rais on popcorn with Grant everybody and today we are talking about a movie movies in TV that's what we do here and that movie is incoming incoming is written and directed by Dave chernin and John chernin um and this is their feature film debut okay so uh what is incoming about well the film centers on uh four nerdy friends um who led by Benji or Bene played by Mason Thames um of the black phone who uh um are just entering uh their first week of freshman year of high school when uh various circumstances caused them to be invited to the one friends uh big you know blowout party that they're throwing for the first week of school um and they go to the party and shenanigans and various subplots and eventually they become Legends it's one of those movies it's the sorry it's the all the party that goes arai movie think Project X or can hardly wait and that's the really the plot uh let the shenanigans begin look incoming is pretty derivative I'm not going to lie it is derivative it's silly it exists in the world of cartoon unrealism there are things that that do not work about it there's one particularly extended gag involving a certain bodily function in the backseat of a car that is not funny when the first time they do it and they keep hammering at home and home and home and home and home and home and it gets tiresome that being said with all those reservations aside the critical reviews for this movie have been kind of ridiculous this movie has like a 25% it's not that bad come on maybe it's just that humor is subjective and a majority of the critics just didn't find it funny I don't know I still thought this was pretty damn funny honestly I laugh pretty much throughout now I will say this even at 90 minutes it is and that is without credits so it's more like 80 minutes it does drag a little bit there's again there's some some gags that kind of go on longer than they need to but overall this movie was a lot of fun I don't know why everybody is giving it such a hard time this is a this is a silly dumb fun teen comedy you've seen this kind of movie before you will certainly see it again and this is far from the worst of it this isn't a college with Drake Bell it's not that bad it's not on that level and it's also not on the level of things like can Hardley weight or uh 16 Candles it's not it's going or even Ferris beer it's trying to go for that that's not what it's achieving but it works and it's fun and it's not it's about on the level of Project X you know it has a certain level of likability underneath the morass of Raj and it is it's it's you know it's hard is in the right place and it has a lot of charm I enjoyed it I thought it was a fun time nothing spectacular nothing to write home about but I don't think it's that bad I really don't and I think it's good enough to give it a MAA and that's what I'm going to give it I'm going to give incoming three and a half out of five stars I really didn't think this was so bad I thought this was was quite a bit of fun I especially like Bobby kavali as this the the coolest teacher ever this dude who keeps showing up at the party and keeps trying to leave but then taking more shots and getting more and more horribly injured trying to be one of the kids and that was funny um this kind of science teacher who becomes like a legend among the students for going to this party very very funny and again it's not logical and it doesn't make any sense but it's still it that was pretty funny yeah overall I enjoyed this flick it wasn't anything again to write home about but it was fun anyway uh incoming three and a half out of five stars let's close the book on it uh trailer trashon watching on Netflix with the Sharma yes there is a scene during the credits that is a nice payoff so what we're sticking around for nothing after though all right uh that is it we will be back uh later for a review of the last screenwriter why because of the movie's gimmick I feel the need to watch it and we'll talk about it um and also we will have reviews coming up this weekend now this is not a complete list because for some reason my stupid theater even though it's Tuesday almost evening still is not updated their their stuff yet I don't know why but we will have reviews coming up for sure this weekend for the following films those are wedes tomorrow night we will have a review of sarota um how do you pronounce this movie it's really hard some of these Bollywood and tolywood titles are really really hard to pronounce it they they're good movies they're hard to pronounce the title if you're if you're me um sarota sarum I'm seeing that tomorrow um Thursday is the 20th anniversary of Shaun of the Dead we will in Dolby I'll be revisiting it on the big screen and we'll have a retro review for it also look out this weekend for reviews of the baseball drama you got to believe uh starring Luke Wilson 1992 the final film starring Ray leoda City of Dreams um as well as afraid or Afra aied uh that new blumhouse horror movie that looks looks about as much a winner as night swim did um and Reagan which also doesn't look that great um Monday we'll have a review of the documentary fly also next week we'll have reviews for Beetle Juice Beetlejuice the front room and the Robert sisters latest film a New York story and then next weekend we will also have uh on Sunday next Sunday we will have a review uh the Sunday after this coming Sunday that is September 8th we will have our best and worst of the summer video me and my friends uh so go check that out because Summer is officially coming to an end the summer movie season after this week so we will have our rundown of the best the worst and the rest that we saw this summer so that at the movie so that's coming up and uh that'll love be next time and until next time I'm Grant the movie and TV guy I see it all and I'm happy to share it with you I love you all I appreciate you all love you all classes Miss I love you 2000 be kind to one another if you like this video give it a like if you want to give it a subscribe if you want to give it the bell I don't know what it does that's what you're supposed to do or so I've been told leave a comment even if it's say Grant I like waffles it really helps out um and if you want to find me elsewhere reviews lists and other fun stuff you you can find me on all my social media I'm on literally everything and either raised on popcorn with Grant or raised on popcorn take care of yourself take care of your mental health it's incredibly important and I want to know down below what did you think of incoming did you like the movie did you hate the movie uh think my opinion's good think I'm full of [ __ ] comment below let me know and until we meet again we were all raised on popcorn make mouth extra butter I'll catch you guys next time take care everyone see you around bye