still in the top 10 I had great race written down until you got that penalty just talk me through what happened this afternoon yeah I mean me and and gu Le had slight contact you know no damage on other car no consequence in the race we just had slight contact and and missed the corner um and so what you know we were racing I don't know why we need to be throwing around penalties like this and on top of that you know I saw Nico almost get thrown into the rooll at at 300 km an hour uh by Ricardo don't think he I'm not saying he did it on purpose but still he got 5 seconds I got 10 seconds you know it does it doesn't matter up at all so do you know if that's all have you heard if there'd be any points penalty points there that you haven't heard yet so so are you concerned at all that you might not be able to race him backu not at all no do you want to speak to them do you want to ask what they for clarification on it you know usually it doesn't it doesn't matter you know it it doesn't change anything so uh I don't think even though I go speak to them have spoken to them many times too many times and I still don't understand what what the rules are you know and and seems like they're just throwing around you know they don't they don't want racing that's what it seems to me you know if this thing between me and gule can be deemed a racing incident then I don't know what can you know it doesn't make sense all right thank you Kevin thank spectacular give me 14 of them right now