Social Media: The Truth No One Tells You | Shubham Goel DSH #717

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:23:09 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: truth social
Intro are you crypto I am oh nice yeah you're getting it now it's pretty tough I said serious I heard about Bitcoin before it got big so it's like one of those things where oh my God I did kind of know about it yeah every town had that one Bitcoin nerd or whatever the ones I feel bad for are the ones that actually had a lot of it and couldn't access it then I feel so bad if they could access it now it' be worth hundreds of millions I know they'd be set for life crazy dude all right guys we're in Las Vegas we partnered with DraftKings the sports capital of the world with football season kicking off it's the perfect time of the year to dive into the action with my partners at DraftKings the number one place to bet on touchdowns and right now we are welcoming all new customers who bet $5 with $250 in bonus bets plus you get one month of NFL Plus premium that's something we can all celebrate all right guys we got shoom Shubham's Love for Vegas here coming off another uh Circle appearance right yeah man it's great to be here thanks for having me absolutely man is this one of your first podcast no i' I've done a few around the years but I'm stoked to be here man this is sick we're in Vegas I'm excited you in Vegas a lot um no I want to come more though I love the town so yeah that's a rare take most people don't like it here cuz they lose money no I like it you know you guys have great shows here the Ambiance is electrics I like it yeah it can't beat the shows I'm with you on that yeah like the circus shows are incredible yeah which ones have you seen the circus La the o oh yeah I saw that one I saw another one yo some of those scare me though oh really I saw saw one where they were jumping like 40 ft into the smallest pool of water yeah and I got a little nervous a did you see that one dude maybe I don't remember I saw someone jump in like a fountain but crazy man well what you been up to you Shubham's Master's Degree just did you get a master's degree recently yeah no no I've been uh finishing it up so I've um studying in England so at Oxford I've been doing like a parttime masters and yeah it's been super fun so hopefully next year I'm done Oxford man that's that's top of the top yeah I loved Harry Potter and they filmed a lot there so that was like a a stoked to stoked to go it Harry Potter is is the best what's your favorite Harry Potter movie oh I love them all but the fourth one same go of fire really I knew that we're already on the same page that's my favorite 100% it's a rare take though people don't have that one at their top usually yeah I know I'm I'm glad you have it though yeah but that was the first one where it was like it got real yeah like I think that was the first big death and it just felt real yeah Darkness started coming yeah dude um I haven't watched any of the new newer ones or whatever but oh like the Fantastic Beast one have you seen those yeah I saw them they're good I like them but yeah they're good I feel like you just can't beat the original the Harry Potter's incredible yeah yeah 100% um so you were on season one of the circle and season five yeah I was on season one and five yeah which one did you like more oh they were both so fun they were I look at it as one continuation both so fun season one incredible people five's great so both are good nice and you were an interesting person cuz you were antisocial media before going on right yeah social Medusa and why were you so against it well my thing was was I thought you know with social media it was very addicting especially for the Youth and that can have like negative effects on their you know mental health and if you look at studies that I think we're in a loneliness pandemic right now in an epidemic so I think social media plays a part to that and I also thought sometimes you can create like a false sense of reality is you see people like their lives but it might not feel real so it's like a comparison contest that makes people feel bad having said that I I after the circle I see some good stuff with it like I think it's sick you can express yourself or connect with new friends and um so I look at it as good and bad now okay yeah I think it's good and bad yeah but overall what's your take like net positive or net negative overall o good question um net I'm not sure yet okay we'll see time will tell I think it it's really what you choose to focus on I agree it's what you make of it yeah cuz some people are mindlessly scrolling some people are learning a lot through podcasts and interviews so I think for me it's positive mainly I do think personally though I will say I think social he has gotten better over the last couple years I like that the algorithm has become democratized where even if people someone doesn't have a lot of followers it's the content that pushes out in a way so I think it's more democratized it's also desensitizing cuz on my Instagram I see death of animals I see death of people like every day um so it does kind of desensitize you to certain things as well so you got to keep an eye on that yeah I think it's good and bad like you said yeah but I just try not to scroll too often to catch 22 cuz I have to find interesting guests but I also can't get wrapped up in Tik Tok feeds I know I know cuz the time can just go like all day you're like in the morning and then it's night no it's super addicting man um did you run for Shubham's Run for Governor governor oh I did yeah a long time ago yeah oh where was that at uh California it was I think the 2018 election I thought it' be like a good experience to run and it'd be sick yeah my last name was Goyle so I had like my slogan was the Gold Rush you know so what was your big takeaway from doing that what did you learn oh super fun I think um I think a lot of people do want to help all right guys we're in the beautiful city of Las Vegas the sports capital of the world and with football season kicking off it's the perfect time to dive right into the action right now with my partners at DraftKings the number one place to bet on touchdowns and right now all new customers who bet $5 will instantly get $250 in bonus bets plus get one month off of NFL Plus premium that's something we can all celebrate download the draftking Sportsbook app and sign up using my promo code dsh the crown is yours that's $250 in bonus bets instantly and one month of NFL Plus premium after betting just $5 stay in on the action and use your $250 in bonus bets to bet anytime touchdowns on DraftKings DraftKings is the place to bet touchdowns if sports betting is not yet available in your state don't worry you can still join in on all the fun with DraftKings daily fantasy and have the shot to win cash prizes download the draftking Sportsbook app now new customers use my promo code dsh and just bet $5 on any wager to win $250 bonus bets instantly that's promo code dsh only at draftking Sportsbook out and make things better than what is happening or what has happened but the important thing is like when you're advocating for platforms that you want like when a candidate runs I think an important thing is that the platform's feasible so that it can be done and um that people can buy into it CU if it's feasible then it's easier to get people on board so I feel did you have to engage in any debates when you were running I did yeah they were super fun I got to like talk to all these people and learned a lot so I can't see you like going out someone you're nice like I L it was it was more positive I did like because I was um I didn't have much financial support um cuz I didn't I didn't raise money for this campaign so selfed self funded but so I had like I like tried to sneak into a debate in San Jose and I got in so that was fun I was just like but yeah yeah cuz you need money to play at that level right yeah yeah honestly like for some of the races you need like upwards of hundreds of a lot of millions dollars what and that's at a state level that's not even Federal compelling candidate but you know there are there are different ways like you don't always need money right cuz the right candidate can push through that but it depends well were the biggest changes you were advocating for at that time yeah that's a great question um I think one of the things was there's a board of regions that governed the 9 UC campuses so I was thinking um instead of the governor electing those regions also the students could vote for them themselves because it's like they're kind of representing the students so it' be good to have like a combination of elected by the governor but also appointed by people um and then another thing I was I was actually uh another thing was like really focusing on um bridging like Silicon Valley more into the government so like I was thinking about like opening These funds where we reroute money to like give Silicon Valley companies like um contracts to work on certain stuff whether it's like Farm irrigation or like um I thought like healthcare we could like use some of their AI databases and put that into our healthare system but that'd be more efficient yeah for sure cool cuz you know Silicon Valley is so incredible it's like Powerhouse well how is it these days cuz a lot of these tech companies uh got wrecked right with the evaluations yeah the whole oh my God the world has changed so much these last few years yeah I think um yeah man I think the pandemic and everything has had such a adverse effect on so many people so yeah I heard it's rough out there now like a lot of homeless and hopefully Shubhams Passion for Metal Detecting that changes yeah I always love California it's like you know I have such a soft spot cuz I grew up there but um yeah I don't know so where are you at now so I'm half the time in NorCal time SoCal oh wow C boy for Life best of both huh yeah yeah absolutely what's your uh what do you like more North Cow or southcal oh good question I think you know if I'm trying to have fun and kick it so Cal but if the fam bam Nor Cal okay yeah what do you do for fun uh oh I love to metal detect so metal detect yeah that's been sick that's a cool answer go like what's the coolest thing you found metal detecting a lot of Rusty Nails and are those valuable no just have antiseptic soap when you touch them so I I found a chest I found a little chest a jewel chest um it wasn't worth much but I thought that was super cool it was cool I used to see those uh people at the beach cuz I grew up in Jersey oh they would walk around metal detector see if anything washed up nice that's do I always wanted to do it but it seems kind of like a lot of work yeah to dig up yeah no it's not too bad sometimes things are so deep it's like oh my God but yeah it's fun there's just one YouTuber I watch who goes in rivers in metal detect oh I saw that that looks cool so cool he'll find like guns he's actually helped solve some m I saw that and then or maybe it was I saw one where it was a magnet fishing or something and it might have been that yeah no he's literally solved like murders cuz they find the weapons yeah so it's pretty interesting that's cool he finds a lot of iPhones too wow I love iPhones yeah you do so you're not an Android guy no I like Androids but I love iPhones you know wow I've never heard someone like both usually it's one or the other oh no I think it's it's cool like you know if someone like if you're texting someone it turns green I'm like oh that's cool it's different I hate that dude you actually like that feeling yeah cuz it's like oh is it network issues or is it because they have an Android hell no trust issues for me if it's green oh really yeah yeah I feel that yeah yeah um what else do you do other than metal detecting um I love to play tennis and Ultimate Frisbee and bike and um yeah man just kick it pickle ball walk uh I do like the idea of pickle ball I think it's cool that so many people have gotten more into like racket Sports yeah so I like pickle ball it's fun and you know they always got like cool restaurants nearby and yeah are you a pickle baller uh a little bit uh tennis is very TCT ing on the body yeah no I feel that you that's why pickle ball is cool yeah pickle ball is more casual you can have conversation tennis you got to scream across the net to talk to the person yeah I sof spot for tennis but I understand pickle ball I played tennis growing up when I was younger but now I don't want to be sore the next day when I'm playing sports damn I should have brought some paddles we could have played it on this table you know I mean dude I'm down how long you in town tomorrow morning a next time I'll bring you to Lifetime we'll play oh yeah I'd be down yeah um so what are you majoring Current Trends in Engineering right now at Oxford um it's uh it's a masters in software engineering so a lot of the classes have been like in security and like um I took one on like neural networks and security so it's been fun now what's the engineering space looking like with AI coming in to take jobs are you scared of that no I think it's exciting I think um I think it'll I think it'll just complement the jobs right now like I think especially in my field I use it you know in in my daytoday I think I think jobs it will replace some but it'll also open up new ones okay um what are you using it for right now um oh I use it like uh I use GPT sometimes so like when I'm writing like product so I'm a product manager yeah at a software company and we build software for the federal government wow so um I will use GPT just sometimes if I want like formatting things like from an AI standpoint if I'm like oh I want to format this or um if I'm writing like a user story for like which is just like a feature that we want to build um I'll run it through there just to make sure I'm running through all the cases edge cases andu got it got it but um I was on Interning at the United Nations your LinkedIn so you interned at the United Nations oh yeah that was hella fun yeah what what goes on there that was super fun so I was interning at the on the United Nations the peacekeeping team so um we were working on like peacekeeping missions um yeah and it's so cool the New York office is so cool cuz they have like all these iconic rooms and buildings all these cool people from all the different places in the world and interesting so peacekeeping Mission what does that look like are you sending in people to rescue people yeah it's essentially like people who are there like working on initiatives that help build peace so whether that's like setting up infrastructure or like giving Aid there or like establishing like um just like it's like positive infrastructure and support so they're all across I think there's like 12 plus across the world and stuff so oh wow yeah so you believe in World Peace yeah I do I strive for it if only right if only man I know I know War brings in a lot of money yeah that's true that's true yeah yeah economy start booming after War so from a business point of view I get it but morally it's yeah it's messed up for sure tough to see yeah there's a lot of it going on right now I know man I know it's sad yeah working out the UN must be stressful right now yeah I just I haven't I think I did it a year ago but the thing was every time it's very intense because I think a lot of it's reactionary right to what's happening in the world yeah and so yeah you're right but it's very cool cuz the work they do is so cool absolutely yeah what what uh Goals for Tonight's Event what are you aiming for tonight and poker you want to win this thing I just don't want to be last so um you know just play tight then yeah someone was telling me just fold shoe fold no if you just fold every hand you won't get last cuz someone's going to go all in within the first five hands really yeah cuz we have nine people at every table yeah yeah yeah so this is my first tournament poker tournament I'm just hoping it's not my last okay so I don't play so bad you're right cuz if I fold every hand I Will Survive yeah I mean for a certain degree but I deplete every time though right you deplete every big blind and small blind but you would last maybe should I fold and just take the cash and run no J I'm joking I'm joking Grand's a lot I'm joking oh it's 50 to win yeah I think 50k or is it 25 I didn't even know 25 this is huge could be life changing money man yo I should have watched more YouTube videos yeah no for college student that's big time money right that's huge okay so I'm gonna yeah full oh yeah I play yeah I'll play like fiscally smart Okay after you uh graduate what's the plan you got one more year right yeah yeah it's part-time so it like complements the work I do but um right now I'm like in government Tech so I want to stay in there so um yeah man everything's been rocking so you're a big suppor of the government yeah I think I think the I think um I think right now um software is such a good enabler to improve like processes and efficiencies within the government that can help so many people so I think I think Tech is such a great way that the government can be utilized you where do you think the US ranks in terms of tech infrastructure compared to other countes that's a great question I'm not I don't know a lot about the tech space so I'm I think the tech companies here are really honestly top tier like I think they are I don't know I would say top five at least the world China's got to be up there China's up there for sure yeah because our banking system is pretty outdated I'd say just from a consumer point of view yeah like to send a wire takes like five days International yeah you know I think there's things that can be crypto oh yeah you big on crypto um I think crypto is fun like the idea of it I don't know to be honest I don't understand crypto enough there was one yeah I mean it's fun though I think it's cool it's it's news so yeah are you crypto I am oh nice yeah but a lot of it's timing yeah if you're getting it now it's pretty tough i' said make serious money the thing is I was talk like I heard about Bitcoin before it got big so it's like one of those things where oh my God I did kind of know about it yeah like I should have every town had that one Bitcoin nerd or whatever mining it back then that got bullied and now they're multi-millionaire the ones I feel bad for are the ones that actually had a lot of it and couldn't access it then I feel so bad much love Yeah cuz if they could access it now it' be worth hundreds of millions I know they'd be set for life crazy dude yeah you still Connections from The Circle talk to anyone from the circle yeah we're all still super close I'm actually going to see a lot of them I'm see Joey tomorrow oh [ __ ] yeah we have like this thing tomorrow in La so I'm yeah we're all still super close for season six of the circle they're throwing a rap party so a lot of us are going to be there it's really cool the community is dope yeah Joey won your season right he did yeah I remember that I I was cheering for him cuz he was from Jersey yeah Joey's great but you were my second choice of it makes you feel better thanks man cuz you were like the underdog you know you were antisocial media you probably had a lot of haters um no I mean people were super nice I think it comes with its territory a lot of it you know a lot of it was more towards like my strateg like strategies people like oh you shouldn't have blocked this person it was bad for your game but you know it comes with a territory yeah what was your strategy going into the game season one I just felt like you know what I just want to be myself um and just try to make friendships and genuine friendships CU I feel like imagine we're playing the game if I feel like you're my homie and like we have a natural bond then I feel like the strategy would just naturally come off that because if we Vibe and we hang out we have a good rapport that's much stronger than me coming in the first second be like dude let's work together and take them all out right cuz the friendship will dictate the strategy so that's kind of what I tried to be and just be myself inter hopefully did you uh run into anyone that was undercover That season oh like catfishes yeah catfishes oh yeah my one of my closest people are Rebecca my sister was actually my brother seber oh at the end but he was great yeah he was great so no no animosity for it no I thought it was super funny I thought it was funny how I'm like I'm I called myself like shark sh bom the Catfish Hunter and my my my closest person one of my closest people was a catfish I thought was super funny funny great and Insights on The Circle Season 5 then what was your strategy for season five yo season five was wild you know I came in late and I knew the I love the game so much I knew coming late my chances of winning could be tough cuz I come in late I see that the originals have such a tight Bond and they're so close and I'm thinking you know if I get close with them the best I'm going to get is fourth or fifth so the only way I'm going to win is I'm doing the math and I'm like yo there's five newbies and four Originals so I said Viva La revolu the newbies should stick together all five of us could theoretically take the final five and one of us would win WoW instead of one of us sucking to the originals and we would get one spot in the fifth and you get fifth place so that was my pitch it was close but it didn't work and then I got I love it so how does it work when you come in late is that planned or you you you don't know what the order is you don't know so I came in late but it was super fun got it cuz they add people like halfway through the season right yeah yeah yeah they they had people all throughout the game got it any other plans for shows Exploring More Reality Shows you want to go on hey more of the marrier would you ever go on Survivor oh I love Survivor yeah that's my favorite reality show are you watching this season not this one I watched the last one oh the last one was good my boy Austin got betrayed oh my God he was so close to winning dude he folded he SED oh for D yeah he was a great winner I was like Austin my man he was so close a he SED man did he oh you're right oh yeah he was so close cuz he got votes in the final also he got three votes yeah it was five to three I think it was close sorry for people if we're spoiling it I know I think yeah I love Austin Austin played an incredible game he was soose close to winning Survivor an amazing race I would go on both of those oh you could kill both you should Survivor I'm a little worried just cuz it's 40 days that's no it got reduced now got reduced it's like 20 something okay that's more doable cuz 40 days you're going to lose probably 20 lbs I know and you're going to lose a lot of business if you have a job so yeah yeah Big Brother Big Brother's like 90 days under what 90 days damn would you go on a naked and afraid I would watch that yeah that was great I don't think I'd go on that one yeah is the circle planning a season next season well I I think season six is coming out um I would assume so okay yeah great show that was cool man cuz the first season people don't know what to expect and now it's on season six pretty crazy no it's so cool to see man to see this wonderful game what about that dating show uh what's it called perfect match is that the show where're all at the house is that the one where all the people on the shows come in dating no no the one I'm thinking of it's a bunch of hot people to un handle yeah yeah yeah yeah that one so funny would you go on that would I go on that one I'd consider it I'd consider it cool yeah chase is on it and Chase is doing the poker oh yeah he he'll be there Shubham's Dating Life tonight yeah so um you dating right now though or no no solo YOLO yes by choice or just like yeah just I don't know I guess uh no not really Choice it's just you know it hasn't happened okay how I'm I'm in a relationship you're not on apps um no not really here here and there I'll go you know if I'm bored and stuff do your parents want you to date an Indian girl no they're super open they're open to like I had some Indian friends growing up and they were very strict on that oh really yeah I think it's an Asian thing my mom wanted me to date Asian for the longest but we're we're uh branching out man we're GNA have an interesting baby if we have one what what um you're girl you're you're engaged yeah oh sick how long have you guys been engaged for uh almost a year now wow how did you guys meet Tinder dude oh sick yeah met on the app wow super like or regular like regular I did pay for the premium but I don't know if that was worth it oh it all worked out it all worked out sick man what's her name her name Ariel she's probably watching this wow I love Little Mermaid well that's her name that's sick that's sick is that your favorite Disney movie one of them I love poke uh Pinocchio and Peter Pan Pinocchio is classic is Shrek Disney or is that Pixar I don't know DreamWorks oh DreamWorks I love Shrek okay Shrek's a classic oh yeah yeah that might be my favorite but then they made like four and five and like they might even be working on a six I don't even know really yeah I didn't watch them remember playing the Shrek game it was fire yeah that was fire are you big gamer yeah what do you play right now um I grew up on like Halo Call of Duty now I play like uh fortnite and for Honor okay I play fortnite really yeah we might have to I'm down lock it in yeah I play Zero build though oh so no build yeah oh interesting you play build yeah but I'm a terrible Builder I just I I do the arena I I like the game mode they took away where when you kill people you get Health back oh yeah I don't think it's there anymore I remember that one but yeah fortnite's sick I'm down class let's lock it yeah I didn't take you for a first person shooter type of game yeah I am yeah yeah wow well man what uh what Finding Shubie Online do you got coming up next and where can people find you um yeah just been kicking it you find me maybe on the street I'll see like what's up um but yeah um I'm just working kicking it man and uh yeah I'm on Instagram so shamore Goyle 2 L's and uh yeah man I hope everyone's doing well hope your audience is great thanks for having me man watch the circle guys yeah I heard it's a great show all right thanks for watching guys see you next time

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